Sunday, February 22, 2015

February's Love Offering

As happened last month, this weekend I find little time for my preconceived and well-intended deadlines. Life throws people circumstances that can be, although chaotic and incoherent at the moment, one day cherished. Like fermentation. The process can be revoltingly malodorous initially, but in the end we have wine, beer, or kimchi or kombucha, valuable life-giving nourishment. I suspect these times qualify. So, for my tribute to the life of JFK I will offer some links to ponder on, real news absent from US mainstream, some encouragement and food for empowerment.

Dr. Steven Greer speaking on some points that will become more relevant as humanity continues to awaken on Putin

Cosmic Vision News 2/20/15

Dave Schmidt's 2/18/15 update

Food as Medicine Discussion with Sayer Ji

Monday, February 9, 2015

Whistleblower Testimony and Discussion

I've been mulling over David Wilcock's recent revelations regarding the rich and once-hidden history and heritage we have as human life on this planet. While most people have been fooled into thinking that modern mainstream civilization and technology as they currently stand represent some pinnacle of hominid evolution, for me David's latest ET disclosure information delivered at the Conscious Life Expo recently drove another nail in the coffin for that illusion. It may take a great deal more of debriefing/deprogramming time before even I am comfortable discussing these topics among coworkers or some family members.

My Aunt Gail, one of my best lifelong friends, who's repeatedly reassured me I can talk to her about anything also once told me, "I don't know if I can handle your kind of 'heavy' right now, Ericka."  I LMFAO. All I wanted her to know that night, which I broached in a text with something like, "Hey, something heavy on my mind" was that radiation levels had spiked something crazy down in Bakersfield, CA. As a nurse and person who loves her, I thought it was extremely important to inform her and others I care about that we have potentially radioactive Fukushima rain coming down here and there on the West Coast. She proceeded to inform me that she didn't much care about that at all. And the paradox that she is, I laugh out loud again almost to the point of flatulence as I hear her singing right now Natural Woman with the robust intonation of some soul sister. We live next door to each other, and she is an admitted, long-out-of-the closet gay woman who more closely identifies as a man. But as trendy and savvy, MENSA-level genius intelligent person that she is, even she (he) can't "handle the truth". She's singing at the top of her lungs right now, at a time when she better have just smelled my cigar smoke because she knows this graveyard shift worker should be sleeping. Point is, most people still can't handle the truth. She, like so many others, is still a near head-to-toe bound   captive to our corporate culture with all their Coca Cola or beer guzzling and casino gambling, get-rich quick scheming, couch potato vegging, then whining about their multitude of health problems, financial woes and all their other no-brainer karma.

DW mentions in his talks many times that our government intelligentsia thinks We Can't Handle the Truth. I'm usually thinking every time I hear that that, ah contrare--But We Can. It is our torch, pitchfork and guillotine-fearing elitists who can't handle the truth. Like some only-child toddler continuing to lie to his parents about eating the entire loaded cookie jar, crumbs on face/hands/shirt and floor. They just look so flippin' goofy with all the disclosure landsliding onto the Internet right now detailing every facet of their corruption, incompetence, and pants-on-fire liar-liar. I rightly think they should be ashamed of themselves, but am I the kind that spanks, no. Never spanked. Inappropriate violence never works for a real fix. I don't believe in wasting time or energy on retaliation. Would I like them to begin behaving as an intelligent species with concern for themselves, others and the planet, Yes, that would so be refreshing. Most people are decent people. Thank goodness for that and for the fact we have an intelligent, loving Universe That is not going to allow our entire planet at present with 7 or 8 billion human life forms as well as the entire biosphere of life itself to be destroyed in yet another catastrophic event, instigated by a relative handful of inbred psychopaths. Do we see brinksmanship, yes. Will things have to radically change soon, again, Yes. And do we ever still have much to learn. While most people are decent people, I am goaded into re-examining the You Can't Handle the Truth--kind of truth whenever I see some bombshell revelatory  video that has done gone viral but has very few comments or thumbs up or down. I often thumbs-up or down just to see if it's locked and it often isn't. I'm left thinking that people don't know what to make of it.