Sunday, January 22, 2017

Alt News Gems Drain the Swamp Special - 1/22/17

Ephesians 5:11-13: Have no fellowship with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for everything that is illuminated becomes a light itself.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Alt News Gems - 1/20/17

Couple things on my mind lately.  #1: I am so sorry for destroying that Dixie Chicks album some decade and a half ago out of protest to the band's outspoken questioning of George W. Bush and the Establishment's 9-11 narrative. I wonder how many hundreds of thousands of other soccer moms are finding peace through processing the rightous anger sparked by 9-11 Truth or any other one or combination of the million lies we've been told by profoundly corrupt authorities, "(#Pizzagate) is all fake news" being just the latest epic lie. Learning to channel the righteous anger and other manifestations of grief through honest verbal expression and dialogue, seemingly unrelated creativity, self-care or self-empowerment behaviors, boycott and other boundary-setting has been a full-time job. Seems like this process has been going on for years for me, but I am finally seeing a great deal of similar sentiment in the collective. I now feel like I am surrounded by others who understand my outrage, and I understand their's. They will not feel as alone as I did even just a couple years ago, I hope. These last 10 years or so of rabbit hole tours and very difficult "awakening" while working in an extremely demanding profession (again, all thanks to the Dark Side which has infested everything) have been very real, all too real it appears for my soon-to-be ex-husband to handle. And that brings me to:

#2, the sorry details of which I'll just keep to myself due to how ridiculously convoluted and tragic it all is. One benefit to the Dark's shock and awe mind f*@! has been that it lessened the sting of finding out I was being told even more lies by the one I thought I could trust the most. I suppose it was also Karma for some of my own past bad behavior.

The last few weeks could have been a lot worse, so I am expressing gratitude to a Universe that provides me gradually more insight, more peace, more healing and more energy to press on despite enduring some very difficult truths and disappointments. I am learning to trust that this beneficent Universe holds much better plans for me and all of us than we can even fully conceive of at this time, but it will require a few more acts of courage, continued detox and discourse, as well as progress in the direction of building healthy symbiotic relationships and systems to replace the dying parasitic ones. I am starting to see concrete positive signs with the emergence of spokespeople like Dr. Pieczenik, Robert Kennedy Jr., and others in the more awakened and empowered public taking action to guide those of us more disempowered, less enlightened and/or slogging through the deeper trenches of this war.

Multiple organic and synergistic processes are happening at individual/human micro levels and the group/systems macro levels. These processes now clearly overlap and are speeding up the widespread mobilization of solutions. The massive disclosure processes that have been going on for some time now by the alternative press will culminate soon with the most disturbing information, according to researchers like David Wilcock. It truly cannot be that much more disturbing than learning that every nook and cranny of government and industry is infested with psychopathic elements, sadistic creeps who enjoy hurting others, especially children on a massive scale. The hypnotic trance that they used on the public, allowing them to get away with unprecedented atrocities worldwide is now faltering. The large-scale disruption provides the motivation to make the changes needed to save our species and the planet. Below are examples of "dots" that one can connect at the surface level in just reading the headlines. Spending some time, however, in taking in the initial difficult information, I want to assure the viewer that in almost each difficult or apocalyptic piece, one can also fully appreciate the seeds or sprouts of healing solutions introduced.

Steve Pieczenik (YT): No More False Flags, No More B^!!$#!%!

The Alex Jones Channel (YT): Breaking: Emergency Message To Anti-Trump Cult

VAXXED TV (YT): VaxXed Stories: NICU Nurse in Redding, CA

VAXXED TV (YT): VaxXed Tour: Dr. Ramon Ramos


WeAreChange (YT): Big Pharma Shaking as Trump Appoints Top Vaccine Truth Advocate (YT): 2017: TRUTH RISING -- Melissa & Aaron Dykes

Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News (YT): SNOPES accused of defrauding website to pay for prostitutes –staff includes escort/domme/porn star

David Seaman (YT): Elites Terrified of Upcoming Wikileaks

Truth Be Told TV (YT): Obama Starting War to Hide Ties to Pizzagate & Stop Trump Presidency- Fetzer/Ryan

Within Reason (YT): Did Russia Hack the U.S. Election? (YT): PUTIN JUST EXPOSED THE PLOT TO DESTROY AMERICA

Random Rants of Ryan (YT): HUGE PIZZAGATE CONNECTION: James Alefantis' Instagram Profile pic God of Pederastry

David Seaman (YT): PizzaGate Suspect Being Investigated By F.B.I.

Random Rants of Ryan (YT): #PIZZAGATE- Ryan O'neal "death threat victim" Still alive confirms FBI investigation

Truthstream Media (YT): Last Minute Change in Security at Inauguration Reminiscent of JFK in Dealey Plaza

veritasvisuals (YT): Part I: Undercover investigation exposes groups plotting criminal activity at Trump inauguration

pineconeutopia (YT): Dr. Katherine Horton Discusses Gang Stalking, Energy Weapons, and What to Do about It on WBB

Victurus Libertas VL: (YT): HELLO - Join Victurus Libertas On VIDME and Enjoy The First Amendment

corbettreport (YT): The Social Media Exodus Has Begun. Here's Where Everybody's Going


Eroseninka (YT): James Gilliland on the As You Wish Talk Radio, 7.1.2017