Thursday, February 22, 2018

Deep State Civil War Update 💎 2/22/18

Inspirational Periscope Video from Tracy Beanz:
Years of being awake to this unconventional warfare waged upon humanity by a parasitic ruling class is starting to take its toll on me. I see many others in and outside of the Truther Community are in similar condition. What keeps me going personally are signs that the masses are awakening to this reality. I also see that the positive military/intelligence community alliance that's working against the Soros-funded collectivist revolution in the US (Antifa, etc.) and towards restoring the constitutional republic of the United States is making progress. This has to be a joint effort, however. We have to be doing everything that we can do. This can include boycotting corporations involved in the destruction of our country, growing a garden, being a responsible gun owner, and keeping ourselves as healthy as possible so that we can think right and survive these trying times. Even if it's just bringing up the ridiculousness of Mueller indicting 13 Russian trolls while ignoring the Uranium One scandal he himself is involved in at the water cooler. I often bring up in my posts with supporting evidence that even prayer helps. Our efforts as a public help to speed up the removal of the parasites that have infiltrated our systems and expedite the real healing of not just the United States but our entire globe.

In response, of course, the Toxic Establishment is doubling down on their fake news, igniting another Twitter Purge and conducting other forms of censorship on "Conspiracy Theorists" (aka, anyone with an IQ above 50, resistance to hypnotic programming, and a conscience). I'm not sure how long this craziness will last with all the rogue Deep State-organized casino and school shootings, 666-point drops in the Dow, and 24/7 Trump-bashing on mainstream media news channels. All their push-back is only creating stronger resolve in good people and waking up even more "normies"

I will keep this post short. Everyone's time and energy is at a premium right now. Many others like Tracy Beanz above are better at explaining current events. I will just conclude with encouragement that I perennially give to others and have to work at daily in my own life: Spend time preparing for disruption in services. Have a store of at least a week's worth of drinking water, food and other supplies like toiletries and medicine. Have tradeable assets like silver coins on hand. Get adequate rest, relaxation, and restoration in natural settings, away from technology so that if conditions get even worse, you won't easily fall ill or be blinded by fear. Let your loved ones know they're loved, and stay close to Source or whatever you call "God". As long as we have internet and electricity, get caught up on independent news. Here are my picks, The Gems.

Destroying the Illusion (YT): Don't Get Scammed With Crypto



Quite Frankly (YT): Meddling, Russian Bots, and Collusion: How the MSM is Covering-Up a Cover-Up

An0moly (YT): David Hogg - “Conspiracy Theory” Gone Too Far? What’s the Truth?

Lionel Nation (YT): FULL: Lionel and Dr. Jerome Corsi on #QAnon, #DeepState Despotism, Russian Indictments and #MKUltra

The Alex Jones Channel (YT): Jerome Corsi: Attempt on Donald Trump Foiled by Military/Secret Service

Dauntless Dialogue (YT): ALLIANCE INSIDER: "There Will Be No Civilian Trials for the Illuminati"


You Are Free TV (YT): #STUDENTPOWER: Florida Students Call For Nation-wide Walk-out! #GUNCONTROL

Dan Bongino Podcast (YT): Dan Bongino Podcast - February 22,2018 (EP.661)