Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Connecting the Dots in Ongoing Disclosure

Screenshot from my smartphone used here for educational purposes only

A Note of Introduction and Clarification
Good news for bloggers.  It appears the first amendment applies to bloggers, not just government sanctioned "journalists"!  This blog is a combination of factual information and commentary.  My credentials include existence as a human/sentient being (1969-present), an Associates of Arts degree in journalism (1994), motherhood (2002), a Bachelors of Science degree in Nursing with California Public Health Nursing Certification (2000) and 12+ years of work in the nursing profession.  My career includes 2 years of acute care hospital experience, nearly 7 years caring for medically and psychiatrically ill inmates in a maximum security prison, and 3+ years in other health care venues.  My interest is Holistic Public Health.  While I'm not being paid for this blog, a journalistic endeavor, it is still protected by the First Amendment.

Truth, Like Sand, Slips Through Big Government Hands
Non-democratic governments throughout history have sought to control the press, and government representatives today in the Western World prove to act no differently.  Senator Dianne Feinstein in my state has been working feverishly to create a media "Shield Law" in what can only be perceived to be by a growing number of awakened citizens as further proof of her systematic attack upon the Bill of Rights and therefore her negligence to her Oath of Office.  She and others have made excuses for the NSA's spying on the entire world with just a handful of search warrants provided to their "highly vetted" and "professional" Peeping Tom agents.  Feinstein and other politicians say that no law has been broken which brings to mind that Hitler broke no laws either.  We have our own Enabling Acts here in the USA (aka Presidential Powers) that make sure of that.  The persecution of whistle-blowers and the reduction of transparency in government are just two more examples of broken promises by Obama.  See

Enough of frustrating news for a moment.  Do also read the promising report pertaining to alternative press freedoms at

Returning to the seeming unending pile of ugly revelations about government and industrial corruption:  The abuse, warmongering, waste and deception.  Nearly every day I struggle with processing it, and those who choose to read blogs like this experience the same thing, I presume.  Education is essential.  Yet the stress in becoming overwhelmed by the sheer number of scandals pouring out of the clenched fists of our government and its mockingbird media and becoming chronically upset by these revelations can kill a person even more quickly than the reported abuses themselves.  This is why I find it essential to interject positive news, especially articles that demonstrate we have brave people in our government and in other positions of authority who believe in placing Life above profits, in empowering the people and shoring up our tattered dream of a democratic republic.  On that note I encourage you to take a moment to watch this encouraging We Are Change report regarding a sheriff who is educating other law enforcement officers about the benefits of honoring their Oath of Office:

The Cloudy Skies
I've had a bit of time on my hands to explore the news lately, to meditate and utilize other practices to help process difficult news.  Migraine headaches have me off work and now trying out Traditional Chinese Medicine while I wait for a neurology consult.  If stress were a major trigger as it is for some, I'd have the headaches every day.  But after 20 years of studying my own health problem, I'm finding the headaches coincide with my reproductive cycle about 40% of the time and with sinus headaches the remaining 60%.  The sinus headaches might come with pollen or mold, but I experience them always after a couple of days where the sky looks like this:

This picture was taken last weekend at my home in Northern California.

This pic was taken a couple weekends ago.  Both weekends were followed by a Monday and Tuesday of sinus and migraine headaches.  The sumatriptan injections and sinus decongestant feel like a 3-cocktail lunch that leaves me more fit for a nap than to drive or to do my usual public health nursing work.  My therapeutic regimen also includes netti, a regular smoothie with chlorella & spirulina, eating mostly organic foods, and regular exercise.  I'm dealing with one of a number of health problems that other health professional are seeing on or after heavy spray days.  These aerosols are being distributed in our atmosphere every day all over the USA and other countries in yet another highly un-American and outrageously unconstitutional covert US Military half-baked scheme to protect us from someone or something, in this case our sun or "global warming".  So, We the People are not only paying for the wholesale slaughter of people in the Middle East for oil and heroine, for the Transportation Security Agency to grope the planet, and the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on the entire planet, all to keep us safe, of course, but now we're financing the transformation of the WORLD INTO A SOFT-KILL GAS CHAMBER.  Okay, this may or may not be part of the agenda.  I know that we have some leadership that quietly believes in practicing eugenics and exterminating "useless eaters", but I don't believe this has a lot of support.  However, it is likely the spraying is aimed at controlling the weather for a number of reasons, namely to make more money and power for the already morbidly überwealthy.  If there are any readers here who think that government and industry leaders would never lie to us regarding chemtrails, cloud-seeding, weather mdification, geo-engineering or solar radiation management, please the see links below.

US Airforce whistle-blower validates covert program involving chemtrails

30 - Minute Documentary "Look Up!"

Full-length movie on YouTube What in the World Are They Spraying

Full-length movie on YouTube Why in the World Are They Spraying

The argument for geo-engineering usually centers in on solar radiation management for global warming.  Global warming has proven to be an issue surrounded in controversy, disinformation, and special interest agendas. Exploring this topic in-depth would side track this article, so further research on the reader's part is encouraged.  I don't contest that our planet is experiencing global warming, but data shows that other planets in our solar system are warming as well.  Then there is the interconnected carbon emissions issue which I don't contest much either.  It would probably be more fitting, however, to refrain from throwing more pollution into the atmosphere to fix an air pollution problem.  Instead it seems far more prudent for our military to be spearheading infrastructure renovations; doing so in the name of VALID national security reasons, actually honoring their oaths and allowing scientists to invent energy and transportation technology that would make oil and its pollution obsolete.  Such inventions exist and have existed for over 50 years, but serve as highly classified toys for covert military killing projects.  Letting the public have the technology would allow for substantial reduction of greenhouse gasses, more affordable electricity and transportation, creation of new jobs to renovate electrical and communications infrustructure so it won't fry after a solar flare or coronal mass ejection.  It would also nix the argument posed by some world leaders that we must reduce world population to just a few million people.  If we aren't all burning fossil fuels to get from here to there and to warm the home, it would no longer threaten the planet.  Yet this would threaten "national security" according to Big Oil corporate executives and their multinational corporate allies.  It would threaten their beloved Petro-Dollar and an economy that is based upon scarcity, dystopia and debt slavery.  Our economy lies on the verge of collapse because of the current parasitic western world's sucking the life blood out of it with contrived wars to sell arms and loot oil. Then there's the rigged market crashes.  

How can we effectively demand an end to this insanity and actually see ethical behavior from national leadership?  I read and hear about how change starts with me and how if I'm overcome with anger by someones else's behavior, it's because it's somewhere inside of me.  It didn't make sense at first because it may not be at the same scale.  Yet it exists to some extent, even as a seed kernel.  Taking control involves living in the moment, asking whether accepting an accidental overpayment is really okay--and giving the money back; taking the risk of being late for work and helping instead of ignoring a child who lay in the road with shoe laces tangled in his bicycle chain; not taking part in gossip or soft-bullying at work; calling 911 when hearing domestic violence; donating at least $5 to a cause when possible instead of reading the free newsletter and forgetting to donate; humbling up and confessing to looking through my husband's text messages when I became suspicious.  Doing things like this helps me to feel positive & energized most of the time even with a demanding schedule.  It lessens my anger and cynicism.  I get a clearer picture and expanded vision so I can spot and appreciate good news when it comes.  I am not perfect for certain, but as I live with the intent to improve my behavior, acting on it, my personal life improves and I am able to do more to contribute to collective reform.

We still have deeply ingrained dysfunction in our families and in most of our institutions.  Many of us are diligently working to improve ourselves and the world.  Until we clearly have the 100th Monkey Effect or the sheeple phenomenon work in our favor, however, it will be frustrating from time to time.  Open discourse is healthy with right intent, that being to solve the problem without revenge.  It works best with as little attack as possible.  Even verbal attack.  I wrote a scathing reply on someone else's blog the other day that included mention of Queen Senator "Off-with-His-Head" Feinstein.  I admit to going on verbal attacks when I see things like her and other so-called representatives convicting whistle-blowers of treason. They themselves would likely be hung for high treason if they were sent back in time to explain their actions supporting the private NONTRANSPARENT Federal Reserve Central Banks or indefinite detention (via the NDAAs), the repeated attacks to our US Constitution to limit freedom of the press and gun ownership to the likes of President John Adams.  After they boast about how The United States no longer allows slavery based upon skin color, they may also want to brief Adams on the the infamous Tuskegee syphilis experiments conducted between 1932 and 1972, MK Ultra, and the US Department of Defense's proposed Operation Northwoods. Can you imagine?  That would take all day, and probably cause Adams an untimely demise through stroke.  Back to a major point though:  Everyone is guilty of something.  Everyone needs to feed themselves & the family.  We have hurdles, competing agendas, egos, gridlock, inertia, etc.  Too often we need or want something now, not 3 months from now after a decision has been made following democratic processes.  Thus it is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.  Perhaps.  

Bottom line:  If it sounds like something that would be tolerated only in Hitler's Nazi Germany, then maybe it's not just a bad idea to ask but also a really bad idea to do it covertly without permission AND to have to choke out an apology later for all the terror, pain, national shame, grief of every sort and national security nightmare for untold millions, maybe even billions, including your own sweet grandma, done all in the name of national security.  Eventually we'll all have an accounting to do on how well we treated ourself and others in this life.  It might be good to rethink the "hustle".