Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Real Answers to Climate Change and Other Environmental Crises that the Pope Won't Discuss

In the first video Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Bearden provides insight into the science of technologies that could provide clean energy to the world--easily fixing the problem of carbon emissions and other environmental pollution threats.  He also offers amazing insight into the rogue criminal networks inside government and multiple industries that are ruthlessly suppressing these technologies and ultimately pushing for more slavery of the masses via "Carbon Taxes". Importantly, Bearden teases apart the typical set-ups and con-games these criminal syndicates and their minions play--not much different than those practiced by gangsters in prison. Our greatest challenge seems to be in getting a full understanding that this organized crime syndicate even exists. Yet we now also need to grasp that there are different factions currently warring with each other--some of these factions are indeed more hideous than others, but all of them with their monumental greed and disregard for large segments of life pose a serious threat to all life on this planet. We, the non-parasitic masses, need to be just as organized, devoted, learned and focused as they are. To do that, we need to bust out of the imposed compartmentalization, the hypnosis, fear, apathy, and spiritual disempowerment that keeps us like deer in the headlights. What is promising at this time is that because these factions are now warring with each other, their energy is divided, diffused and waning with their failing global financial schemes. Now is the time for regular people to act.

Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Bearden, US Army, PhD Calls for the Scientific Community to Act

Most people (and I speak of this regularly, but it cannot be contemplated enough), 70-90% of the population have a conscience and a good portion of us still don't quite understand how people could get into positions of power without such a conscience. Part of this is that most of us are thoroughly poisoned with neurotoxins so that the majority are really in no position to understand the seriousness of this threat: This 1-4% of the population that has no conscience are not only destructive but self-destructive, and they are very deceptive and manipulative people. They are attractive people, and we want to believe their promises. They work together at the very highest levels of our socio-economic system; they truly do conspire together to suppress helpful science and impose destructive science via black projects like geo-engineering which could bring drought to your part of the world next. Because these parasites have complete control over the media, they push clever marketing campaigns to discredit people and movements that challenge the deception and in general, this entire global organized crime syndicate. Their lies go very deep and deep into our history. We need to get over taboo "Rabbit Hole" subjects such as the Extraterrestrial and UFO Cover-ups like the government of France is bravely doing at this time (see the Steven Greer Video with this breaking news at the bottom). There are other promising signs that Americans are making progress: As CorbettReport discusses, a new study shows the "Conspiracy Theory" insult is losing its power:


Special Report: Elite Are In Trouble

Lastly, have you ever wondered about why gold and silver are so highly coveted in our society? Ever wondered if there were yet another one of the inbred parasite "elite" secrets hiding in plain sight, right under our noses?

The more I've educated myself on colloidal silver and have used it, the more confident I am now as a fairly over-worked, and not-getting-any-younger healthcare professional, concerned with failing antibiotics and people everywhere around me mysteriously dying with double-pneumonia that takes hold in just days if not hours. Most regular people do not know about colloidal silver. Most of the healthcare professionals I work with do not personally use colloidal silver--if they even know about its oral systemic use as an alternative health supplement. Fewer know about colloidal gold. If you don't know about these supplements yet, how they were used by the ancients, and if you are not using them yet because of the information embargo on anything that the greedy pharmaceutical wing of the NWO cannot capitalize off of, then it is time to find out: http://www.naturalnews.com/041246_colloidal_gold_high_frequency_trace_minerals.html


“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Alt News Gems - 9/22/15

From the Movie They Live

The now-dated but useful movie They Live would be a must-see if it weren't for all the further mind-numbing violence it depicts and ultimately promotes. I'm sure many of the already-awakened wonder how this truly epic documentary was ever allowed to fly by the demonic elements in Hollywood, and further--allowed to be shown full-length on YouTube for free! My educated guess names the violence, the fear-mongering, the nightmarish, Illuminati-In-Your-Face horror complete with the Piece De Resistance: The assumed hopeless dependency upon even more violence as the only answer to the problem of alien-takeover of this planet. Violence of some form or another has been the only answer to any stubborn problems for the last untold thousands of years. Today we stand at the brink of planetary annihilation for perhaps a second or even a thirteenth time. Who knows, really how many times this planet has been destroyed by war, but ancient texts provide clues that it has indeed happened in the distant past.

I get the feeling that I'm not some lone odd duck that is growing nauseatingly weary of physical violence--for even the best of causes like the early 20th century fascist Germany. I'm beginning to rethink that one, in a number of different ways. With all kinds of hindsight and scholarly insight we can now see that the banksters and other wings of the elite parasites set Germany up to incubate hate and a particular flavor of dysfunctional collectivism. Phillip Zimbardo explains with expertise how conditions can be set up to turn the kindest people into killers and rapists, but it does take some naïvité on the part of the intended victims and a good deal of effort on the part of the sociopaths who endeavor to create these conditions. American's original tendency of non-interference and war-weariness may have been the beginnings to the best answer; Gandhi's ideas of passive resistance would have worked had they been as researched and developed at that time as they are now. I don't think regular people were as savvy with regards to the infiltration of our leadership with corruption as we are today, but today we have the tool of the Internet to assist us in repeatedly exposing one false flag after another. We are no longer good subjects for hypnotic suggestion.

Returning to the idea of how the "elite" parasite mafia telegraphs the truth and even their next moves via film and other mass media, I occasionally watch violent movies in order to learn something, but I end up needing some serious detox from the depressing energy I'm left with afterwards. This may be due to the fear paradigm package this "truth" comes in or the enormous amount of dark truth that is now available to explore and that I have in my memory banks. Each new expedition into this dark material resonates with the last. I don't do well with this energy for long. Each new expedition is getting more and more difficult to complete. Honestly, I couldn't finish "They Live". Even my hands now want to type out "They Love" instead of "They Live" as a testimony of how one part of my physiology is dueling with another. While my heart cannot directly promote physically violent solutions to our very real threats of government corruption, mismanagement, micromanagement, mainstream media propaganda, financial terrorism, etc., I am so disgusted and discouraged by the blatant ugly truths I see, so full of anger towards this parasitic mafia that I am prone to incite energetic violence with my words. This is a great temptation that I am occasionally called to question. This is my wounded heart speaking. I am so sick of these S&M games. My greatest wish is for the senseless inhumanity to end. I read from multiple sources about how benign extraterrestrial and extra-dimensional forces have arrived over the past 50 or so years and have repeatedly put a halt to planetary doom. Yet they stop short of a mass-arrest style roundup, hauling away the creeps and their most entrenched minions, and tossing them into a great cosmic compost bin. I suspect this is because of some energetic glass-house predicament. That is, we're all living with some form of accepted negativity. For instance, I use bug spray occasionally to kill unwanted insects in my home. Some would be horrified and condemn me for senseless destruction of life--perhaps more sentient than we know which have their place in the scheme of things. Some would say that I am no better than the sociopaths who appear to be spraying humanity with geo-engineering aerosols in a similar way. I frequently question my choices for their functionality, their impact upon the environment and upon life in general. I'm quite certain that this humility and ability to question my own motives are only two of maybe a hundred other things that make my life more valuable than that of the sociopaths, but I do understand the slippery slope. I am calling into question, however, who are truly "The Useless Eaters"? Let us debate.

Remember when Reagan gave the speech about an alien threat uniting humanity? If he'd only known the half of it. He included the thought of how war is also a very real alien threat. For myself physical violence is basically a last-ditch choice in terms of simple personal defense so I still own a gun and verbally defend the US Constitution's 2nd Ammendment Rights. There is a place for gun use, but I do not purchase boxes of ammo to prepare for massive social chaos predicted by some others with the end of the Fed's Ponzi Scheme. I have droves more faith in regular people's ability to cooperate and survive, which includes military, police, even inmates than I do our morbidly wealthy controllers in suits. Our parasitic leadership must be truly screwed up in the head, truly flat-lined, two-dimensionally dead inside as the movie They Live depicts their flesh-eaten skulls. I know that I could go on with judgment upon judgment regarding their repeatedly demonstrated lack of respect for all life, the unbelievably massive scale of human suffering they have a hand in creating with twisted ends-justifies-the-means logic to supposedly explain it all--like the use of terrorism in the effort to fight terrorism. It makes no sense until you begin to realize and accept that our leader's bosses are sado-masochists who enjoy their games of sado-masochism and deception. Most of our leaders are now the same--parasitic sociopaths who think nothing of sending hundreds of thousands of young people to their violent death--training them to violently murder brown people in the name of freedom and democracy half a world away. All this because it to them is entertaining like throwing Christians to lions in the amphitheater--it enriches the banksters, the arms dealers and the politicians who orchestrate the nightmare. A great deal of energy has been placed into utilizing technology like hypnosis so that widespread questioning of our kakistocracy and the dystopian status quo (despite all the humanitarian bullshit talk) doesn't happen. Yet violence, even atypical violence is not the answer. Violently ripping the lid off of the massive deception in a metaphorical way, uncovering the blatant crimes against humanity and all life on our planet does nothing more but make sleepers just want to go back to sleep--and beat you up for trying to wake them up. Like injecting Narcan into a near-dead heroin addict, it's a half-assed answer that doesn't work ultimately. But we do it anyway, don't we? With that said, I'll conclude this post with more rabbit hole adventures.


TruthStreamMedia Covers CERN

TruthStream Media on The Berenstain Bears

Vril, Black Goo and Agartha - Deep Diving Conversation with EarthEmpaths

Monday, September 14, 2015

Life after September 11th

Another Happy False Flag Day in the USA

9-11 is in many ways the final straw. It re-opens the old wounds inflicted by the Kennedy & MLK assassinations and the Church Committee revelations. It causes us to look back in history at all the various warning signs that have made mainstream news such as Operation Paperclip, Tuskegee, and Watergate. The resulting epiphanies can lead to understanding with regards to African slavery, the decimation of indiginous populations, the necessity of child labor laws and antitrust laws because of industrial greed.

With this perspective one can clearly see we have had an infiltration of apathy and complicity with regards to psychopathic "elites" within the US and globally within corporate structure so profound and thorough, it can overwhelm the psyche. One wonders what else this 1% has done and is planning, and what exactly will it take to end it. It either leaves a person incapacitated by paranoia and/or depression or empowered through transcendence.
Perhaps you've opened your mind to accept even a portion of the evidence alluding to the existence of a highly coordinated and secretive network of sociopaths, a so-called "elite" organized crime syndicate; how it has thoroughly infiltrated world governments and businesses, every aspect of life over the last few decades if not the last few thousand years, effectively gagging or binding the hands of many influential people with conscience through bribery, extortion, intimidation, and brutal assassination. Today with small effort even a youngster can see a pattern of widespread, low-level or cummulative poisoning with toxins in our water, food and air, leading to sky-rocketing chronic diseases and dumbing-down of awareness. People are waking up, however, detoxing and deprogramming from this and the mass-media hypnotic technology, the socially engineered lifestyles that include deprivation of basics like food or sleep, the use of chronic stress and other tricks routinely employed by notorious cults--which is exactly what this organized crime syndicate is. They have effectively enslaved large numbers of people, but that is starting to change. If you've considered that secret societies are real and that they appear to have had a hand in infamous terrorist acts such as the one which took place on 9/11/2001, then you are part of the solution, the healing, the beginnings of a 100th-Monkey type of evolution in consciousness.

You would be among the 20-some-odd and growing percentage of benign, non-sociopathic people who question what "the authorities" tell the masses to believe. You might scoff at their ridiculous Coincidence Theories now more than the conspiratorial. Perhaps you are ready to consider in a very mindful way that spiritual battles, and spiritual evolution is taking place in every aspect of life. This is not an easy or comfortable thought, unless you are thoroughly secure in your person. Many people still ask "Who am I and why am I here?" What is the meaning of Life? These kinds of questions left unanswered or worse--unexplored--will have a person feeling naked and vulnerable.

I encourage readers to more fully open their aperture of conscious awareness to include spiritual considerations, if you aren't currently and mindfully doing so already. This means simply to consider that if an all-powerful divine source created everything, INCLUDING YOU, then perhaps you have within you a direct line of communication to explore this Source and the very powers that the parasites are abusing. This is what all the great avatars like Jesus and the Buddhas taught. If you have never meditated, find a source to learn. Then be confident you will come well-prepared to the Court of Public Opinion. It is now in session. Let us examine the evidence being laid before us relating to our currently highly dysfunctional world that has all life teetering on the brink of extinction...

9/11 Explained in Less than 5 Minutes

Rebekah Roth Uncovers Startling Evidence Linking 9-11 to Mossad and Dick Cheney

Spiro YT with News on NORAD Drill Coming Soon with Pope Visit: 9-11 Connections

AJ YT Reports on Efforts to Release Classified 9-11 Document that Would Implicate Bush Nazis

Corbett Report Documentary - 9/11 Trillions: Follow the Money

Monday, September 7, 2015

Alt News Gems - 9/7/15

Maybe in the TMI category, but I share this as something any other fellow nurse can laugh at--and especially the wide-awake-and-multitasking-at-every-moment nurse, who can appreciate such treasured breaks. And dangit, we need a break and a good laugh right now. Let's all remember to wash our hands, to use the dry paper towels to shut off the water and open the door, and use the sanitizing wipes regularly on our iphones and keyboards ;)

Drake Bailey Update (a report from fully-awakened Oathkeepers ready to assist us in transitioning to a common-law-governed Golden Age with disclosure, etc.)

One last thought for this post of several images...