Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Alt News Gems Alt-CTRL-Delete Special 2/28/17

Ever wish you could just press a few buttons and find out what's going on in the background of our corporate matrix, exactly what programs are running, shut them down one by one as needed, and then reboot?

In a way that's exactly what We the People are doing whenever we do what we can to stand up to corruption in ourselves, our families, our peers, and our authorities. No one is entirely clean, so there is good reason to stay humble.  I believe this is what a number of people are being inspired to do today--to clean up their own act and to motivate others to do the same. This includes our present commander in chief here in the USA. I understand that a number of people--about as many like myself who clearly see this vision, there are plenty also who feel strongly opposed to that notion, and they have a glass half empty to prove it. Perhaps, and I'm laughing, it's a swamp half empty.

Many like myself are being encouraged to continue draining the swamp in their own lives in order to correct their health, their family life, their neighborhoods' dynamics and their governments. This is an holistic operation. When we do what we can to clean up our bodies, our minds, our spirits, our homes, our backyards, etc., it creates good feng shui or positive energy to use like a primed pump. It assists in creating greater and greater levels of clarity on a personal level. What we sometimes cannot see, however, is how that energy also affects the surroundings in miraculous ways.

I was paradoxically gladdened last week when a group of witches decided to put a binding spell on President Trump and his supporters. What an incredible event to help raise awareness and inspiration in so many ways. This event curiously comes, no doubt uncoincidentally, just a few months following the Wikileaks revelations that include "Spirit Cooking", the total fallout of the Podesta emails and other revelations that are beginning to paint a crystal clear picture of a highly coordinated group of "elite" parasites who enjoy raping children, and a snowballing citizen journalist/investigator movement to uncover and understand what amounts to a depraved, parasitic ruling class and their minions who at the highest socio-economic levels ritualistically torture and murder children to feed the multidimensional entities that assist this toxic ruling class in amassing inconceivable material wealth and power.

Unfortunately, many churches have been completely ignorant or complicit--if not willfully guilty of assisting the parasitic ruling class in this diabolical scheme. For this reason we do not have many good examples of spiritual hygiene. Most regular people have at best a kindergarten understanding of spiritual hygiene that thankfully includes the power of prayer, gratitude and joy. So many have lost their jobs and their homes during the last economic bubble popping that they are lately rediscovering the true powers of prayer, joy and gratitude. Mystery schools for years hid away even more knowledge in order to protect the sacred practices from distortion and misuse, but ironically these schools like everything else have been hijacked by the Luciferian parasites. In the very same way the parasitic ruling class has been working diligently to disarm good citizens all over the world in the name of "security", they closely guard their knowledge of spiritual physics and the multidimensional nature of reality with a few things leaking out like Tai Chi, Yoga or meditation.

If we go to a "Christian" church, we are routinely told as our ancestors were told for many hundreds of years that we are worthless sinners who need to get on our knees and beg for forgiveness. And of course, we need to funnel even more money to religious authorities like the Vatican and wait like helpless little children for our big daddy in the sky to come to save us. These sad practices--distortions of the original sacred writings just about cancel out any good done with singing or reverent prayer, and have on the macro level created planetary dynamics whereby the parasitic ruling classes could freely walk all over the masses. Meanwhile, today--hundreds of years post-Renaissance we hypnotically continue to call these pedosexual sadists "elite" like the miserable Stockholm Syndrome sufferers that so many of us still are.

Thankfully this deliberately disempowering dynamic has been gradually changing over the last few hundred years with the work of people like Martin Luther and Martin Luther King Jr., people who've basically been telling us to get off our knees and walk tall like gods ourselves. "Ye are Gods," the Bible tells us. Jesus himself pointed this out. We are one with God, just as Jesus was one with God. We can learn powerful skills to take back our world and our divine inheritance if we choose to accept this destiny.

As usual, if you feel brave enough to review the material, do so with discernment and knowledge that occasionally the expletives are not muted.

Joy Camp (YT): Are You Suffering From Irritable Trump Syndrome?

The Common Sense Show (YT): State Department Employee Has Brakes Cut

Cosmic Vision News (YT): 2017 02 24 Cosmic Vision News

The Goldfish Report (YT): GoldFish Report No.79 Ascension Round-Table: "Unite the Light" (Full Length Edition)

pantherjim 1995 (YT): Pisces New Moon Eclipse February 26 2017 Fooling the Fools

Steve Judd Astrology (YT): Mars conjunction Uranus in Aries (gulp!)

Steve Judd Astrology (YT): Global March 2017

The Alex Jones Channel (YT): The Truth About Satanism and Trump


Titus Frost (YT): BuzzFeed Completely "Debunked" #PizzaGate - #FakeNews - Joseph Bernstein 100% PWND

David Seaman (YT): David Seaman - Pizzagate Slander Response

Eroseninka (YT): James Gilliland on the As You Wish Talk Radio, 25.2.2017

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Alt News Gems - 2/22/17

Far too much going on between U.S. national politics, my home state of California with major flooding, iceberg social issues (like Pizzagate and "Pedogate"--the phenomenon of worldwide pedophilia rampant among the parasitic ruling classes), environmental crises in progress such as Fukushima radiation and climate engineering programs, and global economic sink-hole events such as the war on cash in India. And then on top of all these highly disturbing macro happenings, I have so many of my own very personal home-front challenges that I'm fairly overwhelmed and cannot readily articulate anything in a meaningful way. This very paragraph has taken over an hour to compose and is likely an indication of the psychological warfare that is truly going on. People in the know are saying that there is now open warfare between factions of the deep state and their respective masters in the parasitic ruling class who are also fighting amongst themselves. This has been going on for the last handful of years, but it seems to be ratcheting up a few notches. Any reasonably intelligent person with a conscience and some awareness of what is going on is on the verge of breakdown or overload if they haven't altogether lost the plot already from cognitive dissonance. Just listen to California Congresswoman Maxine Waters on national TV talk about how Vladimir Putin has just invaded Korea. Some like Corey Goode are saying that our planet is now traversing through an area of space that has a high level of energetic particles, and that this field is likely contributing to some of the strange behavior we are seeing (combined with all the neurotoxins in the environment and the body's own response to chronic stress). Consequently a large part of my free time has been spent playing ukulele, something I've needed to indulge in for my own sanity, it seems. Thankfully, the links speak well enough for themselves.

Google and YouTube have been cracking down on "Fake News" lately, fake news equating to anything that the parasitic ruling class objects to the masses knowing. So, I am curious to hear if people experience difficulties opening any of these links.

Alternative View (YT): AV7 - Max Igan - Decoding the matrix - Creating a new reality

StormCloudsGathering (YT): Donald Trump's 'Muslim Ban' What You're Not Being Told


The Alex Jones Channel (YT): Alex Jones & Joe Rogan Breakdown PizzaGate Pedophile Cult

SGTreport (YT): Pizzagate is REAL & Hostel 2 ISN'T Fiction


The Richie Allen Show (YT): George Webb "Dyncorp, The CIA, Child Abuse & Organ Trafficking, The Reality."

David Seaman (YT): DONALD TRUMP SUPPORTERS: Time To Boycott Hollywood, All Year Long!

activistpost (YT): Is A Deep State Coup Underway?

Greg Hunter (YT): Catherine Austin Fitts-Trump Taking On Corruption & Lawlessness

Greg Hunter (YT): Dane Wigington-Planet Facing Converging Cataclysms Because of Chemtrails

The Alex Jones Channel (YT): San Antonio DA Speaks Out Against Toxic Vaccines

Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News (YT): Breaking: Yale University study shows association between vaccines and brain disorders

Vaxxed TV (YT): Question About Constitutional Right to Education in Oakland, CA

The Alex Jones Show (YT): Trump Declares Victory Over TPP Criminal Group

The River Mersey (YT): Dr. Steve Pieczenik Latest 15/02/2017


Victurus Libertas (YT): ROBERT STEELE LAST 2 MINUTES Of INTERVIEW. Chuck Schumer Being Blackmailed By NSA/CIA

David Seaman (YT): WIKILEAKS: Illuminati Rothschild Influence & Simulation Theory

Freeman Fly (YT): Antarctica Disclosure to Save the World - Dr. Michael Salla

Cosmic Vision News (YT): 2017 02 10 Cosmic Vision News