Monday, January 25, 2021

Deep State Wars Update 1/25/21 - 2/1/21

When life gives you lemons, you juice them up whole and freeze them into ice cubes for the many amazing therapeutic benefits you can enjoy while sipping on your favorite beverage. For more on the that, Websearch NIH and lemon peel. I recommend Meyer lemons for their sweetness and the tree's adaptability to different climates. I'll return to the lemons soon for metaphorical reasons.

My 22nd post comes a little late this month, but that's life right now. My work schedule is wonky, and it's only recently that I've been able to sit and think about the big picture and present a coherent message to share and add to the mix of others' going through the awakening process. I can blame COVID for the disruption--this weaponized virus that came to us from Communist China. So, the mail is coming late; offices are closing earlier if they're open at all; we have more hoops to jump, and the Deep State mandates are stretching everyone thin. Last week at work during a typically busy shift one of my nurse aides sat down outside in the dark, rocked back and forth alternating between laughing and crying. She was unable to stand up. I imagine these kinds of occurrences are happening everywhere. I spent a bit of time assisting as professionally and a kindly as I could. When I got home I fell apart. I could have wallowed in low-energy emotions like hopelessness, frustration or righteous anger, or better I could use that anger as motivation to just get up and do something that needed to be done, which ends in a dopamine fix that is useful.

The tree was full of lemons and with a Winter storm coming, I spent a good part of my day off just harvesting lemons, hoping to save as many as I could from frost damage. There's something therapeutic about spending time outside and touching a tree or plants for a while. There's all kinds of research on the grounding or "Earthing" aspects, actually making contact with the earth in one form or another. We are energetic, electromagnetic beings. Our bodies move and our minds think utilizing electrical impulses. Electrons move back and forth. A field of energy surrounds us, and it can be measured. Free radicals or elements that crave an electron can create cellular havoc by stealing electrons from healthy tissue, eventually leading to disease if not mitigated. As the Grounding or "Earthing" Theories go, people who don't regularly get out into nature and actually make contact end up getting disease from a disruption in the natural flow of energy that humans have adapted to for thousands of years. I don't quite understand it all, but I think it's more than just a hippy dippy theory.

While I was outside I reflected on some of the things Lin Wood was talking about in his Fireside Chats recently. Much of what's going on with the state of our nation and the world is obviously outside of our individual control. Most true patriots know that violent confrontation at the Capitol is a bad idea and that Antifa imposters were probably to blame for the rioting and destruction to property there. Misdirection of anger is truly going on another level with expressions on social media, and some of that is to be expected. Most of it is fairly harmless. The venting and processing is actually necessary for some. Overwhelming evidence of election fraud is just waiting to be presented in a court if only there were an appropriate court venue with judges not beholden to Brownstone blackmail operations, bribery, threats, or some other treachery. This is obviously the precipice. People are righteously angry and fearful.

We face an opponent that wants to drag us back to pre-Magna Carta days with communist enslavement utilizing weaponized viruses, government corruption, fraudulent elections and hypnotic entrainment via social media, television and Hollywood programming. If the programming, aka re-education doesn't work, some of us (very likely me personally) could very well end up on a list of "dangerous insurrectionists" or "extremists" for using what some authorities term as "hate speech" just calling all this out. Just praising what President Trump has done can get one banned from social media platforms. My intolerance of the sexual preference of many of these authorities and that being pedosadism can get me on their lists. 

Decades ago there was a group called the Weather Underground. A whistle-blower revealed this group estimated there would be a few million Americans that couldn't be re-educated to accept their Marxist ideology. A few million would have to be exterminated, one leader was heard saying. If that's the case and it appears to be, I'm certainly one of those on that list. This has been been on my mind for some time, and long ago I decided it would be better to be martyred than live on a slave planet. But it doesn't end the dread that can creep in the morning after a rough night at work. I imagine horrific thoughts like this might also be affecting some of those I work with.

Do I believe they can really pull this off? Ethnic cleansing and other notorious genocide has been committed in recent history, much of it with Marxism at the core of it. These Bolsheviks or Marxists that are funding Antifa and BLM have billions of dollars at their disposal--money to bribe and corrupt, creating honeypot and blackmail schemes with islands like Jeffrey Epstein's, but they do not have the US Military under their complete control. I've seen too many signs of this. The sick "elites" would need the complicity of the US Military or a weak US Military to pull it off. Trump strengthened our military, so it's no longer weak. They would also need some remnant of moral high ground or manufactured consent to start rounding people up en masse, and they definitely don't have that. They continue to lose it. They're only looking like the insane tyrants they truly are, hence the doubling down on lies and ramping up of inflammatory talk. They've known their confidence game wasn't working, thanks to the massive numbers of those who have come out to show support for Trump. There seems to be a back-up plan with CDC Quarantine Camps, but even that is losing ground with most cases resulting in survival, and most people aren't okay with assisting in another holocaust. Quarantine camps would require an egregious violation of civil rights. The same with mandatory vaccines.

I am still certain that military tribunals for these sick authorities is coming because these real criminals will only continue to do or try to do hideously criminal things. They are getting sloppy about it too, and now they're poised for more epic hubris with multiple examples already unfolding. A time will come when the Marxist media minions can no longer hide the ugliness. This has actually already happened with reporters looking pretty stupid, citing the "mostly peaceful protests," referring to Antifa and BLM committing arson and looting in the background of their live coverage. 

I worked in a prison for several years, so I've studied firsthand the nature of criminal narcissistic psychopathy. These wealthy criminals struggling to maintain their power and the games they play are no different. Only these criminals have inflicted Stockholm Syndrome on a significant portion of American society. A deprogramming of sorts has been happening in earnest for the last 4 years, however. It continues today. Obviously the timetable on military tribunals is going to stay nebulous until it can be done with military precision. Perhaps we have to witness the Biden/Harris Deep State Puppet Show Administration continue to destroy the illusion of trustworthiness that keeps a shrinking chunk of the population from seeing reality. The best we can do as patriots is to continue to peacefully speak truth, be as gentle but firm in boundary-setting with our misled neighbors, and go about our daily lives, providing for our families and our communities. 

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Deep State Wars Update: Countdown to Showdown? 1/14/21

Just few of 40+ Year-Experienced and Nationally-Recognized Defamation Attorney
L Lin Wood's last Parler Posts Before Apple Decided to Edit History for Us.

Banned Youtube Videos (Bitchute): HOW TO STEAL AN ELECTION

Project Veritas (YT): BREAKING: Raquel Rodriguez ARRESTED by Texas AG on FOUR felony charges relating to voter fraud!

If YouTube caves to the Marxist Establishment's treasonous, anti-free speech, wealthy pedosadist-protecting agenda, the following link should still work, at least for a little while:


My guess is that at least a dozen other applications and platforms are currently in the works and ready to roll out if other companies decide to sell out to the sick globalist's agenda. I am convinced that 95% of humanity are not comfortable being enslaved, being sadist enslavers or having their free speech (non-violent exchange of ideas) stifled. It's unnatural. We're educated enough to understand what has happened to China, Venezuela and other Communist countries. Millions have died. This is factual history as opposed to the lies we've been fed about the bioweaponized COVID virus and our immune system's alleged inadequacies without never-ending vaccines. The majority of us will never be convinced Communism, election theft, and other pedosadist treachery will result in "utopia" if tried in America, and that all we need to do is shut up, ignore the evidence, and allow the remainder of Our Sacred God-Given Rights to dissipate. Most of our military is not going to be complicit with rolling out more collectivist tyranny either thankfully. For more on that, enjoy the following links while they still work.

Thrivetime Show (Rumble): Fireside Chat 8 w/ Lin Wood | War with China? Are We Going to See ACTION? Did Pence Commit Treason?


craigmason (DLive): Staying Positive: What Exactly Are We Being Prepared for?

And We Know (Bitchute): 1.10.21: HOLD ONTO YOUR SEATS! ROUGH RIDE AHEAD! PRAY!

Praying Medic Podcast (Podbean): 391 Welcome to the Second American Revolution (Audio)

Thrivetime Show (Rumble): Has the Insurrection ACT Been Signed? | A Look Inside Hunter Biden’s Laptop & 32 Reasons for Hope