Sunday, June 22, 2014

Collapse of Dysfunctional Systems and the Rise of Conscious Ones

Not much news of late on the Swissindo Trust and Mr. Sughi ("the King of Kings" in Indonesia) for some months now. It all sounded too good to be true. Yet I am keeping an open mind, recognizing that not all wealthy, educated, "elite" individuals related to George H. W. Bush enjoy fomenting war, widespread suffering and environmental destruction. I believe a vast portion of the highest ranks of the Illuminati do not enjoy their current roles.

Less than 5% of our population is truly psychopathic and capable of intentionally guiding our world into the kind of dysfunction we see it in today. This elite crime syndicate has in some respects made great efforts in organisation and concealing itself while it rose to power. This "Dark Cabal" excelled in the study of social psychology whose members have used to successfully manipulate the masses. Their lead social engineers mastered dystopia, illusion and bringing out the worst in everyday people through traumatization and creating lucrative industries founded upon addictions and other contrived dysfunction (gambling, pharmaceutical industry, military industrial complex,  etc.). All big business is tied into this web of corruption. 

The illusion is coming apart, however, and dystopia is getting old. This is why we keep witnessing one Operation Northwoods-style false flag after another. The psychopathic cabal is trying desperately to create conditions favorable to cinching up the rest of their plans to enslave humanity but keep slamming into a wall. The wall is the current tornado of rising consciousness. 

Most people don't know exactly what is going on. They are confused partly due to being intentionally poisoned with environmental toxins and misdirected by propaganda media. Part of the problem also relates to the developmental phase we are experiencing collectively, like widespread teenaged angst. Coursing through the blood of some of us is righteous anger concerning the levels of deceit & corruption being revealed. Some like myself are simultaneously overwhelmed yet insatiably curious about the true source of all the trouble and helping to create a thriving alternative media. Some people lash out with belligerent cynicism concerning any good news at all because they think it is yet another trick to corral them back into sleep again. I've been guilty of this. We all seem to have a few dysfunctional coping mechanisms in our toolbox. I'm witnessing loved ones regress into past sociological "safe-zones" such as the Catholic Church, one of the more degenerate wings of the same psychopathic ruling class. It is difficult to watch, but they are in their own process of awakening that cannot be hastened. Deus Nexus has a great post up for those of us processing these issues. The tendency to want to blast people awake is understandable; the "if you loved me, you would/wouldn't (fill in the blank)" argument is beloved as well. Yet we are living in times so full of neon-colored contradictions in the official narratives, times where the average person has no ability to argue that our government is full of crooks without being ridiculed, much of this is now passé. In the same vein some of us wide-awake Truthers recognize fear-porn as ineffective, yet we monitor sites like Alex Jones' headlines daily to make sure we're hip to all the latest disclosure. It is difficult to not pick up on some of that anger vibe. Awareness of it, however, is key to not being taken by it. Inherent within awareness is the power to diffuse the anger.

Years ago when I began work in a prison I was encouraged to read a book called Games Criminals Play. Here is a link to purchase the book, a very easy, affordable and valuable read. I wish we all had that book right now. I later learned about Phillip Zimbardo and his Stanford Prison Experiment, also big eye-opener. We all need to know the basics of psychology, mass psychology and sociology; that psychopathic tendencies are in our nature as sure as our primitive survival (or "reptilian") brain lies beneath the cerebral cortex. The cortex contains higher reasoning centers that distinguish us as humans, however. WE CAN move past our fear, and WE CAN engineer societies that bring out the best in people. Most people under most conditions abhor the thought of harming others or themselves. In states of acute and chronic fear, however, blood is shunted from the higher reasoning centers and sent to the primitive brain in charge of fight or flight responses. In this state we may not care so much about the welfare of others. Our military veterans should be as empowered with this knowledge as the criminal elite banksters are. Perhaps we wouldn't be seeing an average of 22 veteran suicides a day. Currently with conflict simmering if not raging in many areas of the world and our rogue-government demanding more sacrifice of freedoms and more war to solve our supposedly critical national security problems, many of us find ourselves with higher reasoning centers in a state of hypoxia. That is, if we're not meditating daily. If we can unplug from the mass hysteria that leads to phenomenon such as road rage and if we were fully perfusing these higher-reasoning centers, we would find a way to sanely go from point A to B, while at the same time dismantling the Military Industrial Complex's Hyrdra and manifesting the society envisioned by the USA's founding fathers and mothers. Meditation also holds the key to our epigenetic evolution, a topic I'll delve into more in another post.

Making the quantum leap out of fear is the only sure way out of the environmental, economic, political and personal messes we're in. Overcoming fear allows the cortex to function again. While the brain is just one little fractal manifestation of our true eternal energetic Mind, it is an integral piece. The brain is like any other organ that requires nourishment, use and rest to flourish. Meditation combines all three components of this regimen.

Keys to Empowerment - A Menu of Meditation Techniques

1. Tonglen

Pema Chodron, author and teacher of a meditational practice of meditation called Tonglen, offers practical wisdom for those seeking peace in a painful world. Its application feels natural when I'm captive to emotions of despair, anger and anxiety surrounding and overwhelming me. While some other teachers protest indulging in such negative emotions, this practice allows for dealing with the plain reality of incomprehensible suffering and gracefully walking through it. Sometimes the energy to just teleport out and into a more positive space where I am better company just isn't readily available. What I can handle, however, is breathing in the reality of the pain, then breathing out a sense of relief, letting go into the arms of a Universe that loves me unconditionally. The Universe accepts me and listens. This I can usually feel after just a few breaths in my heart and throat areas. The Universe also continually provides synchronicity in my life as a gift and sign It appreciates my honesty.

2. Meditation Beads
Utilizing meditation beads can be helpful. Once in a better space after some time with Toglen, I can move to the next bead, representing whatever meditation technique choose next. Similar practices have been used by different cultures throughout history. It engages different sense organs and helps to raise energy through focus and coherence. Exercising the individual sense organs is also helpful.

3. Honing All 5 Basic Senses
Picking out a spot on the wall in front of me, I will focus my eyes for the next few minutes on a target while I become mindful of the sensations in my body. This is something like coming back home into the body after being immersed in cognition or emotion. Any type of mindfulness meditation is a positive way to become grounded and reintegrate the mind/awareness back into the body with all of the emotions. Difficult emotions can lead to dissociative states and subsequent poor memory if unchecked. This exercise helps mitigate this dis-ease process. Diligently keeping ones eyes fixed upon a target provides powerful exercise for awareness. I then move on to focus on sensations such as smell for a few minutes, hearing, attention to details in the visual field, even breathing air into the mouth as if to taste the air, all the while keeping the eyes on the target. Regular practice will eventually result in immediate focus on the source of unusual noises, activity in the peripheral visual fields, odors and other subtle stimuli instead of having to spend several moments searching for the source. It becomes an automatic reflex and a handy ability.

4. Stopping the Mind
The next bead might involve stopping the mind altogether, difficult to do but key to mastering fear. Attempting to not think of anything is nearly impossible, and it is usually only attainable by at first accepting that thoughts will naturally come; when thoughts do come, the next step is to just let them go without judgment. Eventually the mind becomes less and less busy. Relaxing the body helps also. With continued relaxation of both mind and body, the brainwave activity level moves from beta to alpha and eventually to theta waves. Achieving the ability to do this is much like learning how to relax and float in water with just the face above the water line. All you are left to do is continue to relax, breath, and achieve a state conducive to healing. Staying aware and awake can be difficult. When I have been able to do this, I have achieved states of bliss so disconcerting as to feel like I'm being tickled everywhere, so I am by no means a master.

Back to Swissindo
Meditation and Chi Kung techniques help strengthen both mind and body for functionally processing some painful realities most of us face daily. As we exercise and expand our awareness and cognitive abilities, we will further grow in the ability to comprehend what was once reserved for the select few. Banking, finance, management of global systems of resources are just a few areas we must desire to understand before we can rise from the ashes this global mafia and our own fractal dysfunctions are ensuring.

Swissindo appears to be a global finance plan that deserves examination. Allegedly the program's purpose is to prevent the complete collapse of civilization and to assist in the emergence of a golden age. Our faulty economy will soon collapse. Our political and legal systems have also been thoroughly corrupted to the point of need for collapse in order for us to replace them with basic common law processes we can all understand. We currently have a growing aroused public, willing to make changes conducive to evolution. Most of humanity, which includes police, military, and the scientific community, is not complicit with the psychopaths' insane plans for bloody "revolution". The Dark Cabal experiences more exposure, sabotage, and defections by the hour. We are increasingly on the verge of reforming our dystopia. We will likely see first, however, spiritual and even biologically transformative processes. According to the fossil record with its tendencies to regular quantum leaps, we are due for mass extinctions and spontaneous emergence of new species.  

Mr. Sughi's efforts with the Swissindo Trust appear to be part of this organic process I see going on everywhere. It is reportedly a plan to help restore basic rights for all, including other species of life and even the entire organism of the planet to live in balance with humanity. Prosperity, optimal health, unlimited higher education and diversions will be accessible for those willing to put in some energy contributing to truly service-to-others-oriented projects. According to Mr. Sughi who appears to be something of a philosopher king in Indonesia, and according to his delegation, he has accumulated enough gold to back a new financial system. Our nightmare system of debt slavery and the petro-dollar will collapse soon because we no longer have gold to back currency. The oil is also running out, and what petroleum products we do have above ground are polluting our air, land, water and bodies. One way or another, our petro-dollar system will soon take its last breath. The system represents a paradigm based upon getting something for nothing or ruthless competition. It represents the corporate vampire who gives a gentleman's handshake with one hand, the other hand hidden behind his back, fingers crossed. This energetic engine of the Dysfunctional System depends upon ignorance, selfishness, debt slavery, black markets, and deception. It includes the idea it is okay to plunder from the masses in one form or another, through mutual funds that depend upon forced labor in our prison system and/or child labor with horrific conditions in other countries. Our death of ignorance guarantees the demise of this system, and something will replace it. We can bet the psychopathic elite are working overtime to co-opt this process if they didn't devise it altogether, of course. Can we trust Mr. Sugih (whom most of us have never heard of because our mainstream media is hostage to the elite fascist crime syndicate)? Not just despite it, but because of all the cacophony within the alternative media surrounding this issue, I think it is worth more exploration.

Mr. Sughi seems like the one distant relative at the family gatherings who doesn't drink to excess, start a fist fight and cause the gathering to end on a bad note. Some of us come from exceptionally dysfunctional families. Mr. Sughi is no different. His dysfunctional family of world royals may go down in history as legend for its incomprehensible depravity. Their legacy, we will find out soon enough if it isn't already known by the reader, includes Satanic rituals and the secret societies KJF tried to warn us about. 

This entire subject involves a massive learning curve that requires familiarization with the activities of the Federal Reserve--at least what little we commoners have at our disposal to know, even a little about the history of banking and money itself which spans thousands of years. But it is all right to jump right into the topic of the Swissindo Trust. Please note, an exploration of these areas will inevitably lead to the topic of Iraqi Dinar, and what I see as just more "get something for nothing" scheming. Even if this investment is for a so-called good cause, the "Buy Low, Sell High" and other similar thinking are part of the dying paradigm. Systems of energy exchange, no matter how good they are, like governments are doomed to fail when they involve dividing people up into classes of more and less-deserving.