Thursday, May 22, 2014

When Treason among Statesmen is Business as Usual

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear."

Joe Biden's son Hunter was recently appointed to the board of directors of one of the largest gas companies in the Ukraine. It's about as curious as Rory Reid's involvement in the Chinese company that wants to build a solar farm on US public land in Nevada.  Throughout politics these days there exists no shortage of graft, nepotism and other blatant crony corruption.  The ruling party sees no further need to hide their criminality now that it is more than obvious barely anything is being done about it.  As one blogger recently pointed out,

"As a result of what's been done so far, all I see is that the cabal is arming more feds, passing more laws, threatening more people, suiciding and disappearing more people and planes, rounding up the homeless and incarcerating them in FEMA camps, arresting people for speaking up against what they know is wrong, foreclosing on their homes and kicking them into the street, spraying the skies with toxins, opening the door for Monsanto and GMO foods to poison Americans, stealing Americans' money by taxing them to death and using their funds for an above top secret space program, killing citizens with their medical treatments and toxic vaccinations, labeling war vets mentally ill and disarming them, leaving them homeless and living in the street, spying on the entire world and mining personal data while outright lying about it, breaking laws and beating people up to intimidate, steal land and implement Agenda 21, deploying more drones in all sizes to spy, murder and spread infections diseases, stealing children for satanic blood rituals, and fomenting war in multiple locations on the planet, all the while hiding nuclear weapons they could deploy and take out thousands of innocent people in one fell swoop---which they have already tried. America might not be so lucky next time.

That is an immeasurable amount of unethical, illegal, treasonous and inhumane activity, and I'm sure I left out a few things, but I guess SOME ONE at SOME TIME will do SOME THING to remedy all the above. I'm all ears and eyes. What will that be?" (

The author, in my opinion, adequately captures the enormity of the pathology we face as well as the frustration and feelings of powerlessness. He or she  encourages people to take to the streets in Washington D.C. for Operation American Spring. The planned demonstrations have been a subject of debate within the alternative news and anti-Establishment community. Some discourage participation, calling it a trap, a completely rigged cointel con-job. They cite the co-opting of the Occupy Movement and warn those who go or support the cause will only be expediting martial law and FEMA concentration camp hell for millions of Americans.

I am one of the Anti-Establishment Americans who knows of too many good cops who are now wide awake and aware something is terribly wrong in the halls of power. My educated guess is that there will continue to be cointel programs in all movements opposed to the psychopathic elite's dream dystopia.  Awareness of this, other cheap psychological tricks and even their more expensive ones is growing, however.

The finger involved in the elite's massive come-along hold has been broken. Counter-intuitive as it is, the broken finger hurts less than the hold itself. Now that adrenaline and natural opiates have flooded the system, the masses are quickly wriggling free.

I clearly remember the paralysis of fear before the foreclosure, the divorce, my credit completely destroyed, myself unemployed, homeless near El Paso, desperate for shelter and a meal. Then came another round of losses and another. Seems I've been slapped, no, pounded with a meat tenderizer, numb, confused, humbled, but finally still and awake. Far too many like myself have lost everything to a corrupted system that rewards only the most psychopathic. Ironic as it is, surviving all that loss is immensely empowering. I look around and watch others as they go through their dark night and awakening processes. The Occupy Movement, the Bundy Ranch Standoff and Operation American Spring are all part of the larger Mandlebrot. The massive shilling up of comment forums speaks to the power that the light is beginning to bear. The psychopathic elite are desperately scrambling to fabricate moral high ground in order to throw the world into more fog of war. The latest involves sending troops to rescue kidnapped schoolgirls from yet another extremist group the cabal spent the last decade empowering, if they didn't invent altogether. The troops going over there had better watch out for the latest dirty tricks they'll be asked to deliver, like the depleted uranium sandbox their predecessors created. Now that those vets are home with the fresh memories of mysteriously stillborn children, their own poor health, and a Veteran's Administration that tells them to go wait in line another 4 months, they don't see much reason to keep living. Twenty-two or is it now 23 per day that fight their last battle?

Screenshot Diary
Sometimes I wonder if my dark night is truly over. My heart aches at all the depravity and bleeding that continues in the world around me. Before my world tumbled into chaos and I sank into depression, I enjoyed photography and making slide shows or videos. I've returned to photographing life, mostly the more beautiful side. The screenshot function of mobile devices has also allowed me to chronicle life with a screenshot diary.

I've returned to full-time work again, leaving me a bit depleted for time. As well, my left brain has me in a negative funk again, so the remainder of this post will be devoted to sharing the screenshot diaries.