Monday, August 7, 2017

Alt News Gems 💎 8/7/17

I'm not a fan of pop music artist Justin Bieber. In fact, I used to mock his kind. I did take note of some recent news, however, that much of the relevant media seems to agree about: Bieber has cancelled his music tour to focus his life on Christ. Wow on that alone. Score one for Team Light.

Then there's the more curious news that can easily be confirmed or refuted by any real and willing alternative/independent journalist, because no MSM Mockingbird Luciferian Globalist Deep State Propaganda Minion posing as a journalist will do it:

Justin Bieber: Pedophiles Run The ‘Evil’ Music Industry according to

If Beiber truly told this to his Bible study group, then this is huge. I will patiently await confirmation/refutation from a trusted source, because Gossip Cop, like Snopes, should be no one's trusted source. Not even is one of my trusted sources. However, the timing of this particular news coming so close to the alleged hacker Swordfish letter is noteworthy. One can find more info on the Swordfish open letter below in the links.

While admittedly some of these Pizzagate and Pedogate news articles may be "Gotcha" Fake News tactics utilized by the Luciferian "Elite", what is important at this time is that another major public figure is making a stand in the spiritual warfare taking place--on the side that is opposed to the secret society Luciferians and their Global Collectivist Elitist network that has been undermining normal humanity with world wars for the last 100 years, undermining everything good for decades, if not centuries--even millenia. They've been viciously suppressing clean energy technology and natural cures for many supposedly incurable diseases over the last 50 years. They are behind the creation of Al CIA-Duh and ISIS. And they also just happen to rape toddlers and even babies in their leisure time.

Like David Seaman (and even before he was saying it, I was writing it), I will say it/write it again and again: #pedogate is some of the biggest real news of our time (as opposed to the Russian Hacker Bogiemen Fake News bullshit mass distractions "breaking" right now). It is critical we process the very real, very disturbing Pedogate news so that we can effectively end it finally:

A significant portion, perhaps as much as 30% of our leaders rape not just adults, but children. Their sick comrades within law enforcement and the courts help them to get away with their crimes. The McMartin Preschool Case, the scourge that was Jimmy Savile, and the Vatican's never-ending scandals covering for seriel child rapists are just a few textbook examples of this phenomenon. Our denial about this will not make it go away. Our denial of Satanic Cults that rape and murder children being at the heart of "The Swamp" will also not make that go away.

This Satanic secret society/crime syndicate is always attempting to recruit new people in powerful industries like the entertainment industry, especially mainstream media, and of course they need powerful politicians from every nation within their secret society to make it hum along smoothly. As the western economy falters, however this Beast system's ability to effectively silence dissent and hide the truth has started to fail as well. The opposition and the rest of Team Light have been chipping away for a while at all their lies--from the Roswell weather balloon BS to the Kennedy lone wolf magic bullet narrative to Saudis with boxcutters laughably pulling off 9/11. These are just cracks in the dam.

The data dumps that are The WikiLeaks, are in my opinion, the fulfilled promise of a "White Hat" alliance operating within the deep state that David Wilcock has been writing about and speaking about for several years now. I began reading his work and taking it seriously after former Navy Seal and author Michael Jaco and his wife pointed me in his direction. The Jacos and I were Facebook friends back when I was on FB years ago.

David Wilcock's work on the greatest pyramid scheme in all of recorded history, the corrupt and untransparent Federal Reserve system, as well as David's monumental contributions to the UFO disclosure topic helped push me deep down the rabbit hole. It was during this process that I gave up television and found many other independent sources of journalism like Benjamin Fulford and Infowars on the internet.

Right now there is a lot of division within the Truther/Awakening communities. Some of this is just misplaced aggression; some is more obviously engineered divide and conquer tactics that have been used for millennia by the corrupt establishment powers. These Establishment Powers include unseen powers and principalities written about in not just the Christian Bible, but many other historic sacred texts.

It is essential we learn that at the heart of this phenomenon and at the heart of all Life--both illusory and reality, light, dark and everything inbetween is a transdimensional, spiritual or energetic component. Transcending the paradigm of scientific materialism that denies this component is critical to understanding the madness that is going on. For some this is an uncomfortable process, but truly it doesn't mean one needs to join a church or giving up many pleasurable things. It does, however, take an exercise of courage. It always takes courage for me to speak up at work about vaccines or any of this Truther stuff.

And it's always amusing to me how many of my posts are essentially the very same message. This is obviously my beacon, my message in a bottle, I guess. I leave you with The Gems.

StormCloudsGathering (YT): The Tribal Identity - Paradigm for the Next Generation

David Seaman (YT): LIVE: New CIA WikiLeaks- "Dumbo" 🔥

Destroying the Illusion (YT): The Powers That Be are More Desperate Then Ever to Quell the Awakening

The Alex Jones Channel (YT): Author, Researcher, Jim Marrs Has Died RIP 1943 - 2017

Greg Hunter (YT): We Are Crashing Now – Clif High

Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News (YT): Holistic Doctor & Wife Allegedly Jump to Death in Manhattan w Typed Suicide Notes

Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News (YT): Breaking: Young Famous Holistic Naturopath Dies Suddenly

Wild Smile (YT): Hacker "Swordfish" Claims To Have Proof of Massive International Pedophile Ring #ItEndsNow

Titus Frost (Spitting Truth with Titus on Bitchute): STWT Questions on Patreon, My Initial Thoughts on #Swordfish #ItEndsNow

David Seaman (YT): YOUTUBE BANNED! Gabe Zolna Speaks - Interview w/ David Seaman

David Seaman (YT): Live w/ David Seaman: Pedogate, McMaster & Bitcoin 🔥

The Common Sense Show (YT): How the Oroville Dam and Jefferson Movement Could Destroy America

The Common Sense Show (YT): NSA McMasters Fires Trump Loyalist for Deep State Comments

The Alex Jones Channel (YT): Incredible! Leaked Documents Show Muslims Bought Off U.S. Government In Preparation For Takeover

SphereBeing Alliance (YT): Corey Goode & Cobra Joint Interview - Call for Eclipse Mass Meditation

SphereBeing Alliance (YT): Wife of A Secret Space Program Whistleblower - Stacy Goode w/ Teresa Yanaros