Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Hollywood Star Wars Vs Deep State Civil War Alt News Gems πŸ’Ž 12/22/17 (Early Holiday Release)

"The United States is being run as a criminal enterprise." - Catherine Austin Fitts
I don't agree with Catherine Austin Fitts on everything. However, she is a very smart woman who has worked inside the system at the national leadership level. She is not a complete psychopath; not a good liar and well-dressed scoundrel who commits treason by day and rapes by night. In fact she demonstrated that she actually had a conscience in her work, so she was targeted for complete destruction by The Swamp years ago. She successfully fought off the parasites with everything she had, and brilliantly demonstrates how it can be done. She is a true American heroine and will one day be recognized as a powerful voice in the Alliance movement that we're seeing emerge and is presently in process of rolling up and taking down the evil global "Cabal". 
Catherine repeats a mantra that I think is an important one to remember as our eyes gloss over from all this 4-D Chess we're hearing about lately: "The United States is being run as a criminal enterprise." It was happening back when Reagan was president, it was apparently happening a hundred years ago with the creation of the Federal Reserve; it was obviously happening as JFK was murdered in a deep state coup/conspiracy and that conspiracy was until now effectively covered up for over 50 years. Although it is still going on to some extent now, valiant efforts are being made to expose the criminal enterprise and change course. Q-Anon is part of that movement. We have members of the Deep State coming forward, risking their lives to kill the cancer that is killing the USA republic and the rest of the planet.
I'm increasingly convinced that President Trump is part of this Alliance working against this cancerous Cabal in what is being recognized in the Alt Media as a Deep State Civil War. Some call the Alliance members "White Hats", but to call them this I think is a disservice for a number of reasons. Most importantly, very few can say they are free from stain or hubris. We make mistakes and hopefully learn from them, learn what is important, like loving others, humbling oneself in favor of strengthening the larger "Self", family, neighborhood, country, and ultimately the entire globe. Ultimately we need to infiltrate and co-opt the idea of globalism and turn it upside down so that we can grow into global-mindedness but not as insane megalomanic control freaks who lie and rape and poison the planet in the name of some psychotic idea of serving it. We can be global-minded, accepting differences but recognizing that nation-states will be needed for as long as we have radical cultural differences that justify reasonable, healthy boundary-setting.
Just in time to distract from all the intriguing Deep State Civil War news pouring out of the Alt Media, Hollywood recently served up its latest dish of Star Wars last weekend, fully festooned with commentary by the usual television propagandists like the "ladies" of The View. This latest Star Wars creation is Disney's handiwork, and we'll be finding out very soon that Disney is thoroughly infested with so-called elite pedophiles. Disney and the rest of Hollywood work hand in hand with the Operation Paperclip Nazi-infested CIA. Hollywood is the very rogue deep state's Mockingbird Media propagandist wing which apparently has about 20% of the public still snowed with hypnotic suggestion for the purpose of dark social-engineering. I've been boycotting Hollywood for the last couple years in earnest because I see all of this so clearly. It would make me physically ill to try to walk into a movie theater at this time in my life. So, while I grew up with the first Star Wars films and loved them, I'm not bothering to see this latest film for significant reasons. These deep state sickos want a war with humanity, then, no, I won't buy their movie tickets. Even if I had the funds to do it, I wouldn't do it. And though I love a fun costume party event, I woudn't throw all of my energy into this ritual by getting dressed up like Princess Leia; then proceding to eat their gut-wrecking GMO popcorn, washing it down with more GMO corn syrup and fluoride-laced beverages while the power of my consciousness is used to create more dystopic hell on Earth. Fuck that, LOL. I was buoyed upon seeing that only 55% of the average viewer per Rotten Tomatoes gave the movie a positive review...
And on a similar note, what did I think about The New York Times and others in the mainstream media coming forward with articles this last weekend, uncoincidentally I'm certain with regards to the latest Star Wars release, concerning ET and other Secret Space "Disclosure"? Although I appreciate Jimmy Church's opinions posted in a link below about how we need to celebrate, I think we also need to seriously temper the festivities with some grounding and discernment. The MSM is like a creepy manipulative mother-in-law telling you that your estranged abusive husband (The Luciferian Deep State) is ready to turn over a new leaf after attending a weekend anger management retreat. "Look, he bought you roses," she says with her saccharin voice that makes you want to vomit. "And he wants to take you to a fancy restaurant tonight." So, should you put down the divorce papers and seal your death warrant by letting the creep back into your life? I personally don't think that's wise. I don't think it's wise to trust anything released by the NYT, CNN, ABC, MSNBC, etc., aka the CIA Mockingbird Media until the Alliance is done turning their establishments upside down, and the truth and reconciliation hearings are long over. Then I'll give time to whatever Tom Delong wants to say...
LOL. I shake my head to think that anyone believes that John Pedosta (misspelling intentional) and his limited hangout partial disclosure will get any traction given that only 6% of the general public even trusts the MSM. Millions are learning the truth about "Skippy" Pedosta and Creepy Uncle Joe Biden. In the same way that millions are finding out about Harry Reid and Uranium One--a deal that clearly exploses how President Trump's opposition are the ones truly guilty of "Russian Collusion", this Pizzagate/Pedogate thing is also not going away, not getting swept under the rug like the Franklin Coverup and dozens of other similar scandals all over the world. All the efforts of the Luciferian Globalists and their Deep State minions to distract from the truth will only hasten the awakening this time. The bigger picture is finally coming into view for millions.
A massive Schelling Point is being reached. We are at an historic moment when it is impossible to stay on the fence. Asses all over are hitting the ground, but this is when true Renaissance happens. And we're seeing how 3-D printing, blockchain and other open source technologies now threaten to make greedy pedophile industrialists and their bankster Eyes Wide Shut buddies obsolete. Blockchain technology will eventually make it impossible to steal trillions of taxpayer dollars, actually disabling the systems that allow the squirreling of loot into black projects where amazing clean energy technology has been hoarded away from the general public. That sick nonsense is rapidly coming to an end. And to make matters even more interesting, Carbon-60 makes it impossible to kill the "deplorables", even after the Luciferian Globalists dump radioactive poison on them! Carbon-60 is turning out to be an amazing and affordable life-promoting/life extending technology. At the same time many in the Deep State are hungry to turn state's evidence. They will only get hungrier for this as the Petrodollar continues its implosion. Enough already are sick of the lies and the increasingly horrendous evil done in the name of "democracy". So, as difficult as this times may seem, we are truly living in Amazing Times. The reality-TV style value of the Deep State Wars, combined with the Forbidden Fruit/taboo aspects of these topics make the stranger-than-fiction realities infinitely more interesting than the distractions.
This year the "merriness" in my Merry Christmas is in the thought that this will very likely be the last bullshit synthetic agenda Christmas that I and billions of others will have to tolerate and/or live in squalor. The storm will rage soon after boxing week ends, but many of us are adequately prepared. Luciferian Globalists like George Soros are also preparing their minions to take to the streets, but his army of soy boys and other zombies are truly not prepared for the real spiritual battle that is about to climax. Again, The Average American who has never been more armed with God, guns and other gems, however, is well-prepared. With that, I say "Merry Christmas!"

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Russian Colluder, Nyet or Da? Deep State Shift Storm and Other Alt News Gems Christmas PartyπŸ’Ž πŸŽ„πŸ’š 12/5/17

I gave up attempting to put together compelling audio/video masterpieces years ago like I gave up on computer programming. Although the endeavors were enjoyable, they took up so much time in the editing or debugging, the processes ended up robbing time with family and perhaps even contributed to the failure of one marriage. Plus, if it makes no money, and it did not for me, then I might have ended up as just another starving artist or even deeper in debt servitude.

Here's a salute to all those putting in the time, eking out a living and doing a fantastic job rebuilding the industries of News and Entertainment and even Finance as the corrupt establishment ones fall!

David Seaman (YT): The Bright Future Ahead: Bitcoin, Trump Pax, & More πŸŽ‰

Quite Frankly (YT): "Into the Black Lodge with Michael Flynn " 12/4/17

Reason TV (YT): Who Owns Pepe the Frog? The Alt-Right vs. Cartoonist Matt Furie

Destroying the Illusion (YT): 12.4 - MegaAnon&Q/Flynn/Space Noises/Dead Dr #80/More Soft Disclosure

Destroying the Illusion (YT): 11.27 - Storming in Space? Evidence of Possible Covert Space War 

roypotterqa (YT): Military 72 Hour Alert


Net4Truth USA (YT): Steve Gern ex-Marine in Iraq asks profound question - went viral.

ByJR (YT): Benjamin Fulford 11 30 2017

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Strange Times Alt News Gems πŸ’Ž 11/28/17

This day started out a little weird and giddy with me laughing over how Rare Pepe trading cards and Bitcoin are saving Venezuela. For more on that see http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2017/03/27/venezuelans-using-rare-pepes-bitcoin-currency/ and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHQLBsrk5ME

Someone had posted the article in Gab, and although I had seen the Pepe the Frog character pop up here and there over the last few years, I had never really read up on this. Same for the complex mythology of Kek and even Kekistan that appears to have developed out of the Pepe meme. So, I began my day today perusing this little rabbit hole that left me laughing so hard I was almost in tears. I was really just laughing over this whole Rare Pepe meme phenomenon, not Venezuela, of course. The plight of Venezuela is no laughing matter. Yet the thought of Venezuelans rising above their hardships and the tyrannical Babylonian Debt Slavery system with the help of Pepe and blockchain gave me such a sense of satisfaction and hope. Anyway...

Between strange articles like this that somehow I missed last March and chain-yanking realities like the skyrocketing cost of living here in the US, my car's engine cooling system on the fritz and North Korea launching missiles again, I was feeling a bit discombobulated by this afternoon. I was trying desperately to dig into domestic tasks, but my mind would drift back onto questions that led me down other rabbit hole internet exploration adventures. 

Then somehow this led me to looking for the Jim Marrs book I bought a couple summers ago at an event where Jim was speaking. He autographed the book and wrote a note for me on one of the cover pages. I thought to myself, I want to read what he wrote again, God rest his soul. Well, I found what I thought was the book, The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy, but I could not find the note he wrote. 

I repeatedly looked over my bookshelves thinking, there must be another book. I alternated doing that with looking through the book I had again to see if somehow I wasn't looking at the correct page. Did I have another Jim Marrs book, and did I lend the autographed one out? I vaguely remember lending out the autographed book, but to who I couldn't remember. Then my fertile imagination began wondering if his recent death had lead to a tear in the fabric of space-time, causing a hair-splitting of timelines or the Mandella Effect. Or did he write that note to me in disappearing ink? How ridiculous, right? Does all this have anything to do with Mercury going retrograde very soon? Of course the latter possibilities are the least probable, but I like to muse on them given that I know how strange realities are quite possible.  

All I can do is laugh some more right now, hop into the shower to hopefully press some sort of sanity reset button, re-center myself firmly in the heart, and then blog these funny thoughts/insights. Despite the last few years of profound psychological warfare combined with all the other unconventional warfare on the general public by the Dark Cabal starting to take its toll on me, I vow to keep a positive outlook. I know that the only way to survive these crazy times is to remain firmly centered within the heart. 

And yes, screaming like a little girl right now!

Sobering Facts are that my little investments are really just wheelbarrow money (or perhaps parachute money.) Real reasons to scream for joy are that the tyrannical systems are beginning to fail in earnest, much better than lottery riches 🐸!

Friday, November 17, 2017

A Salute to Wounded Warriors and Other Unlikely Heroes πŸ’Ž 11/22/17 Early Edition {Updated 11/20/17}

I received a surprise day off this week following a blessing of a vacataion with my new friend from Canada. Earlier today my alarm clock became unplugged and its battery died, so I woke up in a panic that escalated when I found out I was already over an hour late for work. I frantically called my workplace only to find that we were over-scheduled by one nurse. Had I come in, I might have drawn the straw that would have sent me back home anyway. We have a new scheduler who made a mistake for the only day in my 17 year career history as a nurse that I overslept with a system of alarm clocks all failing me.

Coincidence? I'm a huge believer in a Benevolent Universe that I'm pretty certain wanted me to spend some extra time at home tending to some domestic chores, indulging in a luxuriant exfoliating shower and pedicure, followed by a fantastic leftovers dish, and then working on next week's EPIC TIMES blog post with a tall glass of red wine.

If I had a bottle of sparkling wine, I would be celebrating with this tonight. That's ok, though. My tall glass of red wine and maybe even a small amount of almost-legal cannabis product that I happen to have on hand will suffice. The cause for such celebration? Thanks to 4Chan's MegAnon and Q-Clearance Anon's work, combined with other recent news that includes the closing of the Podesta Group, AND the release of unredacted JFK Assassination Files, I have finally observed enough evidence that the positive military alliance that David Wilcock and Drake Bailey speak of is very real, and they are executing skillful warfare that Sun Tsu would be proud of! They are winning, we are winning, and enough of us finally recognize the importance of the spiritual warfare aspects as well now.

I cannot explain my point in a way that will make sense unless the reader understands what a Chi Kung master is and can really do. In our predominantly materialistic world, the art of working with energy is ignored and ridiculed if not outright condemned and made illegal. Enough of us regular symbiotic folks are finally connecting with and utilizing that universal energy in order to make an impact and perhaps even a brilliantly-timed Thanksgiving/JFK Remembrance Day breakthrough!

The recent release of the JFK Files by President Trump only confirms for me and thousands of others that John F. Kennedy was murdered by an organized group of individuals connected with a global Satanic cabal made up of a lot of psychopathic individuals who enjoy raping children and even infants in their spare time. These include wealthy bankers, Hollywood moguls, political icons, and other corporate industry leaders. David Seaman's Fulcrum News along with others have been doing the heavy lifting and sifting through the hundreds of documents just released. Combined with the Snowden disclosures of a couple years ago, the WikiLeaks documents, and hundreds of other whistle-blower and insider revelations (websearch Svali and Cathy O'Brien), we have overwhelming evidence.

Sometimes I wish I were just a nutcase just making this all up or blowing things all out of context, because I truly want benign world leadership. However, I'm just a regular person with strengths and weaknesses, curiosity, and a good education. I am also a trained observer with spiritual inclinations, a decent mind and heart, and help from the Universe because I asked for that help. I am an unwitting grand jurist, per my spirit guides, and I am one of many. I don't like to mention that I have spirit guides because some could say that this is only evidence of mental illness, and this could threaten every worldly thing that I have. However, these disclosures of mine are part of a far larger introduction to a reality paradigm that recognizes and honors energy. Thanks to great thinkers like Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr, I am not a complete lunatic going out on a limb. Sometimes we cannot "see" that energy until tools like the microscope and radio are introduced and made popular. My spirit guides and the Universe itself are urging me right now to make these claims, if only for a handful of readers and bots around the world. I also believe that I am one of millions if not billions undergoing an epic historic process right now.

I understand these are claims backed by evidence that is not easy to take in much less analyse for a normal person. So, I do not disparage anyone who would prefer to avoid all this "Truther" and other controversial information. I also completely understand how many back down or would never have raised their voice against a very powerful, highly evil and organized group for its standard operating procedure that includes horrific threats to self, family and friends--and all too often acting on those threats. This sick cabal's physical power was also for a long time strongly backed up with unseen negative influences of paranormal power. Think Voodoo priests of Central and South America. This unseen power is being curtailed, however. I have no solid evidence to back this up; only my own discernment and confidence that resonates with others saying the same things.

Finally and most importantly, to all those who have made sacrifices in order to promote a loving, symbiotic agenda or at least to oppose the parasitic establishment's degenerate agenda; to the various brave members of this loosely knit "Alliance", I send BIG THANK YOUs! God Bless You All and God Bless Your Families!

I will publish this early with updates through the 22nd of this month, and as always, concluding with The Gems.

David Seaman (YT): David Wilcock EXCLUSIVE: Pizzagate, Donald Trump, & Fall of the Cabal


Tracy Beanz (YT): /POL/ Q Clearance Anon- Is it #happening? Perspectives and Part VII

Lucid Dreamer (YT): Trump Tweets Of Operation Alice In Wonderland

roypotterqu (YT): Whoa!! Rothschild Helicopter Crash!

Important UPDATES- 11/20/17
roypotterqa (YT): CIA/MEU Psyop

And 11/21/17
FADE TO BLACK (YT): Ep. 758 FADE TO BLACK w/ David Wilcock Special Event...

David Seaman (YT): BREAKING: Major Congressional Harassment Scandal, Victims Were "Blackballed"

roypotterqa (YT): Q, Montagraph, And 911



From the WTFBBQ Department

corbettreport (YT): #CreepyJoeBiden and Lady Gaga to Establish Sexual Assault Centres -#NewWorldNextWeek

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Deep State War Goes Hot πŸ’Ž 11/8/17

Every nerve in me is perked up tonight as was last night and even the night before. Major things seem to be going down. Not that I am personally directly involved, except as an intuitive and empathic individual who has been following trends, a U.S. patriot in my own right, but most importantly as a child of Source living on this globe, growing in knowledge of who We all truly are.

For years David Wilcock who I respect has been saying that a positive alliance exists within the corrupt establishment. Others have echoed this claim, but Wilcock has been the most credible and articulate in my opinion. He has made connections with insiders and has been talking/writing about a Deep State War, coming data dumps, mass arrests and such, but it's only been fairly recently that there are more than just provocative hints indicating that this is indeed the case. That is because the MSM is so tightly controlled by those same dark forces the positive alliance is fighting, those same Luciferian families that appear to have been solidly in control of everything else on this planet--finance, religion, science, education, government, medicine, etc., until recently that is. It is why we have these never-ending wars, poverty and suffering despite so many advances in science and knowledge. It is why the vaccines are dirty, why fluoride pollution continues to be dumped into our drinking water despite the growing research indicating it's a major problem, etc., etc., ect., all the many things that I and others like me have been bemoaning for years. However, a sea-change is underway right now.

Many people are now aware that the JFK files have been released, but is the MSM discussing this huge piece of data dump? No, they're not, and that has to have perked the curiosity of a lot of people over a certain age who may have otherwise been still completely beholden to very fake news outlets like CNN. They are asking questions and probably now looking to sources other than the MSM. Thanks to the mainstream Vegas narrative, now obviously full of holes, more people are beginning to check out Infowars and other sources like them. Many thousands of new accounts at Coinbase, a cryptocurrency exchange are opening up every day. Heaven will have its way. The Kali Yuga is over. The playing field is getting leveled on every front.

It was only about a year ago that hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people first learned about "the elite's" fascination with Spirit Cooking, pedophile pizza/hotdog parties and other depraved cultish things, thanks to WikiLeaks. There have long been rumors and insider reports regarding HRC's involvement in witchcraft. And this isn't the benign magick so many of us were enchanted by as children with the popular television show "Bewitched". This is beyond creepy, demon-summoning sorcery that at its highest levels involves brutal torture and murder of children. Emails within that WikiLeaks data dump last year began to confirm those rumors. Even more explicit, more damning evidence is on the way, but the public had to be prepared with less shocking information. Indeed, that particular data dump appears to have been absorbed and made a major contribution to the outcome of the 2016 election.

By now everybody knows her husband is a serial rapist who likes to hang out with serial child rapists. (This link won't work, but do click to see how the parasite elites are suffocating the truth).

Who hasn't now heard of the Lolita Express and Pedo Island? Who can say this shit is acceptable? Who can remain asleep? These last few months of dark revelations concerning the real Hollywood and the truth of The Swamp has to have kicked hundreds of thousands of numb Americans off the fence. Many regular people are starting to pray hard, because combined with everything else--notably the tanking economy, there are few areas of sand for us to bury our heads anymore. There is nothing left for us to do but either join team dark or get right with Source and ask for help. The latest Texas church massacre has only sealed the deal, opening the eyes, hearts and mouths of even glitterbug preachers here in the U.S., the kind that used to fawn over the likes of HRC. At the heart of this is deep spiritual warfare, and it's getting harder and harder to deny. Also now more difficult to deny--who's who: Who is on the right side of history, and who is soon going down bigtime, in my opinion.

With every Dark Deep State faction move like the recent highly suspect fires in California, the Vegas Shooting or other George Soros' sponsored color-revolution (Antifa/Creepy Deep State Proxy Army: ISIS) antics, there will be prayer and subsequent major 3D pushback by the positive alliance. We need to remain prayerful, confident and as calm as possible as this storm continues. As money becomes even tighter with the collapse of the Rothschild fiat currency we call the U.S. Dollar and its sickening system of debt slavery, contrived scarcity, fear as a business model, and other Problem/Reaction/Solution BS, it will be necessary to decide what is truly important and what isn't. Not a bad time to talk to your doctor about fasting. It will become more critical to trust the inner voice and connection to Source most of us still have.


Sunday, October 22, 2017

Alt News Gems - Scary Halloween Swamp Monsters Edition

President Trump recently announced that he'll be releasing the long-awaited classified JFK documents that will likely shed a bright light on the original "lone gunman" Deep State lie. The event set for October 26 promises to bring swamp creatures and their minions out just in time for a fitting Halloween Purge.

The coming torch/pitchfork raids and guillotine parties will be economic and energetic instead of the more uncivilized but historic bloody ones. I think about how my survival instincts kicked in years ago when I swore off McDeaths and many other popular multinational brands. Just a month ago I gave up PedoPal. Slowly but surely large swathes of us are withdrawing our support from this parasitic NWO system. I understand that an event horizon is being reached with regards to not only which businesses but which business practices will be sustainable in the very near future. I'm certain this is one big reason why the economic crash to end all crashes is being prevented. It will only seal the deal.

David Seaman mentioned during one of his rants that he senses a Schelling Point being reached as well. Other smart people have been saying similar things for a while. I think the boiling point should have been reached a long time ago, but the kitchen was also raided by freak saboteurs who not only dumped frozen bullshit into the pot, but also roofied our wine and re-arranged the kitchen while we were out cold. They tried their damnedest to burn down the house, but thankfully someone woke up in time to put out the fire. A number of us have woken up to find crap stew boiling over and stinking up the entire house. We have only begun working at cleaning up a large portion of the mess while the rest of us continue to wake up and vomit. Enough of us are finally awake and mobilized to make a significant difference. This is "What Happened" to Hillary. This explains Brexit, why Jullian Assange is still alive, the spotlight public shaming of the true misogynists in Hollywood and Washington D.C., why hardly anyone believes the crooked mainstream narrative on the Las Vegas Shooting, and why cryptocurrency will be a good thing.

David Seaman (YT): Donald Trump Releasing JFK Files: Libs Already Crying πŸ˜‚

The Alex Jones Channel (YT): Reporters That Broke Trump/JFK File News Talk About What Will Be Released

Destroying The Illusion (YT): 10.19 - Big Pedogate Busts | Russia/Obama Nuclear Collusion | The CIA Sucks

The Commonsense Show (YT): Who Runs the Planet


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Alt News Gems πŸ’Ž 10/17/17

I've had to spend a bit of time watching and waiting as the mud settles with regards to the Las Vegas shooting situation before drawing any solid conclusions. Sometimes, in fact oftentimes the assessment end of the nursing process is long and would be infinitely open-ended if human beings were immortal. People and life in general are vastly complex creatures, and this requires developing patience as a fundamental in our skill sets.

In our modern world where people have grown to expect instantaneousness, however, watching and waiting any longer than 10-15 minutes for anything can trigger impatient and even more shockingly aberrent behavior. Lately this is especially so as people seem to be over-extended on everything. People I had grown to trust are demonstrating that they are merely regular people with frailties, requiring me to suspend judgment and wait for their return to sanity. And for most it comes, but sadly, sometimes that doesn't happen. They decide to go down a road I don't want to tread, so we have to part ways.

Life is turning up the dial with regards to stressful situations, and we tend to over-extend ourselves, depleting our neurotransmitters. Sometimes this is unavoidable. It leads to lapses in judgment, negative or otherwise inappropriate behavior, even psychotic breaks for some. It's quite humbling when it happens--if one can actually go into a state of honest self-reflection and acceptance. Sadly, some aren't able to do that. They go into denial because the event has radically challenged their sense of integrity or self-esteem.

I've worked in high stress environments throughout my life and have had to learn from them and develop some resilience in order to remain gainfully employed. I've had to come to terms with these repeated humbling experiences. This has led me to becoming quite familiar with this phenomenon in myself and others. Having insight into this phenomenon provides a framework that can lead to "forgiveness". It also provides insight with regards to knowing what one's own personal limits are and wisdom if one learns to honor these boundaries.

Obviously, some have no boundaries. Stress, and it probably is or was stress that pushed them off the deep end where they're able to rationalize dysfunctional, even parasitic behavior or other things that the 99% of us would deem as "evil". I truly believe there are energetic elements or other dimensions at play here that one day the human race will have a better grasp of, but we need to actually make it through this very rough critical period for that to happen. Getting through the latest Vegas shooting without pleading to the parasitic establishment to save us with their creepy "solutions" is part of that.

Anyway, I won't belabor the point, but my main point today is that it's becoming increasingly important in terms of basic survival to have insight with regards to the limits of our physical biology, doing everything we can to keep ourselves calm and take care of ourselves with rest and proper nutrition/hydration so we can support others as we all endure disturbing, chaotic, or other high stress situations. President Trump's "Calm before the storm" warning is probably a heads-up we need to pay attention to, not in a fear-porn way, but in a sober, realistic manner that prompts realistic preparation.

It is clear to me that we are in a transition as a collective humanity. Many of us are waking up to a very disturbing, very threatening "Matrix" situation, and many are deciding that they don't want to live in a deliberately engineered hell-hole as slaves for a very small and very sick element of our society. To me the proof is in the growing rejection of the Establishment, with the rise of the alt media, alternative healthcare, Brexit, Trump, Bitcoin or Blockchain technology in general as key elements of this evidence for me personally.

I leave you with some gems.

Destroying the Illusion (YT): "Partial" vs. "Full" - Examining Disclosure with Secret Space Programs & Pedogate

The Alex Jones Channel (YT): Insider: Secret Program Bigger Than Manhattan Project Finances Breakaway Globalist Civilization

High Impact Flix (YT): We Had BETTER Unite Against THIS - and QUICK!! Wait For it.....

veritasvisuals (YT): American Pravda, NYT Part I – Slanting the News & A Bizarre Comey Connection

Victurus Libertas VL (YT): Rare Video Clip Confirms Brad Pitt "Pact With Satan " Quote - No Surprise Here

Operation HAL (YT): BREAKING: Barbara Walters Caught Enabling Pedophiles



Operation Freedom (YT): Operation Freedom Briefing: Vegas Dissected (a 10-minute assessment)

roypotterqu (YT): Las Vegas Massacre (a more thorough 2-hour discussion)

ExoNews TV (YT): Covert Recruitment into Space Marines "20 and Back" Program

ECETI Stargate Official You Tube Channel (YT): As You Wish Talk Radio 10 14 2017

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Blockchain Technology, 3D Printers, Carbon 60 and Full Disclosure Empowering the Masses (Alt News Gems πŸ’Ž 9/28/17)


I am very excited. Today I made my very first Bitcoin donation. The scan code or the string of numbers and letters above is the address where anyone can make a Bitcoin donation to me. I am learning more every day about using cryptocurrency and how using it instead of the nearly worthless U.S. Dollar to exchange value or units of energy is an act of resistance to the parasitic banking Establishment and their Luciferian agenda. This agenda is hardly hidden anymore. They and their fascist Deep state friends, the MSM minions and their multinational corporate buddies like Hollywood and the NFL (whose high production shows include blatant Satanic imagery) no longer even bother to hide their agendas of promoting Satanism, corruption, divide & conquer/fear & loathing as business models, general enslavement of the masses, and that includes brutal treatment of children. Pedogate/Pizzagate is very real.

Thankfully not everyone operating in the deep state believes in raping toddlers and babies. Hence, we're finally seeing some meaningful convictions for the crimes of child molestation. Anthony Weiner is the latest and perhaps the first of the Big Fish Fry. We are hearing more and more entertainers and others speak out about the outrageous problem of pedophilia in Hollywood, Washington D.C., the Vatican, so-called royal families and other power structures around the world. Pedophilia is not ok. This is not something millions of real people feel comfortable tolerating or being silent about, and I am finally reassured as I hear/see the growing consensus.

Our growing coherence on this is not going away, and the parasitic establishment will eventually face serious consequences for its long history of crimes against humanity. This will begin in earnest when their ability to siphon off our energy and buy mercenaries is curtailed by blockchain technologies like cryptocurrency. Blockchain technology promises to free the masses from the spider's web that is mainstream establishment banking. In the same way, other technologies such as 3D printers threaten other aspects of the parasitic control structures. Similarly, supplements like Carbon 60 will aid the everyday person in affordable life extension technology. And right up there with all that are the voices of thousands of regular Truth Community journalists who dare report on these subjects, liberating the thought processes of masses. Again, more and more aid and assist to millions of regular people who are brave enough to question authority, to read the available literature out there, to take the leap and to tell others.


David Seaman (YT): LIVE: Antarctica "Electric Pyramid" Leak, Cryptocurrency Deep State?

Sarah Westall (YT): C60 Sells Out Everywhere After Clif High Show - Learn Why

Monday, September 18, 2017

Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse and Other Alt News Gems πŸ’Ž 9/18/17

Some quick personal updates: My Nigerian Love Scammer mercifully set me free, thankfully without drama, leaving me time to correspond with a nice Canadian over these past 2 weeks. I had a cathartic reunion with my brother Jon a few days ago. And Bitcoin is on the rebound this morning, predictably in my opinion not even a week after Jamie Dimon's unintentional endorsement. Thank You to all elitist banksters who sternly warn the unwashed masses to stay far away from Bitcoin. I promptly bought even more cryptocurrency while it was on the low side. And so my Monday is looking brighter, fresher, moment by moment.

I'm sipping on tamarind-ginseng tea with honey this morning, reflecting on the latest current events, other ones I consider to be significant: The 16th anniversary of Donald Rumsfeld announcing that the Pentagon lost 2.3 TRILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS came and went without a hitch. Also noteworthy, the 1st anniversary of Hillary Clinton collapsing and getting thrown into her black ambulance like a slab of meat, showing the population that she's not a fit to be president at even a most fundamental level.

Cynthia McKinney and Robert David Steele embarked on their #Unrig Campaign. Disturbing news leaks out regarding how President Donald Trump is suffering from low-level poisoning via his daily Diet Coke. This on the September 11, 2017 Alex Jones Show. Steve Pieczenik curiously shows up later in the show and procedes to dismiss Alex, his and Roger Stone's sources who made the shocking allegation. The whole thing appears to be all but scrubbed from the record which tells me something big is happening. But who really needs to add anything to a Diet Coke to make it toxic, I ask. The Deep State/Shadow Government internal civil war and Disclosure Data Dumps continue.

And the sun continues to do its thing, leading to another series of geomagnetic storms on our planet...

These storms always impact my daily work as a nurse in the trenches, so I stay updated on solar activity.

Some say the sun is in process of transforming from a yellow star to a white star, triggering an energetic evolutionary event for all life on planet Earth.

Last but not least, further disclosure regarding secret and malevolent geo-engineering programmes continue to play out right in front of us in Texas and the East Coast of the United States. Despite this, good people continue to prove to be stronger than the depraved megalomaniac shot callers at the top of the Deep State and Shadow Government.

American Intelligence Media (YT): Betsy and Thomas Share Some Hope

veritasvisuals (YT): A Message From James O'Keefe: A Stack of Frivolous Lawsuits

Destroying The Illusion (YT): Interview with ex-CIA Robert David Steele & Fmr Congresswoman Dr. Cynthia McKinney on #UNRIG so far

SGTreport (YT): HERE'S WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON 9.11 -- James Perloff

The Alex Jones Channel (YT): Exclusive: President Trump Being Drugged Ahead Of Coup, Sources Claim

The Alex Jones Channel (YT): CIA Whistleblower Exposes Deep State and Shadow Government: Infowars Proven Right


Dane Wigington (YT): Hurricane Irma Manipulation: Objectives And Agendas ( Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org )

The Common Sense Show (YT): Why Did Awan Frame Wasserman Schultz

Victurus Libertas VL (YT): Conformity Is The Jailer Of #Freedom, And The Enemy Of Growth – John F. Kennedy

Nutritionfacts.org (YT): Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen Checklist

corbettreport (YT): Solutions: Turn Off Your TV

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Alt News Gems πŸ’Ž Dark AI, Light AI, Nigerian Romance Scams and More! - 9/6/17

Navigating the online dating/relationship scene has just become a lot more interesting for me. I think I might be in contact with a Nigerian romance scammer. Or perhaps he's just a humble USAF officer who doesn't like to talk much about himself and his day to day activities. Instead he wants to lavash me in romance prose quite suddenly. Perhaps at one time I thought I deserved all that and a bag of chips, but there are some times to hold tight to Occam's Razor. Time will tell as I continue to vet out this situation. It is appalling that we have situations of such dire poverty around the world that people resort to things like romance scams just to feed themselves and their children. I am grateful that I am not in such a heartbreaking situation, that I'm just slightly jaded with seven years experience as a prison nurse with orientation to include "Games Criminals Play"; as I am grateful to have insight, a great love for people, understanding, and a fantastic sense of humor and adventure.

I've already been planting seeds of Bitcoin research into this fellow's mind. Millionaires will likely be made in the next few years as they've already been made during the last few that Bitcoin rose from $1 to over $4000.  A number of people, including Simon Parks say that Bitcoin was invented by the NSA to ensnare people, and perhaps it was. The internet was also invented by DARPA, I think it was, yet another Deep State player, and according to some, the original intention was to ensnare--or was it to empower? Depends on who's telling the story. Sure, it will and has already ensnared people who have no real love in their hearts. They are addicted to online porn, to clickbait gossip, whatever; no real concern for anyone but self-serving pleasure. Their bodies will soon succumb to the low-level radiation sickness, complete with eschatalogical sores and everything. That's my working theory anyway. There will always be people who will make the choice to play games of S&M, but the climate that allowed for the flourishing of self-centered, greedy, order-out-of-chaos nightmares is almost over.

There is some truth, I think--like Dave Schmidt talks about in one of the links below regarding the dreaded parasitic "AI" Beast System. I do see the Zombie Apocolypse happening all around me with people making bad choices causing them to act and look more like zombies every day.  I think there is also clear sign that anything that can be used for evil can also be used for good. The inherent power is not in the material itself but in our moment to moment choices of whether we wish to live in a world where Love is king or one where Fear and Loathing are.  I also see many signs that a symbiotic or "positive" alliance exists within the Deep State. In most cases, I think, it is a very loosely nit, decentralized network of people who didn't join the military, the intelligence agencies, the federal, state and local governments to create a system that would kidnap children and sell them and all of us, really, into one form of slavery or another. Our spirit cries out for better, and this is very natural that it does. No need for anyone to be ashamed of wanting no part of a system that is founded on dehumanization, parasitism and slavery. No need to be ashamed that we were all born into it and were all at one time very mind-f%&ed into serving it for a while. No need to be ashamed of wanting to build and be part of a better system that serves humanity instead of enslaving it.

Technology need not enslave us further if we decide to set boundaries, utilize it like every other "thing" to serve our brothers and sisters as well as all the other life forms on our planet AND our own little selves, not letting these things consume us, but to utilizing things to empower in a win-win-win scenario.  The ingenuity of the human spirit can and is doing this right now!

Sarah Westall (YT): Secrets Revealed as Government Collapse/Restructuring Takes Place

Sarah Westall (YT): Mysterious History of Bitcoin

The Alex Jones Channel (YT): YouTube FAIL: Candace Owens Breaks Free From The Bondage Of Globalist Disinformation

The Alex Jones Channel (YT): Alex Jones Breaks Down How AI Will Control Humanity

Dave Schmidt (YT): Dave Schmidt Live Stream, Aug, 30th


Wild Smile (YT): WH Petition to Declare George Soros a Terrorist and Seize His Assets Surpasses 100k Signatures

Newsbud (YT): Charlottesville and the FBI’s Connection to White Supremacists

WeAreChange (YT): FBI Creating Right Wing False Flags Terrorist Attack Uncovered?

David Seaman (YT): David Seaman talking about some things

2 NEOTECH - Gv (YT): Ben Fulford Sep. 4, 2017 Chances new financial system US civil war both skyrocketing!!

SGTreport (YT): CONFIRMED: Ronald Bernard is Alive (& Other Updates)


The Common Sense Show (YT): Very Bizarre Reports From Houston

The Common Sense Show (YT): The RX's You Should Never Take- Dr. Ted Broer- The CSS- 8/27/17 (Hour 1)

Destroying the Illusion (YT): Breaking...Solar X Flare Just Erupted - Massive Geomagnetic Storm Possible

VAXXED TV (YT): I'm a former pro vaccine nurse

VAXXED TV (YT): Doctor of infectious disease

Greg Hunter (YT): Mark Taylor – Military Tribunals Coming for the Wicked

Acts 2:17:  In the last days,' God says, 'I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Alt News Gems πŸ’Ž 8/7/17

I'm not a fan of pop music artist Justin Bieber. In fact, I used to mock his kind. I did take note of some recent news, however, that much of the relevant media seems to agree about: Bieber has cancelled his music tour to focus his life on Christ. Wow on that alone. Score one for Team Light.

Then there's the more curious news that can easily be confirmed or refuted by any real and willing alternative/independent journalist, because no MSM Mockingbird Luciferian Globalist Deep State Propaganda Minion posing as a journalist will do it:

Justin Bieber: Pedophiles Run The ‘Evil’ Music Industry according to yournewswire.com.

If Beiber truly told this to his Bible study group, then this is huge. I will patiently await confirmation/refutation from a trusted source, because Gossip Cop, like Snopes, should be no one's trusted source. Not even yournewswire.com is one of my trusted sources. However, the timing of this particular news coming so close to the alleged hacker Swordfish letter is noteworthy. One can find more info on the Swordfish open letter below in the links.

While admittedly some of these Pizzagate and Pedogate news articles may be "Gotcha" Fake News tactics utilized by the Luciferian "Elite", what is important at this time is that another major public figure is making a stand in the spiritual warfare taking place--on the side that is opposed to the secret society Luciferians and their Global Collectivist Elitist network that has been undermining normal humanity with world wars for the last 100 years, undermining everything good for decades, if not centuries--even millenia. They've been viciously suppressing clean energy technology and natural cures for many supposedly incurable diseases over the last 50 years. They are behind the creation of Al CIA-Duh and ISIS. And they also just happen to rape toddlers and even babies in their leisure time.

Like David Seaman (and even before he was saying it, I was writing it), I will say it/write it again and again: #pedogate is some of the biggest real news of our time (as opposed to the Russian Hacker Bogiemen Fake News bullshit mass distractions "breaking" right now). It is critical we process the very real, very disturbing Pedogate news so that we can effectively end it finally:

A significant portion, perhaps as much as 30% of our leaders rape not just adults, but children. Their sick comrades within law enforcement and the courts help them to get away with their crimes. The McMartin Preschool Case, the scourge that was Jimmy Savile, and the Vatican's never-ending scandals covering for seriel child rapists are just a few textbook examples of this phenomenon. Our denial about this will not make it go away. Our denial of Satanic Cults that rape and murder children being at the heart of "The Swamp" will also not make that go away.

This Satanic secret society/crime syndicate is always attempting to recruit new people in powerful industries like the entertainment industry, especially mainstream media, and of course they need powerful politicians from every nation within their secret society to make it hum along smoothly. As the western economy falters, however this Beast system's ability to effectively silence dissent and hide the truth has started to fail as well. The opposition and the rest of Team Light have been chipping away for a while at all their lies--from the Roswell weather balloon BS to the Kennedy lone wolf magic bullet narrative to Saudis with boxcutters laughably pulling off 9/11. These are just cracks in the dam.

The data dumps that are The WikiLeaks, are in my opinion, the fulfilled promise of a "White Hat" alliance operating within the deep state that David Wilcock has been writing about and speaking about for several years now. I began reading his work and taking it seriously after former Navy Seal and author Michael Jaco and his wife pointed me in his direction. The Jacos and I were Facebook friends back when I was on FB years ago.

David Wilcock's work on the greatest pyramid scheme in all of recorded history, the corrupt and untransparent Federal Reserve system, as well as David's monumental contributions to the UFO disclosure topic helped push me deep down the rabbit hole. It was during this process that I gave up television and found many other independent sources of journalism like Benjamin Fulford and Infowars on the internet.

Right now there is a lot of division within the Truther/Awakening communities. Some of this is just misplaced aggression; some is more obviously engineered divide and conquer tactics that have been used for millennia by the corrupt establishment powers. These Establishment Powers include unseen powers and principalities written about in not just the Christian Bible, but many other historic sacred texts.

It is essential we learn that at the heart of this phenomenon and at the heart of all Life--both illusory and reality, light, dark and everything inbetween is a transdimensional, spiritual or energetic component. Transcending the paradigm of scientific materialism that denies this component is critical to understanding the madness that is going on. For some this is an uncomfortable process, but truly it doesn't mean one needs to join a church or giving up many pleasurable things. It does, however, take an exercise of courage. It always takes courage for me to speak up at work about vaccines or any of this Truther stuff.

And it's always amusing to me how many of my posts are essentially the very same message. This is obviously my beacon, my message in a bottle, I guess. I leave you with The Gems.

StormCloudsGathering (YT): The Tribal Identity - Paradigm for the Next Generation

David Seaman (YT): LIVE: New CIA WikiLeaks- "Dumbo" πŸ”₯

Destroying the Illusion (YT): The Powers That Be are More Desperate Then Ever to Quell the Awakening

The Alex Jones Channel (YT): Author, Researcher, Jim Marrs Has Died RIP 1943 - 2017

Greg Hunter (YT): We Are Crashing Now – Clif High

Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News (YT): Holistic Doctor & Wife Allegedly Jump to Death in Manhattan w Typed Suicide Notes

Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News (YT): Breaking: Young Famous Holistic Naturopath Dies Suddenly

Wild Smile (YT): Hacker "Swordfish" Claims To Have Proof of Massive International Pedophile Ring #ItEndsNow

Titus Frost (Spitting Truth with Titus on Bitchute): STWT Questions on Patreon, My Initial Thoughts on #Swordfish #ItEndsNow

David Seaman (YT): YOUTUBE BANNED! Gabe Zolna Speaks - Interview w/ David Seaman

David Seaman (YT): Live w/ David Seaman: Pedogate, McMaster & Bitcoin πŸ”₯

The Common Sense Show (YT): How the Oroville Dam and Jefferson Movement Could Destroy America

The Common Sense Show (YT): NSA McMasters Fires Trump Loyalist for Deep State Comments

The Alex Jones Channel (YT): Incredible! Leaked Documents Show Muslims Bought Off U.S. Government In Preparation For Takeover

SphereBeing Alliance (YT): Corey Goode & Cobra Joint Interview - Call for Eclipse Mass Meditation

SphereBeing Alliance (YT): Wife of A Secret Space Program Whistleblower - Stacy Goode w/ Teresa Yanaros