Monday, April 23, 2018

Deep State War Update 💎 4/23/18

A number of analysts who I follow are likely under rogue Deep State attack. Ben Fulford's website has been down and up again with various error codes showing at times. Alex Jones is under massive legal assault lately, and others like Dave Hodges are getting classic "Disinfo Agent" accusations, very likely from paid Disinfo Agents themselves. Many are experiencing one form of assault or even several by the Pedocrats and their loyalists right now because this rogue Deep State is in its death throes.

My excuse for posting a day late is not so exciting. Thankfully, I'm not a targeted individual. I'm just up to my eyeballs in the usual assault that the 99% is experiencing to one extent or another right now: Slow-motion economic collapse, mind-numbing electro-smog pollution, covert geo-engineering programs that dump neurotoxic pollutants onto the masses, leading to overwhelming evidence in once-pristine Sierra snowpacks. I know enough to spend significant time and effort in detoxing from this pollution so I can think straight. And of course, there's the constant bombardment of one thing after another like tax day and the perennial jury duty summons.

I look over my body of work here in this blog, and there's really nothing more to say, except that I am quite relieved to see that the loosely knit Luciferian Slave/Master and child rape cults seem to be under the spotlight more and more. The NXIVM arrests constitute the tip of the iceberg. Pizzagate and Pedogate are very real. Ridding these degenerate, nightmarishly lawless, and parasitic elements from our governments and other trusted institutions should be at the very top of every sovereign nation's "National Security" priorities. With every passing day I am stunned and overjoyed to find that this does, indeed, seem to be the case, at least in the present-day United States under the leadership of Donald J. Trump. The unsealing of an unprecedented number of sealed indictments since he took office has just begun. There are also an unusually high number of high-level corporate resignations happening as well (see for a primer). We will likely be stunned by one area of our lives being healed after another, as long as we continue to do the right thing in our own daily lives, working and praying for the healing of our planet.

The only truly disturbing matter of late (besides the take-down of the Cabal not coming quick enough) has been the continuing B.S. narrative regarding Syrian leader Assad gassing his own people, leading to US bombing targets in Syria again. Deja vu all over again, right? Coming from POTUS, however, this could be bizarre WWF-like theatre that might have to happen every once in a while. (Or, it could just be "Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss," according to some.) The more I watch Trump in action, however, and studying "The Art of the Deal", the more I think that Trump and a hidden alliance of "White Hats" that back him are fighting the same Deep State that murdered JFK and coordinated 9/11.

This Alliance appears to be providing increased insight into the civil war happening below the surface in the form of "Q Drops". Some of the analysts I follow have called the Q-Anon material psy-ops. In one sense, I agree that it is a kind of psychological operation that unfortunately is needed at this time. A significant portion of the public is mind-controlled to a point of being a danger to themselves and/or others, requiring that people like Dr. Steve Pieczenik get involve in order to provide an undoing of covert malevolent hypnotic programming that has gone on for decades.

According to David Wilcock who regularly appears on the History Channel, this Alliance that backs Trump may eventually take down the parasitic Federal Reserve and also help to release thousands of patents that will make clean, inexpensive energy possible, eliminating the need for oil and coal. Other "Disruptive Technology" withheld for decades will soon assist regular people strugging with medical conditions and even allow for widespread space travel. A Golden Age is promised us, but first we need to clean house and actually deconstruct a massive and very real conspiracy. Below are the Alt News Gems, evidence of this conspiracy and evidence of its take-down.

David Seaman / FULCRUM (Bitchute): Why did Avicii Die?

Blessed to Teach (YT): UNIFIED 11-11-18! Qanon April 22 - Trey Gowdy and Tim Scott Show by Example.

Isaac Green (YT): Is This A Joke?

SGTreport (YT): Q: THE WORLD IS WATCHING: The Satanic Death Cult is Losing -- Harley Schlanger

You Are Free TV (YT): #CANARY Q: NXIVM SONGBIRD Al_son Mack, A Sch_ff, Ob_ma, "Wendy" Wass_rman Sch_ltz

Steve Pieczenik (YT): Opus 52 Art of the Deal

Blackstone Intelligence Network (YT): 🚨 The True Story of the USS Liberty - Important Documentary on Israel

The Alex Jones Channel (YT): Clinton Crime Network Is In Panic Mode

X22 Report (YT): The Picture Is Becoming Clearer, Moves and Countermoves - Episode 1546b

Common Sense Show (YT): Pink Floyd Sings the Truth and Now They Speak the Truth

Destroying the Illusion (YT): Interview w/ Classified Scientist Emery Smith - Deep Underground Bases & Examining ET Bodies

Greg Hunter (YT): Catherine Austin Fitts – Enormous Level of Ignorance & Lawlessness in America