Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Deep State Wars - They Know Exactly What They Are Doing - 2/22/22

This will be just another journal entry today, and a set of links posted at the bottom. My energy has been scattered in a hundred directions as usual, mostly just trying to rest & recover from the exhausting 12+ hour shifts in a mostly-captured operation. I hit the floor running in a futile attempt to get all meds passed, all necessary treatments, assessments, and charting completed. It's impossible. I try to make this clear to administrators and others above me--it really cannot be done. With each passing year, the number of patients on complicated polypharmacy regimens increases, and the number of psychiatric issues have increased over my 20+-year career. The number of diabetics and people with a very long list of ailments have all increased with no adequate adjustment in staffing to compensate. Then came the pandemic with questionable authorities promising it would kill hundreds of millions like they knew for sure--possibly even billions. some speculated. They initially told us the pandemic arose naturally from a bat in a wet market. Evidence emerged later that we were lied to about this and effective therapeutics like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, but early on and continuing even today, we're pushed to focus all of our energy "protecting" the vulnerable with masks, gowns, face shields, and hand washing until our hands are cracked and bleeding, and the trash is overflowing with used PPE that China has sold us. And, of course, the unquestionably “safe and effective” mRNA “therapeutics” that authorities are calling vaccines after they changed the definition of vaccine. The scale of corruption and criminality is mind-numbing. 

In states like California, that "protection of the vulnerable" included sending the COVID positive to  understaffed nursing homes where good isolation measures are not really possible. I speculate that the owners were lured with money from the vaccine industry. The entire healthcare establishment is captive to a corrupt Big Pharma. Few dare speak out about it, and when they are caught on record by real journalist operations like Project Veritas (see Veritas Visuals (Bitchute): FDA EXECUTIVE OFFICER EXPOSES CLOSE TIES BETWEEN AGENCY AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES), they attempt to retract, kissing the rings of their slave masters, begging for forgiveness because they don't want to give up their 6-, sometimes 7-figure salaries. If it were only that, it would be one thing, but ultimately, it's a creepy S&M cult at the very top with a few like Weinstein, Epstein, Prince Andrew, and recently Jean Luc Brunel getting thrown under the bus. Every few months the "elites" admit there's that one bad apple, they've fixed the problem, and they promise the entire barrel isn't completely rotten. There's no systemic corruption, definitely no sadism, and most certainly not systemic pedo-sadism at the very top of powerful leadership circles in government, industry, regulatory agencies, and of course religion if you count thousands of years now of Vatican leadership getting caught again and again ad nauseum. That would be horrid, wouldn't it? 

I say the quicker we recognize this horrific problem, the quicker it will be fixed for good. And the quicker we would see a lot of seemingly unrelated social ills get fixed. Again, the "elites" swear this isn't a problem, just kooky conspiracy theory. The "elites" couldn't possibly conspire. Power no longer corrupts, they promise. Get into the back of the van with Creepy Joe and his creepier son Hunter. If you happen to wake up on the side of the road with unspeakable areas of your body sore or bleeding, don't say a thing. They're coming for the kids next, literally and metaphorically. 

Nearly 10 years ago when I started this blog, few were discussing this ugly problem. I knew there was an alliance of insiders completely aware of the horrific issues, doing what they could to expose and stop it, but I speculated that they recognized that many couldn't handle the truth. The problem is, however, it's hitting home today with the reality of child trafficking exposed--an even greater problem now with Creepy Joe's open borders, and especially with vaccine mandates for children. The mandates make no sense when you consider their unconstitutionality, the blatant human rights infringement, and the still-experimental nature of this mRNA technology for adults and children; how early trials in animals were stopped because the ferrets all died of antibody dependent enhancement (ADE). It makes no sense when considering the https://vaers.hhs.gov/ data emerging with a skyrocketing number of dead and disabled after these experimental injections. The mainstream media is complicit with it's dismissal of this real science, and it's because many of their executives were on Jeffrey Epstein's plane, or bribed with money collected through his or similar blackmail schemes. This medical tyranny only makes sense if you accept that we have sadists and very sick parasitic humans with hidden agendas at the very top making policy decisions and mandates. They have no power if we all say no in large numbers. It goes against our human nature, however, to oppose authority--even corrupt authority, as psychological experiments like the Asch, Milgram and Stanford Prison Experiments all showed years ago. This is exactly how Nazi Germany came about. Therefore, I may have a lifelong career in rehabilitation nursing, even after the blackened souls fighting to stay in power are gone. 

I am one of a very small percentage of people where I work that have had the gall to say no and demand a religious exemption to this tyrannical vaccine cult membership. This description may seem to be hyperbolic, but with some consideration and intellectual honesty, some brave healthcare professionals have come to similar conclusions (see https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/mass-formation-psychosis?utm_source=url). I refuse to wear the mask where ever possible and will not enforce the mandate whenever possible because even the mask is affecting us all in physiological and psychological ways. Ultimately, the masks are negatively impacting our overall health, including the immune system. The tyrants mandating the masks know exactly what they are doing.  

Some of my colleagues have come to me as the deadline for the third booster approaches. I am urging them to find Jesus right now, and develop a personal relationship with our benevolent God Who has given most of us an amazing immune system, and all of us cheap and effective antivirals, medicinal plants of all kinds for us to utilize for all of our healthcare issues. We also are living in one of those brief and special times that happen every so often when all life-forms on Earth are given an opportunity to advance in evolution. I don't have much to back this up except for the indigenous lore like the Mayan Calendar and other sacred traditions, channelers like Lee Carol, and the layers of fossil record that have documented these times. And deep within my heart, my discernment tells me this is the case. I think the tyrants also know about this, and they know their time is short. This is why we are seeing a doubling-down of their true nature. 

A treasure trove of open source "scientific" information exists on NIH/PubMed and other reputable sites regarding plant medicine. A few naturopaths are still in practice, and there are thousands of conventional doctors quietly encouraging their patients to explore more natural remedies like beet root, turmeric, cinnamon, etc. There are many message boards and sites like https://nootropicsexpert.com/ that include the general public in the scientific method process. The corrupt establishment pretends to care about science, yet they ignore mountains of relevant data or try to hide it at every turn (see https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/healthcare/judge-scraps-75-year-timeline-for-fda-to-release-pfizer-vaccine-safety-data-giving-agency-eight-months). Message boards and other dissenting websites such as mercola.com have an aspect to them that includes traditional peer-reviewed science as well as the inclusion of the general public's experience as they utilize the protocols or other practices that compete with Big Pharma. We have a basic human right to take part in the development of real science as it was meant to be done via VAERS.gov, even vaccine injury self-help groups on places like Facebook that get censored in the name of (crooked) science. Every time I hear "The science is settled..." I want to scream, NO, IT IS NOT. The process of real science is ongoing and fluid. We have an internal compass provided to us by God to help guide us while fixing our diseases, personally and in the larger public. My internal compass usually calms me down and encourages me to not scream. I try to dialogue in a loving way. Some people may be lost for this lifetime, however, and I have to allow them their right to freewill. If they choose to be bullied into the COVID Booster Cult, that is their choice. I can only take solace in this current life not being the end of the story. I am comforted by my spiritual leanings.

I believe that when Jesus told his followers, "You must be born again" and when in the Bible the author mentions a time when people are raised from the dead, it was meant to be a reference to reincarnation. Every lie shall be revealed during these times, and the Vatican's cover-up of reincarnation is no different, I am confident. What they did with Jesus' teachings is a kind of limited hangout. It is a roping off of the kind of empowerment Jesus meant for us to attain. I have held this belief from a very young age despite it being very taboo in the Christian culture that I grew up in. I am reassured by the convictions of my heart as well as a more cerebral understanding of the history of tyranny these powerful entities once had. Their power has been waning in that this time around, the tyrants cannot get away with hanging or burning people for the mere belief in reincarnation. With each passing generation over the last few hundred years, most can agree that today we see less racism, sexism and other cultural trends leaning toward the acceptance of bad behavior in general. Things like slavery have had to go deep underground. The darkest of elements, those groups practicing generational pedosadism have had to be hidden away with great care, a capsule of insulation that includes bribery, blackmail and murder. Nobody in the wealthy Hollywood circles dare talks about the casting couch for 5-year-olds without risking the loss of their comfortable lifestyles, maybe even their life like Isaac Kappy did. Like a hidden infection this scourge has led to sapping energy from humanity as a whole. 

I pray every day that my family and I live through this increasingly more obvious Deep State War that is global. There are hints that we are coming close to a crescendo. More releases from Special Prosecutor Durham's office, the continued efforts by people everywhere to bring truth to light regarding hidden corruption, especially the 2020 Presidential Election fraud, and the rising consciousness as evidenced by the massive peaceful protests going on worldwide, lately in Canada by truckers, even despite the belligerently tyrannical crackdown by Trudeau, tell me that we are close. Regarding the endgame matters, I like to read or listen to a variety of researchers whose expertise is economics. Dave from https://x22report.com/, Wayne Jett on https://classicalcapital.com/author/wayne-jett/ and Ben Fulford whose site https://benjaminfulford.net/ have all been chronicling this war with a focus on the economics side. They indicate that a large component in winning this war is the ending of the Federal Reserve's criminal fiat currency system that we have currently sputtering. It is an elaborate pyramid scheme created by war and disease profiteering dynasty families likely behind this "pandemic" in an attempt to distract from massive election fraud and transition us into a global Marxist-Communist system. It may seem far-fetched, but all of this seems unlikely until you study it enough. It is a tangled and convoluted mess that our next generations will be studying for hundreds of years.






Thrivetime Show (Rumble): Transhumanism | Klaus Schwab and Dr. Yuval Noah Harari Explain The Great Reset / Transhumanism Agenda








pgunnels (Rumble): Patel Patriot's Devolution Part 17: From Ukraine With Love!

KanekoaTheGreat (Rumble): Dr. Peter McCullough On Lost In Trust In The Medical System

KanekoaTheGreat (Rumble): Dr. Peter McCullough Has Lost Professorships And Committee Positions For Treating Patients Early
