Monday, September 13, 2021

Deep State Wars Dark Harvest Fall Update - 9/22/21

Another unexpected day off today, but a good one to reflect on recent events, specifically the Code Blue Color Revolution attempt currently in progress here in the United States and the rest of the world. I've been on Telegram, Rumble, Bitchute and other websites like Sidney Powell's lately reading, watching and finding funny memes to share for in month's blog post. I have to keep informed but also uplifted with humor, prayer, service to others and rest when needed. Keeping the brain fully perfused (as opposed to in the fight/flight/freeze response) is absolutely critical. I cannot over-emphasize this. If I learned anything during these last 20 years working in high-stress environments, it is this. And it warrants repeating, as important as oxygen is to the brain (in fact, that is exactly what it is) so I'll make it bold and further explain the point: Keeping the higher reasoning centers fully engaged is difficult but absolutely critical during stressful times; it can be done by taking time away from the madness, deep breathing (for at least 2 minutes--making the exhale a little longer than the inhalation), resisting the temptation to overwork, and finding opportunities to laugh, especially in the face of darkness and uncertainty

People in Fight or Flight don't use good judgment most of the time. This response comes from a particular part of the brain, often called the reptilian brain. It shuts off blood flow to other areas in the brain like memory and higher reasoning centers that help us develop good plans and consider the impact our decisions will have on others. The Fight or Flight Response works well when running from or combating an immediate physical threat like a wild animal and when the subject is fit enough to carry out those actions. Hence, the Freeze variation of this response, which is where a lot of people are right now—curled up and waiting for the alphas to come in to rescue them. It works sometimes when there are multiple predators fighting over a deer that wakes up and flees while the competing predators fight. We are being challenged daily, however, to behave as grown children of God, not sheep or deer. 

This month may be time to go public very intentionally. It may be the most important post so far, but I suspect the stand that I'm taking in real life is having more of an impact right now. I live in a small community where word of mouth goes far, reputation is everything, and my life's story is a classic Prodigal Son variation. I'm a daughter, of course, and my preferred pronouns are She/Her. In all seriousness, my life has been much like the Biblical story of the Prodigal Son. I'm finding others who also identify with this archetype. It's a classic tale, and you can read it here...

I was the wayward child that squandered a lot and lived selfishly and embarrassingly so m in my teenage and  early adult years. I lived the life of the typical "liberated female" and reaped a great deal of sorrow from that, spent a great deal of time in depression and then healing, thanks to God. I've had to spend a great deal of time in self-forgiveness, forgiveness of others and service, 7 years now at a nursing home when I could have had easier, more lucrative work elsewhere if I'd robustly pursued it.

In predictable fashion with my Hero’s Journey, my employer will probably fire me unconstitutionally and in violation of the Civil Rights Act(s), the Nuremberg Code, and the very Emergency Use Authorization that started all this come the end of this month because I will not submit to risky, new mRNA-altering technology, technically still in the human experimental phase that is killing and maiming healthy people. Our corrupt authorities are dismissing the reality of thousands dead and disabled by this "vaccine", a misnomer because it only ameliorates symptoms, allegedly--and by their data that anyone can see on Yet our authorities are presently changing the definition of “Vaccine” in another Orwellian twist. 

What's more, the sinister agenda is becoming clearer and clearer as major hospitals refuse to implement protocols that are working. The video below helps put matters into perspective.

Many doctors and other healthcare experts are getting silenced on popular platforms like YouTube and never make it on the mainstream news because they would destroy the narrative with common sense and honest science. They point out how in a few places like Israel where at least 70% are "vaccinated", they are still experiencing a strong emergence of the Delta variant—among the vaccinated. The Establishment is unsurprisingly blaming and shaming the unvaccinated, ignoring the science. Unvaccinated people still have an immune system that clearly produces more robust immunity when it is nurtured with healthy lifestyle and complemented with Western Medicine that includes cheap antivirals like hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) & Ivermectin, and steroids like budesonide. There are other therapeutics like monoclonal antibody therapies, a bit more expensive, but people like President Trump and Joe Rogan can afford them which makes the point that a variety of other options exist. The more affordable Zelenko Protocol variations that brave clinicians are utilizing, saving thousands of lives can be found here at, and the original Zelenko Protocol can be found here The first link offers a list of providers doing telemedicine which can help people with wherewithal (good support systems and ability to pay out-of-pocket) to stay out of the hospital and effectively treat this bioweaponized virus at home. 

The corrupt Establishment is dismissing, misrepresenting and otherwise maligning the cheaper therapeutics as they did when HCQ showed early promise and was made public by President Trump. Ivermectin seems to be no different. A quick summary on Ivermectin smear campaign versus truth can be seen below.

And here:

Ultimately, people need to do a bit of searching around to find the truth about what is going on, but it is crystal clear to me that the average doctor is getting bullied by the corrupt Establishment to trust nothing but the “vaccines”, Remdesivir, and the ventilator. All three of these are fraught with problems, but the Establishment probably won't admit to that until a few billion people have given their lives to "science". Then the usual sociopathic leaders like Fauci will wring their hands staring us all in the eye, promising they did their very best. It was just an unfortunate error in judgment, just like how COVID-19 was created and then released onto the worldwide public with vaccine patent-holders like Bill Gates salivating over ascension to trillionaire status. And yes, they’re diligently working on a never-ending series of vaccines to sell us as the virus continues to mutate into a superbug, deranging our natural immune systems along the way into complete failure. With their actions they seem to make empty promises to outdo God’s creation of the original, natural immune system by destroying it the same way they are still trying to sell us GMO foods with predatory tactics that would guarantee everything is eventually contaminated with their Frankensteinian creations. This mRNA vaccine fits into the Marxist Globalist tyrannical agenda perfectly. 

None of this developing picture is easy news, that we have some mad scientists playing god, leading our healthcare industry with their social engineer counterparts in the Mockingbird Media manufacturing our consent, while the despot representatives of shadowy banking dynasties still put on a show of pretending to care about our “consent” at all. Early indicators reveal they are feverishly working to make sure 149% of dead Republicans vote to undermine all the efforts of living Californians who put together this Newsom recall. Thankfully people inside Project Veritas are keeping a close eye on this and paving the way for a massive forensic audit here. Molon Labe this one too. Good people outnumber these criminals, and there is this growing phenomenon or feeling of being pushed into a corner and pressed into action. 

With another contentious election at hand, another likely reinstalling or attempted reinstalling of globalist Gavin Newsom, and the situation at work (my microcosmic world) as well as the larger world seemingly degenerating and growing more uncertain to the point it’s a wonder we even have a functional Internet to share these ideas, I will post this a bit early. In prayer we get through these times, I will continue to add links of interest. 