Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Medical Tyranny: Deep State Wars Update 12/22/21

I wonder how many children need to die or be severely disabled before the “elite” criminals pushing medical tyranny in places like Australia, Austria and Germany (Tyranny Lite where I live in California) see Nuremberg 2.0? 

Between the manufacturer’s attempts to bury the damning facts for over half a century, thankfully being challenged in court; a kind of studied nonobservance of the VAERS and other data (see by so-called leaders in public health; efforts to just dismiss the Nuremberg Code in parts of Europe; the anecdotal things we are seeing everywhere (Young Athletes Worldwide  “Mysteriously” Dying after COVID Shots), and still the doubling down on mandates despite overwhelming evidence globally that these mRNA technologies being sold as vaccines are neither safe nor effective for as much as 30% of those who receive it—evidence hidden or misrepresented by the dynasty media, brought to us by Pfizer, not to mention how this all began—with the apparent bioweaponization of a cold virus and associated patents filed for it years ago: There is emerging evidence of a clear goal here, and that is to kill or effectively disable as many healthy people as possible and to traumatize those who manage to live through this Second Holocaust. With each passing month, there’s another revelation that’s damning to the pro-Vax narrative, and I am only more convinced we have liars, fraudsters, and now fully-committed mass-murderers running much of the world right now. I can only imagine the criminals also expect a resulting Stockholm Syndrome effect for the survivors, all while raking in a fortune on these crimes against humanity. I’ll add they want us distracted from an avalanche of evidence proving 2020 election fraud beyond a shadow of a doubt and other events like the Ghislaine Maxwell trial, AND the recent Jussie Smollett and Kyle Rittenhouse verdicts. These are politically charged, yet highly vindicating events, like the breaking news today as I begin this post of more forensic evidence confirming Barack Obama’s birth certificate to be an elaborate forgery (see The Deep State War has been going on quietly for decades now, but it's all unravelling now for those willing to just consider the mounting evidence . Obama appears to be their crown jewel Manchurian Candidate. Hillary was supposed to be the finisher. Yet ultimately we have a more pressing life and death questions to ask right now.   

When will we have enough evidence? When will there be enough consensus to raid government and pharmaceutical executives’ offices, hauling what appear to be narcissistic psychopaths in front of a global tribunal? How many have to die or be damaged for life? Millions? Or must it number in the billions with a significant portion of them being school-aged children?

As I sit in the dentist office wearing a mask, now personally choosing to wear it more for the people whose immune systems are decompensating from booster after booster than the mask mandate alone, contemplating this heavy question, my thoughts are  interrupted by wondering whether the dentist is exhausted because of spike proteins attacking his lung tissue. I don’t ask him as this is a personal matter, but I do volunteer that my daughter is not going to university this year because of the draconian experimental COVID treatment mandates that are killing healthy young people. He agreed with me and made it known that he is well aware of young athletes dropping dead after the shot. I breathed a sigh of relief sensing from what he disclosed that he may have gotten an initial COVID injection, but he’s probably not on the indefinite booster plan. His children are likely on home study or at a university in a sane US State.  

Later that morning I saw the clerk at the small town pharmacy counter not wearing a mask, no sign on the door declaring compliance with arbitrary and unconstitutional mandates. I also saw a customer whom I recognized from church when I went years ago also not wearing a mask. We had a nice chat about our present situation and the brave steps we’re all taking.  “We’re over it,” the clerk said. Meanwhile, however, the mass hysteria continues in pockets of the community where I live and work.

I personally vacillate between anger and resignation, waiting patiently at times for the mass hysteria to end. I communicate daily with people regarding effective treatments, prophylactic lifestyle and the emerging evidence that can no longer be dismissed. How many boosters will it take?  How many dead or disabled children, relatives, friends and coworkers? How much obviously now—malevolent disruption in our lives will we tolerate?

Stew Peters Show (Bitchute): CDC Admits Vaxxed Parents Killing Unvaxxed Kids! The Danger is Real!



And We Know (Rumble): 12.19.21: THIS W@R is SPIRITUAL! Entities exposed, FEAR is their lethal WEAPON! We MUST PRAY!