Monday, September 22, 2014

A Peaceful Revolution

In our present day era of bankster-controlled pseudodemocracy with its continual bloodshed to spread more "freedom" throughout the world, its penned-off "free speech" zones to contain dissent, shriveling middle class incomes to effectively strangle the awakening population, and Newspeak euphemisms like extraordinary rendition, relentlessly delivered through regularly televised brainwashing, how can the average awakened person effect any positive change or protest this fascist New World Order? The psychopaths with political power have what appears to be limitless wealth, but their rigged economic system is poised to implode. They appear to possess incredible technology with well-publicized creepy futurist promises of a "singularity" that threatens to turn life into a techno-trap for all but the 0.001%. They work overtime in trying to distract attention from the less-publicized life-affirming "singularities" demonstrated by the Global Consciousness Project, ones under the command of common people. The inbred elite seem to control scores of sadistic minions within the Pentagon, CIA, NSA, FBI and IRS to tackle their greatest threats while millions of brainwashed consumers, captive in Stockholm Syndrome, gladly police friends, neighbors and coworkers. But their pool of more deadly minions are far outnumbered by the awakened.

The tide is turning, and an average of one half of US poll respondents report questioning the official 9-11 narrative, very few are happy with elected officials, and the majority now agree our Federal Government is a greater threat to National Security than its deliberately trained and funded terrorists like ISIS. Very soon the masses will identify the transnational banksters as the root of many of our geopolitical problems. It is historic fact, on record, their use of fraud, manipulation of markets and secretly contrived wars to grow and consolidate power. Many of us still bank with them, however, and must figure out ways to unplug from their matrix.

Meditation seems to be one unlikely solution, an intangible force to reckon with such material problems, but that's where quantum and torsion physics enter the equation. It is Einstein's solution to a problem by resolving it from a level higher than that which was involved in its creation. This is also where Sun Tsu calls out from his ancient grave. THIS IS unconventional warfare at its finest; the safest, most affordable, most logical, even idiot-proof solution, given our circumstances and the sound research that is beginning to bleed from science's last century of corporate tyranny.

Data points in the red line area indicate unusual, non-random activity from otherwise random Random Event Generators, in theory indicating effects of mass consciousness, and at times intentional through meditation. See the link below for details.

In celebration of World Peace Day September 21st, 2014, thousands of meditators around the world teamed up to harness The Maharish Effect, a force that has already effectively undermined the psychopathic leadership with their plans for total Orwellian domination. The control freaks wanted their secretive Transpacific Partnership (TPP) with its codified fascist world dictatorship passed years ago; they also wanted Iranian oil fields under Federal Reserve control, but they're encountering obstacles there as well. They wanted Cuba; didn't happen. They wanted choas after 9-11 and Hurricane Katrina with the masses begging to be microchipped. When they met collective resistance, they wanted to do it secretly through vaccinations, but that nefarious plan is unraveling as well. Their latest plan to ravage the population with bioweapons made to appear as a cruel force of Mother Nature will fail as also.

About 90% of our military and other special forces are at least partially aware of the sick truths, and this accounts for why massive gun confiscations have not occurred. My educated guess is that about 5-10% of those working within the system from top to bottom have strong conviction to serve humanity and their interpretation of a loving God. Even the majority of pencil pushers demonstrate conscience, waning fear and growing consciousness. Their acts of courage have prevented many of our despots' nightmare scenarios.

At the heart of all this resistance have been millions of quiet revolutionaries. No longer confined to the monasteries of Tibet or hippy retreats in California, the practice of meditation has been hailed by health care professionals as a solution for a growing population disillusioned with the pharmaceutical branch of the New World Order. It's also being studied for its mysterious ability to reduce crime and terrorism more effectively than aspirin reduces a headache. The growing popularity of meditation and the power it contains can be compared to a fire started by a diligent scout camper with nothing but sticks and time. We are now keeping what would be a very dark world illuminated with a growing bonfire. It threatens to raze the halls of The False Illuminati with its profound corruption that has terrorized our planet for ages. No more guillotines, no more pitchforks and torches necessary. This one single inferno, benign to regular people, is poised to overthrow tyranny from our planet for a long time. At least for as long as we're not bored with living in peace, happiness and abundance. Let the sadomasochists reincarnate somewhere else where they can spend the next 26,000 years learning how life works so much better when everyone is not living under constant misery.

You can be part of the (r)Evolution, even participating anonymously. If you see nothing else but your own health and life improve, you will say it was worth the effort. This is about individual health and survival as well as our collective lot. Survival of the fittest does not equate to survival of the most sociopathic, despite the desperate efforts of despots to rewrite reality. Ray Kurzweil's Singularity is a similar attempt to Darwin's disinformation, to herd us all into shiny boxes with a shred of truth dressed up in lies.

The new warriors of the emerging Golden Age are demonstrating cooperation, compassion and creative diplomacy. They practice the art of fighting by not fighting. They will come out the victors of this dual endgame choke hold. Please visit to find out how you can spend a few minutes of your time in meditation to improve your health, the health of our society and the health of our entire planet.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Tribute to 9/11 Survivors

We are all 9/11 Survivors and living through times that will one day be remembered as unthinkable, much the same way many of us might have imagined the days of the German Holocaust. These are horrifically similar times with many of the same families using the same playbook that includes the very same dirty tricks that Hitler and his handlers employed. This time the tyrants have the magic of television and biotech at their disposal. While some people still live in honest ignorance or denial of this truth, surviving our present crypto-fascist oligarchy and its madness demands greater awakening. Sunshine will help in identifying the corruption and in healing it. Just deprogramming oneself is a feat of strength. Discussion and reflection are essential beginnings. Further solutions will likely arise organically when We are ready. The Roman Empire, The Third Reich and the Soviet Union prove that tyranny=failure. All greedy empires eventually suffocate on their own hubris and sabotage themselves. This morbidly obese monster that is The Corporate US Government is no different and will also find its conclusion. Ropes wind about its feet even as I write.

The videos below discuss some aspects of 9/11 truth. The latest analysis, new eyes on the subject and exciting coalitions being forged are worth the time it takes to view them. I offer my opinion as a nurse with experience deprogramming myself from various toxic environments of chronic stress, along with the added insight of having worked with with convicted criminal psychopaths for nearly 7 years. I've personally given up on any REAL investigations by the US Congress. Our next big step in resolving the crises epitomized by 9/11 comes with facing the larger truth that includes the recognition we WILL NOT get any honest assessment from our presently co-opted, hijacked, and near-thoroughly corrupted US Federal Government or its allies. These clowns in office and their circus masters are waiting for GMO high fructose corn syrup to do its work and for the loudest voices to die off, similar to what happened to any honest "congressional" investigation into JFK's assassination. The US Congress is controlled from a billion angles by "special interests" and by ill people who care more about getting their next fix. People know this at some level, and it accounts for their ridiculously low approval rating. A new poll finds most Americans open to alternative 9/11 theories.

Meanwhile, untold numbers of regular individuals and groups, some organized, some co-opted as well have been doing the real work that Congress should have done. They will be remembered appropriately in history books being written today, the same way we remember the heroes and Brownshirts of the first Holocaust. Without ceremony The People's Common Law Court of Conscience is now in session.

Big Victory! UK Man Wins Court Case Against BBC For 9/11 Cover Up!

9/11 was ‘massive deception, deliberate hoax’...

#Declassify the 28 Redacted Pages in the 9/11 Intelligence Report

Abby Martin Uncovers 9/11 | Jesse Ventura Off The Grid

Secrets Of The 28 Page 9/11 Report Released...

NSA Whistleblower Joins AE911Truth in Calling for…

9/11: AMERICA'S REICHSTAG -- Why The Truth Is Mor…

The 9/11 ISIS Connection

WTF! Planned 'Internet Outage' Across America On 9/11/14

"I don't want to know," a woman told her friend who is an activist for 9/11 truth. "That would be like finding out my dad is gay." What is so unfortunate is that this anticipated shock keeps many people from learning the whole truth. And it is far, far worse than learning your dad is gay. It would be closer to finding out your dad is a serial pedophile and child killer who's been poisoning you your whole life. Do you stop eating what he brings you so you're no longer sick and can do something to stop him, or do you continue weeping for your illness and how little children keeping coming up raped and dead? It's really that simple.

U.S. Plans to Collapse Europe | Jim Willie (part 1)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Simple Reasons US Occupies Afghanistan

We all should know by now US troops don't invade, occupy, poison, destroy and plunder for the lofty goals of spreading democracy and freedom. The shot callers sending the troops do it for the plunder.

WoW! $1 Trillion Trove of 'Rare Minerals' Revealed...

And I thought it was just to corner the heroin market.

Friday, September 5, 2014

More Vaccine Disclosure News

CDC "Whistleblower" Now Says He'd NEVER Inject His Pregnant Wife with Vaccines Containing Mercury

It's fantastic to see the CDC still employs a person, perhaps more than one person would be laudable, who appears to have a brain with a functional prefrontal cortex, complete with the ability to reason (toxins=harm), the talents of distinguishing right from wrong, and manifesting empathy for fellow human beings.

Unfortunately, he is probably surrounded by others like a school of sharks, who likely view him as a terrorist and traitor far worse than Edward Snowden or Chelsea Manning for telling the truth to the American and world public. We constitute mere common folk (little better than cockroaches or sheep in the minds of this parasitic fascist ruling class) with so few of us capable of appreciating their never-ending wars, mad science & ruthless deceptions, much less their plans to decrease world populations to small enough numbers in order to safely continue selling obsolete fossil fuel technology to keep this psychopathic oligarchy obscenely wealthy without polluting "their" air. Vaccines are just part of that disturbing picture.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Thank You FOX Goons

And to all other minions of the Mockingbird Media for telegraphing your psychopathic masters' next blows on the world. As Benjamin Fulford stated in his most recent post,

All of this unsuccessful Fed activity and cabal war-mongering is a clear sign they are losing the battle for the planet earth. The internet has evolved to the point that their false flag incidents are uncovered almost immediately. It took take decades for false flag events like the Tonkin Gulf “incident” to be uncovered. It took a few years for most of the world to figure out that 911 was a false flag. Now, however, false flag stories like the Malaysian airline shoot down are exposed within hours or minutes.

ISIS 9/11 Attack On US Soil: Story Was Created an…

Dutch Intellectuals Apologize to Putin for Lies on MH17, Syria, Ukraine...

Apologies from all of us who are awake and forcefully compelled to support these crimes against humanity with our taxpayer slave offerings.

The Disarmament Argument

Reposted from

Demilitarization of the Police Requires Demilitarization of Civilians

Posted by Light Worker 29501

Light Worker 29501:

It amazes me how the gun debate never examines the root cause(s) of crime. I find it hard to believe that anyone can suggest that the government will give up their guns if and when the people give up their’s. Did we just uncover another “Problem, Reaction, Solution” scenario? If so, I’ve already seen this movie. The politicians declare the only way for peace is for the citizens to destroy their weapons as a show of good faith. Guess what happens, next? The opposing force lied, and starts killing people en masse. Check-out Battlestar Galactica. The series began when the politicians disarmed their people to bring in a new era of peace with the Cylons. Then the Cylons destroyed the planet. It’s a recurring plot throughout the series. -LW

Originally posted on Benjamin Studebaker:

The recent clashes between demonstrators and police forces in Ferguson, Missouri over the death of Michael Brown at the hands of police forces has many calling into question the slow, steady rate at which police forces in the United States have become militarized. If we want to stop and potentially reverse this trend, we need to understand its underlying cause–the simultaneous militarization of the civilian population.

On the surface this sounds reasonable. Let's all just give up our guns, starting with the nuclear arms, and throw in nuclear power too because we really don't need a few more Chernobyl or Fukushima "accidents" to have this lesson understood. I think we may service a morbidly obese Military Industrial Complex and potentially add to the low vibration of fear mongering even when we purchase shotgun shells to protect our home. However, do I harm the noosphere when I anticipate accidents and purchase a first aid kit or prepare for possible food shortages by stocking my pantry or gardening? If done with correct intention, with love, then No. If we are destined to perish due to pre-birth contracts, then all the preparation will do nothing. Yet we can lovingly honor ourselves and teach healthy behavior with boundary-setting and reasonable preparation. Learning and practicing self defense is reasonable given the shift from this Kali Yuga to the Golden Age prophesied by dozens of indigenous and other cultures throughout time is still in progress. Some police chiefs advise law-abiding people living in high crime areas to have a gun and to train on how to use it, because they may have to wait for 911 help to arrive.

An extraordinary difference exists between basic self defense preparations and local police departments accepting riot gear or wartime armaments and training from the corrupt corporate US Federal Government led by unelected, so-called elites, which includes plans for firing upon unarmed protesters exercising their constitutional liberties. This isn't an apples and oranges difference. This is flour and fillet minion.

I envision a world that needs no guns, no consumption of meat, etc, but this ship doesn't turn on a dime. We have to steer it with love. On the surface this sounds reasonable. I think we may service a morbidly obese Military Industrial Complex and potentially add to the low vibration of fear mongering even when we purchase shotgun shells to protect our home. However, do I harm the noosphere when I anticipate accidents and purchase a first aid kit or prepare for possible food shortages by stocking my pantry or gardening? If done with correct intention, with love, then No. If we are destined to perish due to pre-birth contracts, then all the preparation will do nothing. Yet we can lovingly honor ourselves and teach healthy behavior with boundary-setting and reasonable preparation. Learning and practicing self defense is reasonable given the shift from this Kali Yuga to the Golden Age prophesied by dozens of indigenous and other cultures throughout time is still in progress. Some police chiefs advise law-abiding people living in high crime areas to have a gun and to train on how to use it, because they may have to wait for 911 help to arrive. 

An extraordinary difference exists between basic self defense preparations and local police departments accepting riot gear or wartime armaments and training from the corrupt corporate US Federal Government led by unelected, so-called elites, which includes plans for firing upon unarmed protesters exercising their constitutional liberties. This isn't an apples and oranges difference. This is flour and fillet minion.

I envision a world that needs no guns, no consumption of meat, etc, but this ship doesn't turn on a dime. We have to steer it with love.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Another Medical Industrial Complex Fail

Angelina Joli's boob whack job and her utter devotion to the dysfunctional New World Order's Counsel on Foreign Relations won't eliminate her risk for cancer.

Obsessing over "genes" and material wealth carry greater risk for all manner of illness, including cancer. Eliminating the fake boobs in our inbred corporatist global governments would be a start, however, in fast-tracking the health of the entire planet.

Monday, September 1, 2014

While We're Deep Down the Rabbit Hole...

Life and truth are profoundly strange. David Wilcock helps reveal suppressed science and spirituality. He's got no Messiah complex, and he won't ask you to deprive yourself of sleep, unbeliever friends, etc. Yet this stuff is not for the faint of heart or mind.

David Wilcock the key of synchronicity

Curiouser and Curiouser: Evidence Moonie Cult Infiltrated Washington DC

This process of my own personal deprogramming has taken many winding roads. Even before I knew it was deprogramming or had identified some of the major players, their tricks, and the crucial turns of history. The Moonies now? OMG. This is worse than a B-grade movie, but nothing surprises me anymore.

Unification Church Video Showing Coronation of Now Dead Moonie "Messiah"

The testimony of former Unification Church Cult members consistently speak of sleep deprivation and other hypnotic techniques to seize control over the minds of new recruits and maintain control over longtime members. Members include people from all walks of life. Yet do we have evidence of a Moonie Cult Coup in Washington DC? Consider the following:

Wow, yet another secret society of wealthy elites and politicians, the likes of which JFK warned us about, that gets together a few times a year in order to decide the fate over trillions of dollars and billions of human lives, but this one with direct ties to the Moonie Cult.

I'm stopping here, as I feel a little sick in heart and gut. It may be time to crash The Tea Party. I leave one last thought, Fox News: Fair and Balanced or Bought and Sold?