Saturday, May 30, 2020

Deep State Wars ⚖️ Justice Coming 👀 5/30/20
I took a few days off for family activities, to get some needed rest, and catch up on other areas of my life that needed attention, most notably gardening therapy. There's never been a better time to start a Victory Garden, I say.

A small post is in order, however, just to nail down some thoughts I've had regarding current events, mainly the Deep State Scamdemic, Plannedemic or dem panic, as Q Anon has pointed out. This Covid-19 scare is all starting to fizzle, and the Deep State tyrants are being outed like never before.

As has already been touched upon in some of the gems I've recently posted, the data showing the numbers of people typically ill with the flu in past years, and the statistically significant drop in morbidity/mortality from the flu over these past few months indicate that widespread medical fraud is taking place.

Certain state governments like New York and California have been directing nursing homes and assisted living facilities to house Covid patients before they're fully healed, supposedly in order to save hospital beds from the "predicted" thousands (maybe millions or even billions--some contend) of second, third and even never-ending waves of this supposedly fearsome and untreatable disease.

Even though the sun and heat of the northern hemisphere summertime will kill viruses, we need to keep those hospital beds open while we expose non-Covid senior citizens to people with active infection. We also need to stay indoors, or wear a mask in public if we even dare go out. We should live in fear and loathing, according to the sick "elites". I contend that they are quite aware that such negative states and social isolation are known to lead to a lowered immune response.

Similarly, I think it's safe to speculate that some governors are acting as if they want a purge of seniors, people who have ability to see trends over time, knowing the dangers of socialism with the tendency to vote accordingly next November. The likely conspirators snear and snicker, calling people like myself a crazy conspiracy theorists for even daring to speculate that power might still corrupt as it did in the days of Nero or Nixon. That only happens in the case of Orange-Man-Bad and his allies, the "elites" reassure us. Ignore all evidence of Chinese Communist Party influence on politicians, they inist. It's all Trump-Russia, Trump-Russia, Trump-Russia!

Oh, and don't forget, there's no safe treatments yet, according to these "elites" who warn of the deadly mistake of taking hydroxychloroqine (HCQ) even with a doctor's prescription. Although it's been safely administered to pregnant women for years, we need to suddenly be wary of this drug which has been used for decades to treat a number of different maladies. They insist that we need to spend perhaps billions of dollars to study it on Covid-19 patients. Frankly, they also want us to spend exactly the amount of time it takes to get Creepy Quid Pro Joe  into office before they can rest assured that HCQ is safe. By then they'll also have a vaccine with a little microchip they want to mandate for all but themselves, in order for us all to be "safe".

This sick agenda is getting dismantled on all sides, and the Deep State "elites" are fighting it, kicking and screaming. Now that facts are emerging regarding the Covid-19 reality, they've returned to their usual playbook, sending the usual thugs into the cities to create more "news", more division, distraction, disruptive chaos, pain and suffering, all in the name of "social justice", complete with more Deep State tyranny to follow, citing how the unwashed masses surely cannot be trusted.

Again, all of it, even this will be met with more decisive action by the alliance. The noose is closing in on the secretive, radical, tyrannical, and really just purely evil elements within our institutions. Their Deep State friends are getting plucked one by one from their positions of power in the FBI & DOJ, the courts, and elsewhere. The creepy Establishment cannot stop what is coming.

Real Justice is coming. Unleashing of human potential is coming. A true renaissance is coming. Below are some more gems documenting the revolution. 

BardsFM (YT): EP89 - Into The Briar Patch, It's Up To Us

Informative Info (YT): Dilleys Daily Dose. Kathy Griffin Death Threats, Scarborough Cold Case File, Twitter

Quite Frankly (YT): "The Civil War Vaccine" 5/30/20

Greg Hunter (YT): Mark Taylor – Riots to Stop Obama From Being Prosecuted

Friday, May 22, 2020

Deep State Wars Boom Week Update 5/22/20
One of these days I'll have some time again to write a good post. Between the Covid-19 response overreach being the straw that breaks many Americans backs right now, I am working overtime to keep up with home and work life. And the constant drip, drip, drip of info (basically a waterfall if not a firehose right now) is revealing a very complex web of intrigue that is also challenging to keep up with.

I don't know about my readers, but I feel like I'm living in a spy thriller as we learn more about Obamagate, especially in the realization that the Covid-19 overreach is all about keeping the masses too distracted from realizing the Caligulan levels of corruption that the Trump Administration is in the process of taking down. Below are the gems.

BardsFM (YT): EP87 - Captains, Sailors and The Storm

RedPill78 (YT): Leaked Biden Tapes Trigger Investigation?

Destroying the Illusion (YT): [5.16] POTUS on Vaccines - SPACE FORCE! - UFO Videos - Latest Q

SpaceShot76 (YT): 5/19/20 Potus45 Taking HCQ/ Scolds WHO Director

In Pursuit of Truth (YT): ROOKie Move - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.20.20

Craig Mason's Reasonable Conversation Channel (YT): Great Awakening: Unleashing Unlimited Informational Ammunition

SpaceShot76 (YT): (Table of Titans) Obama WH Crumbling W/CIA as QB

We The People Insider 1776 (YT): Happy Friday Patriots! - The Patriot Power Hour - 5-22-2020

Tracy Beanz (YT): Dark to Light: An Interview with Congressman Devin Nunes