Friday, July 12, 2019

The Storm is Here Update ☂️ Deep State Wars Accelerate 🐸 7/12/19

7/13/19 Edit with Bonus Gem for Insights into The Deep State:
American Thought Leaders - The Epoch Times (YT): What the Jeffrey Epstein, Imran Awan, & Jackson Cosko Scandals Might Have in Common—Luke Rosiak

This moment marks the end of another long week at my job at the nursing home. I'm enjoying some ice cream and quiet, reviewing the latest headlines and Q posts. I might need a few drops of my THC-spiked CBD oil as there is lots of heavy news of late. We have the recent arrest of Art Kelly which showed up on but not on my powered-by-Google private search engine "Start Page", because his arrest is probably considered "unfair" by the morbidly wealthy, toxic, and parasitic Establishment. After all, it's just part of their culture to rape whoever they want and pay off whoever they need to pay off when they get caught, and then do it again and again and again, just like the Vatican has been doing for millennia.

This behavior has continued for so long, in part because of a mindset held by an embattled public that these criminals are somehow "elite" and are thus justified in their behavior. It's also a collective consciousness of shame and hopelessness that has authorized the sick behavior, quite similar to what we know as Stockholm Syndrome. Yet this predates the Nazi holocaust. What we are dealing with today is historic and multigenerational to the point of saturating our DNA from thousands of years of trauma, and I argue that this is deliberate trauma inflicted on the public at large (for purposes of control) by a parasitic shadow ruling class that worships pure evil. This is not hyperbole or silly conspiracy theory as we will soon see with more shocking revelations to come that the mainstream media will be forced to cover. We have more recent examples of deliberately traumatizing events like JFK's public assassination and 9-11. Before that there were the horrific World Wars and legalized slavery. The bloody autrocities go back for thousands of years. And, of course, there's the trauma-based mind control that's been inflicted on individuals for years through the CIA's MK ULTRA programs, techniques perfected by Nazi Germany and brought to the U.S., I suspect facilitated by the fascist sympathizers, what amounts to very racist dynasty families, "secret societies" that JFK warned us about and their early Deep State partners through Operation Paperclip.

A distilled brew of social engineering through propaganda and trauma-based mind control techniques/technologies have been utilized over the past few decades to fine-tune the demoralization of the public and to amass today's Establishment's mercenary and social engineering armies. A large swath of the public is still afraid to speak up too loudly about their spiritual inclinations or political preferences in fear of those armies. The bullies include the mainstream media, Hollywood, the Big Tech giants, paramilitary groups like Antifa and the other radicalized "social justice warriors" who physically assault elders or children wearing MAGA hats. Then there are the troll armies who accuse people of hate crimes when they won't shut up on social media over truly horrific abuses by the so-called "elite". Behind closed doors these very wealthy criminals and others in dark cults do unimaginably horrific things to children. This is all very real, it is just further trauma on top of everything else, just like the gas-lighting that goes on around it. Yet the circumstances we're facing have also culminated in a "crossroads" that Trump speaks of in Berikande MΓ₯ngfald (YT): This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected . It's that point where all appears to be lost, but Mother Nature and the Benevolent Universe blow life into an all-but-dead hero, in this case our collective humanity, helping us fight for life.

I am observing and proud to be part of the conscious and overwhelming response that is needed by an educated, motivated and heart-centered public. While there are truly elite military people and allegedly several world leaders involved in this Alliance effort, masses of regular people are ultimately needed to make the operation successful. This is truly happening as The Great Awakening accelerates. The arrest of thousands of child predators continues with the wealthy, famous ones finally happening now. And the way it is happening is not the sporadic and superficial limited hangout as we've observed in the past. This is big, it is organized, and it is world-wide. This has everything to do with President Trump's promise to help return power back to the people. This will only continue and lead to the further emboldening of the movement despite the vicious push-back coming from the Establishment.

This movement reaches outside of the U.S. to world-wide scope, as it must. A global effort is needed to defeat this global and historic evil. We are encouraging each other to speak our honest minds, to heal and to develop heathy resistance as we open up and develop bonds on social media and in person. The Movement is churning out art and culture around itself that is fascinating, reassuring, and ultimately nourishing. Many of us involved feel that we are part of something really big--I read Twitter comments and hear my favorite independent journalists and internet pundits indicating that same sentiment that I feel myself, the resonance or validation providing an extra boost as well like the kick of adrenaline needed for the fight.

My blog here is a tiny arteriole in The Movement. It is my joy, my Modeling and Role Modeling-inspired example of healthy coping during what I interpret to be fairly difficult times because of the escalating, multifaceted unconventional warfare that we have been enduring for as long as we've been alive but definitely accelerating lately. I could limp along some more with my impressions, but it's probably best I just present the gems.

Project Veritas (YT): Veritas Re-Uploads Google ExposΓ© Taken Down By YouTube Ahead of White House Social Media Summit

SpaceShot76 (YT): Qanon- 7/11/19 Who’s Next? When does a bird sing?

We The People Insider 1776 (YT): RedPill78 Visits The Patriot Power Hour!

prayingmedic (YT): Qanon July 11 - Welcome to the Real World


IPOT (YT): Q Anon/News - Wheels Up In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.12.19