Monday, December 29, 2014

Alt News Gems 💚

Reluctant Preppers show discussion with a clip on elevating our thinking, the process one Marine went through in order to liberate himself to discover higher consciousness, or to at least begin that journey; very inspirational:

RT News story, Blogger Gives Homeless Man $100, Sets up Crowdfund for his future; another positive & inspirational piece of news:

Judge Alfred Lambremont Webre sheds new light on ITCCS and Kevin Annett, very difficult news. Yet this process demonstrates the judge and futurist's depth of character. Here we begin to discover disinformation, distraction & disempowerment techniques used by our elite mafia to undermine true justice for historic and current crimes against humanity, including ritual child sex abuse, murder and organized child sex trafficking:

Jimmy Church Radio Show with disclosure update from David Wilcock: Transcript at Wilcock's site:

Golden Age Healthcare News with Richard Gordon & his show, The Possible Human with guest Dawson Church:

Monday, December 22, 2014

Chronic Stress, GMO High Fructose Corn Syrup and the Geo-Engineered Sky Gas Chamber

Marshmallow Gun - Because Food Is Weaponized,
Kissinger Warned Us, But It's Better To Be Aware & To Laugh 


Also, if you've had enough of truther ranting and just want some positive disclosure insight into these end-times, scroll down to the bottom 3 paragraphs.
This Natural News article on Weaponized food has a link to Kissinger's ideas (not functional at this time, but you can download a helpful PDF from the Nixon Archives at,d.aWw). These genocidal plans, known decades ago by his contemporaries--not all of them criminally insane, should have had Kissinger and all of his sociopathic colleagues hauled by their ears into The Hague for blatant Geneva Convention violations. Let's explore this phenomon of justifying, even praising horrifically bad behavior. We recently saw the release of the US Senate Intelligence Committee Torture Report, with mainstream media response, typical of the kind of consciousness that allows these 4th Reich Nazi atrocities to continue, complete with callers from the public (maybe real or not--if real, likely skewed in favor of) justifying this kind of terrorism to somehow mitigate a slightly different kind of terrorism. Only 6% of our public is truly psychopathic or sociopathic, but we see a very vocal majority in the following video calling into the news program to proudly proclaim their support for brutality that has shown to be ineffective for anything but continuing senseless, bloody wars of vengeance. A Huffington Post Poll also shows that most Americans think it's ok to use torture--at least "sometimes".
In a similar way, deliberate acts of brutality have been used for thousands of years by leaders without conscience in an effort to create a better place for the megawealthy oligarchs to live. Kissinger's plans to starve impoverished indigenous people, coercing them into birth control or (with a little tweaking) to poison the middle class proletariat in order to reduce humanity's numbers to so-called non-cancerous levels ring no differently. It's wrong, and at many levels, they even know it's wrong. Like wrong enough to make Oprah puke, allegedly, but with no such effect on numbed technocrats like Bill and Melinda Gates. According to the Huffpost Poll and other indicators, all but 25% are able to switch off their higher reasoning centers and behave like complete sociopaths, most without actually fitting all the criteria of a true sociopath or psychopath. How do we we explain this phenomenon?
I was talking about similar matters to my daughter, who said, "Mom!! How many times have you told me this?!?!" Yet she still chooses to buy weaponized candy with her own money despite my varied approaches at teaching. As well, another loved one probably continues to sprinkle MSG on her cottage cheese because it makes it taste so good. Never mind the Parkinson's-like symptoms that this loved one is mysteriously experiencing and wonders why. MSG is a well-known neurotoxin, but Never mind. Our leaders say the Kool-Aid, prepared according to Jim Jones' own recipe is perfectly safe to drink, that we should have another cup to wash down the delicious Phosgene-laced microwave GMO popcorn while we sit around the television as a family, learning about how it could be an act of terrorism to question these divinely-appointed trillionaires' motives or decrees. In Japan that law is in full affect. They can be imprisoned for speaking out on the reality of Fukushima. Our homes, the very skies of our planet are the 4th Reich's Gas Chambers. Please see to find out how the WWI chemical warfare agent Phosgene now makes your popcorn steam a little more toxic, but your GMO popcorn so irresistably tasty!
We, like the Japanese somehow continue to call this charade "democracy"--like the East German "Democratic Republic" before its fall. The Western Corporate Beast is also a form of brutal nationalist socialism. My days of ranting will end when 90% of food sold in stores ISN'T TOXIC, obviously shutting down our higher reasoning centers; when there truly is "Not a smidgeon of corruption" within the IRS, this Hydra Head no longer the parasite it is, confiscating our earnings in order to fund Ukrainian Neo-Nazis or Israel's Luciferian machine of apartheid and genocide against true Semites; when the mainstream media isn't so blatantly wagging the dog or churning out pro-war propaganda; when outrageously high levels of aluminum, strontium and barium are no longer found in once-pristine Sierra snowpacks by independent researchers who always get blown off by the EPA; when eco-friendly technology is no longer withheld from humanity for reasons of "National Security", aka the Military Industrial Complex's and more specifically the Oil Cartel's Security, all of them henchmen for our sociopathic elite. Yet ironically they've all but completely pushed the planet off the edge of The Methane Extinction Cliff with their Petrodollar Insanity and their secretly geo-engineered New and Improved Final Solution, the kind that Hitler didn't have the stomach for with his horrific experiences of chemical warfare during WWI, as even he probably suspected would have threatened the security of all but some incredibly resiliant microscopic lifeforms. With Hitler's wisdom, what little he had long forgotten, likely obliterated by the dope dealers smoking their own dope, our insane or maybe demon-possessed elite push the envelope, drawing even them closer to their own unavoidable extinction.
Once a person fully comprehends the full gravity of this situation, it becomes impossible to buy any more of their toxic crap or contain righteous anger over these high crimes against Life Itself, not to mention irritation with the 40-75% of the US population still herded like zombies by their Bernaysian, cult-like brainwashing. (See for more info on how I come up with the number 40%.) While I sometimes think I should be glad that these indicators (showing that the public is at least slowly waking up to one key truth) even make mainstream headlines, I am impatient and at my wits end. However, I am so glad that the end is soon near, one way or another, be it with the impending Methane Ice Melt or some organized multidimensional divine intervention. 
I've heard about some destined global consciousness light bulb "aha" moment causing a lifting of our spirits, the dissolving of our collective amnesia and the rebooting of our divine and physical hard drives with our divine gifts. Some call it the rapture; others call it ascension. Risking tinfoil hat accusations, I'll also dare to mention the rumors of ETs, White Hats and elites who haven't had their conscience completely inbred or traumatized out of them. Some are acting in ways that might help to reverse the descent of our culture into complete tyrannical dystopia before all macroscopic life is charred to a crisp by the meaner-than-CO2 greenhouse gas, Methane. Word's out that at least a few of the underground playgrounds for the sociopathic elite to hide in while the masses die of starvation, hyperthermia or mass riots, have been destroyed by benevolent ETs that were divinely allowed to level the playing field, and get the truth out about how life is bigger than death and taxes. Sounds outrageous, but so does their shutting down of nuclear weapons that the psycho elite have been just itching to use to cull the population. Here is a link to the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure that includes such testimony. The Citizen Hearing held in 2013 proved beyond a shadow of doubt for me that we have more than enough credible whistleblowers, insiders and other witnesses talking about nuclear base shut down. Not just in the US, but other nations'. So when I heard about underground base destruction on David Wilcock's program on Gaiam TV, I thought it made fine sense. Call these mysterious beings angels, demons, Extradimensionals, ETs, or "asshole hippies from outer space", they exist, and they let our psycho elites know they weren't going to let them destroy the planet with nukes. Only the most brainwashed will deny their existence now, and we have substantial evidence demonstrating that some of them possess empathy and benevolence and will act to protect life. Also, despite the elite's thugs efforts to make us lose interest in such topics, many of us care about this, watching programs like Ancient Aliens, but would rarely admit to it for fear of ridicule. Yet about half the population now will tell a pollster that, yes, they believe in the existence of life outside of our planet. Now... Should we depend upon these benevolent beings intervening without doing everything we can do to resist the current sociopathic world order, I don't think so.
The following video explains the not-so-newness of this New World Order and contains language that may not be suitable for all viewers, but it is sure to open your eyes a little bit wider, and maybe even make you laugh.

The State of Our Health Killer System
I need to veer just slightly off track and into my own personal career move to direct patient care again. I love being in the fray, spending more time in patient contact than staring at a computer screen, mumbling curses about yet another network crash. But my time away has only proven the patterns of dysfunction and crisis within the current model of healthcare prevail and continue spiraling downward everywhere, likely Mandelbrotting itself into every allopathic lab, clinic, hospital, infirmary, urgent care and home health office. I'm convinced now. This is the face of corporate healthcare, aka "Fascist Healthcare"; Mussolini explained it well. It won't end until we all stop buying the lies and the toxic orange-flavored GMO Corn snacks. 

From the article, 6 Weird Signs that You're 
Way Too Stressed Out 


Most people don't associate chronic stress with poor health, probably because our faulty corporate medical & healthcare models emphasize the lack of research that clearly makes that connection, a likely deliberate lack of research; the lack of pharmaceuticals (or the right ones), their woefully lacking funding for finding the cure for all the mysteriously skyrocketing disease or faulty genetics as the main reasons for poor health. The American Corporate Beast also ignores or rationalizes away any evidence their products cause ill health. "Diet and lifestyle" reasons for poor health exist, yet with a canyon-wide disconnect when it comes to spelling out what exactly poor diet and lifestyle means. While a growing segment of the world is now outlawing GMOs, few US doctors will ever tell you to eat organic, non-GMO food. Few AMA/CDC-Slave MDs will ever discuss how the risks of adjuvants in vaccines like aluminum and mercury can outweigh the risk of illness with the influenza virus. More doctors are now finally starting to admit that chronic stress isn't good for a person, and they should know. We have depressingly few positive role models successfully working within the system.

"GMO-shmo," I heard one of my coworkers say. She and the rest of my colleagues routinely drink the popular questionable "energy" beverages or conventional sodas, daily eat fast food or candy at break, then bemoan the textbook illnesses or injuries that follow, with little if any regard for possible connections. They are able to connect, in general, for statistical purposes--for the general public--poor health and function with poor lifestyle choices, but it does not apply to them personally. This disconnect is likely a direct result of the poor brain function that results from such poor lifestyle choices, and a person cannot fully savor this truth until detoxing from cortisol, adrenaline and high fructose corn syrup, as well as the corporate culture programming that rewards the employee who deprives themselves of adequate sleep in order to keep their MBA bosses smiling.

Chronic stress bio-chemistry and the highly-pushed coping through GMO high-fructose corn syrup, alcohol, etc. (EVEN GMO CORN-DERIVED VITAMIN C) leads to inflammation and eventual death of every living human tissue, manifesting first in poor oxygenation, the literal shrinking of brain tissue, the resultant loss of the ability to think rationally or ethically, memory problems, the eventual electrolyte and mineral imbalances and clogged arteries within the body. I like to think the latter may have everything to do with what is going on in government lately. It makes it easier to understand and disarm. Fight or flight. It can manifest in temporary insanity if you don't "keep your wits about you". Chronic stress can lead to routine switching off of higher reasoning centers, accounting for higher rates of smoking among healthcare professionals than within the general population. I struggle with nicotine addiction as well, and I understand its hold, but will I ever smoke more than 3 cigarettes a day ever again for any reason, no. It is what I know the lungs can barely handle. It is this last demon I wrestle with.

Chronic stress can lead to our reaching out in ways to cope--with inTOXICants, leading to further depletion of the body's reserves. The most common and supposedly least-harmful thing I see used by my peers is candy. Yet this isn't the candy we knew growing up. The delicious chocolate bars and sodas now contain the insane biotech industry's latest-greatest GMO high fructose corn syrup. You've probably already learned at some time that high fructose corn syrup isn't good for you, but this Freaky Frankenscience creation now has pesticide inside the product that can't be washed out. The pesticide lands in your gut where it kills beneficial flora, allowing harmful germs to take hold and eat holes in your gut. Heavy metals and other crap that might have found its way into the toilet instead ends up in the blood. The combined disruptions caused by neurotoxic food additives and fluoride, GMO, pesticides, heavy metals in the air from covert aerosol geo-engineering programs, endocrine-disrupting plastics everywhere, and other industrial pollutants like dioxins I suspect more expediently lead to diseases like cancer that we just can't seem to cure despite the billions of dollars we continually dump into supposed health "research" coffers. They ask me at the checkout counter at the gas station or hardware store now if I want to donate something to finding a cure--I go off sometimes...

Predictably come more mysterious diseases like Fibromyalgia, Autism, Irritable Bowel and Leaky Gut Syndrome, a host of supposedly mysterious autoimmune disorders like Multiple Sclerosis and Lupus. The pharmaceutical industry conveniently has a number of treatment options you may be able to afford if you have insurance. And again, conveniently, Obamacare will force US Taxpayers to help you pay for these treatments. No cures exist, nor will they ever exist within this fascist model of healthcare.


This is Kool-Aid Day, folks. Well, more like Kool-Aid year. It will for most take longer than a day to perish as the fated Jonestown cult-members did. That is, unless you've been drinking fluoridated water your entire life and chewing aspartame gum routinely, faithfully getting your annual flu shot, and then you still contract the flu or Ebola, then it's closer to a week's stay in the hospital that will tragically end with some MRSA infection. 
Like in Jonestown, many will drink. I see drinking. I'm literally and figuratively working overtime to keep loved ones from mindlessly making this choice. We will likely see chronic diseases like diabetes continue to rise, I predict, to a Kafkaesque 80% before the lawyers that carved into Big Tobacco can no longer be held at bay by their corporate fraternity brothers. They're already salivating, some stabbing each other in the back to take away the prized TB-infested dumpster meat. This may be Kool-Aid Day for us, but it's Dumpster Day for them.

At this point all that many of us can do is pray. Some are praying for the release of the Global Accounts, Dinar Paycheck, etc., but I contend that this is the wrong focus. True, we will see a number of positive global financial changes happen once we have healed enough to just reach out to our long-denied spiritual faculties. A global reset means nothing in the face of the physics of Methane Extinction Events. We need our cortexes perfusing to handle that one. I have pondered including a link or two to all the data we now have on the topic of Methane Extinction. If you are so inclined, you can easily find more info with a web search, but let me say that it's really depressing info. If you don't need to hit rock-bottom with such grim Newtonian Physics Reality, then please spare yourself that corner of the Rabbit Hole.

We have an holistic spiritual side to ourselves that has been neglected in favor of materialism, the explicate order billiard ball universe with all of its sex, war, agriculture and other supposedly necessary technologies for 6 out of 7 days of the week--for God-Only-Knows how many thousands of years now (some say 26,000, citing astrological cycles and highly-suppressed archeological evidence chronicling benevolent civilizations' apparent existence many more thousands of years ago). One out of seven days has been spent learning a disastrous series of lies, mainly that a wrathful and capricious god appoints pedophiles and other sadists to act as intermediaries between "Him" and "you", that separation is not just inherent but "His" dictate, punishment for our ancient ancestors eating off some forbidden tree; that belief in reincarnation will earn you pain, death, ridicule, a shortened professional career and even a lobotomy; that Jesus, Mohammad, Krishna, the Buddhas and the saints reached highs that we, the mere couch potato masses will never attain without giving up everything wonderful and living in a cave.

What little I can discern from the True Spirit that breathes Chi or Life into every part of the Universe has encouraged me to stop praying for George Soros' death, that Dick Cheney, Henry Kissinger and others like them die. "We can't help you out there," I feel Them/He/She/It say in my heart. "Do pray for their exorcism and their true enlightenment, however. Here We can assist," I'm told. It is as simple as that. But people have to find this out for themselves, I'm also told. Speaking or writing this experience to others may help to encourage others' inquiry and discovery of similar things.

Life-affirming forces are in "mop-up" operations at this time, I'm also informed, despite the grim appearances, with our leaders still under the momentum of influence of negative forces that have been allowed to be in charge for some time. They were charged with teaching us that it's just a better idea to choose good over evil. Why the f*€😁 it may have taken 26,000 years to pull this off is still a question The Kind Voice of the Universe has not answered me yet. The foul wind has died, but the inertia sending these sociopathic elite in the direction of making their usual deranged and sadistic choices is still somewhat in effect. When we pray in favor of our leaders coming to their senses, it does do some good. The power of prayer is well-studied now. Whether one calls the phenomenon a result of "placebo effect" or God's Hand is a matter of perspective, but plants shouldn't experience placebo effect, according to the hardliner's own linear thinking. The data is conclusive, however, that prayer, intention, consciousness, etc. has impact upon our everyday material existence. The madness will end when enough of us pray and pay more attention to bonds that unite us, that unite us to the Divine, our spiritual nature, our spiritual gifts, things I believe many of us can now sense. Many of my impressions are confirmed by others who dare connect with non-local reality. Some people still need a sign of prosperity packages being released, however. So, in the Spirit of Holiday Jolly, I include the following series of videos from Neil Keenan, which must be endured in their entirety to be fully appreciated. I say all this tongue-in-cheek, as I do appreciate Neil's diligence as well as elements within the Asian Royal Families who truly understand our collective plight and have been working to steer this massive ship close to safe harbor even as it slowly sinks. With all due respect, however, and I suspect many already know this, the "Golden" in the prophesied "Golden Age" or "Golden Race" has more to do with spiritual realities than the stuff we sweat to lug around or hide in underground bunkers, pulling our hair out knowing it's so insanely under-valued at this time through the machinations of our financial racketeers--how many more need to be driven to suicide by nail gun or skyscraper-jumping, I wonder. I'm guessing this insanity will be more quickly sorted out through swearing off high-fructose corn syrup confections & cocktails, herbal detox and adequate sleep. And prayer.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Heaven and Nature Sing

Turn off the mainstream news if you haven't already. The following links present some of the most exciting discussions I've heard recently concerning consciousness, having imo, the signature or signpost of the Golden Age Renaissance/evolutionary turning point that so many have been waiting for. Yes, this will impact your work schedule and grocery bill someday, maybe even sooner than we dare to hope. But first they will feel like the first time you heard the Art Bell show, assuming it was an exciting experience like mine was. Unfortunately, that host network I won't even name for its shame is all grown up now, beaten into submission, imo has been assimilated into the corporate beast, spouting clear-cut false flagging wag-the-dog propaganda "breaking news" as something other than the diarrhea It Is. But forget about that.

The work by Brian Collins & Maarten Horst resonates with exciting developments by other awakened beings that will not not only impact how we think about and how we DO music, leading me to reflect on the work of the pioneer Erv Wilson (check out this link to find out more about him), but also medicine, economics, agriculture and a number of other science/arts, unlocking their true blessed potential, but truly at a foundational level, how we just think, period. It is perception, discernment, processing and creation with the heart, a once neglected neural network which the Western World suffers for dearly with its tragic heart disease morbidity and mortality realities. Speaking of which, many hear the Cheyne-Stokes respirations of the "I win, you lose", materialistic, paternalistic, linear and ultimately sociopathic paradigms. Without much coverage, however, holistic thinking is quickly springing up and blossoming in its footprint. After years of being ordered to think outside the box to increase profits for a shrinking, cornered group of sociopaths, a few million everyday people have been left with no other choice but to to step outside of even that box, and lift the noose that was so heavy, yet so loose around the neck.

To call the following discussions revolutionary feels like an understatement. The following programs left me feeling like I just got done watching, live, back on November 9, 1989, people jump onto the Berlin Wall without getting shot.

Holiday Wishes of Glasnost and Perestroika - which never died (just iced by the Bush/Clinton Nazi faction) to everyone all over the world. We celebrate a rebirth of East meeting West.

ET First Contact Radio with Brian T Collins

Kev Baker Show Dec 6 with Dr. Richard Alan Miller - Secrets of the Holographic Universe

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Check Radiation Levels Before Walking in the Rain

Or letting your child walk in the rain. A year from now when childhood leukemia has skyrocketed two or thousand percent, when every other adult suffers from diabetes and/or leaky gut syndrome, perhaps more healthcare professionals, more mainstream journalists, more local and national politicians, more educators, more policemen and women, more lawyers and bureaucrats will be unable to contain their cognitive dissonance and outrage with the deliberate poisoning of even THEIR children, all in the name of population control. Our NAZI Fourth Reich US leadership's goal of reducing population to more micromanageable levels will also affect them as well, and perhaps they may care about how it will affect their children also. Only 6% of us--tops--can NOT CARE about others, the seven or eight billion rest of society. Our so-called elite gluttonously wealthy social engineers, however, proud sociopaths, dismiss compassion for fellow humans (aka empathy) as weakness. They'll find out about greater and lesser weaknesses as their cohorts begin to stab each other in the back in the pursuit of safety as their petrodollar illusions crumble. Loss of sleep will no longer be an inconvenience confined to the proletariat class.

Monday, December 8, 2014

True Colors

Jim Willie is one of my favorite speakers. He encapsulates my frustration with our Neo-Nazis who call themselves neo-conservatives. I like the shortened "Neo-Con" better as it implies the deception they're known for.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Of Red, White and Blue Dragons and Anonymous Ambassadors

I see more promising ideas churning between East and West collaborative efforts. While I don't expect any "Operation Santa Claus" this Christmas, I do believe the North American public, Canada included, is being slapped silly and soon wise to the shameful Nazi truths of our Establishment, AND more importantly, the truth of our collective greed that allowed the genocide of native people and black slavery for a time and now unethical corporate practices that boost our mutual fund portfolios. In the same way we buy cheap goods that support inhumane labor practices around the globe but not in our own back yards. But now Southeast Asia IS OUR Backyard!

Globalism was always an eventuality, yet we must forge a transparent, sane, ethical and cooperative form of globalism, reclaiming our sovereignty in the process and power out of the hands of wealthy psychopaths. Disclosure cannot be confined to the truth concerning ET presence on Earth. Disclosure involves a multitude of subjects, and it comprises the debriefing/deprogramming processes that will dissolve the unhealthy set of values that allow the existence of our dysfunctional corporatist matrix.

Anonymous Operation Deatheaters

The Plane Truth Show: Scripted Global Chaos... with Author Crystal Clark

Joycamp Ebola Vaccine Commercial

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Best and Worst of Times Alt News Aggregate 12.2.14

Most of these links are in audio format for people who have little time for print media. Plenty of financial and suppressed science disclosure in the news this week. Please check out Gaiam TV for a free trial and catch David Wilcock's recent episodes. I thought about pirating a little AV for a teaser, because we have massive cracks in the Disclosure Dam with Deluge Coming Soon. However, the limits to my pushing the envelope, ethics and time constraints force me to make some choices. All spare time to my family and to learning to speak Chinese :)

Lisa M Harrison News

Syrian Free Press Article on Putin's Golden Chess Moves

Mystery Boom News