Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Keep an Eye on Radiation Levels

Early this year I began taking screen shots of http://www.netc.com/. Later on I came upon another radiation monitoring website, http://radiationnetwork.com/. Back when I started this monitoring of the the NETC site, national radiation levels were pretty low, most stations reporting <50. Then the numbers began to rise, peaking sometime in May or June, leveling off in the 200-300 range, and since then falling closer to background levels again these last few weeks. Today I heard a report of a Radcan 5 level in Sacramento. Sure enough, the numbers are beginning to rise again.

The following screen shots were take April 20, 2014.

Notice how most of these high values were not posted as warning levels. I believe how this website works is in monitoring increases in radiation. Once they stay at high levels at a given station, the warning is eventually lifted if the high levels just remain stable.

These screen shots were taken May 11, 2014.

These screen shots were taken 5/30/14.

These are from 6/11/14.

These are from 7/1/14

Here are today's levels 7/29/14:

Levels appear to be on the move up again. Whether these increasing levels are associated with Fukashima radiation drifting over the US or something else is unknown. It may be a good idea to supplement with a natural source of iodine in addition to a daily diet that includes natural chelators like chlorella, spirulina, cilantro and tamarind which I report on in my post from 7/22/14. Visit a holistic healthcare professional for assessment, recommendations and monitoring before adding supplements to your diet or starting a detox diet.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Rated HG: Higher Guidance Suggested

Remember Hurricane Katrina? If you know more than the MSM narrative has told us, and a growing number do, you may be willing to entertain the idea that our beyond-corrupt, psychopathic elite have been attempting to transform dystopia into a fully-blown nightmare for years. This small but organized group of mostly satanic pedophiles attempting to conjure mayhem planet-wide continually runs into another force working behind the scenes. This force isn't openly acknowledged by the Establishment or by many of us even. Many view "God" as a lofty and distant persona, acting remotely through historical prophets or priests and kings, as these same corrupt powers taught our ancestors with very real threats of torture and death for heresy.

Let me tell you of the everyday power and occurrences that sabotage the efforts of the insane elite in a couple of personal stories. Nearly four years ago my daughter and I were visiting a soup kitchen in Central Texas. We were locked out of our home by a series of events I couldn't understand at the time. I knew, however, that we were headed to where we needed to be. I trusted in the Universe and still do even more. At the time it manifested as romantic visions of a life in Texas with my husband-to-be, a correctional officer I met at Pelican Bay State Prison while I was working as a nurse there. Hungry and broke, most of our possessions in storage due to a strange series of occurrences that started with my fleeing a jealous ex-husband, we visited the soup kitchen where we met an Hispanic family. Ismarelda, the head of the family, offered to put us up. I was receiving a small disability check at the time and able to pay rent for the room. We moved in and became friends until we were able to move into an apartment with my fiancé. One of Ismarelda's sons was a kind and intelligent young man who one day told me I was the first white lady he ever liked. I had done nothing special except trust his family and treat them with the same respect, love and gratitude as I treat the rest of my family. I had also learned years earlier in my work at the prison of the same humanity that exists in even the most hardened gang member. Many of them came to respect me as well. I believe that I was there in their lives for just that reason, to give them yet one more reason to doubt "The Man", to provide them care when necessary and to be cared for. This is the loving Universe's favorite set-up, and the stories above are the anatomy of that set-up.

So if you click on the link below, listen knowing that the Universe has been working and continues to work with untold numbers of people like me, people who approach life with what some would insist to be dangerous naiveté. We are the bridge-builders, the often-unwitting diplomats.


Monday, July 21, 2014

11 Simple Things We Can Do to Prepare for the Golden Age 💎 7/4/18 Edit

Here I am in Jack in the Box indulging in the 99-Cent 2 taco special, one of several moments of weakness today. I said a little prayer as I ingested the GMO corn. Since I'm in the confessional, I should speak on my worst fault, that of not sharing widely enough the truth I'll be explaining shortly. Often I've delivered the very opposite teaching, such as promoting vaccines. The mounting evidence against vaccines and my own recent decision to pursue a vaccine exemption for my child has lead to a crisis that may cost my job. It's a small part of the equation for certain, but clearly a fractal part of the larger picture, the sad comedy I currently find myself living. The cognitive dissonance has been grueling, and I'll have to come clean and speak the bizarrely disturbing truth before it drives me insane.

1. Avoid Vaccines. Enough disturbing evidence exists to get off this vaccine bus until we have some clear signs of sobriety in government and research again. As it stands today, numerous conflicts of interest riddle & corrupt our sciences, our political, regulatory and corporate structures. We have some allegations like what is found in the link above so fantastic, they deserve more examination. However, we know to be certain that power corrupts, that people in power like former president Nixon lived to serve a sinister Military Industrial Complex while JFK died by assassination. Today's politicians excuse government "intelligence" agencies such as the CIA as they violate the supreme law of our land. So we must not dismiss anything anymore as too outrageous. The rest of world deems Monsanto as outrageous and outlaws their product; meanwhile our government is controlled by Monsanto & Friends, supporting their Frankenscience.

A growing body of compelling evidence indicates vaccines are laced with neurotoxins like aluminum, mercury and other substances either known or suspected to be causing more harm than good. Sadly, there are sufficient numbers of people within our regulatory agencies willing to look the other way so they too can keep their jobs. What good that's left in the body of science known as our "medical model" includes the notion of weighing the risks versus the benefits. For myself the scale tipped some time ago (toward the too risky end). Awakened members of the healthcare community with a conscience contend the industry is strangled by the Hydra of fascism that controls every other major industry on our planet. Every day I confront more signs such as the statistics of skyrocketing disease or testimony of whistle-blowers who paint a very disturbing picture. Once a person is open to see it and begins to examine it for themselves, the signs become plain.

2. Avoid Aluminum. Aluminum toxicity is difficult diagnose because "(u)nfortunately, physical findings are often noticeably lacking in patients with aluminum toxicity, and findings usually mimic other disease processes." Aka: the "findings" blend in with our present dystopian flurry of rushing from one task to the next in an effort to stay employed and pay rent.

Aluminum (Al) is absorbed into the brain and bones. In the brain aluminum acts as a neurotoxin.  In the bones, it disrupts healthy mineralization that makes strong bones. Aluminum in cookware and beverage containers leaches into our food and drink despite the copious reports in mainstream press that portray this as safe. We absorb the metal from antiperspirants; we consume it willingly to remedy indigestion; we receive it in our vaccines as an adjuvant.

3. Stay out of the hospital if possible. I worked in one a few years ago and learned that like every other business, they tend to cut corners in an attempt to increase profits. Unfortunately, this practice threatens health and life in settings such as healthcare. As I have found working in the field of nursing in different places, no amount of new technology or safety committee meetings can compensate for adequate staffing. The technology itself requires energy and attention that management rarely ever addresses. The loftiest mission statements mean nothing when in practice money is valued over human life. Dr. Barbara Starfield's eye-opening research which has been published in prestigious medical journals but obviously ignored by medical leadership in the U.S. points to how Western Medicine could be the 3rd leading cause of death.

4. Eat organic. Our world is now a toxic mess. The mainstream media even reports on it occasionally between what appear to be propaganda pieces designed to lead us into another cold war with Russia. The more we support our bodies and the planet with wholesome agriculture and other practices, the healthier we will become.

5. Include tamarind in your diet; chlorella & cilantro also. Organic tamarind contains high levels of natural vitamin C. These natural substances help pull toxins like heavy metals out of the body. Exciting research on turmeric indicates it too may help mitigate the effects of toxic waste in our world. Converting from the typical western diet to a healthier one can take some time and energy. Radical detox can tax the body and can have a disruptive effect on your life. Be sure and seek the advice of a holistic health professional for individualized advice and oversight before beginning a detoxification regimen. All these things take money. If you're still paying for cable TV, examine which investment is more worthy. I can say from experience that this was one of the most difficult changes to make with my family, but well worth it.

6. If you take vitamin supplements, use only naturally derived ones. Vitamins such as vitamin C made from Roundup Ready GMO corn can negatively impact health. Studies linking "vitamins" and cancer may be funded by the same criminal elite that depend upon our ignorance of such crucial facts.

7. Take steps to reconnect to nature. Taking a walk to the park, gardening or hiking facilitates a break from daily stressors while adding exercise to the routine. Both investments reward the efforts.

8. Add the Buycott App to your smartphone. Vote with your $$. Talk to your accountant about reducing withholdings, and make tax-deductible donations instead of funding the military industrial complex.

9. Do what you are doing Right Now. Live in the moment.

10. Help steer the narrative

11. Connect with Source, as often as you can. The opposition can seem so fierce, all it appears we can can do is pray. When done with abandon, it makes for a powerful act.

To Germany with Love, an Embrace That Reaches Around The World

Berlin is Inspiring the Next Revolution!

Monday, July 7, 2014

More Intel and Analysis on Global Financial and Geopolitical Fronts

Obama Supports ISIS, Saudi Terror & IMF's MAGIC NUMBER 7

Here's an excerpt from Ben Fulford's blog; this week's headline, Some Kind of Major Showdown is Looming this Month as New BRICS Bank Set to Launch:

There are many signs the ongoing financial war for the future of the planet is heading for a major inflection point as the BRICS heads of state meet July 14-16 to formally set up their alternative to the cabal controlled IMF and World Bank. The cabal has already signaled its displeasure by blowing up a bridge in Brazil, according to CIA sources.

The cabalists are also trying to make their own move to pre-empt the BRICS, by using the Abe slave government in Japan. World Bank lawyer (apparently she never quit) Karen Hudes was in Tokyo recently where she sent messages to over 70 governments falsely claiming Japan would provide the gold needed to back a new financial system, according to CIA sources in Asia who monitored her activities. Hudes did not respond to an e-mail asking for her reply to these allegations. In any case, Japan does not have the requisite gold, according to Bank of Japan sources.

Whistleblower Testimony and Discussion
