Friday, January 31, 2020

Happy Freedom Day #WWG1WGA Worldwide 1/31/19 🦠 🦠 🦠 2/2/20 Update
A big congrats to the UK for the hard-fought Brexit. The age of Global Socialism appearing glamorous or trendy is over. In other news...

The last 2-3 weeks have seen a ramping up of new virus fear porn from the usual Mockingbird Media suspects similar in feel to the last scare. I’ve all but lost track due to fog of war. Was it Swine Flu, SARS, or maybe Zika? So much of this is Establishment-manufactured Hegelian Dialectic, problem-reaction-solution in order to push sick agendas like mandatory vaccination and depopulation. I’ve paid just enough attention to see patterns, and yes, it’s a reasonable conspiracy theory that with each passing year looks more like conclusive conspiracy reality. See Philip Jonkers (YT): Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are Used for Human Depopulation Then see and

In China today we have the perfect storm the parasitic elites have been waiting for that could only be brewed up in a communist dictatorship where a significant portion of the population suffers from overwhelmingly traumatizing and impoverished conditions. They used to have Tai Chi to help cope with stressors, but this has been all but outlawed under punishment of horrific death by exsanguination after organ harvesting. It’s difficult to say how many are affected by famine and malnutrition as their economy strains under the latest trade war. There's also the strained Ponzi Scheme of a global economic system that is affecting everyone, but China may be bearing a heavier load. The current Global Fiat Banking Ponzi Scheme that was designed to collapse in order to effect more problem-reaction-solution was apparently designed to collapse under someone like Hillary's reign. It seems the election of Trump threw a giant wrench in the works.

Returning to the subject of the Coronavirus, there is no reason to trust reports coming from Chinese officials. The Chinese people right now are under such horrific conditions that even the common cold could end in death for some. As a holistic public health nurse, I watch this all with a particular view, a simple one but true: Good health and robust immune systems don’t fare well under socialist and communist dictatorships.

To segway back into the title, I need to bring up some of Change Theory that I learned in nursing school. We are creatures of habit that don't often make big changes until conditions have become so aweful that it warrants the expenditure of energy necessary to make the critical changes. In England Brexit is finally happening, and it took a number of hoop jumps to make it really happen. I predict that the Chinese will soon have the motivation they need to kick out the beast that currently bleeds its nation dry. Russia gave the sick elites the boot, which is why Russia is the Global Socialist's enemy #1. May this Chinese New Year of the Rat see a clever end to the worst chapter in China's long and mostly beautiful history. Below are some gems.

Craig Mason's Reasonable Conversation Channel (YT): BOOMERANG: These People Are Stupid (...And Are Being Exposed)

We The People Insider 1776 (YT): Merry Acquitmas and Happy Brexit! - The Patriot Power Hour - 1/31/2020

Destroying the Illusion (YT): Youtube didn't like my video yesterday about Coronavirus Patents, Bioengineering, and CLO2

Steel Truth (YT): Coronavirus Update and more with Dr. Shiva

InPursuitofTruth (Bitchute): Worth Remembering ... 1-31-20

PBS NewsHour (YT): WATCH: Pam Bondi argues Biden corruption concerns are legitimate | Trump impeachment trial

X22Report (YT): They Will Not Be Able To Walk Down The Street, Public Ready For The Next Drip - Episode 2085b

MAGA For Healthcare

motivationaldoc (YT): THE DOCTOR SAYS...WHY FOOD SHOULD BE YOUR MEDICINE - Dr Alan Mandell, DC


X22 Report (YT): EU/[CB] Loses, Manufactures Questioning China - Episode 2086a

X22 Report (YT): Watch The News Feb 18, [DS] Fighting Amongst Each Other, Tick Tock - Episode 2086b

Praying Citizen (YT): Corona Virus: 5 Crazy Coincidences

RedPill78 (YT): Comfy Sunday SUPERBOWL EDITION - WSG Severe Anon & TRU Reporting

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Deep State Wars Update [Feel the Bern Edition] 1/22/20 Early Release *Updated*

I'll begin this shorter post with personal testimony that falls into the MAGA for Healthcare heading. I caught what I suspect was the flu or influenza a couple weeks ago--the typical acute onset of miserable fatigue and generalized achiness followed quickly by sinus and nasal conjestion, sore throat and the feeling like every cell in my entire head was exploding. I don't get the flu vaccine, at least I haven't for the last 10 years or so. However, I do everything a naturopath would suggest daily like drinking plenty of water and getting adequate rest, including gut-rest through daily intermittent fasting. I not only eat right, but about 25% of my diet is considered "super-food" nutrition, about 75% is plant-based, and 80-90% of my entire diet is organic. I supplement with a number of products that help boost the immune system and promote overall wellness. I drink a smoothie 5 days a week that includes ground flaxseed and hemp, juiced whole lemons, beet powder, and medicinal mushroom powders. Then there's other healthy lifestyle choices I make to include daily stretching, meditation and exercise. I take a lot of pride in my lifestyle of true wellness, as opposed to the synthetic bullshit wellness that's so heavily promoted in modern western culture. This was the first time in years I've had to take time off for such a respiratory illness. I took off 2 days and then rested through the weekend last week. The last fews days have been a slow and steady return to 100%. My wellness routine has made what could have easily been a month-long process only a week and a half.

Today I am also very excited to discuss another safe and natural "bio-hack" I've recently incorporated into my wellness routine. It's called blood flow restriction training. Below in the MAGA for Healthcare links I've included a Mercola interview that explores this exciting innovation in exercise which actually originated in Japan. Using the techniques, an older adult can experience significant release of Human Growth Hormone and other beneficial hormones that help grow muscle, strengthen connective tissue, even help clean the arteries and lead to increased bone density with as little as 15 minutes every other day or so. Another great source of information on this system can be found at Physical Therapists are using the system to quickly and safely rehabilitate frail seniors. It's also being used by Olympic athletes and other true elites. The system is a force multiplier, allowing one to put less energy into a system, yet see dramatically better gains than you'd experience using traditional ways of doing the same thing.

In other related news, I recently had a close family member find out he's got cancer. I sent him home with a trio of mushroom powders--Chaga, Reishi and Turkey Tail that hold promise for assisting him in his recovery. A number of recent studies (see and as well as thousands of years of their use in Chinese Medicine show that medicinal mushrooms like these can help make cancer a thing of the past. These powders (I choose the Om brand for their mild flavor) mixed into broth make for a comforting drink that is easy to sip on, even with poor appetite. While this advice does not replace the work of a physician (and all the better to choose a naturopath), physicians everywhere who aren't completely owned by Rockefeller Medicine are coming to the conclusion that complementary therapies like medicinal mushrooms can only help improve the odds of surviving cancer.

Cancer and the thriving cancer treatment industries are creations of the Parasitic Establishment. People are waking up to the rigged, sick and collapsing dysfunctional system. Of course the dying beast running this system tells us that there is no hope, that genes just spontaneously mutate and create disease like cancer for no apparent reason. There's this centuries-old assumption that Mother Nature is a cruel bitch that must be raped and beaten into submission, and there's not much that can be done besides getting the flu shot and taking handfuls of synthetic medicines for the never-ending eruption of mysterious new diseases. And of course we need to focus on fighting climate change (paying yet another hefty tax as well as giving up more basic freedoms) and allowing for open borders with an influx of hundreds of millions if not billions of refugees from war-torn countries. Oh, and regular law-abiding people need to give up their guns as part of this deal because socialism (communist lite) will fix everything, just like it did for East Germany and Venezuela. A few million people might need to die if they can't be re-educated, according to the radical left, the good little minions for these psychopathic and morbidly wealthy families calling the shots. Again, more attempts by the sick elites to socially engineer the reversal of the gains humanity has made since the Renaissance, the Magna Carta, US Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. This sick plot is getting exposed and shut down as quickly as the parasitic elites are doubling down on their death cult agenda. I am not so pleased to help expose it, but like having to give patients difficult news, it must be done. My favorite work, however, is the discussion and exploration of remedies for coping through these difficult revelations and incredibly challenging times of transition.

Craig Mason's Reasonable Conversation Channel (YT): Great Awakening: How Will The History Books Remember It?

Quite Frankly (YT): "JFK Revisited: The Deep State & The American Media" ft. John Barbour 1/17/20

Project Veritas Action (YT): #Expose2020: Sanders Campaign Part 1; Field Organizer "F**king Cities Burn" if Trump Re-Elected

Project Veritas Action (YT): #Expose2020 - PART II: Sanders Staffer “There Are Things More Important Than the Rule of Law in USA”

Destroying the Illusion (YT): Australia Fire Update & What It’s Like Here

MAGA for Healthcare
One America News Network (YT): Groundbreaking tumor treatment technology receives FDA clearance

Mercola (YT): Utilizing Blood Flow Restriction- Interview with Dr. Stray-Gundersen


Informative Info (YT): Dilleys Daily Dose. Virginia Rally Recap, POTUS in Davos, Impeachment Trial Arrives and Avenatti (F-Bomb Alert)

SpaceShot76 (YT): Q is Back ”A WEEK TO REMEMBER”

SpaceShot76 (YT): Qanon 1/20/20 “Military Industrial Complex"

Breitbart News (YT): Nurse: Ralph Northam Would Make Me a Felon for Protecting Myself While Traveling Alone

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Deep State War [Systematic Destruction of the OLD GUARD] Update 💥💥💥1/7/20

Craig Mason's Reasonable Conversation Channel (YT): Great Awakening Preparation: Are 'The Stars" Choosing Sides?

We The People Insider 1776 (YT): The Patriot Power Hour - 1/7/2020

Steel Truth (YT): The Perfect Storm: Hillary - Ukraine - Iran!

RedPill78 (YT): RPN - MB Double Meaning? Bad News Harvey, Savage Gervais, SpaceForce Debut

X22Report (YT): [DS] Payoffs Threatened, They Never Expected Trump To Expose The Entire Scam - Episode 2063b

The Truth Factory (YT): Impeachment: The Truth Factory Late Night Edition (With Special Guests Edge of Wonder)

Tracy Beanz (YT): McCain and Crowdstrike: When Worlds Converge

Breitbart News (YT): Detained Migrants Tell Breitbart News About Cartel Human Smuggling Operations

Declassified - The Epoch Times (YT): Is the Death of Iran's General a Political Game Changer?

Stroppy Me (YT): Latest Qanon-Related News 1-7-20 Pt2 : More Inaction/Delays

Flashback to last July, Qanon (see states...
You are witnessing the greatest ‘coordinated’ misinformation attack (campaign) ever to be launched against the public – all in an effort to protect themselves from prosecution (public exposure) and regain power (control).
[Attempted removal of the duly elected President of the United States by illegal [manufactured] means]
They believed they could win [con] public support by controlled assets (media, tech, H-wood…).
These controlled assets set out to immediately create division through the use of a pre_designed misinformation campaign.
Groups such as ‘Antifa’ were funded and formed to prevent and/or lessen the appeal for ‘regular’ hard working Americans to gather and express non_narrative viewpoints.
Control of this ‘projected narrative’ depends primarily on their ability to ‘con’ the masses into thinking they are the majority.
The mindset of most: If the majority of people believe ‘this’, than ‘this’ must be more true than ‘that’ [CIA_CLAS 1-99_56_Human_Psych_&_Emotional_Distress_IIED].
Without public support – they are powerless.
We, the People, hold the power.
— That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Deep State War Update 💥💥💥 1/4/20

With chicken bones simmering in the slow cooker and a cup of lemon honey tea made from the harvest from my lemon tree today, I find no better way to end a Winter weekend, except maybe with a blog post.

While juicing lemons earlier today I was listening to Dave Janda who presented helpful insight into the recent assassination of the Iranian General. Another analyst I had listened to made a good point too and succinctly so in stating something to the effect that it's hard for many of us to completely trust what any politician says concerning the need for violence and war, especially in the Middle East. Our Neocon alarms go off. We've heard enough of missing WMD's, babies thrown from incubators, 9-11 inconsistencies and the sick truth of never-ending war in Afghanistan to protect poppy fields. With TRILLIONS of our tax dollars spent on never-ending wars in the Middle East and precious lives lost or forever adversely affected by the horrors of these wars, we should be quick to question.

Finally a significant portion of the U.S. population including the military and regular law enforcement are discovering the truth about the real bogeymen behind so much of the carnage abroad and despair in our nation, and they are here on U.S. soil. They are in positions of power having infiltrated the White house with the last administration, Congress, Senate, the Supreme Court, governorships, all political parties, the State Department, Department of Justice, FBI, other intelligence agencies, and executive positions within every industry, notably Hollywood and the legacy media.

The White Hats should have their hands full here sorting out scandals like FISA-gate, which appears to be much like Watergate but on crack, steroids and rollerskates. Yet the Swamp is deep and wide. Obama had pallets of cash, nearly two billion dollars worth, flown into Iran. Perhaps some of that made its way into the hands of Suleimani, who may have been one of the Deep State's key henchmen in that part of the world. He may have been getting ready to create a distraction bigger than 9-11, big enough to take everyone's eyes off of John Durham's work which is just about ready to go public.

I came across a few other gems, one of them where the speaker was saying something to the effect that it is a disservice to call his work "alternative". He argued it is independent news and analysis that differs in content, focus or interpretation with the legacy television (Mockingbird/propaganda) media. I agree. It is the news. We are the news now.

The Patriot Hour (YT): Digital Warriors Of The 21st Century [Citizen Journalists] Can't RUN Can't HIDE

The Patriot Hour (YT): Their Day Is Coming I Promise You. [No Doubt]

Citizens of the American Republic (YT): Ep 96 Bannon's War Room Impeachment

X22 Report (YT): [DS] Pushing Events To Block Declass, Operation/Replace Remove, Proclamation Set - Episode 2060b


Judicial Watch (YT): BEST OF 2019: EVERYTHING You Need to Know About Potential Crimes by Ilhan Omar!

Craig Mason's Reasonable Conversation Channel (YT): Saturday *LIVE*: Accepance Of Reality Ed. w/John Mappin of Q-Flag/Camelot Castle Fame!

Stroppy Me (YT): Is Hillary Clinton Trying to Create Safe Extradition Harbor in Northern Ireland?

American Joe Show (YT): ⭐⭐⭐ Youtuber Calls Me LIVE on Air


Edge of Wonder (YT): The Final Disclosure: A New Year's Eve EXCLUSIVE with COREY GOODE Part 1 | Edge of Wonder

MAGA for Healthcare

Operation Freedom (YT): The Nutritional Approach To Restless Leg and Night Sweats


metaRising (YT): Nonlocal Mind and Collective Consciousness | Roger Nelson Ph.D. | Waking Cosmos