Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Deep State Wars Update & Alt News Gems 💎 Early Post for 5/22/18 With Updates

I may be very busy here soon with a friend possibly coming to visit, and I need to finish work on my garden over the coming weeks, so I will post this a week early.

When I began my blog a few years ago, it started as a public diary--something similar to The Diary of Anne Frank if the worst happened. My hopes and dreams which are increasingly manifesting, however, were that this blog would be a chronicle of my personal journey, a snapshot of our revolution, a humble view on a blossoming age of enlightenment and transition into a Golden Age for regular humanity. This Great Awakening would mean the long-awaited liberation fom a creepy, inbred group of mega-wealthy families who've been traumatizing this planet and its people for centuries (if not millennia) with one evil empire and dark cult after another, and one contrived world war, one bloody collectivist revolution after another.

For the last few decades these tyrannical shadow government oligarchs and their Deep State goons nearly had the ability to surveil everyone and control perception, micro-managing nearly every aspect of life on this planet--including all resources, currency, politics, religion, education, philosophy, pop culture, news, business, technology and invention, law, healthcare, the weather, world population, fertilitiy, even food using genetic modification.

The more time that passes and truth is revealed, the more obvious it becomes that these super-wealthy comic book villain-level antagonists apparently have their own vision of a long-foretold Golden Age, a solidification of their "Golden Rule" where whoever has the gold makes the rules. We have heard about their sick appetites and how they've been diligently working on making a number of perversions, including child rape, sacrifice and cannibalism perfectly legal for these sick monsters and their secret society minions to commit under a one world government and "New World Order". There exists copious open-source evidence that this is not "Conspiracy Theory". This Is Conspiracy Fact.

Meanwhile, relatively benign "Pursuit(s) of Happiness" for those who are not wired up for sadomasochistic activities, simple pleasures like owning a home, vacationing in some other state or some other country, camping in the woods somewhere, roasting marshmallows by a campfire, or creating a life of self-sufficiency through gardening, ranching, running a small business would be made illegal or nearly impossible with the deliberate elimination of the Middle Class incomes, utilizing treasonous market-rigging, deals like the one Crooked Hillary made with Uranium One, the Trans-Pacific Partnership or Agenda 21/2030.

These megalomaniac monsters and their D.C. Swamp Creature puppets realize that regular people are onto them. These sociopaths who like to vacation at places like Jeffrey Epstein's Pedo-Island surely can observe if not directly feel the work of the different movements pitted against them and their agendas--be it the Tea Party, "Truthers", the Full Disclosure and Patriot Communities, the Anonymous Movement, and have obviously launched operations against these groups, infiltrating them like they did with the Occupy Movement, using classic co-intel pro tactics, and utilizing all kinds of other tools of unconventional warfare. The most obvious one being campaigns of disinformation and distraction. I'm seeing a lot of Divide and Conquer tactics being employed against people who are already traumatized from getting death threats over speaking truth and just seeing enough evidence to come to the firm conclusion that we are dealing with a powerfully evil global crime syndicate that specializes in transnational child sex-trafficking. It includes powerful politicians, European royalty, MSM talking heads, Hollywood celebrities, corporate industry leaders, and federal judges. Then there's the police officers, teachers and Child Protective Services employees at the ground-level all making this real reign of terror very, very big and daunting. Normal people crack learning the truth of how big this is.

And the weirdness only gets weirder. There is very likely an off-planet component that includes several different secret space programs and hundreds if not thousands of non-human species of intelligent life carving deals with the super-wealthy global crime syndicate bosses. Getting "Red-Pilled" on this stuff and things like 9/11 Truth on top of all the other silent warfare we're under with endocrine-disrupting and neuro-toxic pollutants in our environment (including our food, water, vaccines and other "medicines"), the economic warfare (the over-taxation that should have US Founders turning over in their graves), and the information warfare that is the mainstream media (including the sitcoms that show regular men as low-IQ dumbasses and successful women as evil bitches). The decades of social-engineering campaigns to divide the family and attack heterosexuality through mainstream media TV and pop music in order to curb "overpopulation" is also noteworthy. There is also a spiritual warfare component that I've elaborated on, in fact I've elaborated on this whole quiet warfare model at length in several of my early posts, providing links to back this all up. Again, this is all very real. Many insiders have come forward and soon after died in suspicious circumstances, people like William Cooper and Ted Gunderson; now we have WikiLeaks to dump truckload after truckload of damning evidence indicating that the diabolical intrigue, high-level power struggles, sick appetites and evil conspiracies never ended with Nero or Caligula.

The point I'm trying to get to here is that most people who've been following this high strangeness and other creepiness for years, people like Alex Jones and others with larger followings are quite traumatized by just knowing [JUST KNOWING] what is going on behind the scenes. Jones' "style" of ranting and his contradictory bizarre trantrums of late, as well as his weight problem despite measures he's taking to right it tells me he's suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. I'm no doctor, so I cannot officially diagnose this, but I've personally dealt with PTSD, and I have worked with enough PTSD in patients over my 18 year long career in nursing to be confident in my assessment. Jones and successful people like him also have normal ego structures, which is a good thing and a bad thing at times. A normal human ego structure helps successful people keep their heads above the water despite the onslaught of attacks by the powerful elite parasitic ruling class and their insidious crime syndicate. So, when I see the Truther/Patriot/Disclosure community infighting, it's very sad, but it's also not surprising. It is more indicative of how fragile and war torn we are, and the real evil we're up against who are actively manipulating us in every way conceivable.

So, getting to the Bottom Line here: I personally believe in overlooking the relatively harmless shortcomings of these Truther/Alternative News/Patriot and Disclosure Movement leaders--like the over-puffed egos, the PTSD-driven tirades, the paranoid ideation regarding every supposed newcomer to the scene by some of the veterans, the fact that some won't cover certain subjects, the fact that some sell products or services to make a living; even most of the other examples of misplaced aggression I am witnessing lately. For all I know, these people like Jerome Corsi, Alex Jones, David Seaman, Robert David Steele, David Wilcock (lots of Davids--very curious and leading some to think of "David vs. Goliath" larger-than-life mythical forces at work here), even this QAnon individual or group may he targeted with directed energy weapons as well as the obvious paid troll and sock puppet/bot campaigns and frivolous lawsuit harassment as in the case of Roger Stone & Alex Jones, not to mention the death threats and assassination attempts these leaders endure. The sick creeps at the top even send mercenaries to kill pets and friends of those with large audiences who dare to speak out--to promote their sick political agendas. Truly, to call this phenomenon terrorism is an understatement. They are enemies of 99.99% of humanity. It should rally all of us, or at least call the naïve to look more deeply.

President Trump is obviously (to me and to many others who follow this movement to restore the Republic) pitted against the parasitic ruling class. It is clear that Trump has an alliance of patriots embedded within the military and intelligence communities who aren't into raping toddlers and drinking their tortured victims adrenalized blood. We have a growing number of sealed indictments, just a couple of these recently unsealed being the NXIVM Cult arrests of late. These are just the tip of the iceberg that is a massive sting in the works. It has taken many years to get to this point, and it will may even take a few more to successfully pull it off if we succumb to things divide and conquer tactics. I get it that many of us are tired, very traumatized, and very disempowered. As QAnon posts regularly, "Use Logic", "Expand Your Thinking", and "This is not a game". I will add that we must forgive each other for fairly benign shortcomings when compared to those of the parasitic ruling class. I leave you with The Gems.

FADE TO BLACK RADIO (YT): Ep. 855 FADE to BLACK w/ David Wilcock : LIVE

Sarah Westall (YT): Trump's Strategy: Koreas, Dollar Reset, Middle East - with Robert David Steele

Steve Judd (YT): Timetable of the coming Astro - faecal storm

The Alex Jones Channel (YT): Travel Industry Slowly Accepts Child Sex Trafficking Epidemic

Destroying the Illusion (YT): [5.13] - Q: Stay The Course

Destroying the Illusion (YT): [5.15] - Q: Honeypot Billboard/Flag-Firetruck Confirmation/ALL FOR A LARP?

Lori Colley (YT): U.S. Embassy Opens, Hamas Retaliates... Plus New Q


X22Report (YT): Q Warned Us, Bad News About To Break - Episode 1571b

Mark Dice (YT): They're Lovely