Saturday, January 22, 2022

We Are The News Now 🎥 Deep State War Update 1/22/22


This month's post is more of a journal entry but completely relevant to the macrocosmic picture of what's going on around the world, this New Renaissance journey we're experiencing right now as humanity grows up, gets some courage and deals with setting boundaries on real tyranny and mass hysteria.

A few weeks ago, I heard that a very close family member was quite sick with COVID. She was out of state but close enough for me to drive to and do my best for. I didn't know if she'd let me set up effective telemedicine protocols, or if she just wanted comfort measures and be allowed to pass. I honestly didn't know if the Zelenko Protocols would work at this stage or if my own personal naturopathic protocols would protect me in this situation. When you really love someone, and I'll add when you pray and believe in a higher/benevolent force in the universe--call that God or whatever, courage or the energy to do what needs to be done arises spontaneously. And in my experience, things tend to work out better than expected.   

Another family member was able to make contact first. She too was COVID-infected, but not as sick. She did what she could given her fatigue and other symptoms. She tried to encourage this very sick family member to go to the hospital, and she refused. I don't blame her. The situation within the industry is so bad now that Nuremberg 2.0 is a certainty. The screenshot below sums it up and aligns with my sentiments as a seasoned nurse who's been working in an increasingly dysfunctional industry, especially over the last decade. The last two years have been utterly appalling. In many once well-respected hospitals it's not just criminal--it's pure evil right now. Where I work I battle daily with morbid levels of toxic groupthink, routine violations of labor laws, patient rights (human rights), even fraud and suspected abuse, but at this point the regulators, managers--everyone appears to be excusing the lawlessness because of the emergency "pandemic" situation. Otherwise good doctors acknowledge that science is being distorted with regards to the "vaccines", and the truly effective, inexpensive therapeutics, "but the CDC says we gotta do this," one doctor admitted as he cringed.

Anyway, back to this family member's situation. I was happy to leave, and obviously would have left even if my work life was perfect. When I arrived--it just happened to be Christmas. My very sick family member had lung sounds and vital signs typical of bilateral pneumonia without sepsis. I let her know that I would do whatever she needed or wanted. I could be her "Hospice" nurse or I could help her fight this and hopefully beat it. She chose to fight, so I began sharing my naturopathic protocol right away. She has a backyard full of citrus trees loaded with ripe fruit, so I also had access to some supercharged supportive measures to keep her from getting sicker. Two days later we were able to speak with a practitioner utilizing a protocol similar to Dr. Zelenko's. The next day we had an oxygen concentrator to improve her oxygen levels. 

It took a few days to get the Ivermectin, dexamethasone, budesonide and monteleukast. First. off, the major chains won’t fill the prescriptions, so you have to find an independent pharmacist that hasn’t been compromised by the Build Back Better crew. Getting the nebulizer for the budesonide was also another case-management feat. I won't boor any reader with the details, but the system is broken in countless ways. I routinely spend a ridiculous amount of time making phone calls, navigating answering system robo-assistants, spending time on hold, and repeating myself as patiently as possible so I don't trigger the over-worked and underpaid medical assistants, just making sure everyone has the right fax number and orders get communicated effectively. 

With every day that passed over these past few weeks, this dear family member's health improved in several measurable ways. It was my joy to be able to provide the kind of holistic care I learned over 20 years ago in nursing school, but have never had the chance to fully implement until now. Lately my patient has made improvements in some areas that have her in better condition than she was just a few months ago. She made amends with a friend (a life-long best friend) who she almost wrote off because of a difference they had and her friend's move to another state. Her friend just happened to be in town yesterday, and we're all visiting today now that quarantine has lifted. Both she and I recently tested negative. 

I am 52 years old with no signs/symptoms of COVID illness/infection at all during this entire process, despite the dire warnings from medical experts like Creepy Joe, Bill Gates, and Brian Stelter. Neither one of us or the friend visiting today received the "safe and effective vaccine" (aka pseudotherapeutic transhuman slave-maker technology) that real experts are saying will actually destroy the immune system. We, like many people worldwide who’ve said “no”, have a history of thinking for ourselves and are having a nice visit at the time of my writing. We’re watching the Trump Rally pre-show on RSBN.  

I once heard it takes at least 3 weeks to change bad habits or implement good ones. I also think about "change theories" and how sometimes the will to change comes only after a life-threatening event happens. We're at that point about now under this roof literally and metaphorically. Years ago President Trump predicted the storm. Q-posts forewarned of the the precipice. Juan O’Savin frequently speaks of a near-death experience for the U.S. The Alliance seems to be waiting for some markers or events to happen before they step in and end the grossly treasonous lawlessness. Or perhaps they’re doing everything they can do, and more of the public needs to step up by simply not complying with medical tyranny. 

With regards to the Great Awakening and the avalanche of "data dumps" promised years ago by Alliance insiders, there's so much to unpack. Project Veritas' recent work seemed like the biggest boom to me. Then there's the little, sometimes funny booms, the kind you feel when you're handed a sticker...

And then you go online and web-search "I did that" and the search engine auto-fills “Biden Sticker”.

And then you share the picture with someone who tells you they just saw the sticker in the grocery store pointing to an overpriced item. Let the truly peaceful protests begin.

🤣😝🤣😜 🤣😝🤣😜 🤣😝🤣😜



Devolution Power Hour (Rumble): Patel Patriot's Devolution Power Hour - 1-22-22