Monday, September 21, 2020

🔥🌲 🔥🌲Deep State Wars Update🔥🌲🔥🌲9/22/20 Early Release - Monday Morning Edition


Just in time to distract from the failed narrative of climate change causing wildfires as too many arsonists get arrested with the Establishment failing to successfully protect them and minimize all the evidence (see links below), the laser pointer moves to RBG on ice, triggering more Liberal meltdown.

Northwest Arson Wildfire (Censorship) News 

Some revealing articles or posts are getting scrubbed. What appears to be coordinated acts of arson and other related crime is currently not hitting the national news and commentary shows because they don't fit the Deep State's "official" narrative. Yet thanks to the Way-Back Machine and an army of digital soldiers, we have a fantastic compilation below, more than enough evidence to confidently say there is arson involved. Using logic, we can surmise it's probably orchestrated and funded by the same ones trying to cover it up by willfully ignoring it. I predict that Antifa and other domestic terrorist organization involvement will be determined after reasonable investigations are completed.

What's more, the Department of Defense recently revealed that China and Russia have satellites armed with Directed Energy Weapons or DEWs ( This makes the last few summers of mysterious Northwest fires that burn down houses and melt wheels on cars but leave surrounding vegetation standing, and even some very recent activity caught by a weather satellite observer quite noteworthy (dutchsinse (YT): 9/09/2020 -- California Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) -- Color enhanced view. What was once "kooky conspiracy theory" regarding DEWs starting wildfires in the Pacific Northwest increasing appears to be communist conspiracy reality. 

Now that the Trump Administration is rightful planning to fill the Supreme Court Justice vacancy left after the passing of RBG, a woman who is rarely remembered for her pushing for the age of consent to be lowered to 12, even legalizing the trafficking of teens for prostitution (making her a heroine to the Pedo Elites), the "Resistance" is calling for more acts of arson and other violence, as can be seen in the Twitter post above.

They also know that a small percentage of people are still waking up to the now openly Marxist, pro-Pedo, even openly Satanic insurgency happening in the U.S., and that includes involvement of many of our elected officials, some of whom made several trips to Epstein Island and/or have been bought off by "elite" crime bosses like George Soros. We recently found out that discussion of Soros' involvement is suspiciously not allowed at Fox News ( 

We are also finding out that the Black Lives Matter movement has ties to the Chinese Communist Party and has organizers who are "trained Marxists": 

They want to burn down cities and call it "mostly peaceful protest". They want to burn down the Northwest and call it "Climate Change". They want to burn down the entire country if they don't have their way, probably calling it "social justice" or even "climate justice". Conveniently they also want to defund the police so they're not arrested or held accountable. And they still want to disarm law-abiding citizens practicing their Second Amendment rights, like the McCloskeys (see ABC News (YT): The McCloskeys speak at 2020 RNC).  And let's not forget that pro-LBGTPedo governors like Gavin Newsom (see want to release tens of thousands of prisoners back out on the streets, all because of COVID of course. No guarantee they'll be signing up for Soros' "Social Justice" Funds and armed with guns smuggled from China, but that's probably the plan. It's not a huge leap anymore given the facts already on the table. 

The Deep State and their Global Communist NWO "elite" puppet masters have been chipping away at our Constitution for years, illegally spying on citizens and brazenly even a sitting president with lies to the FISA court. They are accelerating their attempts to roll out communist (aka "socialist") dictatorship, and it's clear to me that Hillary would have happily filled the spot of dictator after what would have been a planned nuclear war with North Korea. Thankfully patriots inside the Establishment saw the writing on the wall and ensured that she would not steal the election. After she lost, she and her Resistance minions projected their Dictator Shadow, calling Trump the dictator. Trump has, per his Constitutional limitations been forced to allow the Deep State governors to out themselves as the little dictators they are showing themselves to be during this plandemic. For more on that, see the previous post with the link to the documentary, Plandemic or go to

On a seemingly unrelated topic but bringing all of this into perspective of everyday mundane reality, I recently overheard a conversation in the parking lot of my local Costco. Two mothers, one white and one black were having a conversation that started with the subject of school lockdowns but quickly developed into a deep discussion of their Christian faith and something to the effect of how they believed that Satan, the sower of deception, was trying to rope in as many people as possible into believing the lies. Lively conversations like this are happening everywhere, and people are growing more and more righteously angry with the corrupt Establishment's sinister agendas. They are increasingly emboldened to speak out and connect the dots together with their neighbors, especially here in the Northwest where the lockdowns and what appears to be organized arson is taking a toll daily on people's health, homes and livelihood. Curiously Qanon stated exactly two years ago in post 2254:  

We are at the PRECIPICE.
Remain CALM.
We are here for a reason.
Patriots are in control.

In post 4407 on June 4, 2020:

Important to understand.

In post 4641 on September 9, 2020:

Sometimes you cannot tell people the truth.
You must show them.
Only then, at the precipice, will people find the will to change [to participate].
We, the People, have been betrayed for a very long time.

And in post 4685 on September 12, 2010, more elaboration:

MSDNC CON: the Country is divided and dementia Joe [currently taking early-stage dementia medication?] is leading across-the-board.
MSDNC controls what you see [digital echo].
Twitter - FB - GOOG control what you see and what trends [digital echo].
Hollywood ['stars'] swarm to enforce ['trend' echo].
Blue checkmarks swarm to enforce [digital echo].
ANTIFA swarm to enforce [non_digital echo].
Rage and emotion follow by those indoctrinated [echo controlled].
Define 'indoctrinate'.
to often repeat an idea or belief to someone in order to persuade them to accept it
Next: grab 'rage & emotion' [organized platform(s)] by indoctrinated and project as 'majority' [zoom and enhance _narrow focus as mainstream].
System of control.
Many choose the path of least resistance.
For many you cannot tell them the truth.
You must show them.
Only at the precipice will people find the will [strength] to change and break the system of control [be free].

Perhaps this is wishful thinking, but I believe we're now at that precipice foreshadowed by Q two years ago, getting ready for a big boom week starting perhaps today. Hence, the early release for insights. The rope on the Deep State is tightening, and all indicators point to an acceleration in Swamp Draining about to commence. Below are more revealing links and a Deep Rabbit Hole Dive at the very bottom with Robert David Steele and Kerry Cassidy.

X22Report Spotlight (Bitchute ): All Assets Deployed... with D. Hayes

Deep Dive Section