Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Deep State Wars Update: KOVID & Election Fraud DamBreak *Updated*

My schooling on U.S. history concerning slavery, genocide of indigenous peoples and misogyny can be summed up to this: The founders of our nation fled other lands where everyone but the ruling caste and their administrators were indentured servants. The caste system in Europe was quite real and enforced by an equally tyrannical system in the Vatican. Our Founders fled to escape tyranny and attempted to forge a system based on the best of Christian principles, but they were evolving in their walk, imperfect men who had some faults hardwired into them from infancy. They had good aspirations and intentions, but they also had a definite shadow side that the royals, the dynasty bankster families and other ruling-class “elites” knew how to manipulate and magnify. The despots then and now employ shame and other psychological manipulation, deception, bribery, vicious violence and whatever else they can get away with to continue their slavery and caste system. However, a global awakening is happening that threatens this dysfunctional system. Hence the global crackdown by the despots.

I have a suspicion that the next few weeks will be vindicating for those of us who have known for years that most U.S. presidents in our lifetime and our parents’ lifetimes have been selected, not elected. One notable exception is President Trump. The level of corruption and election-rigging seems to have only evolved, hardened, refined and grown exponentially over the last few decades--much like a cancer grows from a hidden problem to a very obvious one. An alliance within the military industrial complex, including other "White Hats" from around the world decided enough was enough. They knew of a 16-year plan where Hillary was going to finish off the U.S. in 8 years and helped to unrig the system just enough to get Trump elected in 2016. Yet they apparently did not do the same in 2020. The assumption is that we are all supposed to see what has been obvious to me for a long time.

All I've read and heard so far on the 2020 presidential election from sources I trust indicates that nearly every conceivable form of cheating and fraud has been detected through the forensic audit in Arizona as well as multiple other investigations going on in other U.S. States. I am confident that millions of Americans and others worldwide will be comfortable with fair trials and severe penalties for criminal fraudsters, seeing very clearly and probably seeing red like myself, now voting with every dollar, every prayer, every simple decision, every thought and breath. Once several other U.S. States reach the level of "forensic audit", as they likely will given the implications of significant fraud in one State, we will have the turning point I and other Americans have been waiting for. We have sufficient elements within the military and other powerful interests that want nothing to do with the pure evil that would cheat, lie, steal and do far worse, as they have, all in the name of “democracy”, as ridiculous as that sounds. Those who have committed treason and crimes against humanity will say anything they think they need to say in order to manufacture enough consensus to get them off the hook and keep them in power.

The statements above really cannot be over-emphasized. Weaponizing a virus in a Chinese lab because such “research” became illegal here, lying about this and hiding who unwittingly paid for it (The Taxpayer); lying about safe and inexpensive early treatments like hydroxychloroquine in order to cripple the population and set up a way to guarantee the theft of an election; then the ongoing psychological traumatization that is the "Biden Presidency"--all of it in its entirety is several levels of treason and crimes against humanity that absolutely deserves and requires military attention. And if it turns out that secretive geo-engineering programs are also being utilized in order to create “climate change” and wildfire conditions as appears to be the case, then we're so far into uncharted territory, it's terrifying and infuriating. But that's only scratching the surface of this. We could go into the human trafficking and crimes against children, but I’ve covered that at length in previous posts. These are deep and ugly crimes that may take decades for the world to come to terms with.

Returning to the more surface and in-our-face situation, pun-intended, it is simply next to intolerable to be stuck inside a place like California where mask mandates could go on forever for those of us like myself who experience Vaccine Deficiency Syndrome. Signs of VDF include the ability to read a pharmaceutical product insert, question corrupt authority, and reject the push for an experimental injection in every arm that comes at us day after day despite the growing VAERS numbers. How many need to be significantly disabled or die ("coincidentally" of course, after the shot) in order for these criminals to be held accountable?  Right now the real numbers are close to 400,000 dead from one of or more of the three experimental vaccines. This will be our Auschwitz, it's clear to me because the groupthink is so powerful, that millions, perhaps even billions may have to die before it's obvious to some in the KOVID Koolaid Cult. Below is a link with attorney Leigh Dundas who adequately addresses this grave issue. 

We will be processing the fallout for decades thanks to people who were so hyper-focused on just following orders of those in authority. History tells us the wrong people can rise to power, and it has happened in the United States. This white-collar crime syndicate wants billions dead or crippled, open borders, defunded police departments and more taxes on the masses. If we don't submit, if we don't just ignore the avalanche of evidence of election and voter fraud as well bio-terrorism to influence an election and ultimately enslave the world under global communism, (aka, if we don't get in the back of the van with these creeps and do as told,) they will send out their "peaceful" activists again to "peacefully" burn, loot and commit more violence. Hollywood and TV news celebrities will praise them and Governors like Newsom will release these Brownshirts back to do more damage if they are ever apprehended by what law enforcement we have left brave enough to arrest them. Perhaps the “elites” might have to make sure another taxpayer-funded, weaponized cold virus mysteriously “leaks” from a laboratory in Communist China.  

I pray that Durham has enough, that the leadership within the PTSD-afflicted military have had enough, and know that we have all had enough. Optics won't matter if our eyes are all gouged out. The population is significantly crippled from decades of misinformation and criminal activity coming from every trusted institution by the dark Establishment operatives and now their Stockholm Syndrome-captured slaves. It's time to end this criminal Establishment and their crime spree.  


Lori Colley (Rumble): WINNING! Five Reasons for Hope

DefendingTheRepublic (Rumble): How Does It End?





Terrence Popp (YT): How to Fortify an Election | Grunt Speak Live



