Sunday, December 30, 2018

Happy New Years Alt News Gems 💎 12/30/18

... And Deep State Wars Update

Material life is so very short. Most of us never know when our present incarnation will end or how, so I do enjoy it, savor it, finding love and joy every day because that's all that really matters. I contemplate these things as I approach a dental extraction with a broken and abscessed tooth that really isn't responding to penicillin (or any of my holistic remedies like colloidal silver and MMS) at a dentist training clinic tomorrow. It's a tooth with a "silver" filling that I should have had fixed years ago to remove the neurotoxic amalgam but didn't. Lessons learned a little late. I'm hoping that my last 6-7 years of holistic investment in a strong overall constitution will help me get through a procedure that has killed more than a few people.

On a very loosely related note, the image above is that of silver bullets, which according to mythology are able to end the life of vampires. I find it a curious metaphor to what is happening to the vampire giant that is The Federal Reserve, the morbidly abscessed tooth of the United States, perhaps modern Western Civilization in general. It is a most curious Sun Tzu Art of War analogy that all eyes are on the gold with regards to ending "The Fed". Yet truly, everyday people with their silver coins will be able to weather the transition during the inevitable global financial meltdown and reset with the possibility of internet and electrical services also briefly going down, making cryptocurrencies viable only after the fact. Every one of those silver coins will act like a silver bullet. I strongly believe that POTUS Trump is working to finish the work that JFK started or attempted and will finally help us slay this ruthless historical beast.

Today I'm going ice skating--for a little while forgetting all the heavy stuff, but first I'll leave a few notes and gems here for the world, another expression of my joy. I celebrate the end of the old year and a more diseased world today with hopes and prayers for a more wonderful new year to come!

PeopleCleaner (YT): QAnon: Do You Understand The Fed? (discussion) - No New Q today

Destroying the Illusion (YT): Secret Space Programs Get Mainstream Coverage on Christmas!

Greg Hunter (YT): Dave Janda – Hammer of Justice Falls in 2019


Garth Brooks Song Lyrics (YT): Garth Brooks - The Dance (With Lyrics)

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Deep State Wars Update 💎 12/22/18

Shutdown or Showdown?

Last-minute-me, this will have to be more of an informal journal entry with minimal filtering, just some summary thoughts typed out for the time-stamp of 12/22/2018, and some Merry Christmas Greetings, although the cookies are not even close to getting baked yet.

The last few weeks have been so fast-paced, so much happening personally, nationally and globally, I am quite challenged to keep up. From time to time I say this, but truly things are speeding up and ramping up qualitatively. It is like the dot of an exclamation mark in the last couple years of following the patriot movement (with the very last year a narrowing in with the Q-anon phenomenon). It's been like a raucous refresher course over what I learned in high school and college with US government, civics, political science and US History. And as I study more on the nuance of politics as it really is, how it really plays out in light of hidden "Control Files", well, this process has been a journey of learning that I really don't know that much at all. It's causing me to question everything as I sift through concepts of Common Law vs. Corporate Law vs. Natural Law, the possibility of several secret space programs existing and that unacknowledged Special Access Programs to include amazing anti-gravity technology were sold the highest bidder for kickbacks to the Clinton Crime Family. All of this is on the one hand interesting, but on the other very disorienting and distressing. To undergo this challenge in light of the constant day-to-day dramas inherent in working in the field of healthcare, it is a wonder I am able to do much, do it politely and with any amount of grace, and without any bupropion, lorazepam, nicotine or alcohol. I am thankful for the Ayurveda secrets and a little THC. Not much of the latter, nothing close to intoxicating levels, but instead a fairly good dose of CBD with just a little THC.

A person needs something to take the edge off when coming to the firm realization that his or her country was on the edge of a downright hideous nightmare, the kind that the people of Russia or China experienced when their countries fell under communist control with millions dying during the "Revolution", and even more perishing during the aftermath. To really comprehend that this or something very similar is what would have taken place if Hillary were elected POTUS, this is what the Cabal was planning--this can be overwhelming. Making things more convoluted, some can see it clearly, while others will argue until blue in the face that this is what was taking place. Well, more likely, the 30% who don't get it just look at you with that far away look and change the subject if you bring it up. Like I have been repeating over the last few years, I still have to remind myself that there is ruthless unconventional warfare going on, targeting the 99.9%. Many other professionals like Wayne Jett clearly see it. I know I am not losing my mind. This is very real despite the clamor of very compelling propaganda throughout every corner of controlled media, including most internet search engines, and other psychological warfare designed to discredit the Truth Movement.

Others going through this Redpilling process will understand my dilemma. Not only is it disturbing and overwhelming in its scope, but it's sometimes quite lonely. One can meet like-minded people online, at events like Trump Rallies or what some are calling far-right conventions, but for the most part, there is still so much triggering and polarization happening--again, just part of the unconventional warfare, the divide-and-conquer tactics being a very basic part of the Cabal playbook, that you dare not bring the subjects up at work or anywhere in mixed company.

I often have to take breaks from it for my sanity. Today I had an outing for lunch with my daughter, giving me opportunity, forcing me really to think and talk on lighter subjects. Foodie pursuits, Yoga, online word games, and time with my dog or ukulele provide needed breaks during the rainy season here in northwest USA. And there's always the immersion in naturopathic healthcare with my latest lessons being the MMS protocols. Yet because of the gravity of what is truly occurring geopolitically and macro-economically, my mind never strays away from the heavy things for too long.

Now as January approaches, an executive order will be going into effect which could trigger the unsealing of many of the mysterious 60K+ federal sealed indictments some have been following over the last year or so. Chatter about this in Truth Movement and Q-anon circles has many of us sitting on pins and needles again with approaching dates. The links below help more fully explain. Some of us aware of "The Plan" for a decade or longer have an even harder time not being all squirrely-fidgety. Because this battle with the Deep State is truly as epic as I think it is, no hyperbole possible in my humble opinion, it is truly unprecedented in its historic and pivotal nature, and likely to determine whether we will perish as a species, perhaps even rendering the planet yet another asteroid belt--or, the polar opposite if things go well: We graduate into a fantastical Golden Age not unlike the Jetsons cartoon. It becomes almost impossible not to be like a kid with A.D.D. waiting for Santa to come down the chimney, going on an on about it all with clumsy sentence structure. AND at the same time I know better about getting my hopes up for sweeping change. These are epic end-game stages now in what is likely a battle that has gone on longer than I've been alive. I constantly have to remind myself to stay grounded with a sense of equinamity about what's unfolding. I've had my hopes up for ending the criminal Federal Reserve and for mass arrests, filling facilities like GTMO dashed a few times now. I know we're getting closer, but I also know the beast is more rabid than ever.

Anyway, enough of my babbling on. In this year's Christmas Post I'll share a photo of my tiny Christmas tree topped with an angel holding a USA flag. It's so humble, not unlike the Charlie Brown Christmas tree with hardly any branches or presents under it, so I'm showing just the part that makes it meaningful to me...


With that, Merry Christmas Wishes going out to not just those fighting the good fight, but even to those so screwed up in the head, heart and soul that they know no better but to sabotage themselves and the planet. Below, of course, are the Gems.

Unbiased & On the Fence (YT): Power of 8 at 8 - Joy to the World


Edge of Wonder (YT): 11:11 Quake is Retribution to Deep State for Paradise Fires | Interview with Dr. Michael Salla

Edge of Wonder (YT): Why the Deep State Despises the American Constitution Exclusive Interview with Dr. Michael Salla

Federation for American Immigration Reform: (YT) Walls Don't Divide Us, Hypocrisy Does

Bonus Breaking News Gem: Clintons Not on Santa's Nice List