Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Fantastically Good Insider News

Here's an insider, saying the PTB have been cracked. Other people, not just myself and a few million other everyday people with an IQ above 30 who study history, current events, trends, very real and disturbing conspiracies ARE ALSO TIRED OF PSYCHOPATHS AND SOCIOPATHS calling the shots in our halls of power. Institutions like the IMF, the World Bank, the families who've been running the world's money supply--this elite, inbred, satanic, sadistic and sociopathic Cabal of über-white-collar criminals has an hourglass on its table. They are watching the beginning of their end, the last few grains of sand leaving the chamber. And they cant just do what they want to do and turn the hourglass over. They've tried; can't do it. Don't waste anymore of your time reading my stuff. Listen to this:

I re-post Dave Schmidt's show because he's got credentials and heart, has been following global financial matters for a while and is not a Dinar Guru telling us it's all going to happen next Tuesday; when it doesn't happen on Tuesday, then on Friday... for the last 18 months. The following will be other related re-posts or other useful links from others who also have relevant backgrounds and demonstration of integrity. My only caveat would be that this is, if true, historic news. Ebola is the Cabal's wild card, however, and from what I know of sociopaths and psychopaths, they'll play it to the hilt. Please research infection control and immune support: Wash your hands frequently, disinfect door knobs, consider utilizing natural antivirals like diluted eucalyptus and oregano essential oils, do not ingest the criminal corporate food and beverages laced with known neurotoxins and other hazards like GMO high fructose corn syrup, find time for R&R to burn off the adrenaline and cortisol, take daily a non-synthetic Vitamin C like Amla, research colloidal silver, avoid hospitals if at all possible). The only reason at all the criminal corporate elite might be demonstrating any pseudo-cooperation with whatever other entities, countries or families involved in the largest bankruptcy court on Earth is that the sociopaths are planning yet another coup d'etat utilizing bioweapons, fear, more mayhem and other distractions. 9-11 was their primer, ISIS and Al-CIA-da their babies. Sociopaths and psychopaths typically do not negotiate without use of force of some kind and/or other extraordinary measures. I'd like to think prayer, positive intention, meditation, forgiveness and singing Kumbaya will assist, but not by themselves yet. Pitchforks and guillotines (or any other conventional arms) are out of the question, inappropriate, uncivilized and would only breed further dysfunction. These are the Rosthchilds and Rockerfellers. Their compounds are space-age fortresses, so there is no effective storming them anyway. We must recognize with hindsight that even the Nuremberg Trials did relatively little. We must educate, deprogram and honor ourselves, be of service to all by ending this reign of terror through awareness, clear boundaries, and historically successful unconventional measures such as passive resistance. This is the end of blindly following "authority" and the emergence of the Gravesian Coral.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Ebola Challenge

This is an hour and 15 minute presentation, but will provide sufficient information relative to this post's title.