Saturday, March 6, 2021

Thoughts on Cancel Culture and Forbidden Fruit - 3/6-3/7/21

Memoirs of a Crackhead Pedo-Elite

Please see the links below if you're in a hurry for something newsworthy. Whatever is going on with the Alliance Side of the Deep State War is so much on the down-low, with what few details emerging a little sketchy (ie "Smoke coming from the Whitehouse Lawn"), I just hope the smoke clears and things become more discernable by the 22nd. 

This is bound to be more of a journal entry processing-type post with me just trying to make sense of a lot of things that probably aren't meant to make much sense; likely meant to continue to just make more war on the average person's psyche right now so that we cannot reason or believe our eyes as we see evidence of epic Communist China Collusion, epic anti-Trump Establishment corruption that includes false flag events like the Capitol Insurrection, and ultimately massive election fraud that was exposed during the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. Exposure continues despite the tech giants working overtime in a futile attempt to erase all the evidence and to try to bully us into shutting up on social media. All the time and effort one puts into a Facebook or Twitter account can be erased by these tyrants. Some are experiencing this right now. I don't care much about those platforms anymore. There are plenty of interesting alternative platforms like Gab, Bitchute,, and Foxhole. Even Parler is back up now. I long ago gave up Facebook and then Twitter a couple months ago after President Trump's account was nixed. The Youtube Tech Tyrants banned President Trump's latest CPAC speech, predictably. Do they realize the virtual martyr they're creating? Do they understand the concept of Forbidden Fruit? 

I shake my head at the futile attempts to rewrite history by tearing down statues or banning discussion of topics in the name of social justice or democracy. So many people in my sphere of influence are getting a crash course in Conspiracy Reality right now--without my help actually, and I predict more will follow as their vaccine addiction comes to a screeching halt after a few loved ones or even they themselves experience "adverse side effects" (ASEs). I honestly no longer believe in ASE's of the experimental COVID gene therapies pushed by Establishment. All the "adverse events" are probably quite intentional so these proven sadists at the very top can get their sick jollies and have more "Build Back Better" to sell us shortly. 

I have seen enough of these fully exposed wealthy sadists--the Epsteins, the Weinsteins, the Anthony Weiners and the Clintons of the world--no different from the Ted Heaths, the Jimmy Saviles or 80% of the Vatican, their sick club no longer hidden to me and a few millions others like me. Sadly what few people still under the influence of propaganda programs like The View won't be around much longer after their 3rd or 4th Big Pharma jab. 

Pundits are calling people like myself who read the QAnon posts QAnon Conspiracy Cult Members, but no one in this so-called "cult" is drinking experimental Koolaid. I know a number of decent people still convinced of the Establishment's lies. I've done my best to help deprogram them from the heart. Thankfully, the majority of my friends, relatives, and coworkers do see through the B.S. and are in the process of questioning the entire Establishment.

Imagine a million angry soccer moms like myself bringing up QAnon talking points after Yoga class or outside the health food store as we sip on our chai lattes. You bet California, after making its voice heard regarding corrupt Governor Newsom is a little slow to open up, not because tens of thousands are flooding emergency rooms sick with some Gain-of-Function-weaponized virus cooked up in a Communist Chinese lab. It's because there are droves of common-sense and otherwise educated people here unplugging from the toxic Establishment and making sense of their latest shenanigans. The creeps at the top undoubtedly know this. 

The real tyrants are continuing to prove themselves to be everything they accused Trump and this Anti-Corrupt Establishment Movement of, the dangerous racist/elitist terrorists they truly are, daily bumbling it up with their cancel culture on cherished icons like Dr. Seuss or turning on their own like the New York Governor Cuomo. "They lie, lie, lie, and then again they will do worse," Trump said in one of his speeches. Of note to me and hinting at the "worse", this wealthy club has ties to mainstream healthcare, most noteworthy, Big Pharma. Vaccine Czar of the NWO Global Technocracy is Bill Gates, who like Bill Clinton was a friend to Jeffrey Epstein after Jeffrey's conviction and slap on the wrist for crimes against children. A new force within our culture is emerging that calls for no more slaps on the wrist for these crimes. Hence, all the QAnon-bashing and other failing attempts at shutting down the Movement are the desperate efforts of a cornered beast. 

While I am ever more pushed into the naturopathic side of healthcare, alternative platforms, and alternative spiritual modalities to help me cope with the evils of the world, here I am still on a Google platform blogging. But even this makes it more of a therapeutic writing experience. It's just as well thrown into the trash. Molon Labe. I can speak freely to the world in one sense, yet hold no attachment to the effort. This writing is mental Tai Chi, refining my understanding of the times we are in, the obstacles to a better world we all face, and my articulation of all that when I undoubtedly will have to personally deal with loved ones grieving the loss of their social media accounts or sadly, their health, as this Deep State War continues. 

"You have more than you know," and "never interfere with an enemy while in the process of destroying itself" are quotes that frequently come to mind as we watch the Deep State and its global communist New World Order partners attempt to reverse the process MAGA started. Many in the MAGA Movement including myself were hoping for a much quicker fix to the election-rigging. Then there are all the other areas with signs of malevolent influence (financial, occupational, religious, pop culture, medical, with mask mandates being the latest and most suspect). I have a suspicion the mask mandates are being hard fought for in certain states like California (where Newsom released thousands of prisoners, also in the name of COVID-19) because they're getting ready for the next round of "peaceful protests". Everyone again will surely be encouraged by the mainstream media minions to ignore acts of violence and terrorism when it comes from their camp. On top of Hollywood figures bailing these criminals out of jail, and George-Soros-connected groups bussing them here and there for their sacred demonstrations, now they have an added layer of protection to help keep them from being identified for crimes they're surely planning to commit in the future. The Summer of Love Protests and then the "deadly pandemic" Bill Gates salivated over were probably just the beginning.

Our leadership now has access to several studies, trends, the real numbers on how deadly the virus truly is, how it is spread, and how people need a functional economy and normal social contact to have thriving health. The leadership inside the medical community also knows how hydroxychloroquine has worked when it's started early. Multiple doctors have come forward with their experience utilizing this cheap and effective medication. But pressure has been applied to not utilize this medicine or anything else besides masks that don't stop viruses and the experimental gene therapies being called vaccines when in actuality they have no live or dead virus in the injection to trigger immune response. 

There are probably several other critical reasons to have everyone masked, like tipping pH balance more toward the acidic side, making people more prone to illness. The face shield and mask combo at work tends to obscure vision, slow one down and overheat staff already working in a difficult environment. At this point I am convinced that the PPE mandates have nothing to do with leadership concerned about positively impacting public health. It's Cloward & Piven Healthcare at best. The more I reflect on it, the more these mandates appear to have all the hallmarks of other malevolent policy changes enacted supposedly for the good of humanity, like fluoride in the water, mercury in fillings, neurotoxic artificial sweeteners, "helpful" adjuvants like aluminum and thimerosal in the vaccines. It has taken centuries if not millennia to get as bad as it is today. The Awakening, I am repeatedly reminded, really is a process of debriefing, grieving, unlearning, re-examining, detoxing and rehabilitating. All these processes are taking some time. I started the process years ago in earnest in the middle of the Obama Administration, prepped by revelations learned about the Clintons and Bushes. I was blessed to have a child right after people were starting to vociferously question vaccine safety, pointing to thimerosal's neurotoxicity, and just as I was entering the field of nursing. Fresh out of school with a keen mind for chemistry, I was able to read the literature and comprehend the dangers. Then the following nearly 2 decades of vaccine injuries, paid for by the taxpayers because the elites in this industry can't possibly be held accountable. It's taken some time to digest the crimes against humanity of dirty vaccine industry, still watching in horror as cohorts show evidence of Stockholm Syndrome, accepting the KOVID Koolaid that are the experimental gene therapies. With every industry whistleblower suspicious death like Brandy Vaughan, I get impatient for action, especially given the other red flags going up in this Deep State War. Whenever I am challenged to be patient with a significant chunk of the population still in the beginnings of the process, I reflect upon how long it's taken myself to see this big picture. 

One day the crooks will not be able to walk the streets. We will one day have a mostly benevolent humanity in positions of power because we will demand it as a collective. I will hold onto that vision until it is concrete with news of it being delivered to us daily by whoever replaces Rachel Maddow eventually. I rejoice now at the courage and human ingenuity I witness daily and other natural solutions making a re-emergence as I learn more about complementary healthcare. Solutions are springing up everywhere as the lies of Establishment are exposed and the old system is failing.



Banned YouTube Videos (Bitchute): PRESIDENT TRUMP'S SPEECH AT CPAC 2021

Body Language Ghost (YT): Body Language: Trump & Jordan at CPAC

Doctor Quits After Mob Attack for Exposing Kids Not Impacted by Virus from High Intensity Health with Mike Mutzel, MS on Apple Podcasts.

David Nino Rodriguez (YT): History of the Global Elite 101 w Wayne Jett

Amazing Polly (Bitchute): CDC in Collusion with Vaccine Manufactures (Since 2004 at least!)


Spiro Skouras (YT): It’s Here: First Court Case Against Mandatory Vaccination: Attorney Interview

NootropicsExpert (YT): Rosemary

motivationaldoc (YT): 1 Cup will CLEAR UP Mucus & Phlegm in Sinus, Chest, and Lungs | Dr Alan Mandell, DC