Monday, March 16, 2015

Trojan Horse of Peace


These are the US FBI's Violent Crime Statistics placed in a very telling graph. I'm interested in where that graph is going, what it will say about 2014. 2012 seems to be a curious anomoly worthy of some later discussion. Of more import at this time is the commentary on how any real lawman or woman who didn't go into the profession to work as a minion for a depraved ruling class has got to be pretty excited about this trend. He or she may be wondering as well about what to do if the world has less need for people in this profession, but perhaps also considering what else might be rewarding to learn, what other services the public might need, what other work might be even more exciting and enriching. Most people have more than one interest. True human nature includes curiousity and a love for adventure. Maybe, like George W, the out-of-work law enforcement agent will take up painting, or perhaps transition to investigating and arresting white-collar criminals, or assisting those incarcerated in true correction and rehabilitation. I believe this need will become more apparent in the near future.

If you are a truth seeker, you've likely been getting wise to our world's current corruptly-run, fraud-riddled financial system. It has been difficult for me to make sense of it all, because it, like everything else in this world, has elements in it rooted in our collective shadow. The wealthy mafia that has promoted war, disease and destruction for the last few thousand years is but a crystalized version of this energy, the villian archetype. Their source is fear, and the energy of love is its opposite. These are ideas that most people, even the hardcore linear-logic "skeptic" can understand. Most people also accept that power corrupts, and it is just assumed by some that it is human nature to be selfish and perhaps malevolent when given even small doses of power. This tendency may have been prevalent at one time, but I think the essence of Human Nature is changing.

Over the last couple thousand years our world has seen the emergence of leaders promoting the power of love. Jesus, the Buddhas, Gandhi and Mother Teresa are some examples. The 2012 Mayan Calandar marker, according to the Mayans heralded a time when "time" would no longer exist. We see different interpretations, including the conclusion that the Mayans and many other indiginous cultures who targeted this period of time around 2012 as a period of massive fundamental change in the way we do everything--These are just primitive people who knew nothing but hunting and cave art. A legitimate investigation into these cultures with their amazing intuitive and "extrasensory" faculties, and their understanding of very large periods of time will put to rest the primitive-savage-knows-nothing assumptions. Other people are allowing the consideration of newly emerging evidence as well as new ways of thinking that 2012 was a crossroads when the energy of love began to truly overcome the energy of fear in the foundational dimensions of our existence. It was the year the hero would overcome the shadow villian and his or her own personal shadow with its hubris. I perceive the period also as an election of our collective consciousness, when the majority voted in favor of Love and Life-affirming processes like cooperation over the energy of fear and destructive processes. It would mean the emergence of a change of heart coming to light in all areas of our lives, including geopolitics and the world of banking & finance. Yet in so much of the world we continue to see a curious display of fear.

The wealthy families in Asia who've allegedly financed the economies of the world for the last hundred or more years are raising their voices and making it known there will be change soon. What kind of change has been the debate. MSM news talking heads bemoan how we will soon see the collapse of the western economy and further decline into misery, war, and destruction. In the US we are noticing attempted efforts to liquidate real assets of the West to the corrupt factions of the Eastern Powers. Yet conditions no longer exist to allow for an easy tyranical take-over as we now have too many elements of the Military Industrial Complex waking up, deciding that a prison planet wasn't what they signed up for, and many regular armed Americans won't submit to this; they and a growing number of the rest of us are getting wise to the tools of depopulation that would create the right conditions for complete fascist domination. The Methane Gas clock is ticking and enough powerful people know it, I'm certain. These leaders in the East have to know it. I see signs that the leaders of the East are wrestling with fear as they emerge with benign ideas while at the same time using too much trepidation: anonymity and even pressure toward the Dalai Lama that he dare not choose to NOT reincarnate (lol). One group coming from the East with ideas of functional change has been the Dragon Family with their "Ambassador". This group's recent talk of utilizing the current corrupt corporate model of organization to effect change, using the analogy of putting Peace in a Trojan Horse has me scratching my head lately. It may work, but I'm thinking, no--it really won't work, not in the way it seems to be presented. For some it is a great way to assist impoverished people in thinking about how to organize their ideas, asking for sponsorship or funding and making commitments in a responsible way, but the corporate model has proven itself much too complicated and diseased to survive. It shows conditions similar to that of the Roman Empire before it fell. I sense that this time is a bit different than the days preceding the fall of the Roman Empire. We now have different forces at work, including the last 100 years of widespread liberal education of large swaths of global population combined with the recent internet Renaissance, the over-saturation of materialism and growing social tendencies towards bordom with this materialism, inspiring very real spiritual or interdimensional forces that will make this period like no other in our world's history. Deus aderit, as Carl Jung would say. We also have a veritable treasure trove of technology that's been locked away in a black box by the world's shadow leadership citing "National Security Reasons". We don't need anymore good ideas to save our planet, its people and a way of life that is stable, just a large number of passionately motivated and ethical individuals to put all the tools to work and teach the rest how to use them responsibly. We see a growing movement in the Truth Community to prove we have no lack of hands to help lay down new infrastructure and more eco-friendly ways of doing things. What we have, however, are people at the top who've likely been living very disconnected lives from the world of the common person, and they've been fooled by their psychopathic peers into believing that common people are to be feared. This well-intentioned faction of global oligarchs will discover plenty of examples to prove their psychopath cousins wrong and their own inner compass guiding them out of the hell that is the fear state. In this spirit I will offer evidence like the curious trend depicted in the graph above. Other similar worldwide data exists, so it's not just the US with its now infamous tyrannical police state practices that mirror its global hegemony. The arguments that these trends are simply the outcomes of efforts towards incarceration, school lunch programs and the like (specifically for the FBI data trends) will in time prove to be ridiculous. People--amazingly--are just getting kinder. This evolutionary energy of Love and the Creative Intelligent Source of All is doing its work on us. 2012 appears to be the positive timeline singularity.

The epic decline shown by the graph above speaks volumes, and we see in the mainstream media a monumental disconnect between truth, simple facts like this and the promoted image of  out-of-control crime and a populace who cannot be trusted with firearms to protect themselves from what little violent crime that exists today, and perhaps the increasing likelihood a home will be accidentally raided by a SWAT team full of brainwashed and steroid-driven men who've forgotten their original oath. The Feds are currently arming police with combat gear to fight what? It's clearly no imminent threat of violent crime by the populace. That trend arrow points down, not up, making the arguments by politicians (who appear to be projecting their own guilt for what now appears to be an amassment of evidence linking many of them to white collar crime, treason and the like) for further draconian arming of police, curtailing of basic freedoms, and further trampling of human rights to keep us "safer" illigitimate to the entire world. 9-11 Truth was just the beginning. We have massive efforts underway to wake sheeple up to levels of corruption in world government and establishment infrastructure unprecedented in the history of humankind.

I can only speculate, but a curious bottlenecking phenomenon appears to be occuring in the special interest group, the Military Industrial Complex. Once highly compartmented in the typical divide and conquer way, they are experiencing a rise in consciousness with the exploding Truther Media Apocalypse. At the same time, they are mired in a slump or a slowing in their growth combined with sheer inertia--unwillingness to change even slightly in their mission and vision now that the masses worldwide are getting wise to the war racket and all the boogie men the arms dealers and corrupted federal agencies help to facilitate if not completely fabricate with elaborate false flags to ignite public opinion (now discussed at length in Wikipedia) in order to sell wars for their fear-junkie transnational bankster bosses. Despite the banging of war drums on our mainstream nightly news, the U.S. population isn't just itching anymore to send their children to die fighting the latest CIA-funded, -trained and -armed Islamic terror group. The truth about terrorism is much the same as what is going on with crime. A person bears a far greater risk of dying in the hospital from iatrogenic causes, experiencing harm from a vaccine injection or other medicines considered safe by the pharmaceutical industry and the agencies charged with regulating this special interest group than of being a victim of ISIS or Al-CIA-Duh terrorism or even violent crime. Watching the war propaganda (see link for latest news on US Gov't-sponsored propaganda on US citizens) and Big Pharma-sponsored media outlets, one would never know these extraordinary facts, but they can be quickly confirmed with a quick web search on such statistics. We have a picture emerging of a well-coordinated corporate infrastructure that is founded upon fear, death, disease and destruction. The Corporate Cabal appears to be hell-bent on this agenda despite the insanity of it all. While regular people may be getting wise, angry, poorer and struggling in every way imaginable, millions of average people are not rising up in violent protest or "Postal" psychotic breaks with reality as depicted on TV news. (See link for recent interesting statistical trends on how many Americans say their government is the #1 Problem). Unfortunately, most look to antidepressants, pop-culture distractions or professional sports-related obsessive/compulsive behavior to cope with the anger turned inward. But many others are taking up yoga or some other constructive practice that utilizes meditation. The practice of meditation in large numbers has repeatedly been linked to lower crime rates and incidents of terrorism.

Now look at that graph above again. Could the gradual rise in popularity in meditation and the lowered incidence of violent crime be just a coincidence? Probably not, and with a return to the Scientific Method, deviating away from the current Establishment-driven, profit-motivated dogma driving our "science" today--rationalizing deception and a multitude of other unlawful practices in order to promote its survival, we will be able to someday prove at minimum, an indirect correlation. We already have replicated Transcendental Meditation (TM) studies. What harm would come from deducing the correlation likely or even just possible, or that meditation at minimum is a contributing factor to violent crime dropping? What harm would come from just accepting over 100 years of research into quantum physics that make the radical but undeniable conclusion that consciousness contributes to how matter behaves? These are rhetorical questions with energy not meant to be that of malicious aggression. It is a request, admittedly borne from frustration, a prompting to people with some connections in the East who may be following this blog (which if true, I am honored); a sign that I am looking towards the East and calling to the evidence table all of the holostic Tao-based ideas that the East has held so dear for thousands of years, and highlighted in Fritjof Capra's work the Tao of Physics. I'm hoping the Eastern Royals and other leaders are also "Looking in the mirror" as The Ambassador frequently admonishes the average person to do--and will soon vanquish the remnants of fear energy holding them back. We now have sufficient evidence of what many are calling a positive timeline; we have all the dots, data points so close together now, that we need not even draw a line to connect them. The dots have become the line. The line in my opinion is now a large arrow that points to certain things, like Open The Black Box of Treasure That's Been Hiding Energy and Health Secrets, because the people of the world are ready. The planet needs it. The mandate of heaven will not continue to allow the coordinated efforts of a dwindling psychopathic mafia to suppress evolution.

An Aside

As a prison nurse for 7 years, I once provided care for many violent offenders, including those who preyed upon children. One in particular was a paraplegic man who was there for molesting children. I discovered the importance of objectivity and professionalism. I found that there are 2 kinds of nurses who work in prisons: The kind who let that type of knowledge negatively influence their care and the kind that didn't. Those of us operating in integrity and professionalism were in the majority. While it was a different kind of care than what a nurse can provide in a hospital or a nursing home, many aspects by law had to be the same. My state got into a bit of trouble for times they didn't provide basic standard of care services to inmates, and some nurses, like officers got sucked into a dark world for letting hatred sink deep into their hearts.

Dave Schmidt in his March 11th Sedona Connection program speaks of ways to deal with not-so-pretty realities in a manner that doesn't jade a person or suck the life out of them. I still have much to learn here as at times I feel nothing but distain for psychopathic elements of our world's ruling class. I feel distain for the codependency that allows for the abomination to continue. I often use aggression in my words, belittling them as degenerates as they repeatedly prove themselves to be with their sick behavior. Sorry, it's true and needs to be said repeatedy. In doing so without proper compassion for these degenerates, however, I can feel the negativity drain my life away from me. Like the family member of a murder victim who watches the offender's death sentence carried out, thinking it will give them a sense of justice or closure, it provides no real satisfaction in the end. Our psychopathic "elite" require compassionate care in their removal from power. This is really the only way it can be done, and they do need to be removed from power in a way that will not allow for a vacuum for others to eventually take their place and fool us again. As Phillip Zimbardo explains in the book The Lucifer Effect, instead of throwing out rotten apples, we need to clean the rotten barrel. That involves personal work to identify and transmute our own dysfunctional tendencies. These degenerates are part of the whole, and no pitchforks, guillotines or housing of these criminals with Bubba (or any such debasement of "corrections" in its name) will correct the situation the world is in at this time. No disingenuous Nuremberg Trials, no covert Operation Paperclip-style plans to wisk them, like the Vatican repeatedly does with pedophile priests back into unsuspecting communities will do. Perhaps some thought this to be "compassion", but we must accept that our compassion needs continual vigilence and Sun Tzu's wisdom. Benjamin Fulford makes a solid case for some kind of Truth and Reconcilliation Council. But we need real leaders with real names coming out to start this global conversation so the completely brainwashed slaves of the Western World can finally have an anchor, something with a little more sway, if that's possible, than "Conspiracy Theory" websites. Word is that Vladimir Putin was going to herald this with some major 9-11 disclosure, but at the time of this writing he just emerged from being out of the public eye for 10 days, then merely announced the typical war threats. This following one of his political opponents being murdered in a way that was fashioned to look like Putin ordered the assassination. He is very popular in Russia, and his popularity in the West is growing. He cannot be the lone figure in the East going rogue on the Cabal that threatens even itself with its madness. We now have a well-established Truth Community that is in its healing phase and ready to assist with deprogramming and processing. It is time for all of us to look in the mirror, act as if we really care about the planet and the reality of looming global threats like carbon emmisions resulting in methane extinction, but not employing the psychotic Catch-22 of asking a few billion people to stop using manditory, yet now-arbitrary fossil fuel technologies; not asking a few billion people to stop breathing air either. Karma will not allow the once-planned democide of billions of people to solve the power elite cabal's very real problem of petro-carbon emissions. This issue may be more easily resolved by sober minds and hearts in the Eastern powers employing massive global economic leverage towards the release of suppressed energy technology that regular people like Dr. Steven Greer have for years tried to negotiate. That and a true global jubilee will further assist the power of love that is making its presence known, allowing for real compassion, real growth and change. It is this divine power that will assist us into an inevitable Golden Age Renaissance, the vision so many of the Eastern Royal families hold in their hearts.

I will publish this article today as we have a curious week of celestial events ahead that might make publishing more difficult or impossible on the 22nd. Here's a link to continue learning:

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Alt News Gems - 3/10/15

If Chuck Norris' recent public blow to the Biotech Head of the Sociopathic NWO Mafia Hydra wasn't enough, Jane Goodall's contribution in a book to hit the shelves in 10 days will suffice to mortally wound this beast. In addition, they're bracing for yet another lawsuit by US farmers attempting to recuperate their losses now that large swaths of the world will not buy their Frankenfood Product. Perhaps this judge won't be on the Nazi 4th Reich NWO payroll or will find too much public pressure in rubber stamping the inbred "elite" agenda.

The following links demonstrate how the public is waking up and taking action to replace the beast that would slay Mother Nature, despite being brainwashed, disenfranchised, and poisoned by this toxic, megawealthy and depraved covert ruling class. This Cabal, our kinder, gentler Nazi Fourth Reich is but a fractal shadow-buddy of our own personal monsters that we're coming to find do not work well in supposedly civilized society.

Corbett Report on How to Respond to Terror Propaganda

Corbett Report on the Emerging Alternative Media

TRUTHStreamMedia Garden Update

Dahboo7 Report on Suppressed Technology Release to Deal with California Drought

Alex Jones Discusses Positive, Constructive Actions/Solutions to US Problems

Valuable Health News

And Finally, the double-edged sword of pervasive surveillance: It was only a matter of time before this particular scale tipped in favor of the 99.9%. Most true service-to-self situations cannot be contained. They will bleed into "service-to-others". We and everything else are all connected, according to modern science.

Dahboo7 with News on Foiled Kidnapping

Friday, March 6, 2015

Absolutely Exciting Week in Alt News - Some Gems

Over an hour of some positive, encouraging, realistic discussion for both left and right cerebral hemispheres.

Alex Jones talks with Robert David Steele Re Hopeful Signs: Fed Take-Over, More

SGT Report with Wealth Watchman 3/6/15
I'll add to that post above that silver is a great investment right now for everyday people, in both coin and colloidal form (...of course, talk to your doctor about that for You, the usual "I'm just a nurse" disclaimer). I personally invest in my health by drinking colloidal silver each day, as directed by my physician, The Great Physician, as part of an anti-cold/anti-flu (and anti-whatever else the parasites throw at us) regimen.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Alt News Gems 3/4/15 - 3/5/15 Update

BP Earthwatch Update 3/3/15

Bruce Lipton Speaks on Positive Changes in India, Hope for a Healthy, Prosperous World

Vote with Your Heart@

Richard Dolan on Relevance of Cogent Dialogue on UFOs & Other Current Taboo Issues
I need to add that while Dolan presents as a formative speaker and writer on the subject of UFOs, suppressed energy technology, and other taboo or "disclosure" topics, other pioneers like Steven Greer offer a different perspective that I agree with more readily. Yet Dolan provides our totally handicapped, left-brain dominant, brainwashed and otherwise impoverished masses a way to broach "disclosure" issues in a way that seems safer. A lot of people seem to be waiting for some outside Establishment Authority figure like a sitting president to hold some disclosure event. This doesn't appear to be forthcoming until the über-wealthy mafia holding them (and the planet) hostage is sufficiently disempowered. We assist in that effort through our continuing self-development which includes going through a less-publicized personal disclosure process. On that note I add the following two exopolitical links.

YouTube link to James Gilliland As You Wish Radio Program with Disclosure Updates

Landmark Quantum Physics Breakthrough: Snapshot of Light as Both Particle and Wave