Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Deep State Wars Update Halloween Edition 🧟‍♀️ 10/22/19

I had brilliant ideas for topics for this month's post relating to two recent headlines, https://www.newsobserver.com/news/state/north-carolina/article236192538.html?utm_source=wnd&utm_medium=wnd&utm_campaign=syndicated and the latest California wildfires.

It was so clear to me while driving home around 1:00 in the morning after I had ended one of my shifts last week, but now I can't recall the connections or the entire beautiful snapshot of meaning so clear at that time. For a few moments things made sense. My current fog probably has everything to do with the firehose of information I'm trying to drink in lately, as well as the ongoing challenges of where I work, the effort required to endure patiently with some difficult patients, most of them having some form of dementia or severe mental illness. They also wear out my CNA staff, requiring a large toolkit for maintaining staff morale and the most rudimentary order required in a healthcare setting. Administration is often in denial about the workload with their higher-ups making unrealistic demands. Looking from the 40,000 foot view sometimes I wonder if all of it is deliberate.

This post will be something of a diary entry, therapy, a narrative of decompression or "debriefing" that will begin with a couple of texts I received just over a week ago.

The power was turned off the next day as PG&E warned, giving nearly everyone in Northern California about a day to prepare with gas, ice, groceries, cash, etc. in order to get through an unknown amount of time--we were told it could last 5 days--without power. As a public health nurse, I observed the event with curiosity and suspense. The stores were flooded with people. Gas stations ran out of gas. ATMs ran out of cash. A significant number of people needed to prepare a generator in order to run medically necessary devices. I waited in line for about 2 hours to purchase some dry ice. At work we had to prepare the environment to keep oxygen and other respiratory equipment working for fragile patients. Things were very tense, but most people kept their cool and behaved well. Instead of the usual cable TV withdrawals that I expected, people were respectful and made the best of the situation.

We were told this massive power outage was for our safety. There could be high winds that might cause power lines to fall on dry brush or dry branches to fall on power lines, leading to devastating wildfires. Or something like that. During the power outage some areas like mine had just the normal amount of breeziness, causing people to wonder if there were other motives for this massive outage. For decades I've questioned the motives of corporations and people in positions of power and influence. I just assume there are hidden agendas at work. 99.99% of the time the public is left in the dark figuratively, which is appalling and difficult to digest.

Finally I no longer feel like an outlier. At first the power outage felt like retribution for recent lawsuits against PG&G by the public. Some of those who I spoke with agreed. I have yet to see polls to solidify my suspicions, but I've interacted with enough of the public in person and on social media to suss out that a majority or close to it now suspect that corporate authorities lie to the public most of the time and about everything; the reasons usually involve greed or some other form of corruption. Bottom line, a disinformed public is easier to manipulate. "Elite" parasites need a disinformed public.

Strangely enough, and this is where I dive deeply into a rabbit hole, there may have been other reasons at work for this outage. I am bringing it to the table here only because this information which I present below is congruent with other Stranger Things type of reality that I know to be true, despite the insistence of the Scientific Materialists: Many in the Establishment are involved in very dark, very sick cult activities. NXIVM was a primer. Epstein Island had an underground lair. Andrew Breitbart died not long after social media commentary about John Podesta that relates to his pedophile friends. Thanks to information made public very likely thanks to Seth Rich, we have a wealth of knowledge about the Podestas. Hundreds if not thousands of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) survivors have come forward with overlapping information about "elites" worldwide who are involved in the ritual torture of children. Insiders say that demonic entities called forth in these rituals feed off the energy of this kind of activity and other horrific things like brutal warfare. This may be one reason the "elites" like to start endless brutal wars. The entities prefer the children the same way that younger cow's meat is more tender, more preferable to regular human carnivores. The demonic entities, according to insiders, provide power to the humans conducting the sick rituals. Another aspect involved is the adrenochrome harvested from the young victims.

All this is for me the most difficult aspect of this rabbit hole, but I have been looking into this subject for long enough to see consistencies in the narrative. My childhood in Bible Study as well as my later years of studying other religions and sacred traditions concur that there are good and evil energetic forces at work on our planet.

While I am not 100% certain of anything, and the next part is going to sound just as fantastical as the paragraph above, I have been following the work of some independent journalists who say that the White Hat Alliance may have needed this power outage for operations in shutting down Deep State deep underground military bases or DUMBs, ironically named. Special forces may have rescued children held captive down there for this ritual abuse, human trafficking and adrenochrome harvesting purposes. This is exactly what happened, according to journalist-in-hiding Timothy Holmseth who says he has a source or sources telling him this. Some of the links below reference this outage, including Holmseth's statements. This and a few other data points like Ben Fulford's latest post, https://benjaminfulford.net/2019/10/21/coup-attempt-against-donald-trump-fails-october-revolution-continues/, lead me and others to think that there is truly something to all this chatter about "White Hat" operations in California.

Perhaps it's wishful thinking or my imagination. The idea of a patriot alliance within the military and other places of power who don't want to see our country and the rest of the planet go to hell resonates strongly within me. It's what David Wilcock and his insiders have been saying for years. It was Wilcock's work that inspired me to look into this White Hat Alliance. When I saw QAnon come forward after Wilcock's promise of "data dumps" and Alliance representatives, I knew it was more than just wishful thinking. QAnon, which is apparently an information dissemination campaign for The Alliance, may have gone silent, but there are enough leads provided by QAnon for regular people to follow up on for years.

I think it all makes for an interesting story that would rival any spy novel or paranormal thriller for its intrigue and adventure. Add to that, this is apparently history in the making! I can barely keep still or contained around the more naΓ―ve public. In fact, I very rarely talk about this in its entirety because of the horrific nature of what's getting exposed and how bizarre it all is. Readers need to develop and utilize their own mental health tool-kit as well as discernment, fact-checking where possible. There's a lot of disinformation out there to muddy the waters, and much of this information is very tough to fact-check. However, I am confident it will fact check itself as events continue to unfold in a kind of future-proves-past way.

Keep in mind that there is a very real war going on, a battle over the United States of America which is a constitutional republic. One side is pushing a coup to unseat a duly elected president, pushing hard for open borders and massive gun confiscation, the effective shredding the rest of our U.S. Constitution and implementing a form of globalist socialism, with full-blown Satanic Communist tyranny likely to follow. These truly evil "elites", global socialists that have effectively hijacked the U.S. Democratic Party would make the German National Socialists and their famous leader Adolf Hitler look like schoolyard bullies. Thanks to the violent Antifa Brownshirts, the Establishment's response to this criminality, and everything else in the news lately, or what's not in the news--like the unprecedented tally of pedophile arrests so far during Trump's presidency, most of my general points about a truly Evil Crime Syndicate Establishment are now hardly arguable.

Many have noticed that President Trump has been quite close if not surrounded by military people, and the Marines have recently posted information again about operations to aid civil authorities (see https://www.marines.mil/News/Messages/Messages-Display/Article/1979422/manpower-guidance-for-activation-and-deactivation-of-reserve-component-rc-marin). Something of a warlike nature is definitely happening. This Deep State War is very real. Who can say, it could very well be going on underground--literally--and with all kinds of high strangeness involved like Satanic ritual abuse.

We have to be open to the possibility of unusual things being afoot that the Establishment would vociferously deny. They denied they were spying on us. They denied they were spying on President Trump. These criminally treasonous "elites" and their mouthpiece Mockingbird Media have been caught in one lie after another. We also have to be creative and positive in order to keep our spirits up through this war, especially as we are awakening to it. I think of the people who are just waking up to Pedowood, the fact there is a casting couch for child actors.

Sometimes I see in my colleagues elements at work and in life in general that cause a jading, callousing or corrupting to happen within them. Call it burn-out or character corruption, Philip Zimbardo discusses this phenomenon in The Lucifer Effect - Understanding How Good People Turn Evil. It can happen to anyone given the right (or wrong) set of circumstances. Given enough unchecked stress, most people will turn into monsters. Thankfully most of us get physically sick or check out on disability or sabbatical before engaging in sick criminal activity. Ironically, I learned about Zimbardo and The Stanford Prison Experiment from a colleague while I was working at Pelican Bay State Prison as a correctional nurse, and just a couple of years before I myself had to go out on disability due to the unusual stressors that eventually led to panic attacks and depression.

At least once a year I need to bring up Zimbardo's work because for me it has been instrumental in putting the phenomenon of once-good people turning bad (or sick) into perspective. It offers explanation for situations like the famous Abu Ghraib horrors. Zimbardo's work provides opportunity for average people to gain perspective into Deep State tools, people like Adam Schiff, who lie and commit all kinds of alleged fraud or other corruption. Zimbardo's work also provides insight into the staff who set up the Dementia Fight Club at a facility in North Carolina where they worked. While I don't know for sure if this is/was the case with the North Carolina situation, and please note that "burnout" is no excuse for criminal behavior. However, people should be aware that lack of sleep, lack of proper nutrition, and chronic high stress environments like healthcare settings can lead to errant thinking and behavior. Again, there is sound science that shows how this kind of "perfect storm" scenario can lead to criminal behavior. There is actually a well-developed body of science or sciences that should be integrated that should by now outlaw gross amounts of overtime in healthcare settings the same way that pilots and truckers are capped in their work-hours. The fact that the industry does not have reasonable limitations in place should cause the public to question.

In a very related way, growing up in the Deep State crime families and so-called Illuminati dynasties will one day be known for its own special level of horror, I can only imagine. For those who dare go deeply down the Deep State rabbit hole, Zimbardo's work is required study. With that, I will finish this post with the gems.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Deep State Wars Update πŸ’₯ Red (Pill) October Suprise πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž 10/6/19

Lori Colley (YT): Investigation Boomerang

Informative Info (YT): Dilleys Daily Dose. QuidProJoe Quagmire, Impeachment Vote, Baby Snacks and Q&A Friday! (Explicit Language)

The Truth Factory (YT): A Deep-Dive Into Pedogate

dnajlion7 (YT): Navy Intel Source: McCabe, SerialBrain2, Pence & Pelosi Impeachment Dare

dnajlion7 (YT): Navy Intel: More Info on Marines Directive 550/19 & StormisUponUs Responds to Jeb Bush

Quite Frankly (YT): "Bobby's Outburst and The Real C.I.A." 10/4/19 (Lot's of Adult Content)


X22Report (YT): The Call Has Gone Out, Military Planning Strategically Boxed In The [DS] - Episode 1987b

X22Report (YT): Chatter Intercepted, High Alert, Patriots Ready To Counter The Next Event - Episode 1988b

The Common Sense Show (YT): Whose Side Are the Marine Corps Reservists On?

RedPill78 (YT): RPN Friday Night Livestream - Patrick Ryan - Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying & Game AI

RedPill78 (YT): RPN Saturday Night Livestream - A Childs Voice & Operation Red October

SpaceShot76 (YT): Truth Silenced-Chan Update/ Durham to meet Brennan/Marines Called In

Stroppy Me (YT): What Are Australians Being Told About The Coup?

Culture War Room πŸ’₯ πŸ’₯ πŸ’₯ πŸ’₯