Thursday, December 22, 2022

Deep State Wars Update: Biden’s Dark Winter ❄️ 12/22/22


This post will be brief but as usual full of interesting links to document the times we live through. The last few weeks have been exhausting with the usual busy workweek plus fighting the flu. And the last 2 days my family & I spent recovering from a large earthquake that left some nearby homes shaken off their foundations and 2 local people dead. We just got power & water restored a few hours ago. 

We are so short on nurses where I work, lead management  barely tolerated my coming in late so I can pick up broken glass, start to put the house back in order and put some emergency preparedness into action. What little water supply I had was quickly exhausted after 1 day. The staff at City Hall made it sound like it could easily be a few more days if not weeks before water would be on again. 

So, I spent the morning with contingency planning, meal preparation on a propane grill, baby wipe hygiene and de-escalating flaring tempers around me at home. At work I arrived to find out our State surveyors are making the rounds due to recent falls, 2 days following a legitimate natural disaster and 4 days prior to Christmas. I think they better give us props for holding things down despite EVERYTHING thrown at us from COVID, the stolen elections, lockdowns, dirty vaccine mandates, more economic bad news as the Biden Regime assures the silly little peasants like me that it’s all in our heads. And then this earthquake of shallow depth right after the Twitter Files installment #7. Weapons of hybrid war exist to cause such earthquakes. While I don’t know for certain this was that, I do know this area has a high population of Christians, Trump supporters, and other anti-Establishment sentiment. We could be a target for Deep State terrorism. Part of this is starting coming into proper perspective with validation for those who haven’t had mini-strokes from mRNA boosters as Elon Musk takes the torch in the Data Dump Relay Race.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Deep State Death Count - 11/22/22

It’s been 59 years since JFK passed. It was strong then, but today the Deep State is more exposed and vulnerable than ever. While it appears to some we have another stolen election with Deep State fingerprints all over it, little hope in sight of stopping this latest steal and still yet 20-30% of the public gleeful election fraud deniers, I see a number of concrete developments that will continue to deflate the Deep State’s power. Election theft will pale in comparison to the rest of their crimes against humanity. The storm of exposure really hasn’t even begun.  

Below is a link to the Died Suddenly documentary, another piece in the puzzle that may seem unrelated to the JFK assassination and child trafficking. It is all connected in The Swamp. Momentum is building to not just drain The Swamp, but to end the reign of a millennia-old death cult that engineered it and put into place safeguards to prevent its resurrection.

The rest below are a number of other links relevant to the situation at hand. Some of it like the Real Raw News site may be fictional but I can dream it’s real, and collective consciousness on the possibility can help make it reality if it’s not already. We must imagine the reality we want in order to prepare ground for it. 

Justice and a true return of power to the people will very likely be a process that takes a few years, but the Deep State is busy killing their own, as well as the young and our cherished elders. Those left will be like sheepdogs pitted against diseased wolves. As awful as things are right now (and will be worse over the months ahead), however, it will be remembered as the dawn of a Golden Age for humanity and the planet because this period will provide motivation for many to disengage from a parasitic system.

BREAKING: Second Arizona County Refuses to Certify Tainted 2022 Midterm ... I found this on Freespoke, a new search engine that doesn't censor viewpoints and respects privacy. Check it out:

Home - Patriot Project I found this on Freespoke, a new search engine that doesn't censor viewpoints and respects privacy. Check it out:

Below are a few links that address some of the more spiritual aspects of the Great Awakening Movement, coming from what some would refer to as a “New Age” leaning. I completely understand why some Christians would regard this with suspicion. I only hope they reserve the same suspicion for those who boast to be steadfast followers of fundamentalist Christian Biblical teachings. As we’ve hopefully learned over the last 30+ years through one tele-evangelist scandal after another and no end in sight as Ghislaine Maxwell’s client list begins to be revealed, many were deceived, continue to be deceived, and caught up in the Establishment’s traps that utilize bribery, blackmail, and threats of or actual violence, and at that, every conceivable type of violence. The Vatican is an example that has thousands of years of this bloody history and a never-ending flow of “bad apple” priests coming from a profoundly rotten barrel. That said, I note the Bible also predicted regular people would prophecy.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Blood Moon Tuesday Thoughts 🌝 11/6/22

Last month’s post ended with some thoughts concerning the spiritual (Biblical, metaphysical, energetic, “Good versus Evil”) big-picture aspects of the undeclared World War that’s been raging hot for the last 3-6 years now. I’d like to share more on that, but I’ll preface first with some generalities. 

I’ve always suspected there’s been a large amount of hijacking of world religion. So, while I can appreciate most of the world’s religions that have love at the core of them, I have affinity for the teachings of Jesus but don’t align myself with any particular denomination. I respect the Bible, but I do not worship the Bible. I enjoy the Jewish traditions and also the study of the Tao de Ching and Yoga. I think there’s something to the Mayan Calendar and am certain we entered a new age in 2012, but I am extremely cautious about anything with the New Age label. Jesus warned us that the “elect will be deceived”. 

I experienced a mystical week of revelation that was a lot like a family reunion back in 1988 or 89 that led to a lifetime of commitment to self improvement and service to others. While I’ve not been perfect, there have been setbacks and dark periods, I have found that faith or trust in an unseen, benevolent Creator, prayer, and adhering to the teachings of Jesus to be indescribably rewarding. I’ve felt a great deal of guidance through what could have been devastating experiences. I’ve experienced healing and resilience in a very hostile work environment because I took and continue to take leaps of faith. 

These are things that must be experienced, because for some, no amount of preaching or teaching conveys the reality of this unseen world. To the atheists, I am functional but mentally ill for merely believing in a higher power. For some others, I am hell-bound for not adhering to a particular faith or denomination’s protocols. For yet another segment of the population, however, I am welcome, even appreciated. Whenever I feel isolated or “fringe”, I reflect upon the experiences back in 1989 and return to contemplation on all the miracles I’ve been blessed with. Feelings of self-pity fade and I can return to being helpful in an otherwise hostile environment that should be therapeutic. 

I get very excited when I read or hear of similar experiences. Lee Carroll’s has been one of those. Kryon, a curious name for the Holy Spirit, seems to be navigating successfully the mine field of YouTube, one of the Establishment’s domains. If you have a large enough following and do anything contrary to the current pop culture’s narrative, you will find yourself banned or shadow-banned. Being able to side-step the Establishment’s cancellation algorithms is an art and science. Doing it with grace on spiritual topics are a few content creators like Magenta Pixie and Lee Carroll. They are both giving insight into the times we’re living through.

Tying this back up in a nice bow at the top where the title is, next Tuesday we have the US Midterm Elections. Both sides of this war between Good and Evil have traditionally recognized the power in planning events on days with celestial happenings. It stirs up a larger audience. This Tuesday is one of them. I believe that the more purpose-fueled faction of US military-industrial complex that respects the US Constitution and has partnered with other nations to overcome the global despots will prevail in not letting one side cheat, steal, murder and deceive the masses into complete slavery. We must all do our part, however, so the shift in power back to the people is expedited. These are to be “End Times” for the despots, not the masses.  

This needs to be a short post so that I can get back to study. I’ll share a screenshot from, Lilah Harper’s course on Compassion Fatigue and Burnout in Nursing Second Edition:

…everything clicks. We feel we belong. 

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Deep State Drama for the Masses 🎭 10/22/22

 This is just a placeholder for tomorrow’s crystallized conclusions as I battle through a sinus headache tonight. The main point is to stay resilient against or to at least recover from the latest long train of abuses and usurpations.

Sunday morning always comes with only a fraction of what I needed to get done for household maintenance. The grocery shopping for a couple weeks is done, but there's still superfood prep for the week, laundry, some backyard maintenance, housecleaning projects like the refridgerator, and the piles of junkmail to sort through. 

I doubt the good guys know this, but they should understand that everytime a regular person like myself sends them a donation and they share our emails, phone numbers and home addresses with another "good guy", regular people who work an increasingly busier 40-50 hours a week just to keep a roof over their family's heads are then buried in a mountain of more donation requests to sift through, respond to, or delete and shred. It's like walking downtown and putting money into a street performer's guitar case and then you're surrounded by a group of homeless individuals who beg you for the rest of your cash.

Who has time to read long letters from Chuck Grassley or Jim Jordan? I love them both but I really don't  have time to read a mountain of mail everyday.  nor can I go broke so that the good guys can run as many political ads as the other side that's getting billions of dollars to run ads and throw bricks through windows to protest Drumpf & Putin. 

I already understand the issues in those letters, emails, and texts. It's in our faces now: The lies, cheating, and demoralizing antics of the criminal "elites" coming at us right after their biowarfare cooked up in an offshore lab followed up with more biowarfare disguised as medicine. Take the example of the useful idiots in the Left with their "family friendly" trans strip shows coming to restaurants in places like Plano, Texas. Or the hundreds of other examples of culture warfare meant to nauseate anyone who still believes in a wholesome, balanced life that isn't all about narcisistic self-gratification. Sure, sexuality and meeting one's needs is part of life, but the monster that at least 51% of humanity is fighting right now is aggressively pushing to legalize 12 "perversions" that include pedosadism. Tom DeLay tried to warn us years ago. A number of people tried to warn us about the other alarming aspects of this creepy club like their goal to shred the US Bill of Rights and the rest of the Constitution that our Republic was founded upon. Too many were gaslit into believing this was all kooky conspiracy theory. Thankfully, my father, while he was alive, taught me the importance of donating to outstanding representatives, voting, learning to use a gun, reading, questioning authority, keeping an open mind, praying, and letting one's opinion be known. Thise things are just aspects of a balanced life. One should educate himself or herself on the issues coming up in the election and then vote. Even if the other side is hell bent on coming up with 1001 new ways to cheat. We've got to come up with 1002 new ways to make sure criminals pay for their crimes. 

I recently read how somebody put GPS tracking chips in their family's lawn signs that were once stolen with impunity. That shit is going to end. Charges were pressed and the idea has gone viral. It may not work everywhere, but it is just one way to fight a civil war peacefully and patriotically. These people that actually want a civil war, who think they can lie, steal, cheat and murder their way into power or pay others to do this dirty work for them have another thing coming. For the last 15+ years I have known in my bones that this is war. I kept seeing it ramp up more and more and more, knowing that this other side will eventually face the wrath of a million mama bears, and that will be just the beginning. When over half the population--to include Hispanics, Blacks, Chinese, the French, Germans and others worldwide. like the Russians did years ago, wake up everyday wondering what they can do to lawfully, peacefully and effectively disrupt the Marxist crime syndicate's sick agenda, then it becomes effective, modern PLANETARY guerilla warfare. The parasitic adversary that wants to make slaves of 99% of humanity eventually loses. Especially when their Frankenscience is killing people instead of creating the zombie slave army of their sick dreams. Only a fraction of the once-gullible are agreeing to more boosters. Lawsuits are developing, even as the Establishment Tyrants are doubling down with mandates for children, as expected by the pedosadists they truly are.   

I also knew that good men and women in the military would one day realize who humanity's true enemy is. I kept seeing signs of it, a few years ago with Erik Prince's revelations on the Weiner laptop was just the beginning of my intuition's vindication (see, and now I'm convinced that the process was truly building long before I was even born.  At this time there is a combination of organized and loose-knit efforts at many levels to take control of the planet out of the hands of the criminals. For a while David Wilcock was documenting the efforts of the BRICS Alliance or just "The Alliance". The Fall of the Cabal video series and Joe M's videos on the Q Plan, and the Q posts themselves are just a few of the public-relations efforts that gave me strong encouragement. 

While politics is a large part of this landscape, this contest of good versus evil spills into every other aspect of life, especially where any power or influence is concerned. I have to go off on a little tangent to add that the White Hat versus Black Hat thing is an oversimplification. Most of us are not antisocial criminal types, but yet a great deal of us unfortunately would still not fit the description of the Good Samaritan. At least 90% of humanity has some level of compassion for others and isn't primarily motivated towards service to self. More people than not would not be entertained by the suffering of others, yet they would act selfishly at times for reasons of self-preservation. These are just facts one can deduce from everyday interactions with people and studies we have on psychopathy and sociopathy. Therefore, I suspect that there are truly very few "White Hats" involved in this Alliance. We have more lighter shades of grey hats pitted against a very small group of "Black Hats" and their useful idiot armies of darker grey hats. The Alliance is made of of partners that naturally have some competing interests, very likely making things complicated. To that end we have mostly-good men like General Michael Flynn telling us that "there is no plan" in order to motivate the average person to get more involved in the fight. Little White Lies versus no knowlege of the BRICS Alliance and Q, an obvious Military Intelligence PR operation. I haven't really figured it out yet, but this is war, and the Truth is often distorted in war for supposedly good reasons.

These are just some of the thoughts that have been going through my mind lately that I meant to put down yesterday after I came home from grocery shopping, but the last few weeks/months of non-stop work, housekeeping and study finally caught up. My 4-month migraine-free streak finally ended, starting with what I thought was a sinus headache. All I could do last night was take the sumatriptan and go to bed. 

I meant to write more on the spiritual side of all this and all the different spiritual groups from Christian/New Age perspectives that have identified Trump and the Awakening movement as not just a political one but a spiritual one. Kryon/Lee Caroll has been an interesting focus of study for me lately, and perhaps I will save this focus for next month.

I'm not sure how much longer the USA Incorporated crime syndicate Establishment will go before pulling another massive stunt in efforts to further delay the inevitable or what they still have in their arsenal. The Ukraine was their money-laundering, sex-trafficking and bioweapons hub that Russia & partners, God Bless the Russians, are finally ending. Just a few days left in this Red October. November 8th cometh. Does Team Dark have enough to blatantly steal this election everywhere like last time? For what its worth, I'll post a few links.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Red October Coming? Deep State War Update 🔴 9/22/22 🐸 Updated


Precious little time for reflection except to say “Red October” has many meanings, I bet, and one of them being red ink for the worldwide central banking system. It’s going to be End The Fed October.

More to come this weekend, I hope.

I do this mainly for my own sanity anymore. I lost any readership I had back in 2021, thanks to some walling-off that probably happened after the Deep State launched its latest censorship offensive, putting a senile man, the "Big Guy" or Pedo Peter as his son Hunter affectionately calls him, into the "presidency". Alex Jones warned us years ago. Perhaps he was the pied piper leading the white national fringe into the internet ghettos. I am happy to join them as I watch Liz Crokin and the rest at substack, Rumble, TruthSocial, Gab, and other independent websiites survive and evolve through the purge with savvy. 

We're all living as political prisoners now in some fashion, but that can last only as long as the crime bosses' fiat currency holds any value. When they can no longer fund their mob armies in the MSM media, the Guardians of the Pedophiles in the FBI, their woke groomer armies in Pedowood and sprinkled in police departments, city councils, school boards, universities and basements all over the planet. Chances are, they're the ones taking the 5th booster soon. I believe in a benevolent God/Divine Energy has helped me through this hybrid WWIII so far.  He/She/They/It will get me through the Ba'al-worshipers' attempted Great Reset and Great Plan of Planetary Enslavement. Thankfully I'm one of millions who are only more resolute with every hideous crime this age-old crime syndicate commits in efforts to cover-up their last crime. 

Today I enjoy a little restoration. I get to catch up on some ukulele practice and maybe some nootropics study on polygala (Polygala Tenuifolia Health benefits, dosage, safety, side-effects, and ... I found this on Freespoke, a new search engine that doesn't censor viewpoints and respects privacy. Check it out: I fully expect a powergrid failure within the next couple of weeks, coinciding with the crashing of the zombie fiat system leading to few months of hardship at the most. It will start in Europe, it appears, after the sabotage of the gas pipelines. Again, the quickness to blame Russia. I'm only suprised that the Pedo News Networks aren't 24/7 repeating Drumpf and Putin Did It! Unfortunately, for several reasons, this series of events is probably necessary for people to fully understand that our systems have been infected with parasites, barely disguised as humans. They lie about everything, have even given up on doing it well anymore, but there is still about 30% of the population under some Stockholm Syndrome-like trance. Those that didn't take the Red Pill will likely need the Red Suppository if a taste of another Great Depression doesn't shake them awake. And the Fake Woke--like the Fake News, Fake Food, Fake Medicine, Fake Beauty, Fake Environmentalism, Fake Science, Fake Economy, and everything else that comes from these psychopath's think tanks is destined to fail. They have committed war crimes and will eventually be held accountable as the militaries all over the world are given public permission to do what they need to do. As much as the criminals gaslight us into feeling isolated, we're only outnumbered by bots. And the bots are getting exposed. The pandemic woke up millions if not billions worldwide. The next phase will only cement the inevitable: The majority of the public isn't okay with compulsive lying to run a nation or a planet; they're not okay with slavery in any form, not okay with dumbing down, tricking and poisoning of the public, not okay with mass murder to solve "problems" and not okay with pedo-sadism as an "elite" sexual preference. These monsters will find their new home in GTMO and other places like it. They will have fair military tribunals while regular humanity is freed up to invent, produce, discover and converse again.

Monday, August 22, 2022

August Heat 🥵 8/22/22

 Written many years ago…

“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”

Theodore Dalrymple

A friend sent me the above a few days ago, and it struck a nerve, specifically in the context of the last few years of this escalating irregular warfare. In terms of how it applies to my daily life, I think about how I’ve had to wear an N95 mask on and off at work for the last couple of years due to “COVID” because of California Department of Public Health mandates for nurses.

There’s literature springing up in places like NIH websites on the adverse affects of long-term usage of N95 masks (headaches, etc). Most of us are working 12 hour shifts and some routinely work even longer shifts. Rebreathing one’s own carbon dioxide leads to a more acidic system. That disruption in pH balance creates an environment friendlier to cancer and infection. I’m drinking alkaline water all day long and taking breaks from the mask when I can, which increases the number of times I’m either washing my hands or using hand sanitizer because I’m touching a face mask. It’s like with the over-use of antibiotics which most of us now acknowledge is problematic for the microbiome, but there’s this expectation to go through the motions. Like the mask, it’s become a kind of security blanket for my peers, my patients, and therefore for me too. But I also recognize the insanity. The entire conflicted process is demoralizing to a point that it’s surely impairing my immune system. I’m convinced that if I didn’t take some time out to reflect on this situation acknowledging it, it would literally and metaphorically  suffocate me. I love my work for the most part, but I am war-weary.


Friday, July 22, 2022

The End [for the Deep State] Is Near

The demand for child sacrifice that has gone on for ages is about to come to an end. No more pretending the numbers don’t exist, that government corruption and “elite” adrenochrome-harvesting clubs have been “debunked”, or that we currently have taxation with representation in the U.S. I cite the avalanche of emerging evidence brought forth by  that indicates widespread and coordinated election fraud in 2020, which has gone on at smaller levels and used to be acknowledged by leaders on all sides. The establishment’s preposterous declarations that 2020 was the safest and cleanest election ever is quickly backfiring, shining an ever-brighter light on the liars, and the collective denial of reality is resulting in an increasingly dysfunctional constitutional republic. 

I also cite the increasingly apparent unconventional warfare, mostly information warfare now as the biological arsenal and the line-up of minions to fuel false flag operations seems to be growing thin. Speaking of information warfare, the posts are back after a 17+ month period of silence…

This one, the last in a few that showed up after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, gives me hope that periods of no posts are just one aspect of this operation going silent for a little while. While the author(s) have mentioned, You have more than you know, their return is still exciting. The posts in the past also frequently referred to a Deep State “playbook”. One of Deep State’s most notorious and cheaper dirty tricks is their ability to put out bullshit and stir up trouble with Divide and Conquer, painting one public group as the enemy, somehow deserving of vicious cruelty. Mass-formation psychosis can result, a kind of Lord of the Flies phenomenon where the masses become temporarily insane criminals, assisting the psychopaths in charge with their mostly-premeditated crimes against humanity. At one time the so-called enemy was the “savage” indigenous American or the black person. Then humanity’s true enemy called out the “Greedy Jew”. It went on and on with one group enslaved or sacrificed. The Bible mentioned their sick appetite for the sacrifice of children. Today it’s the push to get everyone—especially children inoculated with as many dirty injections as as possible, and it’s the straight white male or whites in general that don’t support the crooked establishment who have become the new “unwashed masses”. Somehow we’re racist for not supporting the white male who married the babysitter. The same crook the establishment picked to represent us in the US as “president”—a man whose entire political career is stained with scandal and racist faux pas, and more recently the traitorous betrayal by selling our entire melting-pot nation out to Marxist foreign interests with the help of his drug-addict pedophile son. I suspect the salacious “Pee Pee Dossier” was inspired by the real-life escapades of Hunter Biden. We shall see. As Dave of the X22 Report has been highlighting almost daily now in his reports, the corruption, as well as the crimes against President Trump, culminating in a bombastic sham election is increasingly becoming more undeniable; the corrupt mainstream media has been silent on several investigations that are continuing as the foundations of this corrupt worldwide economic system are failing. I suspect this is “the storm” President Trump spoke of years ago, sending the press into a buzz. I can count on one hand the number of people at work with whom I can openly discuss these realities. However, millions like myself are gaining a larger voice again thanks to @truthsocial. With each leap in gas prices, each day nurses like myself cover for another nurse out sick from a booster, each Supreme Court reality-check or eye-opening event like the Georgia Guidestones’ demise breaking through the legacy media’s blackout on truth, we are getting closer to getting through this storm. I should also mention, most importantly with each poll showing a public growing wise to things like the Jussie Smollett-style race-baiting lies, each day everyday people maintain their peace and dignity in putting food on their table and saying no to the sick banking cartels empty promises to build back better AND fighting this guerrilla warfare peacefully, thoughtfully and prayerfully worldwide, the sooner we are to righteous humanity reclaiming our planet back from hidden, historical and tyrannical bankster families. Below are some more links and curious memes documenting this journey. 


Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Deep State Wars Update: Hybrid Response to Hybrid Warfare (The Great Awakening Vs. The Great Reset)

This is not meant to be a well-cited work proving the existence of a Deep State. I can never effectively prove the existence of their underhanded, hybrid warfare--the biological, chemical, cultural, psychological, economic, informational, cyber, etc. warfare inflicted upon 99% of humanity. Especially with regards to the 30-40% of people who appear to blindly trust authority, especially the "authority" that MSNBC deems incorruptible. Anyone who is convinced that Hollywood "elites" deserve our adoration, that Dr. Fauci is Science, that power no longer corrupts is truly beyond my reach. That work is for the PhD-level cult deprogramming specialists, and they might spend months, even years undoing the Stockholm-Syndrome damage.

I'm just a nurse who sits down to an electronic diary every month, sometimes more often. I reflect upon the questions raised by the current events of my time, and things seem to fall into place when I consider the conclusions of independent historians (like Wayne Jett and Harley Schlanger), Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, financial professionals like Jim Willie, healthcare professionals like retired neurosurgeon Russell L. Blaylock, the doctors of America's Frontline Doctors and many others from various walks of life who have struck me as brave people of integrity. They seem to be saying some overlapping things about a corrupt Establishment and its agenda. It's really just a matter of following the money to see conclusive proof.. 

Meanwhile, those who represent the Establishment have shown me repeatedly that they will lie, cheat, steal, utilize every tool in the toolkit of con artistry like gaslighting or censoring the truth when it serves them, calling the truth "misinformation" while they themselves are spreading disinformation. Even when repeatedly caught attempting to hide the truth or spread a lie, they will just repeat their narrative with their glamorous friends joining in, louder and louder and louder until something comes in to finish the wrap-up smear, maybe an emotionally charged staged event to distract and further traumatize the public. This creepy club employs bribery and blackmail of powerful people to the end of ignoring or minimizing crimes they want ignored/forgotten (think "mostly peaceful protests" of 2020). They will stage events to manipulate public opinion into doing things that aren't wise or good for most of humanity, like going to war in order to profit banksters loaning money to both sides of these wars or allowing the confiscation of arms from law-abiding citizens. Historians and military experts have risked their careers and even their lives calling out this group that appear to have historically profited from war and disease. They seem to exert powerful influence in and with the entertainment industry. I think a lot of people are prone to feeling star-struck and easily influenced by events such as Cher getting up to sing Happiness is Just a Thing Called Joe right before the landslide selection of 2020. Even Lady Gaga practically sat on Creepy Joe's lap and painted this washed-up, corrupt AF politician as a good guy while he and his creepier son Hunter were dirty-dealing in the Ukraine and China. Jussie Smollett also did his thing, but that didn't work out so well. These aren't isolated incidents in my humble opinion. The data points just keep adding up. They overlap in their own ways.

I thought several years ago when President Trump won in 2016 that he was just another one of the billionaire creepy club members. Yet once he started doing positive things like ending the porous border with its trafficking and MS-13 gang-members coming and going at will, positive things for working people--black, white, Hispanic, etc. AND shutting down Pedo Island, locking up Jeffrey Epstein, I knew for certain that Trump wasn't on Team Evil. The Establishment hated him and has done nothing but double-, triple-, quadruple-, EEEEEE-down with their hypnotic never-ending 24/7 hatred of him. It only made sense to me that the pedo-protectors at CNN and the rest of the networks (I don't think FOX is immune), the pedosadistic "elites" and their Stockholm-Syndrome-afflicted codependents like Oprah, Madonna, Cher and Lady Gaga would come out in droves to love on Creepy Joe and attempt to get us to forget all about a resurrected economy, and of course Jeffrey Epstein. Oh, but who can forget that Jeffrey conveniently killed himself soon after being locked up (or that he didn't kill himself--which seems to have taken on a life of it's own)? Next Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein's BFF, was apprehended under the Trump Administration with a recent headline announcing her life "ruined", but she's finally set to be sentenced next week as the supposed January 6 INSURRECTION! thing comes to a highly anticlimactic close. They'll make a show out of locking up Dr. Simone Gold for her part in speaking out, for daring to question all that is sanctified safe and effective, most especially the ridiculous 81 million landslide for Creepy Joe.

As I write this, the rigged stock market is currently tanking. I think that was bound to happen sooner or later, but it got set up to happen under Biden's watch. Yes, the rigged election was actually allowed to happen for a number of reasons, one of them being to take down the rigged economy. And all the rest would be caught up as the avalanche of truth began. While it could take years to complete cult deprogramming on millions of people, gas prices in some areas of California recently broke $10/gallon, and that might help hasten things. $20/gallon gas will swiftly sober up even the most hardcore leftist and make him/her/they/them* think twice about EVERYTHING. See below for a starter list of new pronouns they want 6-year olds to learn before they go to a drag strip show here in California. If this were to go on for much longer, the psychotic new pronoun list will eventually reach 300,000. No disrespect meant to those born into this world confused where we're now swimming in a sea of neurotoxins, endocrine disruptors, cancer-causing GMOs and now mRNA (GMO people) being led by closet pedo-sadists, but someone needs to say it: We're watching mass psychosis. 

Returning to the collapsing markets, even the Crypto market has been taking a dive. My little portfolio lost about 70%. It's incentive to hurry up and get that hard wallet to make the move I should have made a year ago. Farms across the U.S. have been mysteriously catching fire or blowing up just after the Davos "elites" predicted food shortages. It probably got some people to start a little garden and putting away emergency preparations. While the U.S. must beg for baby formula handouts from the rest of the world, Creepy Joe sends $41 billion dollars in aide to the Ukraine, and there's talk of him attempting to completely shred the U.S. Constitution so the WHO can do whatever they deem necessary in case another genetically-modified mystery pathogen leaks from one of the many "research centers" (maybe Ukraine?) where there's indication of more gain-of-function "research" which has gone on for years, for the good of humanity of course. That's what the Establishment goons like Fauci reassure us after repeated denial in the existence of gain-of-function research. Unsurprisingly, Creepy Joe's popularity numbers are also hitting new lows, making Jimmy Carter look like a very good Democrat. 

My favorite part in all of this is that Elon Musk recently announced he's not only going to put an end to the social engineering bots at Twitter, he's not moving any businesses to California, AND he's going to be voting Republican. Plus he's sending out other important messaging in a fairly benign way. Many in the Truth Community were warned to be wary of Elon as he moved in to buy Twitter, but he's doing enough to tell me that he might have jumped off the sinking Creepy Elite AI-god-Ship. Truth Social is now safely out in orbit with millions of users while the DHS Disinformation Board has all but crashed and burned. FINA, the worldwide governing body for the sport of swimming decided that a biological male who decides to buff up and then change genders for whatever reason cannot in all fairness compete with biological females. Disney losing money for its "Going Woke" (aka blatant gender-bender grooming of children because it wasn't enough to heterosexually groom kids for decades) is now old news. It appears to me anyway that a loosely knit, maybe even some powerful and highly organized "other side" is rising up. Some in this movement call it The Alliance, an equally global & mysterious group as the Cabal or Corrupt Establishment but apparently more interested in the preservation of basic freedoms and civil liberties, fair trade, fair elections, actual rule of law vs. the Establishment's Two-Teir Just-Us System. They/We are making big moves and gaining some momentum. God help us all, though. This isn't over, and if it doesn't go right we may end up with another asteroid belt, but, with every diabolically dark Deep State move we see counter-moves from Team Light. Below are some links.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Deep State 🤡 Show Update 🐒 5/22/22

I’m back to working 50-60 hours a week with way too many patients on polypharmacy three times a day. So, I am home sick with the midterm variant, and all my filters are gone right now. Some heavy truth needs to be unloaded from my brain.   

For a while there, just about 3 weeks ago with the DOJ conducting their survey, staffing was perfect. Not sure if it was the stress of having the Feds come to look around or exactly what, but one of our nurse managers went back to Alabama taking stress leave. The Director of Nurses took a week off to recover from exhaustion. 2 travel nurses left, but looks like their agency talked them back in to working with us again. Corporate sent in their person to keep things afloat, but now there’s another COVID breakout, predictably starting with all those up-to-date on their boosters. You know, the “safe and effective” experimental mRNA technology that’s all the fashion right now. Pay no attention to the 9 pages of adverse side effects that Pfizer was forced to release after requesting to take 70 years to inform the little people. And so what about VAERS. A few billion people aren’t dead yet. All the elites say the unwashed masses need to do the “right thing” and take the laced Koolaid, submit to medical tyranny while they harass independent doctors successfully treating COVID with safe and inexpensive protocols. Their global fiat pyramid scheme of an economy is collapsing as it always does every few decades, so they need distraction from their profound incompetence versus pure evil attempts to bury the entire globe in a more effective system of slavery. Hillary was supposed to come in to finish us off with another devastating war, followed by disease and famine. But that didn’t happen, did it? No, the “useless eaters” rejected Queen Hillary. So now the WEF, WHO and the rest are working overtime to make sure their “Reset” goes off without a hitch. They can surely be trusted to continue to mismanage the global economic system, right?

Speaking of Friends of Ghislaine Maxwell, you must understand, they have needs that simpletons like myself couldn’t possibly appreciate. Besides missing their playgrounds that Orange Man Bad and Putin have shut down or are in process of shutting down, they’ve also invested a lot of money in companies like Pfizer and Moderna. We couldn’t deprive them of their delicious “money fountain”. can we now? Again, things that simple peasants like myself have no right to call out, according to these morbidly wealthy, inbred dynasty families and their goon squads like ANTIFA. Anyway, the “elites” are a little grouchy lately, so watch out for that midterm variant, specifically monkey pox. They need us cowering in fear, unable to socialize, be productive to our family and community, much less be able to see the patterns of lies, election tampering, and what could be interpreted as CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. The psychopathic elites need to 6uild 6ack 6etter, but first they need to destroy, making it appear they’ve got nothing to do with the destruction, chaos, corruption, and certainly not the bioweapons labs around the planet that appear to be leaking gain-of-function, weaponized viruses. But no worries there. They serendipitously have a monkey pox vaccine ready to sell us. And if you dare question these “elite” authorities, you’re a racist, sexist, and possibly even a pedophobe threat to our democracy. Pay no attention to how we have a Constitutional Republic that’s been under attack from its very founding, with one trick after another to drag us into never-ending war. 

We have the power to end this insanity, but it begins with courage to say no to corrupt authorities. (2000 Mules documentary) 



Friday, April 22, 2022

Deep State Wars Update - 4/22/22


The last couple weeks have thrown some heavy and bizarre news at those of us who are part of the movement doing our part to buck the crooked establishment. Stew Peters' documentary interview of Dr. Bryan Ardis has several million views now [Stew Peters Network (Rumble): LIVE WORLD PREMIERE: WATCH THE WATER], there is some notable silence from those likely still processing the documentary's conclusions, and there's also some predictable knee-jerk dismissals by at least one member of the community. I won't name him, but he probably hasn't really examined the evidence. He's a young man with a large following, somewhat ego-driven and biased in certain directions, in my opinion. He got quite popular doing YouTube videos and conference appearances, spent a few years analyzing Q posts, and now spends a lot of time calling out what he calls click-bait in our community. He puts out too much divisiveness to watch him regularly anymore in my opinion, but I watch him every once in a while for the same reason I watch Alex Jones and read Ben Fulford.  These people are incredibly prophetic, but they are regular human beings with some frailties like the rest of us, and they are usually derailed every once in a while into short-sighted or narrow viewpoints, even disinformation meant to discredit the Movement. I didn't think Watch the Water was click-bait or without foundation in reality. I found it very compelling but also very unsettling. Give the independent doctors a few weeks to run some labs, and I think we'll have conclusive evidence on the claims made in this startling documentary.

Just when I think I know what the degenerate group of morbidly wealthy and sociopathic, pro-communist totalitarian world leaders are capable of, they do something so evil, so convoluted with so many blatant lies, half-truths and dangerous traps set, that it can leave me very disturbed or at least off-balance for a while. Also with each passing week more and more evidence pours out that COVID-19 was utilized to steal a contentious presidential election and to get people to take a "vaccine" that has killed more people than any previous vaccine in recorded history, yet we are not seeing justice. We are barely seeing anything but a lifting of mask mandates that could start again if they release another weaponized biotoxin. And given the number vaxxed pilots barely getting their planes landed before going into cardiac arrest, truly how premature are the celebrations surrounding the lifting of mask mandates (Banned YouTube Videos (Bitchute): VAXXED PILOT GOES INTO CARDIAC ARREST IN COCKPIT…  )

I wonder how many need to die in the name of health and safety, and how many governments will go full-blown tyrannical in the name of democracy before we have widely publicized Nuremberg 2.0 trials? 

Many people are in shock and complete denial, and it works to this heinous globalist’s group’s benefit. They have taken political prisoners who went to Washington D.C. in the dead of wintertime to peacefully protest the stolen 2020 election (just months after the other side's "mostly peaceful protests" of arson, riots and looting in major cities) and are holding them in violation of their Constitutional and basic human rights. No pedo-friendly Hollywood "elites" bailing the January 6th protesters out. With each passing week, I am seeing more validation of evidence that corrupt FBI and Capitol Police opened up and waved in the protesters into the Capitol buildng that day, knowingly baiting them in to make an example of them. The real insurrection happened months previous on November 3rd. The stark injustice is a thorn in all of real American's heels right now. 

I get it that we have a very old and well-established, again--morbidly wealthy crime syndicate--that has infiltrated every facet of life and has obviously spent decades if not hundreds, perhaps even thousands of years growing in power and, according to some insiders, preparing to kill 90% of humanity and then completely enslaving those who survive their latest holocaust. Yet we have millions, maybe even a billion regular people like myself worldwide who will not ignore reality, drink the poison Kool Aid or go quietly into enslavement. And there's a number of us in position to make a big difference, perhaps Elon Musk is one of them, who are not committed to the pro-pedo and other hedonistically deranged agenda as Tom Delay tried to warn us about years ago. They are not on board with the deceptive, pro-race-war-baiting, transhumanist, and pro-Marxist-Communist totalitarian agenda that is the Build Back Better agenda. According to some supposedly involved involved with the White Hat Alliance like Juan O'Savin, timing is everything, there are many things going on under the radar, and this fight will be a near-death experience for human civilization. According to the Q posts, the end will not be for everyone. I am fully cognizant of how all of this sounds hyperbolic to anyone who hasn’t seen the evidence, but ultimately the evidence will not just leak out, it will rush out like flood water when the Mockingbird Media’s dam breaks, and it is about to happen. Polls indicate confidence in legacy media is only dropping further into uncharted territory ( See also

Ultimately, I have to trust the plan, and that is God's Plan. It keeps me from sinking into despair and gives me enough peace of mind to go on working in a highly dysfunctional field and speak truth to those who probably think I've lost the plot with conspiracy theories. They aren't theories when there's plenty of evidence and a sharply rising number of educated professionals who agree that we are being misled by corrupt authority. Most just aren’t ready to call it pure evil, but that day is coming.


Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Deep State Wars Intermission 🍿 4/5/22


I want to add Pfizergate to that long list up there 👆. 

My sweetheart & I recently took some time off to attend Clay Clark’s Reawaken America Tour. I’ll post videos of it below. There were so many amazing speakers and regular people fully unplugged from the matrix. It was refreshing to be able to just speak my mind and share ideas without concern about sending someone into shock. I have a significant number of people in my life who still believe that Fauci and CNN have all the answers. And I am coming to the conclusion that I have no time to effectively do cult de-programming in my everyday life. Nor do I have their consent. If it were just a simple matter of passing on information, that would be one thing. 

I can come up with a long list of highly-credentialed medical doctors and other professionals calling out the flaws in the mRNA “vaccines”. I can provide links to clinics and other professionals doing more successful healthcare with inexpensive and less risky therapeutics. I can walk someone through a query search, and we could sum up the totals together, even read the heart-wrenching entries together. I can provide hours, even days worth of videos of parents explaining their child’s conventional vaccine injuries. What incentive is there to fake as much testimony as I’ve witnessed? I can argue effectively that there’s no good reason to fake all this, and I can argue that there’s more incentive, billions of dollars worth of it to fabricate in favor of a corrupt pharmaceutical industry. 

I could add in a reading list of prominent whistleblowers and others challenging the “safe and effective” lies. Give me a few hours and I could get someone started on the path to understanding where I developed my passions. Yet I also realize how irresponsible this would be in the case of doing this with someone who is triple-jabbed without starting with some cautionary preliminaries to help provide substantial mental, emotional and physical safety nets once the placebo effect no longer works in their favor. 

I have good cause to believe the placebo effect is holding some people together right now, quite possibly even lengthening some people’s lives. Belief is an incredibly powerful phenomenon. I think there’s even a strange momentum that has the placebo effect more powerful in groups, and I’ve even read research that indicates the placebo effect is more powerful recently than it was in the past. I’m having a hard time finding that study right now, but I know it’s out there. 

The important point is that the facts are out there now, they cannot be completely scrubbed or dismissed by the corrupt establishment. People see what they want to see, and they choose to believe what they want to believe. Sociology includes this study of belief, it’s effects upon perception, and the larger impact on culture. I love people enough to let them cling to their illusions until I know they’re adequately prepared to let them go. 

We have a profound divide in culture right now, and it’s getting wider as days pass. Part of me grieves even though I am enjoying a culture that is based in reality, evidence-based reality. Because it is so divorced from traditional pop culture and the corrupt establishment “narrative”, there’s this guarantee that I will likely see people who I love and respect not make it through this process, this quiet war that is still raging.

I will conclude my thoughts with a few memes I found on Truth Social and Clay Clark’s Reawaken America Tour Episode 11.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Deep State Wars Update 🦠 3/22/22


I have so much to say, but others have spent the time researching, penning or painting it with such expertise, I feel like this month’s post needs to be a compilation of their work, and a great deal of what I am finding like the above screen capture was posted on Truth Social. What a great social media tool right now as Facebook, Twitter and the others continue to censor facts.

Before I do that, however, my quick thoughts on what may be going on in the Ukraine, why the Establishment is so quick to malign Russia despite the realities concerning NATO encroachment, Neo-NAZI terrorist groups creating instability, and even (US-funded) biological research labs not unlike the Wuhan lab (in residential areas?) in the Ukraine, as Victoria Nuland helped bring to public awareness. Yet, I want to highlight another reason Putin may be on the Establishment’s hate list right now. 

Let’s  rewind a few years and review a clip from a speech Russian President Vladimir Putin made at the 2013 Valdai conference that included statements so controversial, it led to the Establishment fact-checker armies emerging in droves to obfuscate, dismiss, and then shame anyone for daring to come to what are truly logical conclusions. 

The Silentist (YT): Putin Spoke of Paedophilia and Satanic Worship in 2013

He really did. Maybe not in the same sentence as the “fact-checker” army robustly argued. That said, we can also probably come to the conclusion that Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself, and even Putin knows it.

Nino’s perspective so beautifully captures for us the anger stage of the grieving process. 

We are processing the loss of trust in what should have been trustworthy authorities. In the healthy processing of grief, however, we can restore ourselves and then our country and become the leadership we need for these times.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Eastern Europe Deep State Wars Update 💥 3/8/22

Captive to profoundly corrupt interests (see CanadianCovidCareAlliance (Rumble): Brought to you by Pfizer), our legacy media is lying to us about nearly everything, so we need to dig deep to find out what’s going on around the world, especially if we have loved ones concerned about the possibility of a classical nuclear WWIII. 

Glenn Greenwald posted a gem just moments ago that deserves attention. Glenn Greenwald (YT): Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland Admits “Ukraine has Biological Research Facilities” This video snippet and the Oliver Stone production below should further highlight that we’ve been neck-deep into World War III or IV for several years now with Ukraine a major red zone. 

We have very powerful war and disease profiteers that can no longer sucker large swathes of the population or even smaller powerful groups into nuclear warfare. However, they have apparently conned some groups into secretly developing biological agents under the guise of “research”. We also have chemical, psychological, economic, cultural and other less-widespread catastrophic forms of warfare to replace the more obvious mutually destructive nuclear option. The world is waking up to the Deep State creeps that have been very busy funneling taxpayer money to “biological research facilities”, secret no longer. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Deep State Wars - They Know Exactly What They Are Doing - 2/22/22

This will be just another journal entry today, and a set of links posted at the bottom. My energy has been scattered in a hundred directions as usual, mostly just trying to rest & recover from the exhausting 12+ hour shifts in a mostly-captured operation. I hit the floor running in a futile attempt to get all meds passed, all necessary treatments, assessments, and charting completed. It's impossible. I try to make this clear to administrators and others above me--it really cannot be done. With each passing year, the number of patients on complicated polypharmacy regimens increases, and the number of psychiatric issues have increased over my 20+-year career. The number of diabetics and people with a very long list of ailments have all increased with no adequate adjustment in staffing to compensate. Then came the pandemic with questionable authorities promising it would kill hundreds of millions like they knew for sure--possibly even billions. some speculated. They initially told us the pandemic arose naturally from a bat in a wet market. Evidence emerged later that we were lied to about this and effective therapeutics like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, but early on and continuing even today, we're pushed to focus all of our energy "protecting" the vulnerable with masks, gowns, face shields, and hand washing until our hands are cracked and bleeding, and the trash is overflowing with used PPE that China has sold us. And, of course, the unquestionably “safe and effective” mRNA “therapeutics” that authorities are calling vaccines after they changed the definition of vaccine. The scale of corruption and criminality is mind-numbing. 

In states like California, that "protection of the vulnerable" included sending the COVID positive to  understaffed nursing homes where good isolation measures are not really possible. I speculate that the owners were lured with money from the vaccine industry. The entire healthcare establishment is captive to a corrupt Big Pharma. Few dare speak out about it, and when they are caught on record by real journalist operations like Project Veritas (see Veritas Visuals (Bitchute): FDA EXECUTIVE OFFICER EXPOSES CLOSE TIES BETWEEN AGENCY AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES), they attempt to retract, kissing the rings of their slave masters, begging for forgiveness because they don't want to give up their 6-, sometimes 7-figure salaries. If it were only that, it would be one thing, but ultimately, it's a creepy S&M cult at the very top with a few like Weinstein, Epstein, Prince Andrew, and recently Jean Luc Brunel getting thrown under the bus. Every few months the "elites" admit there's that one bad apple, they've fixed the problem, and they promise the entire barrel isn't completely rotten. There's no systemic corruption, definitely no sadism, and most certainly not systemic pedo-sadism at the very top of powerful leadership circles in government, industry, regulatory agencies, and of course religion if you count thousands of years now of Vatican leadership getting caught again and again ad nauseum. That would be horrid, wouldn't it? 

I say the quicker we recognize this horrific problem, the quicker it will be fixed for good. And the quicker we would see a lot of seemingly unrelated social ills get fixed. Again, the "elites" swear this isn't a problem, just kooky conspiracy theory. The "elites" couldn't possibly conspire. Power no longer corrupts, they promise. Get into the back of the van with Creepy Joe and his creepier son Hunter. If you happen to wake up on the side of the road with unspeakable areas of your body sore or bleeding, don't say a thing. They're coming for the kids next, literally and metaphorically. 

Nearly 10 years ago when I started this blog, few were discussing this ugly problem. I knew there was an alliance of insiders completely aware of the horrific issues, doing what they could to expose and stop it, but I speculated that they recognized that many couldn't handle the truth. The problem is, however, it's hitting home today with the reality of child trafficking exposed--an even greater problem now with Creepy Joe's open borders, and especially with vaccine mandates for children. The mandates make no sense when you consider their unconstitutionality, the blatant human rights infringement, and the still-experimental nature of this mRNA technology for adults and children; how early trials in animals were stopped because the ferrets all died of antibody dependent enhancement (ADE). It makes no sense when considering the data emerging with a skyrocketing number of dead and disabled after these experimental injections. The mainstream media is complicit with it's dismissal of this real science, and it's because many of their executives were on Jeffrey Epstein's plane, or bribed with money collected through his or similar blackmail schemes. This medical tyranny only makes sense if you accept that we have sadists and very sick parasitic humans with hidden agendas at the very top making policy decisions and mandates. They have no power if we all say no in large numbers. It goes against our human nature, however, to oppose authority--even corrupt authority, as psychological experiments like the Asch, Milgram and Stanford Prison Experiments all showed years ago. This is exactly how Nazi Germany came about. Therefore, I may have a lifelong career in rehabilitation nursing, even after the blackened souls fighting to stay in power are gone. 

I am one of a very small percentage of people where I work that have had the gall to say no and demand a religious exemption to this tyrannical vaccine cult membership. This description may seem to be hyperbolic, but with some consideration and intellectual honesty, some brave healthcare professionals have come to similar conclusions (see I refuse to wear the mask where ever possible and will not enforce the mandate whenever possible because even the mask is affecting us all in physiological and psychological ways. Ultimately, the masks are negatively impacting our overall health, including the immune system. The tyrants mandating the masks know exactly what they are doing.  

Some of my colleagues have come to me as the deadline for the third booster approaches. I am urging them to find Jesus right now, and develop a personal relationship with our benevolent God Who has given most of us an amazing immune system, and all of us cheap and effective antivirals, medicinal plants of all kinds for us to utilize for all of our healthcare issues. We also are living in one of those brief and special times that happen every so often when all life-forms on Earth are given an opportunity to advance in evolution. I don't have much to back this up except for the indigenous lore like the Mayan Calendar and other sacred traditions, channelers like Lee Carol, and the layers of fossil record that have documented these times. And deep within my heart, my discernment tells me this is the case. I think the tyrants also know about this, and they know their time is short. This is why we are seeing a doubling-down of their true nature. 

A treasure trove of open source "scientific" information exists on NIH/PubMed and other reputable sites regarding plant medicine. A few naturopaths are still in practice, and there are thousands of conventional doctors quietly encouraging their patients to explore more natural remedies like beet root, turmeric, cinnamon, etc. There are many message boards and sites like that include the general public in the scientific method process. The corrupt establishment pretends to care about science, yet they ignore mountains of relevant data or try to hide it at every turn (see Message boards and other dissenting websites such as have an aspect to them that includes traditional peer-reviewed science as well as the inclusion of the general public's experience as they utilize the protocols or other practices that compete with Big Pharma. We have a basic human right to take part in the development of real science as it was meant to be done via, even vaccine injury self-help groups on places like Facebook that get censored in the name of (crooked) science. Every time I hear "The science is settled..." I want to scream, NO, IT IS NOT. The process of real science is ongoing and fluid. We have an internal compass provided to us by God to help guide us while fixing our diseases, personally and in the larger public. My internal compass usually calms me down and encourages me to not scream. I try to dialogue in a loving way. Some people may be lost for this lifetime, however, and I have to allow them their right to freewill. If they choose to be bullied into the COVID Booster Cult, that is their choice. I can only take solace in this current life not being the end of the story. I am comforted by my spiritual leanings.

I believe that when Jesus told his followers, "You must be born again" and when in the Bible the author mentions a time when people are raised from the dead, it was meant to be a reference to reincarnation. Every lie shall be revealed during these times, and the Vatican's cover-up of reincarnation is no different, I am confident. What they did with Jesus' teachings is a kind of limited hangout. It is a roping off of the kind of empowerment Jesus meant for us to attain. I have held this belief from a very young age despite it being very taboo in the Christian culture that I grew up in. I am reassured by the convictions of my heart as well as a more cerebral understanding of the history of tyranny these powerful entities once had. Their power has been waning in that this time around, the tyrants cannot get away with hanging or burning people for the mere belief in reincarnation. With each passing generation over the last few hundred years, most can agree that today we see less racism, sexism and other cultural trends leaning toward the acceptance of bad behavior in general. Things like slavery have had to go deep underground. The darkest of elements, those groups practicing generational pedosadism have had to be hidden away with great care, a capsule of insulation that includes bribery, blackmail and murder. Nobody in the wealthy Hollywood circles dare talks about the casting couch for 5-year-olds without risking the loss of their comfortable lifestyles, maybe even their life like Isaac Kappy did. Like a hidden infection this scourge has led to sapping energy from humanity as a whole. 

I pray every day that my family and I live through this increasingly more obvious Deep State War that is global. There are hints that we are coming close to a crescendo. More releases from Special Prosecutor Durham's office, the continued efforts by people everywhere to bring truth to light regarding hidden corruption, especially the 2020 Presidential Election fraud, and the rising consciousness as evidenced by the massive peaceful protests going on worldwide, lately in Canada by truckers, even despite the belligerently tyrannical crackdown by Trudeau, tell me that we are close. Regarding the endgame matters, I like to read or listen to a variety of researchers whose expertise is economics. Dave from, Wayne Jett on and Ben Fulford whose site have all been chronicling this war with a focus on the economics side. They indicate that a large component in winning this war is the ending of the Federal Reserve's criminal fiat currency system that we have currently sputtering. It is an elaborate pyramid scheme created by war and disease profiteering dynasty families likely behind this "pandemic" in an attempt to distract from massive election fraud and transition us into a global Marxist-Communist system. It may seem far-fetched, but all of this seems unlikely until you study it enough. It is a tangled and convoluted mess that our next generations will be studying for hundreds of years.


Thrivetime Show (Rumble): Transhumanism | Klaus Schwab and Dr. Yuval Noah Harari Explain The Great Reset / Transhumanism Agenda


pgunnels (Rumble): Patel Patriot's Devolution Part 17: From Ukraine With Love!

KanekoaTheGreat (Rumble): Dr. Peter McCullough On Lost In Trust In The Medical System

KanekoaTheGreat (Rumble): Dr. Peter McCullough Has Lost Professorships And Committee Positions For Treating Patients Early