Thursday, June 22, 2017

Best of Times, Worst of Times Rant and Alt News Gems 💎 6/22/17

Image from the 1944 movie Gaslight - Original image screenshot from

Yesterday at work I finished my day with a most humbling series of occurrences. I was pushing the med cart back to the nurses station and almost ran over a resident's foot. I was so frightened and stunned into deer-in-headlights mode that one of the management team members nearby had to press my reset button in order for me to respond in an appropriate way. After assessing the foot and determining that the resident was uninjured, my ego reinflated back to normal size only to be popped again by the same manager who "informed" me that it was not the first day of Summer.

The Summer Equinox and the first day of Summer are two entirely different things, she matter-of-factly stated. Now, this is about the time of day that my neurotransmitters are running dangerously low anyway, as any graveyard shift worker in a stressful workplace can confirm, but for the last two weeks I haven't had a whole weekend to completely recover myself, an absolute essential for a single mom working hours that naturally disturb one's serotonin. So, I was left bewildered and upset: Did I no longer know the basics of when seasons change?

I walked out of the building in a strange fog. I kinesthetically and energetically regressed back to a time of dealing with a childhood bully, Tommy K., the biggest boy in my class who reminded me of Bluto from the Popeye cartoon. He would repeatedly trip me, literally and metaphorically until I eventually adapted to the experience and overcame it. By the 8th grade Tommy was no longer able to "trip" me, and we were always the last ones standing if we were on opposing dodge-ball teams. The game would have to end a tie. By the time I was working as a nurse at a prison infirmary in my early thirties, Tommy was a "lifer" at another prison somewhere in the U.S., friends and family informed me. That parallel twist in life's events for me and Tommy struck me as very odd. Having the muscle memory of dealing with Tommy K. return to me yesterday also struck me as bizarre, but it made more sense as my body started rebuilding its reserves of neurotransmitters after a good 12 hours of rest.

While I don't think this manager deliberately or consciously meant to "gas light" me or to bully me in any way yesterday, she's a highly polished corporate minion who just does these things automatically at this point. It's an integral tool in The Business Model of Fear and Loathing toolkit: Destroy and then re-build people with common psychological warfare tactics, utilizing sleep deprivation and carbohydrate induced mind-fog, impossible goal-setting with guilt & shame groupthink when one fails to achieve these impossible goals, and even obscure mainstream science minutia details, manipulated in such a manner as to make one question everything, including one's own sanity. All these things are done to divide and conquer, corale awareness and to destabilize every human faculty with the intent to disempower, control and even to feed on human energy like a leach or mosquito after delivering the necessary blows to stun the victim. The parasitic families at the very top of our dysfunctional hierarchical system deliberately do these things with full awareness. People like this manager I dealt with yesterday or the bully from my childhood very likely only do these things unconsciously or with very limited awareness, but the consequences are still unfortunately similar.

I laugh at some of the things coming out of the mouth of Bill Nye these days because they are examples of science manipulated to the point where it no longer serves the general public--it's instead part of an agenda to micromanage 8 billion people back into the dark ages, soft-killing a large percentage of them and ushering in an even more miserable dystopia than what we have right now or what humanity has ever had in the past. Take for example "climate change". Yes, that's now a heated issue where the psychological warfare is particularly hot, but more and more independent professionals now admit the science is rigged, and there just happens to be climate change on other planets in our solar system, which the MSM Mockingbird minions always fail to mention. The more pressing question of whether more austerity in the form of carbon taxes and killing off 90% of the humans on this planet will solve the issue is a resounding, No! Yet releasing a few hundred of the patents labeled Disruptive Technology and sequestered away to make the oil robber barons and their handler cabal families morbidly wealthy will instead allow us to clean up the pollution and avoid planetary catastrophy. But I digress.

When I got home yesterday, I needed to see a calendar to feel fully vindicated and relieved. Yes, it was Wednesday, and I truly did know when Summer began in the universe that regular Earth humans inhabit. No Mandella Effect, no premature cerebrovascular event or some other existential nervous breakdown had happened to destroy my perception of reality. Yet I still felt a little mind-f*@%ed. I had to go on a fact hunt and now know that the Summer Solstice, according to some authorities, is given an exact time which can vary according to time zone. So, the Summer Solstice this year technically happened late in the evening of June 20th here on the West Coast of the United States, and very early in the wee morning hours of June 21st on the East Coast. And so technically, yes, the first moment of Summer where I live happened on the day before. Many people, however, still agree that the first day of Summer this year is June 21st, 2017, according to the calendar hanging on the wall in my kitchen.

The Deep State's National Security infrastructure with its infusion of Operation Paperclip evil Nazi scientists over 50 years ago have made an exact science of this kind of manipulation. According to whistle-blowers and the Deep State's own industry white papers hiding in plain view, authorities even have exotic radio frequency weapons that can put whole towns to sleep, literally. Instead of the literal effects, however, we are experiencing the slightly lower-level settings, as Melissa and Aaron Dykes hightlight in TruthstreamMedia (YT): Two Key Things That Got Overlooked About Project MK Ultra . Not a deep sleep certainly, as the shadow government tyrants need the slaves somewhat awake to actually do the hard work on this plantation, but yet so many are still in a waking, walking zombie-sheeple trance. Irregardless, people are awakening. I have to be grateful for this. And we will not be "tripped" by the playground bullies for much longer. We are indeed adapting.

All that said, however, there is a great need to stay humble and aware of the fact that many of us are suffering from subclinical levels of post-traumatic stress disorder, at minimum. We will at times not trust each other nor will we feel like behaving in a civilized manner and might even pick a fight in order to draw blood and act like piranhas or the little boys in the book, Lord of the Flies. I struggle daily to maintain awareness of this and actively diffuse the urges to lash out at those who would at least appear to mistake my kindness for weakness.

A significant portion of our planet's "developed" world is actually clinically depressed, unable to think right, and taking multiple pharmaceutical remedies in order to just get up and go to work every day to put food on the table. These drugs have significant adverse side effects and interactions with other medications, making Western Medicine a major cause of problems, and in fact, the 3rd leading cause of death under cardiovascular problems and cancer. The late Dr. Barbara Starfield has written extensively about this phenomenon in peer-reviewed medical journals, but the establishment remains in denial, or more likely, in a guilty silence that increasingly condemns them.

A large portion of our planet's entire population is in some way hindered and/or physically harmed by our civilization's technologies, and at the root of the problems has been the parasitic cabal's (aka Shadow Government, Global Elite Crime Syndicate's) control system. All of our modern technology could be used for a great deal of good, and in many cases it is because of mostly good people putting it to good use, but it is rigged or sabotaged in many ways that I could go on and on about, creating a very long and well-cited rant. In any case our establishment delivers just as much if not more harm than good, thanks to the machinations of the ruling class factions of parasites.

Large-scale levels of what amount to mind control technology have been insidiously rolled out over the past 50 years in the name of benign or beneficent causes like wholesome entertainment (television with subliminal programming and flicker rate technology that puts people into well-documented states of hypnosis); dental hygiene (fluoridated water); good health (toxin-tainted vaccinations) or in making the streets safer (with gun control or TSA body scanners in airports as well as their invasive patdowns of grandma or handicapped children in the name of "fighting terror"). These technologies have been devastatingly traumatic to the general public on many levels. Evidence that includes research linking some of these technologies like fluoridated water or vaccinations to disease or birth defects as well as rising trends in chronic disease and mortality statistics--now combined with their continued use nonetheless--is becoming increasingly preposterous. The concurrent revelations regarding Caligulan levels of global government corruption, especially in the U.S., now visibly obvious with one outrageous unjustified war or other scandal after another followed by coverup after coverup over the past 50 years starting with Vietnam and JFK's death, now culminating in the public questioning of former FBI director James Comey and his startling admissions or what we saw released just a year ago by WikiLeaks regarding what amounts to pedophile lingo used in high-ranking U.S. governmental employees' emails are major punctuation marks in this now very public discussion. All of this really amounts to a trial in the court of our collective consciousness at this time. If we make it through this very dangerous time, our grandchildren's great-grandchildren will be thanking us.

The silent majority can and should no longer content themselves with meaningless bullshit at the water cooler, and are becoming increasingly vocal and conveying our increasing distress. What we say is often peppered with expletives or delivered in such a way as it ends up destabilizing and further traumatizing others. So, it becomes crucial for us to center ourselves and to bite our tongues just long enough to think things through. Yet we must avoid the temptation to just stay silent. I leave you with the gems.

MLordandGod (YT): Study: Amassing Power Causes Brain Damage - So Far There is NO CURE.

corbettreport (YT): Think you know how to "End The Fed"? Take the #FedChallenge

The Commonsense Show (YT): Frightening: You Won't Believe What's Underneath the Oroville Dam- Paul Preston-The CSS 6/11/17 




WeAreChange (YT): Fluoride Is Good For You :)

VAXXED TV (YT): Fully Recovered From Autism


BoldVA5D (YT): James Gilliland & Jordan Sather ~ Current Events, Greer, Psy Ops & Moles

Monday, June 12, 2017

Alt News Gems 💎 Terror-noia & Covfefe Edition - 6/12/17

"...for the sake of victory, we must keep to the programme of violence and make-believe." - From Protocol I, line 24 of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (See

Lol. I am trying my hardest to make it completely through reading the protocols to better understand the present-day trillionaire maniacs who've been mismanaging the world, and their families who've been controlling the world for the last few thousand years, but I become so disgusted and drained after an hour of reading that I need to take a break from it for a while. However, I, as well as other red-pill activists have read enough to come to the conclusion that the document resonates enough with real-world events, in general what has been happening in geopolitics over the last few decades that it warrants some serious study. It remains a mystery, who really wrote the document. Were the writer or writers trying to frame regular Jewish people? And what about the Albert Pike letter (See and how the two have very similar plotlines?  So many questions for the serious conspiracy researcher.

As usual, so many things in the news lately that it is tough to stay calm, much less oriented or grounded, and that statement concerns my most trustworthy alternative news sources. Forget reality orientation as it relates to mainstream news. There, the lies are becoming louder and more blatant; the hypocracy even more brightly neon highlighted; and the voices more frantic.

In this week's offering Benjamin Fulford points out that the PTB-Maniacs have forgotten or perhaps never heard the story about the Boy Who Cried Wolf. On the MSM Fake News Networks one can witness today's modern remake, The Men Who Cried 'Russian Hackers!'" My gut says these creeps in suits will resort to anything to divert attention from the acceleration in revelations concerning criminal corruption at the highest levels of government and industry, specifically the lastest exposures concerning upper-socio-economic-level child sex trafficking and ritual abuse, hit squads that take out people like Seth Rich, the theft of trillions of taxpayer dollars in order to more fully develop already-established secret space programs, espionage networks and other technology to thwart the basic civil rights of billions of regular people, and in the process of doing all that, the destruction of our planet with the covert weaponization of our atmosphere (See Dane Wigington speak in a still-timely 2015 presentation to expose the Creepy Cabal's geoengineering programs:

In more upbeat news, millions continue the process of waking up every day, all-out nuclear war appears to be thwarted once again, and crypto-currencies like Bitcoin and Etherium are emerging as examples of sane alternatives to the Creepy Cabal's criminal system of Ponzi scheme bank fraud, usery and precious metal market-rigging. BTW, it's not a bad time to buy physical silver if you can afford some of this as well. More and more talk abounds concerning the collapse of our toxic system. When will this latest market bubble burst? How many more tricks will we see deployed to keep the toxic system in place and limping along while people continue to die from epic levels of chronic disease, which at its heart lies malnourishment and and epic-levels environmental toxicity, literal and metaphorical fall-out of the covert geo-engineering programs. What is certain is that the dysfunctional system is in the process of imploding, and it's not a bad idea to have some backup plans that include emergency water, food and items to trade if the entire system takes a nose-dive. As someone with a public health nursing mindset, I think about these things daily.

Right now, evidence of my well-founded suspicions regarding rogue/sociopathic/criminal, even Satanic secret society factions operating within mainstream authority and its toxic, dysfunctional institutions, including western Sick Care (euphemistically-named "Healthcare") as provided above abounds all over the web, and I've made no effort to hide this with companies like Reputation Defender, which may explain why no hospital will hire me right now. And that is just fine with me. Let them continue for a little while longer to hire unscathed and dreamy-eyed new grads with no controversial opinions or heretical belief systems. The apocolyse or "unveiling" will continue until no sands remain to bury ostrich heads. I'll continue to live a humble life, studying open-source naturopathic medicine and crypto-currency material in my spare time. I'll continue to serve wonderful residents where I work right now, and will resume my search again in some future Winter when pickings are slim again. And as well, I will continue to lay out the gems.

David Seaman (YT): BREAKING: Pedogate Is Real, Attorney General Sessions Speaks!

The Common Sense Show (YT): The 2 Reasons We Are Still In Afghanistan

WeAreChange (YT): Putin Exposes The Deep State, An End to Water Fluoridation?

corbettreport (YT): Reality Intercept_ed as Deep State Winner Busted - #NewWorldNextWeek

Destroying the Illusion (YT): 6.6 - London False Flag Obvious, FBI Arrests NSA Contractor, & Did FBI Raid Huma Abedin's House? (YT): THIS INTERVIEW WAS RECORDED 2 DAYS BEFORE THE LONDON BRIDGE ATTACK

The Alex Jones Channel (YT): Leaked: The Secret To Why Alex Jones Supports Trump

LNT (YT): This young conservative has BEST 2 MINUTE SPEECH, EVER!!!