Friday, February 14, 2020

It's Going to Be Biblical 📖 Deep State Wars Update 2/14/20 with MAGA for Healthcare Edits (See Bottom)


I may have to change my opinion (slightly - see the Robert David Steele link at the bottom also) regarding the Novel Coronavirus being little more than fear porn to scare people into begging "authorities" for a new vaccine that will help Big Pharma rake in bigtime before a planned global economic collapse. While there's little doubt that the vaccine is being readied at this time, you can be sure it will have just as many harmful adjuvants, perhaps more than any other modern vaccine. I am beginning to suspect the virus may be more than just a scare, however, and a larger issue than just the vaccine agenda or even distraction from the emerging news that hurts the Deep State. With reports on this truly deadly virus coming from the trusted Epoch Times, the bio-warfare aspect leads me to conclude that this virus is covered in Deep State/NWO fingerprints. This very real scare may serve to address several of their "needs", but ultimately this may be yet another false flag attempt by the club of globalist psychopaths to start a hot WWIII. No doubt the patriot alliance has been expecting such desperate measures and are prepared, but it never hurts to pray, fast and get yourself right with Source.

A number of different media sources indicate the virus was bio-engineered. I am now 80% convinced that it was only made to appear to come from the laboratory in Wuhan. Why? Because this is the Establishment narrative so far. They are finally having to admit that the virus may not have sprung up organically from the questionable wet market; it was supposedly an accidental release from the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory, according to the propaganda machine. I study what the Establishment is repeating ad nauseum, and my mind immediately comes to an opposite conclusion until truly independent sources convince me otherwise.

This I know to be true after decades of swallowing red pills: The Luciferian banking families who've had their talons in Europe for hundreds if not thousands of years have been utilizing world wars and brutal war in general to suck the life from the masses like vampires (figuratively and literally with their horrific adrenochrome harvesting rituals). Currently we have what some would call an active trade war going on between the Trump Administration and China. POTUS has been renegotiating trade with China and other nations so that regular U.S. taxpayers aren't forced to work two or more jobs just to keep a humble roof over their family's heads while supporting the rest of the planet's oligarchs. Also coming to light now, over the last few decades China has been busy infiltrating the U.S. in efforts to leverage power and steal trade secrets or buy them like they did with Hillary's illegal server. The Trump Administration has been cauterizing and suturing those gaping, bleeding wounds to the dismay of the Deep State and their globalist oligarch Luciferian puppetmasters.

The NWO would have every motive to plant another deadly virus in China. Some researchers assert this is exactly what happened with SARS just a few years ago and also in Africa with HIV. This sick cult has always had elitist leanings towards eugenics, and often pitting race against race in their divide-and-conquer tactics. Add to that their sadistic tendencies and worship of pure evil. It is all so outlandishly horrific, many have trouble believing it. I did as well for years. This was the hardest pill to swallow, but I have seen enough and can no longer stay quiet about it. For more on this, see Joe M (YT): Q - The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED or look up the viral videos with Ronald Bernard, the Dutch banker who the sick elites attempted to recruit. Or look up John Podesta's use of pedophile code words in the e-mails Seth Rich leaked to WikiLeaks, and how Podesta was all for making an example of the leaker. There's hundreds of other super credible sources like Ted Gunderson, but my point is not to go deep down this particular rabbit hole. Just know that there is plenty out there to study. Just brace yourself if you do. Have a therapist and antidepressants handy.

Returning to my assumption that the Novel Coronavirus didn't come from the Wuhan laboratory, which I don't know for sure; it's just a strong suspicion: The Chinese authorities would (if true) quickly discover that it wasn't from their labs and be suspicious of the Trump Administration with whom they're already embroiled in trade war and other disputes (see and It would be the typical kind of false flag reminiscent of 9-11 and Gulf of Tonkin Incident, but with a bio-warfare trigger to push China, in this case, to retaliate with similar measures or worse. I pray that President Xi Jinping and the rest of Communist China doesn't bite or we'll have a very scorched Earth, perhaps even a new asteroid belt, which I can only imagine the 0.00001% would delight over.

It is best to prepare with enough food, water and medicine to shelter in place for a month if necessary, at least two weeks minimum. I've been reading everything I can find on how to avoid or dampen a cytokine storm, which appears to be how the virus ends up killing people. In simple terms, a cytokine storm is an over-reaction by the immune system leading to rapid fluid shift into the lungs--ending in severe pneumonia and often death because Western Medicine apparently has no effective treatments so far.

I often run into this brick wall of no real hope that Western Medicine and the synthetic agendas in general often present. This is where complementary healthcare modalities, my favorite being naturopathic medicine and wholesome lifestyle changes offer solid solutions. Basically, it is the trust that nature (and a loving Creator who designed it so) provides us with everything we need. Our bodies respond better, in my opinion with fewer adverse side effects to the chemical compounds nature provides as opposed to those synthetic ones produced in a laboratory. Obviously this cannot be over-generalized: Natural (known) toxins will kill you just as quickly as the synthetic ones.

Returning to the subject of this Novel Coronavirus, natural antivirals like elderberry, Echinacea or goldenseal are a good place to start. What excites me is the potential of adaptogens like astragalus and rhodiola. According to Adriana Ayales in her book Adaptogens, Herbs for Longevity and Everyday Wellness, "the term adaptogen was coined by Nikolai Lazarev in 1957 to refer to substances that increase a state of 'nonspecific resistance' against multiple stressors." Some of these adaptogens have anti-anxiety and antidepressant potential, as I have found during my personal use. (For research to back this up see

Natural anti-inflammatories like turmeric, quercetin and CBD oil, especially the medicinal mushrooms (Chaga, Reishi, Maitaki, Shiitaki, Cordyceps, Black Hoof, and Turkey Tail are just a few examples) with these properties of being adaptogenic and anti-inflammatory. These all appear promising for home remedies in my humble opinion, but I am still in the early phases of my search. Clif High also suggests sublingual vitamin B. It couldn't hurt. I came back to edit after posting yesterday mostly because of something I came across with regards to quercetin and its effect on mast cells. Quercetin may be a component in effective naturopathic treatment or prevention of the cytokine storm. Obviously, I don't know for sure. I'm not a doctor. I am a nurse with a passion for naturopathic healthcare and all for regular humanity surviving this Deep State War.

I must give warning that many of the mushrooms listed above can lower blood sugar and should be used with caution by diabetics taking traditional western meds like injectable insulin or metformin. Their use in this case could result in dangerously low blood sugar. Chaga specifically is high in oxalate which may cause kidney stones and should be avoided entirely by those with kidney problems. Shiitake can cause a rash if eaten raw. Then there's that usual general caveat of check with your physician before starting any major life changes, including a supplement regimen or intermittent fasting. I always encourage finding a naturopath because the allopathic doctors often know very little if anything about nutraceuticals. In my opinion it is even more important for people to do their own research and educate themselves before starting any nutraceutical. Start small and titrate up slowly. So much is available online, including research via the National Institutes of Health and many naturopathic websites like Mercola.

I dearly hope the bottle-neck in Western (Rockefeller) Medicine where they are eternally racing for "a cure" for any disease comes to an end soon, but until it does, naturopathy and healthy lifestyle changes (adopting a healthier diet--mostly organic fruits & vegetables, raw when possible, engaging in regular exercise, meditation, Tai Chi, etc.), and regular intermittent fasting for overall health (including weight control) hold great promise for overcoming nearly every chronic healthcare condition and even emergent public health issues like this Novel Coronavirus.

In other news, lot's to celebrate this week. Qanon just posted 3867 with an observation that sums up this week of signs that positive changes are either happening or getting ready to happen... . More gems below ❤️❤️❤️

Lori Colley (YT): New Q: Slam Dunk Charges Coming!

Dan Bongino (YT): Ep. 1181 The Media Fell Right Into the Trap - The Dan Bongino Show®

RedPill78 (YT): Friday Night Livestream - WSG Matt Couch & Live Dive of Silent Weapons & An Adam & Eve Story

Dustin Nemos (YT): Child Traffickers. We're Coming for You. No Mercy

In Pursuit of Truth (YT): Seventeen - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.14.20

Craig Mason's Reasonable Conversation Channel (YT): Great Awakening: Making "Justice" Just Again!


SpaceShot76 (YT): Episode 662: "It’s Time to Wake Up”

Project Veritas (YT): BUSTED: NH Primary Elections Official Breaks Election Law “I Think Voting Any Democrat is Wise”

X22Report Spotlight (YT): Storm Is Picking Up Speed, Arrests On The Horizon:Dave Hayes

Rudy Giuliani (YT): Common Sense Ep. 6 | Proving Extensive Corruption & Criminal Conduct by the Biden Family Enterprise

MAGA for Healthcare

Gregg Braden Official (YT): Four Things We Can do to Adapt Our Lifestyle | Gregg Braden

Dr. Mercola Products (YT): Dr. Mercola Discusses the Benefits of Quercetin and Pterostilbene

Robert David STEELE vivas #UNRIG: China Wuhan Virus BioWar, 5G, InfoWar -- Robert Steele, Former Spy