Thursday, April 22, 2021

It’s All about the Children - 4/22/21 Updated

Banned YouTube Videos (Bitchute):  LIN WOOD - LIVE FROM THE HEALTH & FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2021

Resilience versus Conformity is my subtitle today as I contemplate the last few minutes and the last few years of my life. What are we building for our children? What kind of environment are we co-engineering for them? Is it a world that built on fear or one built on love that honors life?

True resilience does not come from a place of fear, be it fear of so-called “elites” or even pathogens like viruses. One elite in particular, may God take his soul and put it in the cosmic recycling bin so this man cannot reincarnate as a virus that destroys humanity as he wished out loud while he was still alive. 

The paradigm we need to come to a quick end is the one of fear and loathing of organic humanity before it creates another asteroid belt. I believe we have enough asteroid belts in our cosmos, but we have a group of bitter clingers, 0.1%ers who like their NAZI grandfathers, think the only way to organize humanity is to beat populations into submission. If physical violence is out of vogue, then hybrid warfare to include emotional, psychological, informational, medical, technical, biological, economic, racial or cultural warfare seems to be the playbook until widespread physical violence is once again back in vogue. These are closet sadists clinging to the helm, now exposed every day we live through the Biden Presidency and it’s puppet masters in the failing corrupt central banking cartel who may be just pawns in a greater scheme that includes the spiritual realms. 

We are all children of God, a force that supports  life and love. We need to shake off the stunted growth of the last few decades and wake up to the real pandemic and pathogens, the ones paying lab techs and genetic engineers to weaponize viruses and make their “vaccines”.  The lifestyle changes doctors used to pay some lip service to in earnest a few years ago are very real and more effective in promoting health and wellness than what Big Pharma is pushing. The only problem is they take years to fully implement in the environment we have today. Quick detox may be deadly to a significant portion of the population at this point. We may not have years left before the already-glitching systems collapse. But prayer works wonders. Prayer in large groups works large wonders. 

Health Ranger Report (Brighteon): Interview: Leight Dundas Warns COVID Tyranny "Almost a Second Holocaust"