Thursday, September 28, 2017

Blockchain Technology, 3D Printers, Carbon 60 and Full Disclosure Empowering the Masses (Alt News Gems 💎 9/28/17)


I am very excited. Today I made my very first Bitcoin donation. The scan code or the string of numbers and letters above is the address where anyone can make a Bitcoin donation to me. I am learning more every day about using cryptocurrency and how using it instead of the nearly worthless U.S. Dollar to exchange value or units of energy is an act of resistance to the parasitic banking Establishment and their Luciferian agenda. This agenda is hardly hidden anymore. They and their fascist Deep state friends, the MSM minions and their multinational corporate buddies like Hollywood and the NFL (whose high production shows include blatant Satanic imagery) no longer even bother to hide their agendas of promoting Satanism, corruption, divide & conquer/fear & loathing as business models, general enslavement of the masses, and that includes brutal treatment of children. Pedogate/Pizzagate is very real.

Thankfully not everyone operating in the deep state believes in raping toddlers and babies. Hence, we're finally seeing some meaningful convictions for the crimes of child molestation. Anthony Weiner is the latest and perhaps the first of the Big Fish Fry. We are hearing more and more entertainers and others speak out about the outrageous problem of pedophilia in Hollywood, Washington D.C., the Vatican, so-called royal families and other power structures around the world. Pedophilia is not ok. This is not something millions of real people feel comfortable tolerating or being silent about, and I am finally reassured as I hear/see the growing consensus.

Our growing coherence on this is not going away, and the parasitic establishment will eventually face serious consequences for its long history of crimes against humanity. This will begin in earnest when their ability to siphon off our energy and buy mercenaries is curtailed by blockchain technologies like cryptocurrency. Blockchain technology promises to free the masses from the spider's web that is mainstream establishment banking. In the same way, other technologies such as 3D printers threaten other aspects of the parasitic control structures. Similarly, supplements like Carbon 60 will aid the everyday person in affordable life extension technology. And right up there with all that are the voices of thousands of regular Truth Community journalists who dare report on these subjects, liberating the thought processes of masses. Again, more and more aid and assist to millions of regular people who are brave enough to question authority, to read the available literature out there, to take the leap and to tell others.

David Seaman (YT): LIVE: Antarctica "Electric Pyramid" Leak, Cryptocurrency Deep State?

Sarah Westall (YT): C60 Sells Out Everywhere After Clif High Show - Learn Why

Monday, September 18, 2017

Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse and Other Alt News Gems 💎 9/18/17

Some quick personal updates: My Nigerian Love Scammer mercifully set me free, thankfully without drama, leaving me time to correspond with a nice Canadian over these past 2 weeks. I had a cathartic reunion with my brother Jon a few days ago. And Bitcoin is on the rebound this morning, predictably in my opinion not even a week after Jamie Dimon's unintentional endorsement. Thank You to all elitist banksters who sternly warn the unwashed masses to stay far away from Bitcoin. I promptly bought even more cryptocurrency while it was on the low side. And so my Monday is looking brighter, fresher, moment by moment.

I'm sipping on tamarind-ginseng tea with honey this morning, reflecting on the latest current events, other ones I consider to be significant: The 16th anniversary of Donald Rumsfeld announcing that the Pentagon lost 2.3 TRILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS came and went without a hitch. Also noteworthy, the 1st anniversary of Hillary Clinton collapsing and getting thrown into her black ambulance like a slab of meat, showing the population that she's not a fit to be president at even a most fundamental level.

Cynthia McKinney and Robert David Steele embarked on their #Unrig Campaign. Disturbing news leaks out regarding how President Donald Trump is suffering from low-level poisoning via his daily Diet Coke. This on the September 11, 2017 Alex Jones Show. Steve Pieczenik curiously shows up later in the show and procedes to dismiss Alex, his and Roger Stone's sources who made the shocking allegation. The whole thing appears to be all but scrubbed from the record which tells me something big is happening. But who really needs to add anything to a Diet Coke to make it toxic, I ask. The Deep State/Shadow Government internal civil war and Disclosure Data Dumps continue.

And the sun continues to do its thing, leading to another series of geomagnetic storms on our planet...

These storms always impact my daily work as a nurse in the trenches, so I stay updated on solar activity.

Some say the sun is in process of transforming from a yellow star to a white star, triggering an energetic evolutionary event for all life on planet Earth.

Last but not least, further disclosure regarding secret and malevolent geo-engineering programmes continue to play out right in front of us in Texas and the East Coast of the United States. Despite this, good people continue to prove to be stronger than the depraved megalomaniac shot callers at the top of the Deep State and Shadow Government.

American Intelligence Media (YT): Betsy and Thomas Share Some Hope

veritasvisuals (YT): A Message From James O'Keefe: A Stack of Frivolous Lawsuits

Destroying The Illusion (YT): Interview with ex-CIA Robert David Steele & Fmr Congresswoman Dr. Cynthia McKinney on #UNRIG so far

SGTreport (YT): HERE'S WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON 9.11 -- James Perloff

The Alex Jones Channel (YT): Exclusive: President Trump Being Drugged Ahead Of Coup, Sources Claim

The Alex Jones Channel (YT): CIA Whistleblower Exposes Deep State and Shadow Government: Infowars Proven Right

Dane Wigington (YT): Hurricane Irma Manipulation: Objectives And Agendas ( Dane Wigington )

The Common Sense Show (YT): Why Did Awan Frame Wasserman Schultz

Victurus Libertas VL (YT): Conformity Is The Jailer Of #Freedom, And The Enemy Of Growth – John F. Kennedy (YT): Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen Checklist

corbettreport (YT): Solutions: Turn Off Your TV

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Alt News Gems 💎 Dark AI, Light AI, Nigerian Romance Scams and More! - 9/6/17

Navigating the online dating/relationship scene has just become a lot more interesting for me. I think I might be in contact with a Nigerian romance scammer. Or perhaps he's just a humble USAF officer who doesn't like to talk much about himself and his day to day activities. Instead he wants to lavash me in romance prose quite suddenly. Perhaps at one time I thought I deserved all that and a bag of chips, but there are some times to hold tight to Occam's Razor. Time will tell as I continue to vet out this situation. It is appalling that we have situations of such dire poverty around the world that people resort to things like romance scams just to feed themselves and their children. I am grateful that I am not in such a heartbreaking situation, that I'm just slightly jaded with seven years experience as a prison nurse with orientation to include "Games Criminals Play"; as I am grateful to have insight, a great love for people, understanding, and a fantastic sense of humor and adventure.

I've already been planting seeds of Bitcoin research into this fellow's mind. Millionaires will likely be made in the next few years as they've already been made during the last few that Bitcoin rose from $1 to over $4000.  A number of people, including Simon Parks say that Bitcoin was invented by the NSA to ensnare people, and perhaps it was. The internet was also invented by DARPA, I think it was, yet another Deep State player, and according to some, the original intention was to ensnare--or was it to empower? Depends on who's telling the story. Sure, it will and has already ensnared people who have no real love in their hearts. They are addicted to online porn, to clickbait gossip, whatever; no real concern for anyone but self-serving pleasure. Their bodies will soon succumb to the low-level radiation sickness, complete with eschatalogical sores and everything. That's my working theory anyway. There will always be people who will make the choice to play games of S&M, but the climate that allowed for the flourishing of self-centered, greedy, order-out-of-chaos nightmares is almost over.

There is some truth, I think--like Dave Schmidt talks about in one of the links below regarding the dreaded parasitic "AI" Beast System. I do see the Zombie Apocolypse happening all around me with people making bad choices causing them to act and look more like zombies every day.  I think there is also clear sign that anything that can be used for evil can also be used for good. The inherent power is not in the material itself but in our moment to moment choices of whether we wish to live in a world where Love is king or one where Fear and Loathing are.  I also see many signs that a symbiotic or "positive" alliance exists within the Deep State. In most cases, I think, it is a very loosely nit, decentralized network of people who didn't join the military, the intelligence agencies, the federal, state and local governments to create a system that would kidnap children and sell them and all of us, really, into one form of slavery or another. Our spirit cries out for better, and this is very natural that it does. No need for anyone to be ashamed of wanting no part of a system that is founded on dehumanization, parasitism and slavery. No need to be ashamed that we were all born into it and were all at one time very mind-f%&ed into serving it for a while. No need to be ashamed of wanting to build and be part of a better system that serves humanity instead of enslaving it.

Technology need not enslave us further if we decide to set boundaries, utilize it like every other "thing" to serve our brothers and sisters as well as all the other life forms on our planet AND our own little selves, not letting these things consume us, but to utilizing things to empower in a win-win-win scenario.  The ingenuity of the human spirit can and is doing this right now!

Sarah Westall (YT): Secrets Revealed as Government Collapse/Restructuring Takes Place

Sarah Westall (YT): Mysterious History of Bitcoin

The Alex Jones Channel (YT): YouTube FAIL: Candace Owens Breaks Free From The Bondage Of Globalist Disinformation

The Alex Jones Channel (YT): Alex Jones Breaks Down How AI Will Control Humanity

Dave Schmidt (YT): Dave Schmidt Live Stream, Aug, 30th


Wild Smile (YT): WH Petition to Declare George Soros a Terrorist and Seize His Assets Surpasses 100k Signatures

Newsbud (YT): Charlottesville and the FBI’s Connection to White Supremacists

WeAreChange (YT): FBI Creating Right Wing False Flags Terrorist Attack Uncovered?

David Seaman (YT): David Seaman talking about some things

2 NEOTECH - Gv (YT): Ben Fulford Sep. 4, 2017 Chances new financial system US civil war both skyrocketing!!

SGTreport (YT): CONFIRMED: Ronald Bernard is Alive (& Other Updates)


The Common Sense Show (YT): Very Bizarre Reports From Houston

The Common Sense Show (YT): The RX's You Should Never Take- Dr. Ted Broer- The CSS- 8/27/17 (Hour 1)

Destroying the Illusion (YT): Breaking...Solar X Flare Just Erupted - Massive Geomagnetic Storm Possible

VAXXED TV (YT): I'm a former pro vaccine nurse

VAXXED TV (YT): Doctor of infectious disease

Greg Hunter (YT): Mark Taylor – Military Tribunals Coming for the Wicked

Acts 2:17:  In the last days,' God says, 'I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.