Friday, May 22, 2015

Toxic Matrix on the Verge of Collapse - 5/22/14

Signs of Faltering Fascist Matrix Everwhere in the News and Blogs
Gianluca Zanna with Guest Mark Koernke: News, Intel & Analysis
GLarrabee YT Report on Possible Link Between Waco Biker Incident & FBI Corruption
AJ YT on More Bankster Market-Rigging & Ceremonial Hand-Slap Naughty Banker Fines
David Wilcock Disclosure Update

The last link refers to a most curious news item in MSM headlines earlier this month, and by its very existence, indicates either lower-level minions are getting "thrown under the bus", further breakdown of the parasites' MSM strangle-hold, or likely both.


I recently sought out social and spiritual community-based support through a Christian church as I came to my own patience's end in dealing with not just the overwhelming global catastrophic NWO Nazi Issues, but some challenging personal issues as well. Over the last three months this community has assisted me immeasurably in their providing outlets for healthy socialization, offering people
opportunities for constructive involvement, and healthy counseling. I'm now learning the ins and outs of audio mixing for the worship team, as they needed a sound person and I have a love for acoustics, music and prayer in motion. The pastor is wide awake and providing much-needed guidance to a
mixed community of sleepers and truthers. He and other church leaders are in the process of their own personal awakening, no better nor worse in intrinsic value than my own or any other person's. All of creation awaits our awakening, this is Biblical, and here is a link to help expand upon that concept.

I wasn't always so quick to quote the Christian Bible, having been raised in a Catholic Church by a mostly Catholic Christian family which worked well until my own Creator-given intuitive abilities began to emerge, alarming over the multiple blatant hypocrisies and inconsistencies inherent within this branch of the parasitic establishment. Today I am still saddened by what I strongly feel are distorted dogmas, such as the predominating doctrine existing in most Christiant churches that it was Jesus' death more than his life that assisted and continues to assist humanity in its evolution towards a more loving nature. People regularly use phrases like "the blood of Jesus covers me" or "Jesus died for our sins". This emphasis upon Jesus' death only assists the parasitic establishment in myriad ways: It helps remind the mere lowly commoner of the dangers of challenging their authority. We know Jesus peacefully denounced the parasitic establishment of his time and taught healthy ways of living to cope with its presence. The death-obsession narrative boldly highlights that one could be the Holiest of Holies, but the parasitic establishment will still have the last word, putting to death anyone who dares challenge their toxic Earthly micromanagement. Obsession or emphasis with Jesus' dealth also helps to divert attention from what little we know about his life. Some say he went to India to study their mystical arts; others say Jesus taught his secrets to initiates in the Great Pyramid. Ancient texts continue to spring up in the Holy Lands, and we will no doubt one day have a much clearer picture of the decades of his life curiously missing from Canon Bible Text. Brave researchers posit that Jesus, being called Rabbi in his later life, was married as was customary for Rabbis of his time and now, and likely had children. Retired Col. Roy Potter provides some insight in this and this video. 

Evidence for this possibility/probability exists in early Christian writings considered heretical by our supposedly infallible divine intermediary, the Holy Roman Catholic Church. Any "heretical" speculation is met with curiously vicious verbal attack from everyday people under the influence of the toxic establishment, now that bloody Inquisition would be politically incorrect. The death sacrifice narrative also conveniently alludes to a bipolar God who occasionally demonstrates a loving, merciful nature (conveniently to a chosen few), while at other times exploding in jealous, violent and malicous behavior. We might have more clarity if the once-revered holy books referred to in accepted biblical texts were actually included in today's Bible. Yet one has to scout for such books like the Book of Enoch and speculate on why such texts are now considered unimportant or dangerous by Vatican or other current authority figures.

Few significant politically historical phenomenon display as much certainty as this--in my opinion, that the crumbling Roman Establishment, in desperation, hijacked the teachings and the authority of Jesus. This regime carefully, utilizing over two centuries, edited the Bible, releasing it only in Latin with the very real threat of torture and death to anyone who dared question the Vatican's interpretation of anything, including Jesus' life, and continuing a more covert Rome-based oligarchy, utilizing more hushed control systems through the ages up until today since the Renaissance and Scientific Revolution. Our masses can now read, and we have much to read; some are daring to truly think outside their boxes. An observant and open-minded person can see how the predatory class and parasitic establshment co-opts everything else popular that threatens their creepy hegemony. The evidence brought to the public by the Church Committee concerning rogue, anti-American elements within US federal government agencies, co-opting the Civil Rights and counter-culture movements are just some examples. The Internet has opened many minds up with evidence of our kinder, gentler despots, how this inbred parasitic "elite" and their just-as-barbaric ancestors have created quite the comfortable concentration camp and cult based upon death, destruction, dystopia, deception and division that we've all been born into. Their multi-millennia-long reign of terror continues to this day with generously-bribed NWO minions assisting the depraved ruling class to hijack indigenous prophetic, post-apocalyptic Christian, and new age teachings regarding the New Heavens/New Earth/New Humanity. Those promoting the corporate-sponsored transhumanism with its hailed AI Singularity shout louder in our Mockingbird Media than all the the world's historic indigenous prophesies that herald a more natural, spiritual time of evolution--a message that curiously made it into any current literature at all, given the massive and bloody genocide these indigenous peoples endured. The Apocalypse is the revealing of these terrible truths, the presence of parasitic control systems and how they've distorted reality for ages.

We are at a crossroads. This abhorrently uncivilized civilization as we know it with all of its recent never-ending wars to fight U.S. covertly funded and directed bogeymen, all the sociopathic ruling class' last 100 or so years of fraudulent global finance, usurious debt and tax slavery, and all of their copious, miscellaneous/other scheming, will thankfully fall. This and my most of my blog posts contain links that speak of the coming fall, the macro-economic and sociological reasons it will fall--if the spiritual/metaphysical reasons seem too airy-fairy. I strongly sense that the powers that shouldn't be even see it coming and will spend every last resource at their disposal for desperate measures to incite fear and control the newly awakening masses who will be in shock with the inevitable mega-trillion-dollar toxic derivatives bubble economic implosion into uncharted territory, a mathmatical certainty. Thankfully, most of the U.S. vets out there, retired and deprogrammed police officers, and a large and growing portion of current military and police are very much awake--and they're not evil. We will likely have fantastically bizarre moves by the toxic establishment in its death throes. I personally am gearing up for a Surreal Summer; am betting we will all have to get our hands dirty, if doing nothing else but turning lush but useless lawns into drought-hardy gardens. Hopefully, enough enlightened people throughout the U.S. have at least a week's worth of clean drinking water on hand and basic skills to make for fair trade. Once considered humble skills such as sewing, plumbing, carpentry, first aid and naturopathic medicine, and therapeutic communication skills like the ability to negotiate and de-escalate, etc. will offer everyday people great trading and RE-BUILDING potential. Martial arts practice and teaching will also certainly play a large part of any collapse/rebuild scenario. Our biggest assets however, exist as basic positive attributes like the willingness to learn, to help, to be flexible, to be honest, level-headed, fair, kind, and reasonably cooperative people in tense social situations--skills that sociopaths and psychopaths dominating within the parasitic banking & ruling classes notably lack, and which have for too long have been associated in these circles with weakness and inferiority.

Speaking of falls, anyone who has ever been a serious student of Judo, Jujitsu, or similar martial art knows there are safe ways to fall. Even knowing such, however, the fall usually strikes the mind as alarming, and it takes a great deal of discipline to execute a safe fall correctly, given our primitive (reptilian) brain's weakness for panic. Safely executing a fall involves maneuvering the body so that as much body surface as possible hits the ground at one time--distributing the impact as much as possible, making that impact harmless for the 99.99%. (Only the genetically rare brittle-boned person may have to go to the hospital.) At the moment of impact the martial arts student vocalizes a Kiai, an action that assists the body in discharging effects of the blow, so the practitioner barely feels any discomfort--even hitting hard ground. I dearly wish that everyone knew of how to safely fall, and in general how to defend the physical, mental and emotional bodies, and more importantly how to take "martial arts" out of the martial setting and framework and into the kitchen or grocery store, into everyday life where all of life becomes Aikido dance. This is a very spiritual state, founded upon basic skills that are not widely supported in our toxic western culture for obvious reasons. We present enough danger just being able to read and write. The point I want to make here involves allegory of the safe fall. We must unite as communities and discipline ourselves to make safe impact. Anyone or any part going off half-cocked is like a knee or elbow striking the ground first. We have power in remaining calm, and power in numbers--supporting and being supported by safe communities. We assist in making those communities safe through practices such as kindness and meditation. This is how the meek inherit the Earth.

This time for many will be a time to get right with Jesus or with whatever/whoever represents Source, Giver of Life. For a small deluded minority, that "giver" is the Deceiver. It is a time for the rest of us with empathy and conscience who haven't yet done so to shake off all fear, all enchantment with superficial nonsense, and any programming that keeps us disempowered or blinded by the toxic establishment. By shining the light of awareness on the machinations of the parasitic ruling class, their history and their plans, we defuse and disempower all of it, and we re-empower ourselves. Fascism never truly succeeded in Europe because it is founded upon distorted reality and upon evil, the antithesis of life--and by its own nature eventually stabs its own self in the back. It turned tail after its near-defeat in WWII, hid and sprouted in other places, almost exactly as planned by its masterminds. Tyranny didn't truly win in Russia or China either. The people there are also sick of tyranny, and have almost shaken it in their growth of consciousness. Many alternative news analysts doesn't speak it yet, but we here in the U.S. need to hear or read it, and let it resound in our minds and hearts until it completely dissolves away any false pride that may have survived after the 9/11 Hangover wore off and reality set in: A sizable chunk of the world has been fed up with American tyranny for years, and with U.S. blindness, our naïve disbelief that U.S. Authority might actually be corrupted--and that we, our family and the most enlightened among us might be repeatedly fooled into good Milgram experiment subject obedience. We repeatedly keep learning that our "elected" officials really do lie, and most of them daily commit treasonous, psychopathic, criminal acts against life itself. We still haven't caught onto the unconscienable idea that the whole system is now rigged. Droves of evidence suggesting election fraud everywhere now clearly demonstrate the farce of democracy anywhere at least in the Western World that pollished people in suits claim it exists. What is important to note, however, is that the parasitic elite gladly recruit those who hold dear that disdain against all U.S. citizens, mocking their new grunts in their bunker briefing rooms as they mark them down on their Blue List.

I am beginning to think that the psychopathic elite truly have no clue that tyranny cannot win. It doesn't win the hearts and energy of people; it is not in alignment with nature nor the life-sustaining elements of the Universe. Shoving fear and depressing news in our faces day after day will surely discourage and kill some, but it also desensitizes in a positive way those who continue to march on for the love of someone--be it their children or their combat buddies. Most regular, non-psychopathic people, no matter their nationality or religion, get tired of war. We thirst for real peace and freedom and do not delight in the suffering of others--even our enemies. We might think we do sometimes, but in practice that doesn't work out, and real people being honest with themselves know it. However, we have a truly alien element among us that does delight in the suffering of people. They feed off of it. We should not fear this pitiful cabal, but we would all do better to wake up to their existence and get hip on how to respond to their B.S. in ways that expedite the end of their tyranny.

The deeper I dig, the more I am realizing that we are involved in a spiritual or transdimensional proxy war of sorts. This idea shouldn't be difficult for any regular Christian, Muslim or other spiritually-rooted, ayahuasca-imbibing neo-hippie to understand. It will likely be the atheists, convinced by the parasites' lies about a dead billiard fall universe with all of its myopic "skeptism" and corporate-sponsored so-called science, who will be the most prone to confusion in these times. They will also be the most amazed when the Living Universe finally lays all the cards on the table. When will that happen? When will this ridiculous charade be over? How long can this unbelievably precarious house of cards stand? I don't know, and it makes me nauseously frustrated at times to ponder the how-long questions. Yet I recall the events of last summer with the Bundy Ranch stand-off, and it makes it easier to endure yet another year of dual choke hold waiting for this monster to pass out--if that's what it takes.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Alt News Gems - 5/18/15

I personally do not look upon the coming financial collapse as a bad thing. I understand it will be a tumultuous time, but it will herald the true end of the multi-trillion dollar lie. These last few decades of never-ending US-taxpayer funded war (now at work in the homeland with ample evidence of false flags and Cointelpro-like activity) and a global corporate leadership culture that promotes deception, unfairness, hypocrisy, pollution and slavery of every kind have made my decision easy. I have far more faith in the adaptability of regular humanity than I do in our sociopathic ruling class' ability to guide civilization in any healthy fashion. I will divest my energy from corrupt systems while investing that energy in working with my community to rebuild a kinder system. We need to claim our power and put it to use. Kind, educated, reasonable, and now much-wiser people far outnumber the sociopaths, but our redemption of this planet, the true Golden Age cannot possibly begin while the parasitic ruling class' clever house of cards stands.

SGT Report with Intel on the Coming Financial Collapse

FinanceAndLiberty YT on TPP

New World Next Week May 16

Alex Jones Shows ISIS Driving MRAPs Sent by U.S.

WeAreChange with Breaking News on Plane Hacker

We Are at a Crossroads by TruthStream Media

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Alt News Gems - 5/16/15

I have felt guided this week to encourage my colleagues to look up the Milgram Experiment and the Stanford Prison Experiment. A good person can be led to do bad things when circumstances develop--or in the case of our present day reality, when we have sociopaths with unfathomable wealth in key positions of leadership, as has been the case for a number of years: A few decades, several centuries, a few millennia--the number varies depending on what evidence you're willing to accept. The main point is that knowledge is power; education assists people in recognizing when a bad situation could get worse, and more importantly, provides fertile ground for organic solutions. Sinister hypnotic tricks rarely work on people who are aware. The bad news is that there are sociopathic and apparently psychopathic people in government and other positions of power. The good news is that naturally good people outnumber them and are catching onto the fact.

105 Seconds of Economic Clarity by TruthNeverTold

Kev Baker Show 5/13

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Alt News Gems - 5/10/15

Modern Knowledge Tour - Calgary 💚

TruthStream Media - Creeping Horror Debut

G Larrabee YT with Report & Link on Pomegranate for Heart Health
Gary admits to slaughtering some of the terminology, but he includes a link to the article he's reading. One of the biggest news stories we don't hear of in MSM concerns Americanitis, polypharmacology, and the equally alarming and underreported morbidity and mortality rates associated with people taking so many medications for preventable chronic health conditions (and medications to alleviate side effects of the primary medications). That's because Big Media's biggest sponsor is Big Pharma. Their machinations often just treat the symptoms, never claiming to "cure", and when taken in such handfuls as they often are, they overwhelm the body, making sick people even sicker. Big Pharma happily capitalizes on our ignorance of basic physiology. We can end the nightmare by tapering off the dope (with the supervision of an enlightened doctor) and replacing the dope with sane lifestyle choices such as the Mediterranean Diet. Bring the olive garden back home. Invest in sound health.
Mother Nature just added an 11th reason to ban cracking there and elsewhere:
We're having an impact:

Santos Bonacci on Capricorn Radio via D Whitehead Truth Warrior YT