Wednesday, November 22, 2023

60 Years and Counting 💥 #Justice 11/22/23


I have to start with a personal log as it’s relevant to the macro world. It’s my predisposition to just go and go and go until I can go no longer, and this has happened again today. I’m not terribly sick, just exhausted with a few key organ systems beginning to suffer. Rather than waiting until I’m bleeding from several orifices before taking a day off, I’m taking one. Yet my predisposition is such that I’ll make good use of the down time at home by working on the blog with my laptop in bed. No dishes or vacuuming. No laundry. No office projects. No de-escalation interventions, no assessments or wearing a mask knowing that my exhalations are potentially deadly to someone with undiagnosed vaccine-induced autoimmune deficiency syndrome. Likely a silly little surgical mask can catch more than 85% what exits my body, but it makes some people feel better. And placebo is potent. I’m patient and just thankful that I’m not working in one of the buildings that has more vaccine compliance, coincidentally experiencing another COVID outbreak right now. Maybe after their 15th booster a few more will begin to realize these abominations are neither safe nor effective, if any of my dear COVID Cult cohorts are still alive then, of course.

At times it takes every ounce of will in my being to remain calm & compassionate and not belt out SAFE AND EFFECTIVE!!! every time one of my workplace peers loyal to the sacramental vaccine gets COVID. Every time I see news of another child's life taken or seriously injured by these poisons, I feel the welling of anger, disgust, sadness, resignation, apathy, and cynicism spin like a tornado of swirling emotions, building in strength until it starts to impact me physically. Then I give it to God and it dissipates. If I have time or insight to hold on to that stillness of surrender, I often enjoy a curious insight and respite with the peace that defies all understanding. Then I must dive back into the world of ICD10 codes, splints, updates in MDS requirements, another admission, another discharge, dementia drama and psychiatric crises or worse--what appears to be demonic possession on some days. I admit that sometimes I’m dumbstruck in awe of the levels of bureaucratic nightmare f*%&-ups which are only outdone by the medication errors made by nurses lost in thought about their tragic lives. I grieve over the normalization of things like polypharmacy, childhood obesity & now strokes in children. If everyone could only learn the story of the Raggedy Ann doll. And again, God, I give this broken heart to you.

As I scroll through TruthSocial I have the honor of witnessing a population that gets it or is starting to get it. I have a partner in life who sees it all too. I go to a local meeting once a month of like-minded people. It is indescribable knowing that others see through the mainstream media lies. They recognize the biological & chemical warfare in the grocery & drugstores, the economic, psychological, informational and even weather warfare. Ultimately it’s spiritual warfare, and humanity adapts because people are also seeing the fix: They are saying yes to the inheritance that Jesus shares with us. I’m certain that all of this warfare must stop at some point. But if by some miracle it stopped today, a significant number of people would live healthy lives close to 200 years, and the next generation would live even longer. And I’m talking about mostly healthy, productive years. This sounds delusional, but we may get to find out it’s true. I’m not even counting the potentials with Medbed technology. The life lessons of the last few generations combined with the honest science over the last few decades have provided breakthroughs in understanding on how to nurture good gene expression with adequate hydration, rest, and consumption of whole foods that contain antioxidants, as well as how to nurture the gut and skin biome to maximize health. I've personally spent the last few years studying nootropics and adaptogens to protect the nervous system and even regenerate nerve growth, improving memory & cognition: This and the management of stress with meditation, sound healing and other holistic modalities in the cultivation of a healthy psyche. Cannabis is a plant medicine which I believe has an important roll to play in the healing of the body and mind. We have trade routes now to enjoy all the medicines that God/Mother Nature gave us, and most of us have some basic skills (that AI can never replace) to provide products and services necessary to the optimize the lifestyle of ourselves and our neighbors. Yet we have this toxic element that has gotten unprecedented exposure over the last few years--the secret societies JFK warned us about--which has contributed to our growth in paradoxical ways. Today this element makes no effort to hide the fact it threatens to enslave the 99% or destroy the planet attempting to carry out these plans. We're as a collective approaching a stage in human development that is inevitable and Biblical, the day humanity lifts the chains off their necks: 

But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall (Malachi 4:2). 

I started into Session 2 of The Citizen’s Guide to Fifth Generational Warfare: AI (Artificial Intelligence). It is sure to be revelatory, but I’ve witnessed the shortcomings of AI already—and the amazing power of genuine consciousness. The war on humanity is adapting almost as quickly as we can adapt. Some say AI will outpace our gifts and enslave us all. I doubt it will happen easily. The Globalist slavers have made it clear they still possess and will use Directed Energy Weapons against the masses. They also may unleash another Plandemic but this time with an even more disruptive virus like Marburg. There has also been an undeniable invasion of illegal immigrants coming through our border over the last 3 years, some telling independent journalists that the UN helped get them here with debit cards. They were told to await their orders. Then we have the inevitable wild card of the looming fiat currency crash. These are problems that only God, prompting people in all sorts of places, including those in positions of military power can solve. 

Respectfully, I would say to people like Retired General Flynn, I can run for office on my local school board. I can try to carve out even more time doing community service, attending city council meetings, signing petitions, etc., but all that would only spread someone like myself even thinner. And it would mean nothing if those who took the oath to protect the US Constitution who control the drones or hold automatic rifles, fire missiles, etc. do nothing but follow unlawful orders given to them by Deep State Generals. While it’s obvious some portion of the military have said NO to the terrorization and enslavement of humanity, I think they’ve also been ducking the radar like much of the rest of us, and also suffering PTSD like the rest of us. God, that all-powerful spirit of love that animates and sustains us all, is the best physician. That first step made in hunger and faith delivers something that cannot be easily dismissed and forgotten. With this said, I’ll dive into commentary on current events.