Sunday, August 22, 2021

Deep State Wars Personal Update - 8/22/21


My post this month is more of a journal entry concerning the last few weeks at work. There's been some pressure to get one of the experimental (Pfizer or Moderna) vaccines at work. For a while we had Johnson & Johnson's vaccine recommended by our last Medical Director. The J&J vaccine had some issues that I’m still trying to fully understand. Our Medical Director stepped down to reduce his workload, coming back briefly to "answer questions" during a meeting with those vaccine-hesitant like myself last week. We were informed that one of these sketchy mRNA-altering technologies that killed lab animals during the early trials, likely created using aborted fetal-cell tissue would be required for employment after September 30. I forget if they volunteered or if I mentioned that special exceptions for religious reasons or medical conditions would need to be made, according to our dirty Governor Newsom's recent proclamation. I suspect religious freedom is the next to go in Commiefornia after the minions rig the next election. I hope cynical me is wrong here, and that the masses are truly awakening to the never-ending booster agenda with a long list of adverse side effects to include death for the “unfortunate”. They’ll probably include a tracking and crypto-currency-linked microchip in one of those boosters if it’s not included already. I kept most of my cynical suspicions to myself, not wanting to argue about conspiracy theories versus realities. There are hundreds if not thousands of doctors and other authorities out there disputing the official narrative, nurses giving their experiences in what appears to be atrocities committed in places like New York. There’s the growing mountain of evidence regarding election fraud, corrupt global economic system collapse, sick cults like NXIVM beneath the surface in these high socio-economic levels, totalitarian-style clamp downs on social media which explains the motive for genocide and other criminal measures to disenfranchise anyone not interested in the plan to 6uild 6ack 6etter an unjust system of slavery. 

Regarding medical exemptions, I've witnessed how one’s own personal medical experience doesn't really matter to a significant number of people in the medical community. They are pressured to push vaccines despite the growing concerns. Say you've experienced that your body doesn't respond well to vaccines (or likely the growing list of neurotoxic adjuvants), that you're left ill for a few days if not longer and that you end up with the flu anyways. Or perhaps your child started to have a mysterious new food allergy that began after booster shots and now she needs to carry an Epipen handy at all times. This is what happened to me and my daughter. The doctors I went to at the time for medical exemption for my child dismissed our experience. Yet I decided to be confident in my knowledge and what my gut, perhaps what God was telling me at that time. My child's serious allergy curiously just went away after a few years of no vaccines and good, clean nutrition. I also began a process of adding adaptogens and other supplements to my diet, living a more responsible life of sobriety and mindfulness, practicing daily intermittent fasting and added blood flow restriction training to my exercise routine. I've maintained my personal relationship with God through frequent prayer. I haven't had a debilitating migraine in at least 8 years now. It could be menopause-related also, but I know my lifestyle changes have improved my health significantly in other ways.

During the last few debilitating migraines, I had taken my sumatriptan and had either thrown it up or had the headache return over and over again until I was out of the rescue medication. I remember praying to God over the usual 3-day period of headache pain, what felt like an ice pick lodged into one side of my head, overwhelming malaise, fatigue, nausea and vomiting. That third day was usually the most difficult. I ached from dry heaving, was dehydrated and knew I was close to death if it didn't stop. It always did after about 3 days, but it was terribly painful and disruptive. I prayed to God to help me find a way to get well so I could take care of my family. This chronic illness contributed to 2 broken marriages and problems at work. My daughter was growing up without my ability to be there for her as much as I would have liked. I read about options and tried everything the doctors prescribed. The prophylactics came with difficult side effects and seemed to work for a little while until they didn't work at all anymore. The sumatriptan is rough on the heart, so I knew taking it frequently would lead to other problems. 

During one of the last bad migraines I prayed and received insight that the body needs periods of fasting. "You can do it the easy way, or you can do it the hard way," I heard God's Spirit in my heart. Shortly after I learned about intermittent fasting and put it into practice. I've been led to create what I call the $20 dollar smoothie that I drink every day. It's a blend of tea, juice, fresh and frozen fruits & vegetables, freeze-dried powders (beet root, reishi, chaga, turkey tail and lions mane mushroom powders) and in the last 2 years collagen powder. It's probably closer to a $30 smoothie now. This daily practice has helped to improve my stamina and resilience to the common cold given my age and workload. It helps me keep high blood pressure down, and probably helps to keep the bad cholesterol low and the good high. I take other supplements in capsule form that help me get through stressful days. I also do my best to get adequate rest and hydration. Yet what has made the most difference, I believe, is my faith in God, my faith that I could ask and receive answers, good guidance and then wisdom by daily putting God's recommendations into practice. 

God was my physician when the world's physicians couldn't really help me. God has led me out of a very desperate situation with debilitating chronic migraine headaches and other problems developing around this like depression and high blood pressure, on top of the typical issues that come with aging like arthritis. All of these issues have been effectively remedied by natural products and simple routines that I was guided to by either chance with my imagination telling me it’s divine providence, or it’s Divine Providence. I’m inclined to believe it’s Divine Providence.

I also prayed frequently to find a partner who would be faithful, kind, understanding of me, and also a Christian himself with the understanding that we appear to be living in the end times. It has taken some time to find him, but I think I have. I have faith in God first, because I am imperfect, my partner is imperfect, and we are living in trying times. A few months ago I filed to start the process of divorcing the man who couldn’t stop doing bad things behind my back with me finding out the dirty truth eventually.

I will find out soon whether my request for religious exemption will be honored or not by my employer. This weekend I am in prayer again for guidance, peace and possibly even provision soon. The medical/healthcare industry seems to be drowning in mass hysteria right now with a few pockets of exception and more shades of gray than anything else. The corporation I work for seems to be among those darker shades of gray, but I was pleasantly surprised recently to see a treatment protocol at work by our new acting Medical Director that includes HCQ. Many of my friends, family and colleagues have caved in to the vaccine coercion. I'm hearing & reading about people being denied their religious freedom, their First Amendment Rights in general, on top of being denied the freedom of healthcare privacy and autonomy. 

Throughout these last weeks I've been frequently reminded that God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). One of those voices sounding that Bible quote is Clay Clark. He's put together a really cool tour with all kinds of people speaking out on the issues I care about with science facts, curious information that I did not know but only convince me more that we're living through the End Times. These shows also have worship music and humor to help keep people from being crushed under the weight of heavy news. I can't stand to watch TV anymore. I detest Hollywood, and I haven't been to church in a long time because I know that the last one I went to is probably still caving to corrupt government  mandates. Evil has infiltrated many churches. Finding sound news, fellowship and entertainment (that isn't entrainment) is challenging but not impossible. I keep being led to finding gems like this one below. With that I'll end this post here and work on some dinner.