Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Alt News Gems - Late October 10/25/16

Seems I've been late for everything these days, and here again I was late for another WTF BBQ Weekend.  I've put all of my efforts lately into surfing a large wave of negative greeting one seems to encounter in this world when doing one's best to do the right thing.

Over the last two weeks I have confronted major issues concerning the health of my closest loved ones, challenges with staffing and other issues at work, a leaky roof, unexpected financial blows, serious threats in my marriage, a lapse in good judgment that involved me putting a hand in a blender, and then a broken tooth requiring emergency home dentistry. Emergency home dentistry on oneself (like putting a hand in the blender--even when it's not currently moving) is ill-advised, but it is what I did to avoid abscess and further health risks the last time I was hit with such a crazy string of curiously uncoincidental, often bizarre, challenging, and brutally economic adverse life events--punctuated with a broken tooth. I had to become like a little child again, this time without the motivation of the tooth fairy, but the equally motivating financial incentive of avoiding another costly dental bill. I also was well-prepared physically having spent the last 5 years in mostly gentle detox, restoration from a very unwell state to a healthier one, and gradually moving to a "high vibrational" diet.

There was a time when I would have thought David Wilcock's talk of high vibrational lifestyle and "negative greeting" just fanciful imagination at best--delusional at worst. However, some info found in the Vedas, numerous worldwide and historic indigenous sacred writings/prophesies, and sacred Jewish, Islamic and Christian literature validate much of this, and this stuff strikes me as very real now that I'm living it and seeing it repeated, as well as reading others’ accounts: I clearly note the connection between efforts to be brave, honest, kind and committed to the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth with all hell breaking loose in my personal life. It's a test much like the biblical Job endured to ascertain his level of commitment.

"No good deed will go unpunished" I would hear occasionally back in the days I worked for the government. We would also joke when we saw people of questionable ethics and abilities "being promoted according to their level of incompetence." Such things are no joking matter anymore due to the re-emergence of insane nuclear war threats, other probable Cabal shenanigans and fear porn like Clownpocalypse-The Purge. People within all aspects of US government and its Military Industrial Complex are now more than ever being called to get off the fence, wake up, convert, repent, etc, because the public is now either waking up or crossing over prematurely due to Cabal parasitism. There may not be pitchforks and guillotines this time, but justice will again be just as certain.

Over the last few years there have seemed to be these crescendo periods where a great deal of chaos or widespread geopolitical drama flares up, complete with false flags, strings of questionable "suicides" and "bizarre accidents" within certain groups that either know too much and/or threaten the system, and the ever-present mainstream media, even alternative media deception or unintentional disinformation. Consider this latest period with the combined elements of news regarding Hillary Clinton's now undeniable illness/potential death and evidence of body doubles/computer generated illusion, recent storms that show telltale signs of geo-engineering hitting both US West and East Coasts (major population centers), internet outages coinciding with large data dumps and then the quickly following dark news and grim speculation surrounding whistle-blowing activity in general, particularly at this time with Julian Assange and the latest revelations from Wikileaks. We now have disturbing revelations from other sources regarding the toxic Establishment Beast’s high level minion, Hillary Clinton, her greedy degenerate Clinton Foundation, more emerging evidence of election/voter fraud and other dirty, downright criminal tactics like Soros & Clinton funding goons to incite violence at the (supposed) opposition's events, and a virtual blackout by the MSM regarding the indigenous and other "protectors’" efforts to slow the Dakota Access Pipeline. They are at worst postponing, at best preventing the further poisoning of millions more Americans through another so-called accidental pipeline leak.

People once reluctant to entertain conspiracy theories are at last now unable to avoid the obvious psychopathic criminal mindset at work in a large part of our so-called leadership and are bravely facing such with the polls revealing evidence of it a little quicker than the polls too can be rigged. 

And then there's the chatter regarding the Global Financial Reset getting stalled again. Year after year after year now, curious reports that there exists elements within the so-called “elite” ranks of society who are not completely degenerate and drunken from power, unwilling to descend like many in their family into raping children on top of torturing and murdering masses. These ill family members seem obviously committed to blowing up the planet as a last ditch attempt to escape justice. How it’s surely time to put an end to the nonsense, isn’t it.

Watching this has been both fascinating and frustrating. I pray for this handful of clearly organized, brave, ethical leaders in our world, because we have millions, perhaps now billions of us at the humble ground levels who have for years if not lifetimes been doing the inner work, absolutely now exasperated with the deceptions and delay of our rightful, peaceful, non-dystopic Golden Age. The masses globally have every right to enjoy in the benefits of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, not at the enslavement of others or pollution of the planet but rather with the benefits of automation combined with many, many other suppressed technologies that would allow for our quantum leap forward. We have every right to develop in our abilities to govern ourselves in transparent processes that honor all life, as we have every right to further our educations without debt slavery. Really, what this boils down to is our right to genuine, organic evolution into every bit of potential we truly have—not with some questionable AI cyborg super-soldier fix for sale by some corrupt corporation with plans to only continue to rape the planet and further parasite off of the masses who they have worked especially diligently over the last 6 or so decades to gradually disempower.

Facing this thing straight on with courage and with the confidence gained in knowledge that life is much bigger than the ridiculous 2-dimensional paradigm of scientific materialism is the first step. And one can see it’s woefully lacking now with all the research into near-death experiences, studies on the Maharishi effect as well as other energy-development arts such as Chi-Kung. We have also the evidence in the power of placebos. We have the general notion that the energy of consciousness is a resource we must put to work for goodness. The dark masters throughout history have shown us how it can be put to work for suffering and other madness. We are only now at a point where we can truly embrace what was given to us by the pioneers of quantum physics. Fritjof Capra in The Tao of Physics points out that these revelations have come full circle, uniting the wisdom of the East with the wisdom of the West. We have as well what some others might call hippie-dippy notions of love and harmony. Abandoning the failed paradigm of scientific materialism as well as the failing business model of fear, loathing and aggression will be essential to make that quantum leap first step.

Enduring what can be a mind-blowing learning curve regarding the true power of respecting all life, including oneself,  is the second. I suppose the third is development of patience in these end-times of what may well be a 26K year or more evolutionary process. Many sources are saying it is almost over.

corbettreport (YT): US Intel Caught Pushing Putin-Trump Conspiracy Theory - #NewWorldNextWeek

StormCloudsGathering (YT): How my family Stopped a Chronic MRSA Infection When Conventional Medicine Failed

Dane Wigington (YT): CIA Whistleblower Speaks Out About Climate Engineering, Vaccination Dangers and 9-11

Media Monarch (YT): The Drug War's Not In Kansas Anymore - #GoodNewsNextWeek


The Institute for Responsible Technology (YT): Zen Honeycutt Interview

369NEWS.NET (YT): Wilcock's Fulford Interview (2011, but still timely & insightful)

Brad Johnson (YT): Nearing the End Game & WW3 Aversion

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Alt News Gems - Undead and Other Creepy Clown Sightings, Plus More Real Life October Frights Edition - 10/11/16


And Now for Some Reset: Restorative News


Monday, October 3, 2016

More Curiously Under-Reported News Stories Making Alt News Gems - 10/3/16

And more evidence of the failing paradigm of scientific materialism and fascist/parasitic ruling class "elite" controlled "democracy" delusion.

Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News (YT): Me speaking to thousands on Holistic Doctor Death Series- Give it a chance

xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx (YT): Look how big the #NODAPL camp is! you won't see this on the mainstream media

Modwiz125 (YT): Modwiz Talking Shift With Shelley: Standing with Standing Rock


wearechange (YT): The Secret From U.S Propaganda Released

Boiling Frogs Post (YT): Google’s Jigsaw: Undermining Alternative Media

