Sunday, October 22, 2023

WW-WTF Update 🚨 10/22/23

This month of October has been challenging on a macro, world-stage level and also on the micro, personal level. There's all the political and world stage topics/events like the Biden show, the economy, Israel and Gaza now, but my first thought is regarding Nurse Tristin's letter. Anyone--especially in the healthcare industry who hasn't yet, needs to read this woman's letter. Of all places (and times) it was posted on the World Socialist Website on Friday, October 13th. (See It then went viral on social media sites with the Director of Social Services at work bringing it to my attention last week. 

I read the letter to my partner who became quite concerned, because it spoke of the terribly dysfunctional healthcare system and how it led to one nurse's suicide. This beautiful young woman, a 28-year old nurse wrote the document for the world as her last act of caring. Obviously a suicide letter contains a very dark energy in it with the potential to lead to more tragedy, but it also has the potential to continue fueling some very good things happening that many aren't yet privvy to. First, however, we need to come to the realization that our system is bad enough to completely rethink things. The Socialist Model has their answers, of course, but there are many others out there with a different take. There is a new paradigm that is only gaining strength with every allopathic model blunder or series of blunders like I've witnessed the last few years. 

I reassured my mate that he has nothing to worry about. My dark night of the soul with sickcare and burnout came and went over a decade ago. I survived that period and continue on through the increasing onslaught of arbitray and disruptive changes, useless or deadly protocols, VAERS data that nobody wants to acknowlege and "do more with less" answers from administrators, thanks to holistic and naturopathic healthcare. 

Over the last few years I've watched a number of tele-health clinics sprouting up, countering the tyrannical and traumatic measures and narrative, trying one out for my family & me early on. It worked very well, but it was nothing that my insurance would ever cover. It was luck to be able to get the medications from the pharmacy. My daughter's had to come mail order, and it took an act of God for me to forgive that local pharmacist whom I've known from childhood. God bless her. She retired and moved to Idaho. Today I see the groundwork of what appears to be a viable parallel true healthcare industry in its early stages that no one is really talking about in my work circles. Some of my colleagues look at me like I'm nuts when I even mention it, let alone the sound reasons for not getting "vaccines" (the latest are in essence a transhumanist cult's sacraments). Some listen to me in small portions, and I see the wheels starting to turn. Then there's a core group of people at work, 4 or 5 of us who get what I'm saying and have come to conclusions about natural or holistic healthcare not so much from listening to me, but because they hit a brick wall with the system themselves and started the process of exploring the alternatives and saying No to what will likely be regarded at some point as early transhuman technologies. This fight is about staying human. It's about retaining our God-given rights to Informed Consent, bodily autonomy, and medicine that truly does no harm. 

After a few years of slowly implementing several different components--gentle detox with intermittent fasting and natural chelators like cilantro; lifestyle strategies (setting firm boundaries on sleep & workload, commitment to not smoking, limited drinking, and mostly organic whole foods); regular use of nootropics, adaptogens and other supplements; bone and muscle maintenance with twice weekly Kaatsu Training--these measures are beginning to pay off and have had a noteworthy effect on my entire life. Yet it took a few years. I still experience the occasional migraine headache, but it doesn't disable me. The Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder has completely resolved. My hypertension is under control. 

I saw my doctor a few weeks ago for the first time in years. He'd lost some weight and appeared no older than our last meeting. Normally I see the nurse practioners for my annual visits. She was out sick this time, and so I got to see this man again who I didn't think would be still alive today. I didn't want to tell him that when we first met, but during our first visits I mirrored back to him his concerns for me not taking the lisinopril. I impressed upon him the importance of doing things differently. I let him know I still drink beet juice every day, and I asked him how he lost weight. He found the right diet, he said, but it wasn't "keto". He didn't have time to go further into it. We usually only have a few moments to share the important things, but I like to think our first discussions left an impression. 

I'll conclude this month's writing with something I recently posted on social media:

23 years and some months ago I graduated, earned my BSN (RN license) and Public Health Certification. I believed in vaccines. Since that time I've experienced adverse side effects (ASEs) from the flu vaccine. Now I refuse them. I read the product inserts occasionally and the possibility of some of the ASE's are horrific. 

After one of my daughter's childhood vaccinations, she developed a mysterious allergy bad enough to have (to live with) an Epi-pen handy. I started reading about vaccine injured children, prayed about it, and Jesus whispered into my heart. We stopped vaccinations and her life-threatening allergy went away. It's been over 10 years since the last ER visit or signs of trouble. 

I occasionally get harassed at work about my position by people who don't know my story or the things I've seen. So, I let them know--I can explain, but this In-Service will take at least an hour. Coming to the realization of what this dirty industry has done will take a lifetime of continuing education and therapy.

Again, I have to impress the importance, this is about staying alive, staying human, and staying kind to each other--co-existing peacefully as much as possible. Treating the body as a temple gets you far, and listening to that innate, divine intelligence that we were all born with can lead to a blessed and satisfying life. Yet as some are aware, there are those in power who will lie, cheat, steal, murder, enslave, bribe, blackmail and do worse, all of which is antithetical to a functional (and peaceful) world. There is a war raging now over essentially two ways to run the world. Below is the latest news on that and other current events.





This is where we take a deep dive into more controversial subjects if that's possible, but it's fascinating content.