Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Medical Tyranny: Deep State Wars Update 12/22/21

I wonder how many children need to die or be severely disabled before the “elite” criminals pushing medical tyranny in places like Australia, Austria and Germany (Tyranny Lite where I live in California) see Nuremberg 2.0? 

Between the manufacturer’s attempts to bury the damning facts for over half a century, thankfully being challenged in court; a kind of studied nonobservance of the VAERS and other data (see by so-called leaders in public health; efforts to just dismiss the Nuremberg Code in parts of Europe; the anecdotal things we are seeing everywhere (Young Athletes Worldwide  “Mysteriously” Dying after COVID Shots), and still the doubling down on mandates despite overwhelming evidence globally that these mRNA technologies being sold as vaccines are neither safe nor effective for as much as 30% of those who receive it—evidence hidden or misrepresented by the dynasty media, brought to us by Pfizer, not to mention how this all began—with the apparent bioweaponization of a cold virus and associated patents filed for it years ago: There is emerging evidence of a clear goal here, and that is to kill or effectively disable as many healthy people as possible and to traumatize those who manage to live through this Second Holocaust. With each passing month, there’s another revelation that’s damning to the pro-Vax narrative, and I am only more convinced we have liars, fraudsters, and now fully-committed mass-murderers running much of the world right now. I can only imagine the criminals also expect a resulting Stockholm Syndrome effect for the survivors, all while raking in a fortune on these crimes against humanity. I’ll add they want us distracted from an avalanche of evidence proving 2020 election fraud beyond a shadow of a doubt and other events like the Ghislaine Maxwell trial, AND the recent Jussie Smollett and Kyle Rittenhouse verdicts. These are politically charged, yet highly vindicating events, like the breaking news today as I begin this post of more forensic evidence confirming Barack Obama’s birth certificate to be an elaborate forgery (see The Deep State War has been going on quietly for decades now, but it's all unravelling now for those willing to just consider the mounting evidence . Obama appears to be their crown jewel Manchurian Candidate. Hillary was supposed to be the finisher. Yet ultimately we have a more pressing life and death questions to ask right now.   

When will we have enough evidence? When will there be enough consensus to raid government and pharmaceutical executives’ offices, hauling what appear to be narcissistic psychopaths in front of a global tribunal? How many have to die or be damaged for life? Millions? Or must it number in the billions with a significant portion of them being school-aged children?

As I sit in the dentist office wearing a mask, now personally choosing to wear it more for the people whose immune systems are decompensating from booster after booster than the mask mandate alone, contemplating this heavy question, my thoughts are  interrupted by wondering whether the dentist is exhausted because of spike proteins attacking his lung tissue. I don’t ask him as this is a personal matter, but I do volunteer that my daughter is not going to university this year because of the draconian experimental COVID treatment mandates that are killing healthy young people. He agreed with me and made it known that he is well aware of young athletes dropping dead after the shot. I breathed a sigh of relief sensing from what he disclosed that he may have gotten an initial COVID injection, but he’s probably not on the indefinite booster plan. His children are likely on home study or at a university in a sane US State.  

Later that morning I saw the clerk at the small town pharmacy counter not wearing a mask, no sign on the door declaring compliance with arbitrary and unconstitutional mandates. I also saw a customer whom I recognized from church when I went years ago also not wearing a mask. We had a nice chat about our present situation and the brave steps we’re all taking.  “We’re over it,” the clerk said. Meanwhile, however, the mass hysteria continues in pockets of the community where I live and work.

I personally vacillate between anger and resignation, waiting patiently at times for the mass hysteria to end. I communicate daily with people regarding effective treatments, prophylactic lifestyle and the emerging evidence that can no longer be dismissed. How many boosters will it take?  How many dead or disabled children, relatives, friends and coworkers? How much obviously now—malevolent disruption in our lives will we tolerate?

Stew Peters Show (Bitchute): CDC Admits Vaxxed Parents Killing Unvaxxed Kids! The Danger is Real!



And We Know (Rumble): 12.19.21: THIS W@R is SPIRITUAL! Entities exposed, FEAR is their lethal WEAPON! We MUST PRAY!

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Flat Earth as Regression into 2D Consciousness & Other Thoughts - 10/22/21

Anyone who’s ever taken the rabbit hole tour into Flat Earth logic knows this topic is fraught with contentiousness, yet somehow Flat Earthers can make an interesting argument. It’s a faulty one, in my opinion and requires burnout (of neurotransmitters) and yet an ironic ability to see different perspectives. It also requires a halfway good working knowledge of physical sciences and the ability to call out flaws in mainstream narrative. It’s commendable, but it’s short-circuited logic.

The camp I’m more aligned with tends to call Flat Earth a psy-op, but the thought needs to be developed a little further in order to not divide ourselves. Right now we need unity in order to stay afloat. SGTReport and others like him have a number of guests that make the strangely compelling Flat Earth argument, and perhaps one day I will flesh this whole thing out in more detail, but it’s a rabbit hole tour for another day. 

I’m just going to present the final chapter right now in saying that Flat Earth is to Globe Earth as 2-dimensional consciousness is to 3-dimensional consciousness. The transformational development taking place in consciousness today is one where we will soon have entirely different perspective as it relates to physics, geology, the nature of life on this planet and the meaning of life itself as we live our lives on it. 

Following this logic and the patterns of growth we see in nature which aren’t linear or 2-dimensional (2-D)  but follow a different growth progression, I argue that where we will end up solidly is not at a 4-D level which takes into account 3-dimensional space plus time, but a 5-D one using the standard Fibonacci Sequence. It means that there is some 5th component, an unknown for many right now that makes no sense to explain in detail until we get there. To clarify the point, how does one explain the difference between some colors to someone who is colorblind? I can confidently say, however, that this 5th component we will come to recognize is an energetic field with informational aspects, and it is a unifying field as well. Some earlier scientists called it ether (aether), “spooky action at a distance”. Newtonian physics is to quantum physics as 2-D is to 3-D. We have a whole other level of physics that has been suppressed from the general public because it has National Security applications, and that is toroidal physics which would adequately represent a 5-D level of consciousness in my analogy. This field is also inherently spiritual as well, and there has been this strange divide that relegates science as a profession where its practitioners cannot recognize the universe as living organism or take into account a spiritual force as existing at all. The spiritual became turf of the Church, specifically that Catholic Church and other powerful religious sects. Science was not allowed to tread on that turf. This division that happened a few hundred years ago, called the Cartesian Divide can be learned about through historical accounts, and there are obviously places on the internet that provide different perspectives. 

This split, however, is one that has caused a great deal of setback in human development and provided conditions that allow for already-corrupt influences to become even more influential and more corrupt in my opinion. It set the stage for the faulty arguments that good Christians must reject sound principles like the basic concepts of evolution and regression. There’s the Creationist camp and the Darwinian one still, with taboo ground that get those who dare tread on it kept from powerful industry positions or labeled with demeaning terms like New Age Freak or worse, cooky conspiracy theorist if you dare point out historic corruption in places of power. That conversation usually includes the similarities between the Vatican, Hollywood and politically powerful circles like the kind that visited Epstein Island. The Clintons and Bill Gates are in that crowd, and I wouldn’t be shocked if Fauci went to similar places.

In the Bible there is this term “double-minded”, and it’s probably in other sacred texts as well, but I want to express an historic and deep concept as it regards to ethical reasoning, consciousness development, and the entire picture of human development. Eventually I will tie it into this situation regarding the stolen election and vaccine mandates. Double-mindedness refers to conflicted thinking or the kind of conflicts that develop when you have turf wars like what resulted in the Cartesian Divide a few hundred years ago. Double-mindedness also usually involves selfish deceptiveness for the purposes of hiding some dangerous information or shadow aspects of ourselves that we may not be proud of, even less-criminal but unsightly aspects that flare up when we’re fearful or worn down. 

In my last blog post I went into the disabling effect that fear has on the brain. The brain of a trauma victim is even more compartmentalized. An unconscious, fear-related memory works like a program that leads to forgetfulness or some other form of self-sabotage for alleged self-preservation purposes. Fearfulness can also lead to justification of criminal behavior. 

Fearlessness or living with mindfulness and forgiveness of self, the repentance process with healthy self-reflection, leads to preservation of energy, strength in the face of difficulty and adaptive processes that result in evolution. Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian healers tradition that encapsulates it beautifully. I gravitate back towards the Judeo-Christian tradition again, however, because it is well-documented, and epic. The example Jesus gave for us is so clear. He taught all the aspects of Ho’oponopono, overcame materialism and even death through facing the fears the Establishment daily throws in our faces. He left an historical imprint upon a population of people subject to the Babylonian slave tactics practiced by the Romans. He also secured that 5-D growth leap for humanity, in my opinion, that I and others are watching. It’s really been in progress for a while. There’s a great deal of Jesus’ life we don’t know about, and some speculate with a strong argument that he spent part of his life in India, specifically Tibet, practicing traditions the Hebrews were unfamiliar with. He was a uniter of peoples, and it stands to my reason he would make a shamanistic journey of “development in the wilderness” with a magnificent return and sharing of his wisdom that would be kept for the ages in the written traditions. The Tibetans have a sacred meditative practice called Dzogchen which is supposed to culminate in just the kind of experience that Jesus had with his resurrection. I’ve examined these ideas, first introduced to me through a book by Elizabeth Clare Prophet then research by David Wilcock (two sometimes disparaged “New Age” people), searched my heart in prayer, and continue to find the conclusions compelling. 

Again returning to the broken psyche of humanity, our disabling fear that will either be overcome or lead to many perishing under a tyrannical force that now has global reach and a bizarre transhumanistic agenda that will not end well, I am drawn to the examples of vaccine mandate pushback, documented very well on alternative platforms like Bitchute and Telegram. Then there’s my own personal experience of just coming out as a Christian to my employer, my personal journey of integrative health practices I was led to by the Holy Spirit, and it clearly warning me, referring to the Book of Revelation to say no to this vaccine mandate. Other doors would open, I was reassured. Someone at corporate level above my administrator and director of nursing decided it was in their best interest to honor my request for religious exemption. The work has become even more grueling with another predictable staff exodus choosing to sign the paper and quit instead of what I did. I would neither quit nor get the “vaccine”. They would have to fire me, violating my civil rights, the US Constitution, the Nuremberg Code and the very Emergency Use Authorization stipulations that many people aren’t aware of. Most of the staff got the “vaccine”, however. 

I like many others dubious of the mutating definition of “vaccine”, as well as the safety and efficacy claims predict the staffing situation to get even worse as we enter Wintertime cold and flu season. Some doctors are finding through simple blood tests that CD8 counts drop significantly after the shots and will likely stay low after more boosters. I included one doctor’s experience in a link below. I’ve seen a few like his, however. Other doctors are looking at vaccinated people’s blood under microscopes and finding disturbing things, congruent with the transhumanist’s agenda. Any reader should look up transhumanism if it is a new concept, and I encourage exploring the alternative platforms like Bitchute and Rumble for other brave doctors giving an honest account of the fallout on these experimental, so-called “vaccines” being mandated in order for people to continue their current career. Many like myself, already aware of the implications are coming to the conclusion that we have very sick and evil elements within the medical industry that truly do not hold the health of the public in high regard. They are double-minded in an extreme way, a servant to a corrupt Establishment, ultimately an elitist cult that wants a large portion of the public dead or severely disabled. They know exactly what they are doing and believe they will not be held accountable. Then there are their loyal servants who don’t know yet about the mountains of emerging and damning evidence concerning the realities of the dirty vaccine industry, thanks to the financial alliances between them, the media and so-called regulatory agencies. They will find out soon as their own health or loved ones’ health deteriorate enough or when enough loved ones die after “vaccination”. Until then they will continue to believe what corrupt authorities are telling them. Unfortunately many won’t make it through this Dark Winter as Creepy Joe aptly called it, especially with the FDA encouraging people to now mix and match, creating the “perfect” cocktail. Just in time for Halloween.

Some in the medical wing of the corrupt Establishment now are now the high priests for a significant portion of humanity. I cannot believe they duped 70% of Israel. One would think that the last Holocaust would be enough for a people to forever question authority, but no. This is a perfect example of how trauma has short-circuited higher reasoning of an entire community. The US public, now taxed at least a thousand times worse than the English monarchy ever taxed the colonists before the American revolution is also another perfect example. We’ve all heard of Stockholm Syndrome, groupthink and mass hysteria. It is very real, and the corrupt establishment knows exactly how to utilize this phenomenon.

President Trump and the team behind him threatened and continue to threaten that same force that sees people as slaves now as it did thousands of years ago. They use children for unspeakable horror. Evidence that we have an entrenched crime syndicate that controls our currencies and authorities with bribery and blackmail is becoming harder to dismiss or ignore with every breaking news event. Worldwide there appear to be separate movements to stand up to this Beast. Large crowds defy lockdown and “vaccine” passport system implementation attempts. 

Here in the US, class action lawsuits, taking a stand on the mandates, questioning the 2020 Election results, big corporate boycotts, and participating in alternative solutions have replaced the untenable “rise up in the streets” approach, as large events like these are swiftly hijacked and turned into “terrorist insurrection”. This is all one same worldwide movement, however. And mostly peaceful protest, I’ll add. Truly peaceful. 99.99% of us want nothing to do with violent, destructive revolution, something the far-left (often covert-Marxists) are clearly guilty of using as a tactic. The truth is a powerful enough force. Just repeating it confidently, the same way Fauci repeatedly lies, will ultimately end in vindication. Standing in peaceful self-respect as a sovereign brother or sister in Christ would, and at the same time respecting others as yourself is incredibly satisfying and powerful. It has a healing influence too. It is only briefly uncomfortable, requiring some faith or courage. Most of us don’t want conflict, but it’s inevitable at a time like now when we have 2 radically different social orders emerging, one based in factual evidence, and the other willing to ignore or worse, shred that evidence because it might hurt their bottom line or incur the wrath of their masters.

I’ve gone on long enough for now. Not sure if I tied this one up like I’d prefer, but the midnight hour is approaching, my day of rest ends soon and my elderly Akita with her ailing hips needs my nursing help now. 

In this day-later post edit, I use the words of those behind-the-scenes in this Movement that nothing can stop what is coming—that includes the evidence, the mountains of evidence concerning systemic corruption.  It also includes the ingenuity and resilience of organic, God-engineered humanity that will eventually lead us to growth, not regression. I will post noteworthy links, some of which may include foul language, in my opinion appropriate venting for the times we are living through. (

Monday, September 13, 2021

Deep State Wars Dark Harvest Fall Update - 9/22/21

Another unexpected day off today, but a good one to reflect on recent events, specifically the Code Blue Color Revolution attempt currently in progress here in the United States and the rest of the world. I've been on Telegram, Rumble, Bitchute and other websites like Sidney Powell's lately reading, watching and finding funny memes to share for in month's blog post. I have to keep informed but also uplifted with humor, prayer, service to others and rest when needed. Keeping the brain fully perfused (as opposed to in the fight/flight/freeze response) is absolutely critical. I cannot over-emphasize this. If I learned anything during these last 20 years working in high-stress environments, it is this. And it warrants repeating, as important as oxygen is to the brain (in fact, that is exactly what it is) so I'll make it bold and further explain the point: Keeping the higher reasoning centers fully engaged is difficult but absolutely critical during stressful times; it can be done by taking time away from the madness, deep breathing (for at least 2 minutes--making the exhale a little longer than the inhalation), resisting the temptation to overwork, and finding opportunities to laugh, especially in the face of darkness and uncertainty

People in Fight or Flight don't use good judgment most of the time. This response comes from a particular part of the brain, often called the reptilian brain. It shuts off blood flow to other areas in the brain like memory and higher reasoning centers that help us develop good plans and consider the impact our decisions will have on others. The Fight or Flight Response works well when running from or combating an immediate physical threat like a wild animal and when the subject is fit enough to carry out those actions. Hence, the Freeze variation of this response, which is where a lot of people are right now—curled up and waiting for the alphas to come in to rescue them. It works sometimes when there are multiple predators fighting over a deer that wakes up and flees while the competing predators fight. We are being challenged daily, however, to behave as grown children of God, not sheep or deer. 

This month may be time to go public very intentionally. It may be the most important post so far, but I suspect the stand that I'm taking in real life is having more of an impact right now. I live in a small community where word of mouth goes far, reputation is everything, and my life's story is a classic Prodigal Son variation. I'm a daughter, of course, and my preferred pronouns are She/Her. In all seriousness, my life has been much like the Biblical story of the Prodigal Son. I'm finding others who also identify with this archetype. It's a classic tale, and you can read it here...

I was the wayward child that squandered a lot and lived selfishly and embarrassingly so m in my teenage and  early adult years. I lived the life of the typical "liberated female" and reaped a great deal of sorrow from that, spent a great deal of time in depression and then healing, thanks to God. I've had to spend a great deal of time in self-forgiveness, forgiveness of others and service, 7 years now at a nursing home when I could have had easier, more lucrative work elsewhere if I'd robustly pursued it.

In predictable fashion with my Hero’s Journey, my employer will probably fire me unconstitutionally and in violation of the Civil Rights Act(s), the Nuremberg Code, and the very Emergency Use Authorization that started all this come the end of this month because I will not submit to risky, new mRNA-altering technology, technically still in the human experimental phase that is killing and maiming healthy people. Our corrupt authorities are dismissing the reality of thousands dead and disabled by this "vaccine", a misnomer because it only ameliorates symptoms, allegedly--and by their data that anyone can see on Yet our authorities are presently changing the definition of “Vaccine” in another Orwellian twist. 

What's more, the sinister agenda is becoming clearer and clearer as major hospitals refuse to implement protocols that are working. The video below helps put matters into perspective.

Many doctors and other healthcare experts are getting silenced on popular platforms like YouTube and never make it on the mainstream news because they would destroy the narrative with common sense and honest science. They point out how in a few places like Israel where at least 70% are "vaccinated", they are still experiencing a strong emergence of the Delta variant—among the vaccinated. The Establishment is unsurprisingly blaming and shaming the unvaccinated, ignoring the science. Unvaccinated people still have an immune system that clearly produces more robust immunity when it is nurtured with healthy lifestyle and complemented with Western Medicine that includes cheap antivirals like hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) & Ivermectin, and steroids like budesonide. There are other therapeutics like monoclonal antibody therapies, a bit more expensive, but people like President Trump and Joe Rogan can afford them which makes the point that a variety of other options exist. The more affordable Zelenko Protocol variations that brave clinicians are utilizing, saving thousands of lives can be found here at, and the original Zelenko Protocol can be found here The first link offers a list of providers doing telemedicine which can help people with wherewithal (good support systems and ability to pay out-of-pocket) to stay out of the hospital and effectively treat this bioweaponized virus at home. 

The corrupt Establishment is dismissing, misrepresenting and otherwise maligning the cheaper therapeutics as they did when HCQ showed early promise and was made public by President Trump. Ivermectin seems to be no different. A quick summary on Ivermectin smear campaign versus truth can be seen below.

And here:

Ultimately, people need to do a bit of searching around to find the truth about what is going on, but it is crystal clear to me that the average doctor is getting bullied by the corrupt Establishment to trust nothing but the “vaccines”, Remdesivir, and the ventilator. All three of these are fraught with problems, but the Establishment probably won't admit to that until a few billion people have given their lives to "science". Then the usual sociopathic leaders like Fauci will wring their hands staring us all in the eye, promising they did their very best. It was just an unfortunate error in judgment, just like how COVID-19 was created and then released onto the worldwide public with vaccine patent-holders like Bill Gates salivating over ascension to trillionaire status. And yes, they’re diligently working on a never-ending series of vaccines to sell us as the virus continues to mutate into a superbug, deranging our natural immune systems along the way into complete failure. With their actions they seem to make empty promises to outdo God’s creation of the original, natural immune system by destroying it the same way they are still trying to sell us GMO foods with predatory tactics that would guarantee everything is eventually contaminated with their Frankensteinian creations. This mRNA vaccine fits into the Marxist Globalist tyrannical agenda perfectly. 

None of this developing picture is easy news, that we have some mad scientists playing god, leading our healthcare industry with their social engineer counterparts in the Mockingbird Media manufacturing our consent, while the despot representatives of shadowy banking dynasties still put on a show of pretending to care about our “consent” at all. Early indicators reveal they are feverishly working to make sure 149% of dead Republicans vote to undermine all the efforts of living Californians who put together this Newsom recall. Thankfully people inside Project Veritas are keeping a close eye on this and paving the way for a massive forensic audit here. Molon Labe this one too. Good people outnumber these criminals, and there is this growing phenomenon or feeling of being pushed into a corner and pressed into action. 

With another contentious election at hand, another likely reinstalling or attempted reinstalling of globalist Gavin Newsom, and the situation at work (my microcosmic world) as well as the larger world seemingly degenerating and growing more uncertain to the point it’s a wonder we even have a functional Internet to share these ideas, I will post this a bit early. In prayer we get through these times, I will continue to add links of interest. 

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Deep State Wars Personal Update - 8/22/21


My post this month is more of a journal entry concerning the last few weeks at work. There's been some pressure to get one of the experimental (Pfizer or Moderna) vaccines at work. For a while we had Johnson & Johnson's vaccine recommended by our last Medical Director. The J&J vaccine had some issues that I’m still trying to fully understand. Our Medical Director stepped down to reduce his workload, coming back briefly to "answer questions" during a meeting with those vaccine-hesitant like myself last week. We were informed that one of these sketchy mRNA-altering technologies that killed lab animals during the early trials, likely created using aborted fetal-cell tissue would be required for employment after September 30. I forget if they volunteered or if I mentioned that special exceptions for religious reasons or medical conditions would need to be made, according to our dirty Governor Newsom's recent proclamation. I suspect religious freedom is the next to go in Commiefornia after the minions rig the next election. I hope cynical me is wrong here, and that the masses are truly awakening to the never-ending booster agenda with a long list of adverse side effects to include death for the “unfortunate”. They’ll probably include a tracking and crypto-currency-linked microchip in one of those boosters if it’s not included already. I kept most of my cynical suspicions to myself, not wanting to argue about conspiracy theories versus realities. There are hundreds if not thousands of doctors and other authorities out there disputing the official narrative, nurses giving their experiences in what appears to be atrocities committed in places like New York. There’s the growing mountain of evidence regarding election fraud, corrupt global economic system collapse, sick cults like NXIVM beneath the surface in these high socio-economic levels, totalitarian-style clamp downs on social media which explains the motive for genocide and other criminal measures to disenfranchise anyone not interested in the plan to 6uild 6ack 6etter an unjust system of slavery. 

Regarding medical exemptions, I've witnessed how one’s own personal medical experience doesn't really matter to a significant number of people in the medical community. They are pressured to push vaccines despite the growing concerns. Say you've experienced that your body doesn't respond well to vaccines (or likely the growing list of neurotoxic adjuvants), that you're left ill for a few days if not longer and that you end up with the flu anyways. Or perhaps your child started to have a mysterious new food allergy that began after booster shots and now she needs to carry an Epipen handy at all times. This is what happened to me and my daughter. The doctors I went to at the time for medical exemption for my child dismissed our experience. Yet I decided to be confident in my knowledge and what my gut, perhaps what God was telling me at that time. My child's serious allergy curiously just went away after a few years of no vaccines and good, clean nutrition. I also began a process of adding adaptogens and other supplements to my diet, living a more responsible life of sobriety and mindfulness, practicing daily intermittent fasting and added blood flow restriction training to my exercise routine. I've maintained my personal relationship with God through frequent prayer. I haven't had a debilitating migraine in at least 8 years now. It could be menopause-related also, but I know my lifestyle changes have improved my health significantly in other ways.

During the last few debilitating migraines, I had taken my sumatriptan and had either thrown it up or had the headache return over and over again until I was out of the rescue medication. I remember praying to God over the usual 3-day period of headache pain, what felt like an ice pick lodged into one side of my head, overwhelming malaise, fatigue, nausea and vomiting. That third day was usually the most difficult. I ached from dry heaving, was dehydrated and knew I was close to death if it didn't stop. It always did after about 3 days, but it was terribly painful and disruptive. I prayed to God to help me find a way to get well so I could take care of my family. This chronic illness contributed to 2 broken marriages and problems at work. My daughter was growing up without my ability to be there for her as much as I would have liked. I read about options and tried everything the doctors prescribed. The prophylactics came with difficult side effects and seemed to work for a little while until they didn't work at all anymore. The sumatriptan is rough on the heart, so I knew taking it frequently would lead to other problems. 

During one of the last bad migraines I prayed and received insight that the body needs periods of fasting. "You can do it the easy way, or you can do it the hard way," I heard God's Spirit in my heart. Shortly after I learned about intermittent fasting and put it into practice. I've been led to create what I call the $20 dollar smoothie that I drink every day. It's a blend of tea, juice, fresh and frozen fruits & vegetables, freeze-dried powders (beet root, reishi, chaga, turkey tail and lions mane mushroom powders) and in the last 2 years collagen powder. It's probably closer to a $30 smoothie now. This daily practice has helped to improve my stamina and resilience to the common cold given my age and workload. It helps me keep high blood pressure down, and probably helps to keep the bad cholesterol low and the good high. I take other supplements in capsule form that help me get through stressful days. I also do my best to get adequate rest and hydration. Yet what has made the most difference, I believe, is my faith in God, my faith that I could ask and receive answers, good guidance and then wisdom by daily putting God's recommendations into practice. 

God was my physician when the world's physicians couldn't really help me. God has led me out of a very desperate situation with debilitating chronic migraine headaches and other problems developing around this like depression and high blood pressure, on top of the typical issues that come with aging like arthritis. All of these issues have been effectively remedied by natural products and simple routines that I was guided to by either chance with my imagination telling me it’s divine providence, or it’s Divine Providence. I’m inclined to believe it’s Divine Providence.

I also prayed frequently to find a partner who would be faithful, kind, understanding of me, and also a Christian himself with the understanding that we appear to be living in the end times. It has taken some time to find him, but I think I have. I have faith in God first, because I am imperfect, my partner is imperfect, and we are living in trying times. A few months ago I filed to start the process of divorcing the man who couldn’t stop doing bad things behind my back with me finding out the dirty truth eventually.

I will find out soon whether my request for religious exemption will be honored or not by my employer. This weekend I am in prayer again for guidance, peace and possibly even provision soon. The medical/healthcare industry seems to be drowning in mass hysteria right now with a few pockets of exception and more shades of gray than anything else. The corporation I work for seems to be among those darker shades of gray, but I was pleasantly surprised recently to see a treatment protocol at work by our new acting Medical Director that includes HCQ. Many of my friends, family and colleagues have caved in to the vaccine coercion. I'm hearing & reading about people being denied their religious freedom, their First Amendment Rights in general, on top of being denied the freedom of healthcare privacy and autonomy. 

Throughout these last weeks I've been frequently reminded that God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). One of those voices sounding that Bible quote is Clay Clark. He's put together a really cool tour with all kinds of people speaking out on the issues I care about with science facts, curious information that I did not know but only convince me more that we're living through the End Times. These shows also have worship music and humor to help keep people from being crushed under the weight of heavy news. I can't stand to watch TV anymore. I detest Hollywood, and I haven't been to church in a long time because I know that the last one I went to is probably still caving to corrupt government  mandates. Evil has infiltrated many churches. Finding sound news, fellowship and entertainment (that isn't entrainment) is challenging but not impossible. I keep being led to finding gems like this one below. With that I'll end this post here and work on some dinner.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Deep State War Update: Hybrid Warfare 🗳 All Assets Deployed - 7/22/21

The information on AZ forensic audits being released to the public via citizen journalists and outlets like OAN differs so significantly from the legacy media at this time, it strains the mind to try to listen or read both sides and come to any conclusion except that one side is not being honest. 

Many of us are seeing now compelling evidence of the mind-numbing numerous forms of fraud utilized to hijack the 2020 presidential election. We suspected fraud before the audit, but who ever knew about “ghost voters” or “phantom voters” before all this? And we seem to be witnessing in real time apparent obstruction of justice even by our nation’s own Department of Justice, what appear to be compromised/corrupted, entrenched crypto-Marxist advocates for pseudo-democracy or others who are openly acting as activists for Socialism, relying heavily on consolidating power in government/big-business partnerships. The last place in history this was launched on such a grand scale was pre-WWII Germany.  

One of my favorite podcasters David Nino Rodriguez was breaking down the findings of the Maricopa County’s audit and drawing connections between that and the Whitehouse now calling for UN Troops to come into our country to investigate the systemic racism that supposedly plagues our country. All of his most intriguing interviews are behind a paywall ( ), and his informative videos on YouTube are sure to be scrubbed soon. The parasitic ruling class are making power moves right now. I am confident the White Hats are planning their own power moves.  

Back to the rampant “racism”, those who voted for Trump know this is a shameful tactic, a false accusation built upon the arguments put forth by some proponents of Critical Race Theory (CRT). One of the main points of CRT can be summed up as, any person who says they aren’t racist, even those with no blatant track record of racism is still a racist. It’s in their subconscious if nothing else. They’ve thought racist thoughts, etc. The Radical Left ideology goes on with a number of loose associations that result in justifying rioting, looting, arson, other forms of violence and even terrorist acts in order to “end the racism”.  There’s the possibility that is looking more and more like a probability (or perhaps I could be forming what my ideological opponents would call a loose association) that the pandemic was a deliberate act of terrorism, globally orchestrated in order to steal an presidential election. Yet the facts emerging keep pointing to that conclusion.  

I have to steer off for a moment, due to some grains of truth in CRT, which I have not studied in depth but can still comment on because I have a brain. My limits are in perusal of its content, but I sense it is being utilized as another manipulative tool in the divide and conquer techniques of the morbidly wealthy elitists (and their Black Hat army) who envision a Global Communist dictatorship. Admitting one is capable of some fault is one thing.

In Christian ideology, or better prefaced as my interpretation of it—my own take on “The ABC’s of Christianity:  We are encouraged to Admit we’re sinners. We missed the mark in many ways throughout our lives. We’re encouraged to stay humble but not shamed. We are encouraged to own our mistakes. That’s step number one in the walk, confess your mistakes & weaknesses. Step 2 in that walk is to trust that Jesus gave his life to forging a path, laying the groundwork for us to have a path back to our divinity, our relationship with the loving Creator of everything in the perfect state. Step B in my heart is Becoming  knowledgeable of Jesus and his life. And Believe that he lived, performed miracles, died on the cross and rose from the dead. This is where I stray a bit from the typical ABCs. C for me is Continue his legacy. Communicate daily in prayer and Commit your life to establishing His Kingdom on Earth. The Black Hats want us to wallow in shame and live as slaves. Jesus came to teach us a better way.  

Returning to the battle for the planet and this unconventional WWIII we find ourselves in, the old guard rulers of the planet who want a continuation of it, only with more consolidation of power, use every dirty trick you can think of and more. Honeytraps & targeting influencers have been big ones lately. Infiltration instead of invasion. Shaming, fomenting other negative emotions & division, funding both sides of a conflict, or more specifically, loaning them money then selling them weapons. I’m wondering how many more taxpayer-funded gain-of-function weaponized viruses we’ll see next Fall. Maybe some fungi?

The other side appears to be allowing the old guard to spend their ammunition and to expose themselves, providing safeguards for humanity who seek these safeguards. We are fighting an invisible enemy metaphorically and very real of the pathogenic/parasitic kind. And the ultimate source of the problem is a spiritual or energetic source in my opinion. 

Nurturing holistic resilience involves constructive practices that promote restoration in the mind, body & spirit, adequate rest being one of those practices. On that note I will end this post. Below are some gems.  


The NPC Show (Twitch): 2020 Election Fraud Review

Mercola (YT): Inflated COVID Cases and Fatalities - Interview with Dr. Henele

Thrivetime Show...(Rumble): MonkeyWerx Questions | Meet the Man Behind the Monkey Werx Podcast


Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Deep State Wars Update: KOVID & Election Fraud DamBreak *Updated*

My schooling on U.S. history concerning slavery, genocide of indigenous peoples and misogyny can be summed up to this: The founders of our nation fled other lands where everyone but the ruling caste and their administrators were indentured servants. The caste system in Europe was quite real and enforced by an equally tyrannical system in the Vatican. Our Founders fled to escape tyranny and attempted to forge a system based on the best of Christian principles, but they were evolving in their walk, imperfect men who had some faults hardwired into them from infancy. They had good aspirations and intentions, but they also had a definite shadow side that the royals, the dynasty bankster families and other ruling-class “elites” knew how to manipulate and magnify. The despots then and now employ shame and other psychological manipulation, deception, bribery, vicious violence and whatever else they can get away with to continue their slavery and caste system. However, a global awakening is happening that threatens this dysfunctional system. Hence the global crackdown by the despots.

I have a suspicion that the next few weeks will be vindicating for those of us who have known for years that most U.S. presidents in our lifetime and our parents’ lifetimes have been selected, not elected. One notable exception is President Trump. The level of corruption and election-rigging seems to have only evolved, hardened, refined and grown exponentially over the last few decades--much like a cancer grows from a hidden problem to a very obvious one. An alliance within the military industrial complex, including other "White Hats" from around the world decided enough was enough. They knew of a 16-year plan where Hillary was going to finish off the U.S. in 8 years and helped to unrig the system just enough to get Trump elected in 2016. Yet they apparently did not do the same in 2020. The assumption is that we are all supposed to see what has been obvious to me for a long time.

All I've read and heard so far on the 2020 presidential election from sources I trust indicates that nearly every conceivable form of cheating and fraud has been detected through the forensic audit in Arizona as well as multiple other investigations going on in other U.S. States. I am confident that millions of Americans and others worldwide will be comfortable with fair trials and severe penalties for criminal fraudsters, seeing very clearly and probably seeing red like myself, now voting with every dollar, every prayer, every simple decision, every thought and breath. Once several other U.S. States reach the level of "forensic audit", as they likely will given the implications of significant fraud in one State, we will have the turning point I and other Americans have been waiting for. We have sufficient elements within the military and other powerful interests that want nothing to do with the pure evil that would cheat, lie, steal and do far worse, as they have, all in the name of “democracy”, as ridiculous as that sounds. Those who have committed treason and crimes against humanity will say anything they think they need to say in order to manufacture enough consensus to get them off the hook and keep them in power.

The statements above really cannot be over-emphasized. Weaponizing a virus in a Chinese lab because such “research” became illegal here, lying about this and hiding who unwittingly paid for it (The Taxpayer); lying about safe and inexpensive early treatments like hydroxychloroquine in order to cripple the population and set up a way to guarantee the theft of an election; then the ongoing psychological traumatization that is the "Biden Presidency"--all of it in its entirety is several levels of treason and crimes against humanity that absolutely deserves and requires military attention. And if it turns out that secretive geo-engineering programs are also being utilized in order to create “climate change” and wildfire conditions as appears to be the case, then we're so far into uncharted territory, it's terrifying and infuriating. But that's only scratching the surface of this. We could go into the human trafficking and crimes against children, but I’ve covered that at length in previous posts. These are deep and ugly crimes that may take decades for the world to come to terms with.

Returning to the more surface and in-our-face situation, pun-intended, it is simply next to intolerable to be stuck inside a place like California where mask mandates could go on forever for those of us like myself who experience Vaccine Deficiency Syndrome. Signs of VDF include the ability to read a pharmaceutical product insert, question corrupt authority, and reject the push for an experimental injection in every arm that comes at us day after day despite the growing VAERS numbers. How many need to be significantly disabled or die ("coincidentally" of course, after the shot) in order for these criminals to be held accountable?  Right now the real numbers are close to 400,000 dead from one of or more of the three experimental vaccines. This will be our Auschwitz, it's clear to me because the groupthink is so powerful, that millions, perhaps even billions may have to die before it's obvious to some in the KOVID Koolaid Cult. Below is a link with attorney Leigh Dundas who adequately addresses this grave issue. 

We will be processing the fallout for decades thanks to people who were so hyper-focused on just following orders of those in authority. History tells us the wrong people can rise to power, and it has happened in the United States. This white-collar crime syndicate wants billions dead or crippled, open borders, defunded police departments and more taxes on the masses. If we don't submit, if we don't just ignore the avalanche of evidence of election and voter fraud as well bio-terrorism to influence an election and ultimately enslave the world under global communism, (aka, if we don't get in the back of the van with these creeps and do as told,) they will send out their "peaceful" activists again to "peacefully" burn, loot and commit more violence. Hollywood and TV news celebrities will praise them and Governors like Newsom will release these Brownshirts back to do more damage if they are ever apprehended by what law enforcement we have left brave enough to arrest them. Perhaps the “elites” might have to make sure another taxpayer-funded, weaponized cold virus mysteriously “leaks” from a laboratory in Communist China.  

I pray that Durham has enough, that the leadership within the PTSD-afflicted military have had enough, and know that we have all had enough. Optics won't matter if our eyes are all gouged out. The population is significantly crippled from decades of misinformation and criminal activity coming from every trusted institution by the dark Establishment operatives and now their Stockholm Syndrome-captured slaves. It's time to end this criminal Establishment and their crime spree.  


Lori Colley (Rumble): WINNING! Five Reasons for Hope

DefendingTheRepublic (Rumble): How Does It End?


Terrence Popp (YT): How to Fortify an Election | Grunt Speak Live


Saturday, May 1, 2021

Deep State Wars Update -5/1/21

I've got the next 2 weeks off, which for the Type-A personality in reform like myself means I'll be compulsively cleaning, organizing and working on home projects with pockets of respite and long nights of sleep. I've already started on my reading list that includes Wayne Jett's book, The Fruits of Graft. Dr. Mercola's book, The Truth about COVID-19 is on its way to my doorstep now. Between these books and the online anatomy/physiology refresher course I'm taking, I will need to have some down-time for receptivity and learning. I can do it only after I complete some project like mowing the lawn or defrosting the freezer. I also though it important to put in another blog post as I start my "time off".

I was noticing a few days ago on my weather app that rain was forecasted for today. I saw the airplanes out in full force again spewing something the Establishment's well-paid liars call "contrails". Every time this happens I'm left for days coping with sinus inflammation that often triggers migraine headaches. It became such a painful and disruptive phenomenon that one doesn't forget the pattern even when it stops for a few months. Simple water vapor shouldn't cause such inflammation, but I'm betting that aluminum desiccant and other geo-engineering chemicals will. Thankfully my coping strategies for dealing with what is very likely weather warfare have only improved to the point of mastery now that this agenda seems to be back in full force. I can only speculate or theorize, but I have to remind myself that I am a university-trained/educated and time-tested observer. Dave Wigington, author of the site is also a trained and time-tested observer.

Sure enough, it didn't rain more than a fraction of an inch today, very early this morning when the temperature was still cold. Now that the sun is up, the desiccant seems to be working as intended. The sky is overcast cloudy and looks like it could rain at any time, maybe for days as it did during my childhood. Yet I'm certain it won't. 

The Establishment is very busy creating "Climate Change" so they can send their "activists" out in force again this summer for more "peaceful" protest, according to Establishment media minions. Translated, this means riots, violence, looting and arson in order to push the agenda of de-industrialization, more economic destruction, more psychological warfare to break us down, more "pandemics" with a population weakened from fast-food, geo-engineering chemicals and "vaccines", and ultimately attempting a return to pre-Magna Carta times with 2 classes, the ruling class and the peasants. Wayne Jett puts forth compelling historical evidence for this. For the very conspirators and their Stockholm Syndrome-afflicted foot soldiers to call it Conspiracy Theory is minimization and meant to shut people up. 

Everyone needs to be aware that we have morbidly wealthy dynasty families that have degenerated with inbreeding and other sick practices over the centuries to the point that they despise humanity and want to enslave 99.999% of us. They must decimate the middle class in order to accomplish their dream of making Chinese-style communist hell worldwide. This has been generations in the making. They have actually accomplished setting up communist hell or communist-lite (Socialist Hell) in a few corners of the world. A few leaders caught wind of these plans for the United States and the entire planet and were sickened to the core once they grasped the magnitude. Emboldened to identify and stop it like JFK and President Reagan, they were targeted and neutralized. Yet these brave people who gave their lives fighting the sadistic Establishment started a movement that went underground, planning and working in secret to stop these despots. The Deep State Wars began in earnest and openly when the Alliance backed Donald Trump to run for POTUS and show us that we didn't need to shred the Constitution to return to a humane standard of living. Trump educated large swaths of people with his rally speeches and his logical policies against the Establishment cornerstones of open borders, defunding police departments, and eroding 2nd Amendment Rights. President Trump implemented sound economics that if were left in place would guarantee a rise in standards of living everywhere across the globe. He also encouraged a healthy return to spirituality and wholesome values that respect life and honor service to others. The criminal "elites" have been pushing selfish depravity through Hollywood and the music industry for decades now. To have a powerful voice for cultural sanity was a breath of fresh air for so many of us.

As Obama continued a shadow presidency for the Deep State, a representative for the global Establishment, now Trump has the role of our Movement's shadow president. The Alliance is practicing political Jujitsu right now by having Imposter in-chief Biden bring back the Establishment's cornerstones. Unfortunately, the Awakening will take years, and it was proven to me as I watched at least 60% of my colleagues, educated people getting the experimental gene therapies being called vaccinations as they were bullied into "Informed Consent". The fallout on this is coming soon. Over the next few years a significant percentage of our population will die or become disabled because of their decision to trust a corrupt industry. 

While I am hopeful for the placebo effect and naturopathic medicine to help many live through their mistake, I am reality-oriented in knowing that one of the morbidly wealthy dynasty families, the Rockefellers, have had a strong hold on our Healthcare industry since its inception. Enough of us, however, won't play along with this Milgram Experiment 2.0. A strong 40% will not get "vaccinated", and we will quietly advise others against it. This industry is already suffering from staffing shortages, especially in nursing. It's unsound for them at every level to fire people for not getting an experimental therapy that won't be covered by insurance if it does go wrong and definitely won't be remedied by the industry if it goes wrong. All this flies in the face of the Nuremberg Code, and a few civil rights attorneys that can't all be bribed, extorted or suicided are hard at work right now for anyone who loses employment over this issue. 

Meanwhile, the intervention continues. We have election audits going on in pockets, the most notable in Arizona, and we have a failing central bankster-run fiat system that continues its toilet-drain spiral downward. Nothing can stop what is coming. The truth will be revealed despite Big Tech and dynasty media censorship. Ultimately the masses will see the magnitude of corruption that exists within our legislative bodies, the judiciary, and billion-dollar industries like Healthcare, Banking, Media, Agriculture, and Entertainment







AwakenWithJP (YT): When a Liberal Finally Becomes Conservative

David Nino Rodriguez (YT): The Oscars Plummet!

High Intensity Health (YT): Biological Age Reversal: New Epigenetic Age Study Review

Simon Parkes (Bitchute): Ann Vandersteel, Charlie Ward, Mel K & Simon Parkes 

Thursday, April 22, 2021

It’s All about the Children - 4/22/21 Updated

Banned YouTube Videos (Bitchute):  LIN WOOD - LIVE FROM THE HEALTH & FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2021

Resilience versus Conformity is my subtitle today as I contemplate the last few minutes and the last few years of my life. What are we building for our children? What kind of environment are we co-engineering for them? Is it a world that built on fear or one built on love that honors life?

True resilience does not come from a place of fear, be it fear of so-called “elites” or even pathogens like viruses. One elite in particular, may God take his soul and put it in the cosmic recycling bin so this man cannot reincarnate as a virus that destroys humanity as he wished out loud while he was still alive. 

The paradigm we need to come to a quick end is the one of fear and loathing of organic humanity before it creates another asteroid belt. I believe we have enough asteroid belts in our cosmos, but we have a group of bitter clingers, 0.1%ers who like their NAZI grandfathers, think the only way to organize humanity is to beat populations into submission. If physical violence is out of vogue, then hybrid warfare to include emotional, psychological, informational, medical, technical, biological, economic, racial or cultural warfare seems to be the playbook until widespread physical violence is once again back in vogue. These are closet sadists clinging to the helm, now exposed every day we live through the Biden Presidency and it’s puppet masters in the failing corrupt central banking cartel who may be just pawns in a greater scheme that includes the spiritual realms. 

We are all children of God, a force that supports  life and love. We need to shake off the stunted growth of the last few decades and wake up to the real pandemic and pathogens, the ones paying lab techs and genetic engineers to weaponize viruses and make their “vaccines”.  The lifestyle changes doctors used to pay some lip service to in earnest a few years ago are very real and more effective in promoting health and wellness than what Big Pharma is pushing. The only problem is they take years to fully implement in the environment we have today. Quick detox may be deadly to a significant portion of the population at this point. We may not have years left before the already-glitching systems collapse. But prayer works wonders. Prayer in large groups works large wonders. 

Health Ranger Report (Brighteon): Interview: Leight Dundas Warns COVID Tyranny "Almost a Second Holocaust"

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Thoughts on Cancel Culture and Forbidden Fruit - 3/6-3/7/21

Memoirs of a Crackhead Pedo-Elite

Please see the links below if you're in a hurry for something newsworthy. Whatever is going on with the Alliance Side of the Deep State War is so much on the down-low, with what few details emerging a little sketchy (ie "Smoke coming from the Whitehouse Lawn"), I just hope the smoke clears and things become more discernable by the 22nd. 

This is bound to be more of a journal entry processing-type post with me just trying to make sense of a lot of things that probably aren't meant to make much sense; likely meant to continue to just make more war on the average person's psyche right now so that we cannot reason or believe our eyes as we see evidence of epic Communist China Collusion, epic anti-Trump Establishment corruption that includes false flag events like the Capitol Insurrection, and ultimately massive election fraud that was exposed during the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. Exposure continues despite the tech giants working overtime in a futile attempt to erase all the evidence and to try to bully us into shutting up on social media. All the time and effort one puts into a Facebook or Twitter account can be erased by these tyrants. Some are experiencing this right now. I don't care much about those platforms anymore. There are plenty of interesting alternative platforms like Gab, Bitchute,, and Foxhole. Even Parler is back up now. I long ago gave up Facebook and then Twitter a couple months ago after President Trump's account was nixed. The Youtube Tech Tyrants banned President Trump's latest CPAC speech, predictably. Do they realize the virtual martyr they're creating? Do they understand the concept of Forbidden Fruit? 

I shake my head at the futile attempts to rewrite history by tearing down statues or banning discussion of topics in the name of social justice or democracy. So many people in my sphere of influence are getting a crash course in Conspiracy Reality right now--without my help actually, and I predict more will follow as their vaccine addiction comes to a screeching halt after a few loved ones or even they themselves experience "adverse side effects" (ASEs). I honestly no longer believe in ASE's of the experimental COVID gene therapies pushed by Establishment. All the "adverse events" are probably quite intentional so these proven sadists at the very top can get their sick jollies and have more "Build Back Better" to sell us shortly. 

I have seen enough of these fully exposed wealthy sadists--the Epsteins, the Weinsteins, the Anthony Weiners and the Clintons of the world--no different from the Ted Heaths, the Jimmy Saviles or 80% of the Vatican, their sick club no longer hidden to me and a few millions others like me. Sadly what few people still under the influence of propaganda programs like The View won't be around much longer after their 3rd or 4th Big Pharma jab. 

Pundits are calling people like myself who read the QAnon posts QAnon Conspiracy Cult Members, but no one in this so-called "cult" is drinking experimental Koolaid. I know a number of decent people still convinced of the Establishment's lies. I've done my best to help deprogram them from the heart. Thankfully, the majority of my friends, relatives, and coworkers do see through the B.S. and are in the process of questioning the entire Establishment.

Imagine a million angry soccer moms like myself bringing up QAnon talking points after Yoga class or outside the health food store as we sip on our chai lattes. You bet California, after making its voice heard regarding corrupt Governor Newsom is a little slow to open up, not because tens of thousands are flooding emergency rooms sick with some Gain-of-Function-weaponized virus cooked up in a Communist Chinese lab. It's because there are droves of common-sense and otherwise educated people here unplugging from the toxic Establishment and making sense of their latest shenanigans. The creeps at the top undoubtedly know this. 

The real tyrants are continuing to prove themselves to be everything they accused Trump and this Anti-Corrupt Establishment Movement of, the dangerous racist/elitist terrorists they truly are, daily bumbling it up with their cancel culture on cherished icons like Dr. Seuss or turning on their own like the New York Governor Cuomo. "They lie, lie, lie, and then again they will do worse," Trump said in one of his speeches. Of note to me and hinting at the "worse", this wealthy club has ties to mainstream healthcare, most noteworthy, Big Pharma. Vaccine Czar of the NWO Global Technocracy is Bill Gates, who like Bill Clinton was a friend to Jeffrey Epstein after Jeffrey's conviction and slap on the wrist for crimes against children. A new force within our culture is emerging that calls for no more slaps on the wrist for these crimes. Hence, all the QAnon-bashing and other failing attempts at shutting down the Movement are the desperate efforts of a cornered beast. 

While I am ever more pushed into the naturopathic side of healthcare, alternative platforms, and alternative spiritual modalities to help me cope with the evils of the world, here I am still on a Google platform blogging. But even this makes it more of a therapeutic writing experience. It's just as well thrown into the trash. Molon Labe. I can speak freely to the world in one sense, yet hold no attachment to the effort. This writing is mental Tai Chi, refining my understanding of the times we are in, the obstacles to a better world we all face, and my articulation of all that when I undoubtedly will have to personally deal with loved ones grieving the loss of their social media accounts or sadly, their health, as this Deep State War continues. 

"You have more than you know," and "never interfere with an enemy while in the process of destroying itself" are quotes that frequently come to mind as we watch the Deep State and its global communist New World Order partners attempt to reverse the process MAGA started. Many in the MAGA Movement including myself were hoping for a much quicker fix to the election-rigging. Then there are all the other areas with signs of malevolent influence (financial, occupational, religious, pop culture, medical, with mask mandates being the latest and most suspect). I have a suspicion the mask mandates are being hard fought for in certain states like California (where Newsom released thousands of prisoners, also in the name of COVID-19) because they're getting ready for the next round of "peaceful protests". Everyone again will surely be encouraged by the mainstream media minions to ignore acts of violence and terrorism when it comes from their camp. On top of Hollywood figures bailing these criminals out of jail, and George-Soros-connected groups bussing them here and there for their sacred demonstrations, now they have an added layer of protection to help keep them from being identified for crimes they're surely planning to commit in the future. The Summer of Love Protests and then the "deadly pandemic" Bill Gates salivated over were probably just the beginning.

Our leadership now has access to several studies, trends, the real numbers on how deadly the virus truly is, how it is spread, and how people need a functional economy and normal social contact to have thriving health. The leadership inside the medical community also knows how hydroxychloroquine has worked when it's started early. Multiple doctors have come forward with their experience utilizing this cheap and effective medication. But pressure has been applied to not utilize this medicine or anything else besides masks that don't stop viruses and the experimental gene therapies being called vaccines when in actuality they have no live or dead virus in the injection to trigger immune response. 

There are probably several other critical reasons to have everyone masked, like tipping pH balance more toward the acidic side, making people more prone to illness. The face shield and mask combo at work tends to obscure vision, slow one down and overheat staff already working in a difficult environment. At this point I am convinced that the PPE mandates have nothing to do with leadership concerned about positively impacting public health. It's Cloward & Piven Healthcare at best. The more I reflect on it, the more these mandates appear to have all the hallmarks of other malevolent policy changes enacted supposedly for the good of humanity, like fluoride in the water, mercury in fillings, neurotoxic artificial sweeteners, "helpful" adjuvants like aluminum and thimerosal in the vaccines. It has taken centuries if not millennia to get as bad as it is today. The Awakening, I am repeatedly reminded, really is a process of debriefing, grieving, unlearning, re-examining, detoxing and rehabilitating. All these processes are taking some time. I started the process years ago in earnest in the middle of the Obama Administration, prepped by revelations learned about the Clintons and Bushes. I was blessed to have a child right after people were starting to vociferously question vaccine safety, pointing to thimerosal's neurotoxicity, and just as I was entering the field of nursing. Fresh out of school with a keen mind for chemistry, I was able to read the literature and comprehend the dangers. Then the following nearly 2 decades of vaccine injuries, paid for by the taxpayers because the elites in this industry can't possibly be held accountable. It's taken some time to digest the crimes against humanity of dirty vaccine industry, still watching in horror as cohorts show evidence of Stockholm Syndrome, accepting the KOVID Koolaid that are the experimental gene therapies. With every industry whistleblower suspicious death like Brandy Vaughan, I get impatient for action, especially given the other red flags going up in this Deep State War. Whenever I am challenged to be patient with a significant chunk of the population still in the beginnings of the process, I reflect upon how long it's taken myself to see this big picture. 

One day the crooks will not be able to walk the streets. We will one day have a mostly benevolent humanity in positions of power because we will demand it as a collective. I will hold onto that vision until it is concrete with news of it being delivered to us daily by whoever replaces Rachel Maddow eventually. I rejoice now at the courage and human ingenuity I witness daily and other natural solutions making a re-emergence as I learn more about complementary healthcare. Solutions are springing up everywhere as the lies of Establishment are exposed and the old system is failing.



Banned YouTube Videos (Bitchute): PRESIDENT TRUMP'S SPEECH AT CPAC 2021

Body Language Ghost (YT): Body Language: Trump & Jordan at CPAC

Doctor Quits After Mob Attack for Exposing Kids Not Impacted by Virus from High Intensity Health with Mike Mutzel, MS on Apple Podcasts.

David Nino Rodriguez (YT): History of the Global Elite 101 w Wayne Jett

Amazing Polly (Bitchute): CDC in Collusion with Vaccine Manufactures (Since 2004 at least!)


Spiro Skouras (YT): It’s Here: First Court Case Against Mandatory Vaccination: Attorney Interview

NootropicsExpert (YT): Rosemary

motivationaldoc (YT): 1 Cup will CLEAR UP Mucus & Phlegm in Sinus, Chest, and Lungs | Dr Alan Mandell, DC