Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Deep State Wars Update ๐Ÿธ Culture War Special 8/22/19 Early Release

An example of the evolving meme warfare. But wait. It gets even more devastating...

Slowly but surely, and in increasing increments, the dot connecting continues and public awakening spreads. The length, breadth and depth of their corruption is becoming clearer and clearer to the average person. Even with 8Chan down right now and silencing of Q-Anon, still "nothing can stop what is coming". With Epstein Island (and the other Epstein, see in the news lately; with FISA-gate, the heart of the Deep State's coup attempt continuing to unravel, public consciousness just continues to evolve.

Problems flourish when ignorance prevails. When a patient learns that he or she has a life-threatening parasitic infection, there's not only grounds to do something but inherent motivation as well. Right now the public is awakening and mobilizing on a very real parasitic infection of sorts. It's no longer a matter of some 3% working furiously to fight this. We have many hands now, and that makes for light work.

As I've been alluding to in previous posts, there will be no widespread violent civil war, the kind the Deep State so desperately wants and needs to justify more violence followed by more economic evils and worsening human slavery they'd like to inflict upon the masses, the kind of nonsense that's happened repeatedly in the past in one ugly manifestation after another. History is a testament to the crimes against humanity that these evil dynasty banking families have inflicted, history that they would love to erase. George Orwell's 1984 was a kind blueprint. All they can really do now, however, via their high-level minion George Soros is send willing brownshirts to their strongholds, their "sanctuary cities" like Portland where police are ordered to stand down as people wearing MAGA hats are assaulted by the left wing nuts under insane arguments. These "elite" creeps need the consent of the masses for this to continue. I vascillate between certainty and prayerful uncertainty that it's getting contained, even as I make this post. Deep within my bones, however, I know that the public is awakening and having no more of it. Below is more sign of that, evidence Team Light is winning the culture war.


Destroying the Illusion (YT): [8.21] NBC Attacks The Epoch Times & Edge of Wonder - Latest Epstein - Google Struggles

We The People Insider (YT): The Patriot Power Hour

dnajlion (YT): Navy Intel: Deep State Desperate Missile Launch, Epstein MC2 1000 Children, Standard Hotels


Before venturing on to the following link, a curious and entertaining stretch of the imagination at minimum, keep in mind the things that David Ike has talked/written about for years regarding reptilian overlords and Pat Benatar's 1979 song, My Clone Sleeps Alone.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Revolution (Civil War) Will Be Digital and Other Deep State Wars News ๐Ÿ’Ž 8/15/19

Thank God there are hundreds of thousands of people like me right now, the ant army marching away. The morbidly wealthy criminals making their last stand cannot stamp all of us out.

Yesterday I read an e-mail from David Seaman that I have to share in order to prove a point. I'm going to share it in screen shots. Depending on your device, you may have to enlarge in order to read.

I'm sharing this because David is demonstrating the outrage that is natural to have when presented with the information many of us are all slowly (or for some, more rapidly) becoming acquainted with: The fact that the so-called "elite", Hollywood moguls and stars, leaders within our corporate, political, and cultural establishment rape children and worse. Yes, it gets even darker. Satanic ritual abuse and murder are very real, and this reality needs to be addressed. We need to take off the blinders, shrug off the accusations of "Crazy Conspiracy Theorist" and deal with this head-on like mature adults.

And we need to channel the natural outrage that ensues in healthy ways. I'm not sure if David represents the healthiest example of that. In fact, going into a bar in DC hasn't led to good outcomes for people who know too much. However, this man no longer fears death after an incident that was probably an attempt to shut him up.  And perhaps more turning over of tables to call attention to the horrific abuses, the pure evil that was allowed to flourish under their watch is warranted in the case of our authorities in the FBI and other law enforcement and intelligence agencies. While I still trust that most law enforcement officers and agents have not been actively involved in the subversion of justice, still there is a significant portion--enough who've looked the other way in order to advance their careers. It might be good to call more attention to how these trusted agencies have blood on their hands. And how our tax dollars funded that. My main point is that this is not a good time to turn to alcohol for coping. We definitely need sobriety to effectively work through this nightmare. I've had to remind myself of this many times, because it is quite tempting.

SpaceShot76 (YT): You thought Epstein was the only one?

RedPill78 (YT): Red Pill News - Google Tech Insider Revealed, Don Lemon Sued For Sexual Assault

Craig Mason's Reasonable Conversation Channel (YT): The Keystone: Understanding [Their] True Evil Nature

Project Veritas (YT): Google "Machine Learning Fairness" Whistleblower Goes Public, says: "burden lifted off of my soul"

American Joe Show (YT): ⭐⭐⭐ My GOD! Trump is a Genius! You Won't Believe this Move!


X22Report (YT): Chatter, Chandler Naming Names, Nothing Can Stop This - Episode 1940b

The United Spot (YT): Democrats Island

Friday, August 2, 2019

Deep State Desperation (and Epic Wars) Update ๐Ÿ’Ž 8/2/19

Sunday Prayers ๐Ÿ™ Edit (8/4/19)

Some days I just need to press pause and sit back in deep contemplation over the events of late. Part of me wonders, is this just my imagination? Am I being a drama queen? The mainstream media would have me think that I'm a potentially dangerous and mentally unstable person for even thinking that we have corrupt elements within the U.S. government (that are not ORANGE MAN BAD), especially the intelligence agencies and authorities such as the FBI, that have worked against not just the U.S. Constitution and its people, but against humanity, everything that is good and right: Human trafficking, slavery, child rape, drug dealing, and the breaking of countless thousands of other laws, all to gain power, wealth and control over the masses. It appears that there are religious cult aspects of this as well, specifically an age-old cult that employs adrenochrome addiction and human sacrifice. The discovery of Jeffrey Epstein's island with the temple that the MSM likes to call "a gym" (even though drone footage shows it contains a soiled mattress) seems to hold some answers for all my dark speculation. If this speculation is indeed true, we had as a public better address it like it means our very lives and the lives of our children are in jeapardy.

It's all kind of bigger than just treason. It's so big in fact that it makes one wonder if it's real. Well, a similar threat happened to Nazi Germany, and what happened after that? The U.S. brought in what could be characterized as war criminals from Nazi Germany under Operation Paperclip to work in the U.S. government. Then, whappo, less than one generation later we have a Military Industrial Complex nightmare whose fingerprints are all over JFK's assassination, and then since that time a massive push to incrementally roll the U.S. over into yet another socialist hell hole "Union". Thank God there are people in positions of power who caught wind of this generations-long conspiracy and said HELL NO.

Most of us are armed citizenry. Some of us own at least one gun. Many more own other weapons like steak knives or bike locks. Most of us do not think of these as weapons, however. Most of us are civilized people who aren't even trained in self-defense. Even those trained in self-defense wouldn't dare go violently up against an age-old, secretive and very wealthy crime syndicate unless it involved a highly organized "White Hat" operation. Then to be involved in the military operation aspects of this movement, one's chances of being part of that would be very slim. As a public health nurse and borderline genius, I can confidently say that a small minority of the population may actually pose a threat to society, as alleged in recent reports like what emerged in the following link:

In my opinion, however, the more radicalized and lawless members of our population are more likely to be involved with Antifa than with any "right-wing" movement. I've been following this over the last few years with the Bundy Ranch supporters, militia movement, and other vet groups, and they have mostly kept a strong lid on any vigilante tendencies. Their tendencies, if and when violent have tragically leaned toward suicide than anything else. The "awake" gun-owning public have waited for years for strong positive leadership to come back into power within the Establishment, and this has finally happened. Over the years a world-wide alliance has formed against this sinister group--The Cabal, the NWO very real conspirators or whatever you want to call them. This movement finally gained enough traction to keep our POTUS safe and to begin to roll up the most dangerous aspects of this crime syndicate's operation.

The Deep State fears an awakened public, not so much for the potential for any legitimate violent threat from the regular "conspiracy theorists". We pose a more indirect yet effective threat to their power. Once the masses begin to see the reality of what's transpiring, the weight of our collective consciousness does not bode well for them. Regular people, once informed, will support the White Hats. The Cabal has relied upon our ignorance and the cover of night for generations. This is coming to an end. Below are what I think are fairly good insider peaks into this historic time we are living in.

Steve Motley (YT): ๐Ÿ”ดRetired Marine - SEALS and Marines Arrested For Treason Against POTUS! - 07/28/2019

dnajlion (YT): Navy Intel Update, Massive Arrests, Whistleblowers, Megachurch Exposed

JustInformed Talk (YT): Secret Black Ops & FBI Raids Uncovering TRUTH?

Lori Colley (YT): HOT August: Ratcliffe Withdraws, Placeholder, corn god?