Saturday, June 27, 2015

Alt News Gems - 6/27/15

BPEarthwatch YT Solar Update

AJ YT on Erosion of Medical/Ethical/Human Rights in US

Major Disclosure Nugget from Dr. Steven Greer

Now if  you're thoroughly rattled by the above disturbing information, take some time to consider the information David Wilcock adds (see previous posts for links), information concerning benevolent ET races who look at us as we might an abused animal. Also consider what brave, small acts you can do to either help lessen the degree of distress or the general negativity for yourself and others, Tonglen in action. No ideas, then check this out:

10 Hours of ASMR by MassageASMR on YT

Bottom Line

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Alt News Gems - 6/24/15

TRUTHstream News This Week

This is not breaking news, but it is still a timely gem: Kristen Meghan, a true hero, speaking out.

Bookmark this site to keep an eye on solar weather. Solar radiation storm days require more self care in shielding yourself and loved ones from excess exposure outdoors.

Dave Schmidt Speaks on the Looming Global Currency Collapse

Ben Fulford This Week

Real News Network YT: TPP Endgame in August/September?

Cosmic Vision News 6/19/15

Monday, June 15, 2015

Alt News Gems - 6/15/15

Updated 6/17/15

I originally learned of David Wilcock's work through a Facebook connection with Tracy Jo Jaco and her husband, Michael Jaco, author of the book Intuitive Warrior. My mind had already been opened through the study of quantum physics and other paradigm-shattering practices and events. Even still it took reading and re-reading David's work, comparing it to the revelations of others, connecting many dots, and relinquishing a great deal of beloved beliefs to be able to come to terms with David's latest revelations. I am very glad to see him include the need for all of us to be behaving ourselves. PES Network founder has explained it also but not as eloquently, in my opinion, repeating the mantras, "We get the government we deserve...(and) We must repent and stop being so wicked," in a number of videos. The same is true of the Red Dragon family's Ambassador, using the word "repent" repeatedly. I just prefer a different vernacular, one that makes the message feel like Mom's advice instead of a Baptist sermon. "Do unto others... Be the change you wish to see in the world" never sounded more cliché than now, but Now is a really good time to put this principle to work. On the surface, one wonders how simple acts of kindness or integrity can reverse what amounts to a mighty river of sewage unleashed by a depraved ruling class, their minions, and widespread apathy. David discusses the white-hot power that would be released if for just one day the preponderance of humans on this planet had something to feel good about. The little pay-it-forward stuff has incredible potential. Making it a habit and an attitude has enough healing power for me to go on and on about with anecdotes and personal experiences I have seen in healthcare setting and my own life over the last 15 years. That blog post is coming. For now, however, grab your dearest security blanket and snuggle it close as you check out the first link.

David's work involves researching some emerging new sciences. In his latest book, The Synchronicity Key, David explores a curious phenomenon which happens when we devote ourselves to serving each other and the planet. Life becomes an adventure that no amount of money, sex, drugs or sadistic power can provide counterfeit.

We Are Change & Friends Discover Synchronicity

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Alt News Gems - 6/13/15

Freudian Autocorrect 


This week culminated in a memorial for my Aunt Gail who passed last week from one of the most virulent strains of "gram positive cocci" pneumonia I've witnessed in my career in healthcare. About the time my aunt checked into one local ICU 2 weeks ago, I was sending one of my patients at work to another ICU with what may have been the same bug. I spent last weekend in bed with laryngitis--perhaps related, and continued to be sick yesterday, having pushed myself to assist in family matters, be the good mom, wife, full-time nurse and servant of the Universe. When I texted/called in sick last night after poor sleep, continuously interrupted by coughing, my boss texted back with what was likely a Freudian Autocorrect, providing me reason for a much-needed laugh. We've all seen them or committed them, I'm sure. I thought it was brilliant to find the inclusion of this phenomenon in Urban Dictionary. It sucks when life forces you to slow down.

Cosmic Vision News 6/12/15

Press For Truth and We Are Change Infiltrate Bilderberg - How Did They Do It?

Some of Infowars' Bilderberg Experience

Dr. Steven Greer with Disclosure Nugget

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Alt News Gems - 6/7/15

James Corbett on How to Spot Disinfo, and this is a timely message placed right at the top here because, like millions of other awakening souls on this planet, I am also prone to unintentionally post "Disinfo". I will post on topics that require discernment including taboo, or otherwise disparaged subjects that the Parasitic Establishment Shot Callers would insist you rather ignore and shun in favor of their official tabloid buzz, fear porn and medley of advertisements. My choice of sources here like Alex Jones are also prone to focus energy in ways that can be interpreted as fear-mongering. My aim is not to cultivate fear but to highlight suppressed news events, trends and murky topics that in my opinion need the light of day. We have a hundred shades of gray to analyze. I also want to document these times we are living in and my own personal growth. I encourage readers to call forth the assistance of our/their Benevolent Universe/Source/Creator/God/Goddess, especially as we run into the more depressing apocalyptic information or the "unbelievable", whether it's  here or anywhere. My linear/logical mind, as well as my heart and gut tell me that the answer to "Disinfo" is calm examination and trust that the truth will be fleshed out. The answer to this kinder, gentler, global fascism, this unsatisfactory material existence, what will likely be remembered 100 years from now as the rock bottom depths of the Kali Yuga Times we tolerate today is to shun fear and secrecy, fear of ostracism for discussing high strangeness, returning to brotherly/sisterly love and sovereign empowerment through lost knowledge of the spirit.

Cosmic Vision News - 6/5/15

GRTV with War, War, and More War: The Answer to Every Problem for the Parasitic "Elite"

The Real News Network on Leaked ObamaTrade Documents

HAARP Report YT on Physics of Ionosphere Heaters & How They Kill the Pacific

RT Interview with Insights into Global Trends/Consequences of Fascist Globalism Lite

Global Research Jay Dyer's Insightful Commentary on Jade Helm as PsyOp

AJ YT: More Unanswered FOIA Questions Regarding Sandy Hook Incident

And last, disclosure material for your consideration. Only a couple hundred years ago, people might have scoffed at the idea of microscopic organisms that could make us ill. The widespread use of microscopy and the scientific method has changed this. In the same way we must apply a renewed spirit of true questioning, the scientific method and a growing toolkit of technologies that can assist us in exploring and mapping the energetic realms: Experiencer Simon Parks Discusses Intradimensional Entities