Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Deep State Wars Update 🦠 3/22/22


I have so much to say, but others have spent the time researching, penning or painting it with such expertise, I feel like this month’s post needs to be a compilation of their work, and a great deal of what I am finding like the above screen capture was posted on Truth Social. What a great social media tool right now as Facebook, Twitter and the others continue to censor facts.

Before I do that, however, my quick thoughts on what may be going on in the Ukraine, why the Establishment is so quick to malign Russia despite the realities concerning NATO encroachment, Neo-NAZI terrorist groups creating instability, and even (US-funded) biological research labs not unlike the Wuhan lab (in residential areas?) in the Ukraine, as Victoria Nuland helped bring to public awareness. Yet, I want to highlight another reason Putin may be on the Establishment’s hate list right now. 

Let’s  rewind a few years and review a clip from a speech Russian President Vladimir Putin made at the 2013 Valdai conference that included statements so controversial, it led to the Establishment fact-checker armies emerging in droves to obfuscate, dismiss, and then shame anyone for daring to come to what are truly logical conclusions. 

The Silentist (YT): Putin Spoke of Paedophilia and Satanic Worship in 2013

He really did. Maybe not in the same sentence as the “fact-checker” army robustly argued. That said, we can also probably come to the conclusion that Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself, and even Putin knows it.


Nino’s perspective so beautifully captures for us the anger stage of the grieving process. 

We are processing the loss of trust in what should have been trustworthy authorities. In the healthy processing of grief, however, we can restore ourselves and then our country and become the leadership we need for these times.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Eastern Europe Deep State Wars Update 💥 3/8/22

Captive to profoundly corrupt interests (see CanadianCovidCareAlliance (Rumble): Brought to you by Pfizer), our legacy media is lying to us about nearly everything, so we need to dig deep to find out what’s going on around the world, especially if we have loved ones concerned about the possibility of a classical nuclear WWIII. 

Glenn Greenwald posted a gem just moments ago that deserves attention. Glenn Greenwald (YT): Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland Admits “Ukraine has Biological Research Facilities” This video snippet and the Oliver Stone production below should further highlight that we’ve been neck-deep into World War III or IV for several years now with Ukraine a major red zone. 

We have very powerful war and disease profiteers that can no longer sucker large swathes of the population or even smaller powerful groups into nuclear warfare. However, they have apparently conned some groups into secretly developing biological agents under the guise of “research”. We also have chemical, psychological, economic, cultural and other less-widespread catastrophic forms of warfare to replace the more obvious mutually destructive nuclear option. The world is waking up to the Deep State creeps that have been very busy funneling taxpayer money to “biological research facilities”, secret no longer.