Thursday, October 21, 2021

Flat Earth as Regression into 2D Consciousness & Other Thoughts - 10/22/21

Anyone who’s ever taken the rabbit hole tour into Flat Earth logic knows this topic is fraught with contentiousness, yet somehow Flat Earthers can make an interesting argument. It’s a faulty one, in my opinion and requires burnout (of neurotransmitters) and yet an ironic ability to see different perspectives. It also requires a halfway good working knowledge of physical sciences and the ability to call out flaws in mainstream narrative. It’s commendable, but it’s short-circuited logic.

The camp I’m more aligned with tends to call Flat Earth a psy-op, but the thought needs to be developed a little further in order to not divide ourselves. Right now we need unity in order to stay afloat. SGTReport and others like him have a number of guests that make the strangely compelling Flat Earth argument, and perhaps one day I will flesh this whole thing out in more detail, but it’s a rabbit hole tour for another day. 

I’m just going to present the final chapter right now in saying that Flat Earth is to Globe Earth as 2-dimensional consciousness is to 3-dimensional consciousness. The transformational development taking place in consciousness today is one where we will soon have entirely different perspective as it relates to physics, geology, the nature of life on this planet and the meaning of life itself as we live our lives on it. 

Following this logic and the patterns of growth we see in nature which aren’t linear or 2-dimensional (2-D)  but follow a different growth progression, I argue that where we will end up solidly is not at a 4-D level which takes into account 3-dimensional space plus time, but a 5-D one using the standard Fibonacci Sequence. It means that there is some 5th component, an unknown for many right now that makes no sense to explain in detail until we get there. To clarify the point, how does one explain the difference between some colors to someone who is colorblind? I can confidently say, however, that this 5th component we will come to recognize is an energetic field with informational aspects, and it is a unifying field as well. Some earlier scientists called it ether (aether), “spooky action at a distance”. Newtonian physics is to quantum physics as 2-D is to 3-D. We have a whole other level of physics that has been suppressed from the general public because it has National Security applications, and that is toroidal physics which would adequately represent a 5-D level of consciousness in my analogy. This field is also inherently spiritual as well, and there has been this strange divide that relegates science as a profession where its practitioners cannot recognize the universe as living organism or take into account a spiritual force as existing at all. The spiritual became turf of the Church, specifically that Catholic Church and other powerful religious sects. Science was not allowed to tread on that turf. This division that happened a few hundred years ago, called the Cartesian Divide can be learned about through historical accounts, and there are obviously places on the internet that provide different perspectives. 

This split, however, is one that has caused a great deal of setback in human development and provided conditions that allow for already-corrupt influences to become even more influential and more corrupt in my opinion. It set the stage for the faulty arguments that good Christians must reject sound principles like the basic concepts of evolution and regression. There’s the Creationist camp and the Darwinian one still, with taboo ground that get those who dare tread on it kept from powerful industry positions or labeled with demeaning terms like New Age Freak or worse, cooky conspiracy theorist if you dare point out historic corruption in places of power. That conversation usually includes the similarities between the Vatican, Hollywood and politically powerful circles like the kind that visited Epstein Island. The Clintons and Bill Gates are in that crowd, and I wouldn’t be shocked if Fauci went to similar places.

In the Bible there is this term “double-minded”, and it’s probably in other sacred texts as well, but I want to express an historic and deep concept as it regards to ethical reasoning, consciousness development, and the entire picture of human development. Eventually I will tie it into this situation regarding the stolen election and vaccine mandates. Double-mindedness refers to conflicted thinking or the kind of conflicts that develop when you have turf wars like what resulted in the Cartesian Divide a few hundred years ago. Double-mindedness also usually involves selfish deceptiveness for the purposes of hiding some dangerous information or shadow aspects of ourselves that we may not be proud of, even less-criminal but unsightly aspects that flare up when we’re fearful or worn down. 

In my last blog post I went into the disabling effect that fear has on the brain. The brain of a trauma victim is even more compartmentalized. An unconscious, fear-related memory works like a program that leads to forgetfulness or some other form of self-sabotage for alleged self-preservation purposes. Fearfulness can also lead to justification of criminal behavior. 

Fearlessness or living with mindfulness and forgiveness of self, the repentance process with healthy self-reflection, leads to preservation of energy, strength in the face of difficulty and adaptive processes that result in evolution. Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian healers tradition that encapsulates it beautifully. I gravitate back towards the Judeo-Christian tradition again, however, because it is well-documented, and epic. The example Jesus gave for us is so clear. He taught all the aspects of Ho’oponopono, overcame materialism and even death through facing the fears the Establishment daily throws in our faces. He left an historical imprint upon a population of people subject to the Babylonian slave tactics practiced by the Romans. He also secured that 5-D growth leap for humanity, in my opinion, that I and others are watching. It’s really been in progress for a while. There’s a great deal of Jesus’ life we don’t know about, and some speculate with a strong argument that he spent part of his life in India, specifically Tibet, practicing traditions the Hebrews were unfamiliar with. He was a uniter of peoples, and it stands to my reason he would make a shamanistic journey of “development in the wilderness” with a magnificent return and sharing of his wisdom that would be kept for the ages in the written traditions. The Tibetans have a sacred meditative practice called Dzogchen which is supposed to culminate in just the kind of experience that Jesus had with his resurrection. I’ve examined these ideas, first introduced to me through a book by Elizabeth Clare Prophet then research by David Wilcock (two sometimes disparaged “New Age” people), searched my heart in prayer, and continue to find the conclusions compelling. 

Again returning to the broken psyche of humanity, our disabling fear that will either be overcome or lead to many perishing under a tyrannical force that now has global reach and a bizarre transhumanistic agenda that will not end well, I am drawn to the examples of vaccine mandate pushback, documented very well on alternative platforms like Bitchute and Telegram. Then there’s my own personal experience of just coming out as a Christian to my employer, my personal journey of integrative health practices I was led to by the Holy Spirit, and it clearly warning me, referring to the Book of Revelation to say no to this vaccine mandate. Other doors would open, I was reassured. Someone at corporate level above my administrator and director of nursing decided it was in their best interest to honor my request for religious exemption. The work has become even more grueling with another predictable staff exodus choosing to sign the paper and quit instead of what I did. I would neither quit nor get the “vaccine”. They would have to fire me, violating my civil rights, the US Constitution, the Nuremberg Code and the very Emergency Use Authorization stipulations that many people aren’t aware of. Most of the staff got the “vaccine”, however. 

I like many others dubious of the mutating definition of “vaccine”, as well as the safety and efficacy claims predict the staffing situation to get even worse as we enter Wintertime cold and flu season. Some doctors are finding through simple blood tests that CD8 counts drop significantly after the shots and will likely stay low after more boosters. I included one doctor’s experience in a link below. I’ve seen a few like his, however. Other doctors are looking at vaccinated people’s blood under microscopes and finding disturbing things, congruent with the transhumanist’s agenda. Any reader should look up transhumanism if it is a new concept, and I encourage exploring the alternative platforms like Bitchute and Rumble for other brave doctors giving an honest account of the fallout on these experimental, so-called “vaccines” being mandated in order for people to continue their current career. Many like myself, already aware of the implications are coming to the conclusion that we have very sick and evil elements within the medical industry that truly do not hold the health of the public in high regard. They are double-minded in an extreme way, a servant to a corrupt Establishment, ultimately an elitist cult that wants a large portion of the public dead or severely disabled. They know exactly what they are doing and believe they will not be held accountable. Then there are their loyal servants who don’t know yet about the mountains of emerging and damning evidence concerning the realities of the dirty vaccine industry, thanks to the financial alliances between them, the media and so-called regulatory agencies. They will find out soon as their own health or loved ones’ health deteriorate enough or when enough loved ones die after “vaccination”. Until then they will continue to believe what corrupt authorities are telling them. Unfortunately many won’t make it through this Dark Winter as Creepy Joe aptly called it, especially with the FDA encouraging people to now mix and match, creating the “perfect” cocktail. Just in time for Halloween.

Some in the medical wing of the corrupt Establishment now are now the high priests for a significant portion of humanity. I cannot believe they duped 70% of Israel. One would think that the last Holocaust would be enough for a people to forever question authority, but no. This is a perfect example of how trauma has short-circuited higher reasoning of an entire community. The US public, now taxed at least a thousand times worse than the English monarchy ever taxed the colonists before the American revolution is also another perfect example. We’ve all heard of Stockholm Syndrome, groupthink and mass hysteria. It is very real, and the corrupt establishment knows exactly how to utilize this phenomenon.

President Trump and the team behind him threatened and continue to threaten that same force that sees people as slaves now as it did thousands of years ago. They use children for unspeakable horror. Evidence that we have an entrenched crime syndicate that controls our currencies and authorities with bribery and blackmail is becoming harder to dismiss or ignore with every breaking news event. Worldwide there appear to be separate movements to stand up to this Beast. Large crowds defy lockdown and “vaccine” passport system implementation attempts. 

Here in the US, class action lawsuits, taking a stand on the mandates, questioning the 2020 Election results, big corporate boycotts, and participating in alternative solutions have replaced the untenable “rise up in the streets” approach, as large events like these are swiftly hijacked and turned into “terrorist insurrection”. This is all one same worldwide movement, however. And mostly peaceful protest, I’ll add. Truly peaceful. 99.99% of us want nothing to do with violent, destructive revolution, something the far-left (often covert-Marxists) are clearly guilty of using as a tactic. The truth is a powerful enough force. Just repeating it confidently, the same way Fauci repeatedly lies, will ultimately end in vindication. Standing in peaceful self-respect as a sovereign brother or sister in Christ would, and at the same time respecting others as yourself is incredibly satisfying and powerful. It has a healing influence too. It is only briefly uncomfortable, requiring some faith or courage. Most of us don’t want conflict, but it’s inevitable at a time like now when we have 2 radically different social orders emerging, one based in factual evidence, and the other willing to ignore or worse, shred that evidence because it might hurt their bottom line or incur the wrath of their masters.

I’ve gone on long enough for now. Not sure if I tied this one up like I’d prefer, but the midnight hour is approaching, my day of rest ends soon and my elderly Akita with her ailing hips needs my nursing help now. 

In this day-later post edit, I use the words of those behind-the-scenes in this Movement that nothing can stop what is coming—that includes the evidence, the mountains of evidence concerning systemic corruption.  It also includes the ingenuity and resilience of organic, God-engineered humanity that will eventually lead us to growth, not regression. I will post noteworthy links, some of which may include foul language, in my opinion appropriate venting for the times we are living through. (