Saturday, February 22, 2014


Update to a Previous Blog Post
The FBI have their crime stat website up, and we now have data for 2012. While property crime decreased from the previous year, violent crime is up slightly. Here is a copy of the graph from the FBI website with link below.

Link to the Crime Statistics Site

This appears to be a leveling-off in a trend, but the main point still stands. Violent crime has been decreasing over the last few years. The mainstream analysts provide reasons that range from reduction in lead fuel emissions to preschool education for everyone. (The Mockingbird Media says "Big government saves the day!" See

The rare mainstream journalist ever brings up the rising popularity of meditation or how it might serve as the simplest and least expensive intervention that has ever produced any statistically significant and favorable results with lowering crime rates. Most of the studies involve Transcendental Meditation, a specific type of meditation that you need a few thousand dollars to learn. I do thank the TM people for funding studies that assist with the cause, but it would be nice to see the cost of learning such things come down to prices people can afford. Then we might see some real transcendence from the world of war, materialism, the trampling of our environment and basic rights to a world of peace, abundance, and rich culture. It is happening as more and more people wake up. Thankfully, no one has a copyright or patent on just sitting, breathing with the diaphragm, quieting the mind and emotions while focusing on one's connection to the rest of the universe. These are the basics. The Universe itself can teach an open heart all the rest it needs to enrich our lives. The only price is time and energy.

See This experiment has been repeated several times with similar conclusions. It has even shown to lower incidents of terrorism, but will we ever see Congress asking the Department of Homeland Security to sit in lotus at airports? Maybe someday.

● Trend: More Doctors Prescribing Yoga and Meditation

● Goldie Hawn Teaches the Davos Elite How to Meditate

● Latest Travel/ Vacation Trends Include Meditation

● Yoga, Meditation and Mindfulness: Trends that Could Change Everything 

● Meditation and Yoga? The Seahawks' Superbowl Advantage

More Wrapping up on a Previous Post
This is a good time to segue into what I promised in another early post, that I'd go into a fairly novel conspiracy theory regarding why "Voluntary DNA Checkpoints" are springing up all over the US. The federal contractors doing this are even offering money for blood. The official story on why this is being done is so highway transportation safety officials might have more info on how many people are driving with some level of intoxication. Perhaps this is so, and perhaps our social engineers want a more docile public, completely trained to give up time, privacy, and other constitutional rights so we can all be "safe". Just as likely we have factions in the social engineering spheres of our world's governments who want to know what's going on with our DNA. Evidence exists that it is changing, some say for the better, and some say for the worse. The latter camp cite depopulation agendas with an increasing number of toxins found in the air, water, our food and even vaccines. As a health care professional I am somewhat surprised we aren't in greater crisis with regards to public health. See

With stress becoming greater in all areas of life for many, our mental and emotional environments are also now more toxic. Noise, electromagnetic, and radiological pollution only add to an increasingly more difficult mix. The other camp says we're in the process of a positive quantum leap in human evolution. I assert that both processes are in progress, and the Establishment appears quite interested in this race, would like to stay one step ahead, and keep a lid on news of this.

While the feds are literally paying us to let them suck our blood (with taxpayer money, of course) a number of companies are springing up, offering to analyze DNA, one for a price as low as $99. Google has business ties with one of these companies, 23andMe. Now before the people of the world knew about the scope of NSA surveillance, Google was happy to assist the agency (as long as the agency was making "legal requests", whatever that means). Google has since distanced themselves from the Police State Peeps, a wise move. Yet the company's spokespersons' recently-professed interests in transhumanism agendas, drones and robot soldiers have them taching out on many a Freak-o-Meter. General information on EVERYTHING, transhumanism, DNA, robot soldiers, drones and an antique airplane hanger. That creepy portfolio has got "Mad scientist" written all over it. Oh yeah, and there's the mystery barges. See

DNA Changes
A few years ago information began to emerge in blogs, articles (also audio and video programs) with authors alleging that human genetic makeup was changing or "upgrading" in response to incoming energies and the necessity of humanity to evolve. This process was/is also being called "Ascension". We would either evolve to a state that would allow for our existence on this planet without war & pollution or die like so many other species going extinct. See

One of the first experts cited was Dr. Berrenda Fox who has since been voraciously discredited in what may have been one of the Establishment's finest smear campaigns. It is difficult to say what happened with Dr. Fox.  It wasn't too long before this that we had 11 top microbiologists that, like our present day big bankers, mysteriously turn up dead under suspicious circumstances with authorities citing the cause of death as "suicide" almost as quickly as their bodies went cold. For anyone who cannot believe that our institutions have been so thoroughly infiltrated by powerful psychopathic agendas, please take some time now to watch this:

Returning to the Subject of DNA Changes
Several authors then went on to explain that the center of our galaxy periodically showers our solar system in high energy particles which results in evolution, and this time around a promised return of humanity to a pre-fall-from-Eden state. We would regain our innate abilities to heal ourselves and others, to live in peace for thousands of years potentially, to be in continual communion with heaven and earth, to read minds, communicate telepathically, and even to create matter just by thinking it into existence. Incredible, I know, but it's nice to dream, and it really isn't too "far out" if you believe in Christ, Prahlad Jani, or Tibetan monks who can dry wet sheets wrapped around their naked bodies as they meditate in freezing-cold temperatures. See and and

Most of these articles on ascension were spiritual or metaphysical blog posts that had few links if any to "hard science". Some of them were written by people channeling the information from spiritual or extraterrestrial sources. As fantastic as it all sounded and a little flimsy too, still it did seem to jive with world-wide indigenous prophesies of a golden age or Golden Race of Humanity. It also appeals to those who see very little hope in overcoming worldwide fascist domination by voting for the "other party" come next election. The new Diebold voting machines guarantee no more hanging chads to nitpick over, and the Bilderbergers can plug in their puppet with fewer hassles.

Call it magical thinking, crisis cult consciousness or something even more powerful and profound whose time has come, it is better for you than a heart attack brought on by outrage, panic and paranoia, natural responses to knowing too much about current events. Authors of the DNA Upgrade blogs alluded to breakthroughs in quantum physics and how some leaders in the scientific community are finally coming to terms with its spooky action at a distance and other curious facts with exciting new research. Bruce Lipton is one such pioneer in the emerging field of epigenetics. He demonstrates how our environments, mental and emotional as well as physical affect our cellular well-being. Gaia Theory is becoming a much more reasonable alternative to mainstream science's paradigm of a lifeless clockwork universe.

The stuffy, stick-in-the mud Establishment types who cling to atheism and the Newtonian paradigm sadly toil their life away to uphold a vision of a world that is not just dead literally and metaphorically, but it is also dying. Parasitic capitalism and colonialism create a cocktail for suicide now that the Military Industrial Complex stands at the helm, geo-engineering our ozone layer and polar methane ice away. We'll all find out very soon whether Gaia is real and whether she supports cooperation instead of the long-assumed merciless competition.

David Wilcock's books, The Source Field Investigations and The Synchronicity Key speak of the emerging scientific paradigm that acknowledges some of this so-called New Age thinking and the reality of a global shift or expansion in consciousness. For anyone who has looked down the rabbit hole and just wanted a good tour guide, David's work is an excellent place to start. David also goes into some studies on DNA that didn't make front page news. His Gaiam TV series, (correction) Wisdom Teachings with David Wilcock is a great resource too, and Gaiam may still be doing a free trial period. If you don't have money for books or other media but have a lot of time, David's Blog, especially the Financial Tyranny posts are incredibly useful. Here is a link to the first of the series.

2012 Was Just the Beginning
The 2012 crescendo of love and light news regarding acension hyperinflated it's own bubble that either popped or deflated, complete with sound effects for many of us New Agers when the December 21, 2012, end of the Mayan Calender and Terence McKenna's predicted plunge into novelty (see with hoped-for mass ascension and mass landings did not happen as expected. I blame it on the Sandy Hook Event, exactly one week before, the site being on a key ley line and the whole thing reeking of Luciferian Cabal ritual, rogue police-state-sponsored terrorism and cover-up to ratchet up on gun control. Like 9/11, but maybe this time these crooks could ameliorate themselves knowing they didn't murder thousands of people. See

With regards to no dramatic change happening December 21, channelers later explained that the bulk of humanity was not ready for a sudden transfiguration or "Shift" into the 5th dimension or "density".  We'd need time in some transitional "fourth" stage, they wrote. Before the bubble burst, a few curious clues found their way into the evening news.

Read the Article

One such sign that this may not be all airy-fairy nonsense emerged in 2010 with NASA satellite pictures of the gamma ray bubbles coming out of the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. That was a wake-up call. One year later and a few years after Dr. Fox had briefly stirred up the alt news scene, claiming to have worked with a number of children with more than 2 strands of DNA appeared the
Daily Mail Article: "...First Person in the World to Be Born with an Extra Stand of DNA". Notice the grand announcement that this was the first person EVER to be born with something other than the trusty double-helix. When you read the story, also take note of the emphasis on the child's (...what's the politically correct term today? Maybe I won't even go there.) While it is important to note that rates of autism and other developmental disorders are on the rise, some parents choose not to drug their supposedly-disabled children. They are finding instead that the children have amazing gifts to offer the world. This I have personally witnessed in my profession.

Information that doesn't fit the old paradigm just continues to leak out from many sources, like cracks in the dam.


● Quadruple - Stranded DNA (WTF?!)


♡ New Study Links Meditation with Beneficial Gene Expression

Much of this rabbit hole logic won't make sense with traditional Western thinking that isolates itself inside the brain, and at that, a very lopsided brain. One needs to step outside the head and delve into the heart, even drawing from "the gut", all the chakras or energy centers, in fact.  We have reached a critical point in our development where traditional thinking found in the medical model is failing us miserably, just as the competition and ruthless manipulation will not take us forward any longer either. The knife works well for creating and fixing trauma, not much else. Supporting the body and mind with safety & comfort measures such as clean water, nutitious, nontoxic food, even prayer and positive intention work better than many pharmaceuticals. Similarly gratitude, good-will, compassion, cooperation, unconditional love, appreciation, caring, and positive thinking, all attributes that emerging science links to spontaneous healing also offer keys to solving major sociological problems. Everyday people are waking up and deciding whether they want to live or die. Police officers and soldiers are asking themselves if they really went into their line of work to act as henchmen and minions for an elite mafia. With glaring social injustice and crises on all fronts, especially economic and major environmental ones, people won't be able to remain asleep for too much longer.

And What about the Psychopathic Elite?
A few years ago National Geographic produced a documentary called Stress: Portrait of a Killer. Below is a link, and hopefully NG is sharing it with the world in this time of change when we all need this information, crucial to the survival of life on our planet:

The program includes a fascinating study of a group of baboons in Kenya. The group was divided into a ruling club of alpha males that bullied and terrorized the rest. The non-dominant males and females engaged in grooming behaviors that helped comfort and heal each other between brutal attacks by the pathological alphas. One day the Alphas got into a dumpster loaded with meat that was contaminated by tuberculosis. They fought each other over the meat and soon perished, leaving the rest of the group free to restructure their society into a much happier and healthier one. Following this, any time an outside male would come in and try to bully one of the baboons, the group came together to enforce their will to maintain peace. The new males either learned or had to go.

We have some things to learn from these baboons, because a similar Event is inevitable. Our Alpha Bullies will turn on each other during these escalating economic and environmental crises. Some say this is already happening. Let them fight it out while we groom each other and our planet back to health. Then when the Alphas don't return from the dumpster, let us never forget and vigilantly guard our peace and our planet. If we develop super powers as a result of having time and support to develop our amazing potential, having our basic needs met by technology and each other, then all the better.