Saturday, March 22, 2014

Five Eyes Versus a Few Billion

If not a few billion, then at least a few hundred million eyes turned upon the "Intelligence" Community might help to sober them up. Or even better yet, one eye of a people embracing unity consciousness will end the paradigm of brutal competition and the relevance of spying altogether.

This is where we're headed. Remote viewing is a skill anyone can learn already (and this has not escaped the attention of The Powers That Were). Ultimately our re-awakened gifts of intuitive perception will level the playing field, making deception nearly impossible. Invasion into the private lives of others will continue to be recognized as inappropriate and undesirable. Until then, however, US tyranny has to be turned on itself to secure the country's great awakening to the wrongfulness of this brutality.

Some are still in the process of coming to the conclusion that a trampling on the rights of others inevitably leads to a trampling upon all. No one is safe, not even veteran lawmakers. California's US Senator Feinstein had to undergo the intrusion of federal spies before experiencing an epiphany involving the US Constitution. My heart softened watching her. She's taken the first step. I don't think she entirely understands. It's a process of evolving from Cain to Christ Consciousness. The awakening is happening to all, and everyone is at their own stage, including the so-called elite.

Stages of Awakening and Grief the Same

Simplifying the process, the first step of it is working through denial that a problem exists. The Kübler-Ross Model of grieving applies here as it works well to loss in general, not just death. Death, loss and change are intrinsic to life and a huge part of this awakening. In this first stage, denial, the stair-step goes from zero to one and back to zero again. It encompasses a scale of being completely in the dark and paralyzed to stumbling around while reaching out to find some light, turning it on, then turning it back off again. Regarding the light also, the switch works like a dimmer. We are in control of how much light can shine in our world. Once a problem is recognized, that a loss has happened, the loss of freedom, other rights, health, happiness, etc., it takes only a conscious reaching out for understanding, and the Universe responds. It will provide us as much light as we are ready to receive.

The second stage in this process is one of anger, and many of us are here. This is the outrage so many are experiencing. It explains things like road rage and YouTube Truther rants. While anger can be helpful in lending energy to make much-needed changes, the process can be haphazard because of the volatile energy involved. Anger is a difficult place to be in and inspires many to go back into denial. For those unable to go back into complete denial, anger eventually leads to the third stage, bargaining. We turn to God or something else (work, sex, money, drugs, etc.) to try to negotiate our pain. In some ways this is just a variation on denial. It hardly ever works out too well, and the fourth stage, depression follows. Acceptance is the fifth stage and the resolution, but it is often experienced in increments. People also go back and forth, skipping around these stages. Some like myself will experience all stages during a given day. And it makes a person look a bit unstable, but it is best to be in acceptance of the emotions that arise. It is also good to recognize the emotions might be coming from others, especially as intuitive abilities begin to develop.

Acceptance takes work. It involves letting go and a transcendence much like a period of physical growth. Time passes and one day you wake up changed. The pants that once fit don't fit anymore. Meditation and other functional coping methods like art, exercise, writing, and sharing with others can assist in the process. This blog is part of my process.

Benefits and Risks of Adversity

I've often wondered how people like Father Arseny cope so wonderfully with adversity, almost as if they were born to flourish in winter when most things wither. Malcolm Gladwell in his book David and Goliath explains that some people who seem to do so well through adversity experienced traumatic loss as children, learning they could live through what might seem like unfathomable loss. It works something like desensitization. If you've lived through the worst imaginable thing and survived, it can be a very liberating teacher.

Traumatization, however, can also set people up for what is now known as trauma-based mind control. One of the body's protective mechanisms, also a form of denial, is dissociation. This state's evolutionary purpose was to provide a way of enduring traumatic experience. The physical fractal or equivalent would be adrenaline and the body's own opiates that allow a person to endure pain. These work well as short-term survival mechanisms, assisting us to do what is needed in order to survive a difficult situation. The body and its survival mechanisms do not do well under constant assault however.

Whistle-blowers reveal that many of the psychopaths steering this world are victims and perpetrators of unfathomably dark childhood trauma and resultant dissociation. It is a bizarre pyramid scheme that funnels energy from the bottom rows upward. These people cherish trauma as something that supposedly made them stronger and keeps them strong:  "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" taken to radical extremes. They've created a snare for themselves and others in perpetuating trauma as a way of solving all of life's problems. They live constantly in this dissociative state, short-circuited and impaired in many ways. It is how they are able to lie so well, commit mass murder, commit any act of atrocity they feel furthers their aims or more often furthers the aims of the person or people "above" them. They live in denial of life itself and would self destruct, taking all of life on earth with them if possible. Thankfully most of us do not and/or do not wish to operate in this way. This sorry excuse for an existence is receiving much-needed attention. Proof of these secret societies and their brutal methodologies of control continues to pile up. Despite the policies of ridicule and distraction, evidence is becoming more and more difficult to deny. The Military Industrial Complex is real. War is a racket. Corrupt people continue to migrate to positions of power as they've done for thousands of years. They often perpetuate hideous rituals they claim make them stronger than the common people. The internet is assisting the masses in connecting these dots.

The Business of Awakening

Zbigniew Brzezinski, an advisor to presidents, made statements indicating the population of the world is undergoing political awakening. An encouraging number of polls in the US validate this assessment and reveal that the public is becoming more savvy to the savage realities of war and other military intervention. We are also slowly becoming aware that legitimate democratic processes may not be steering our government, as Kentucky US Senator Rand Paul recently addressed to a crowd in my state of California. As we become more awakened to the scale of injustice and brutality done in the name of freedom and democracy, the more we realize it is going to take a higher power to assist us with this problem. It is this quantum leap that aids many people in 12-Step Programs, and reclaiming spiritual power will eventually lead us to successfully reclaiming our world and ushering in a Golden Age.

Many businesses are budding and flourishing to assist in this process, and as usual, caveat emptor: We still have people parasitically capitalizing off of ignorance and fear. However, legitimate businesses and other communities are assisting people with improving health, detoxification of the body, improving knowledge and preparing for uncertain times. Challenging the status quo is proving to be risky business for some, and so I understand the desire for privacy (however ridiculously impossible the state is actually becoming). Figures such as CobraZap and Poofness as well as others who we know little about report to have insider knowledge of extraterrestrial assistance and/or world-wide financial restructuring. While I do believe both are happening, the extent to which the above or a King of Kings in Indonesia are truly involved in a beneficial role for all is unclear. Indeed when an entity intends to retain privacy, it affords a certain amount of respect and caution. This dance of discernment many of us are learning is no less acrobatic than flamenco or salsa. What is certain, though, is that we are a global people. A new world order is a necessity, but the game of musical chairs to reshuffle the psychopaths at the top is a ritual that must come to an end. This New World Order will not work as a the Old World Order on crack and steroids.

Some events in the news worthy of deep inspection and analysis include the events of recent in Ukraine. This is an area far out of my reach to comment at this time except to say that a high stakes game of chess is going on behind the scenes. You can bet it involves world currencies, bankers, royals and the oil industry. I will leave you with a spirit-inspired cartoon and some links that offer some brilliant and curious insights.

Ukraine Crisis - What You're Not Being Told:

The Enemy of My Enemy - The Corbett Report

Jon Kelly: UK Monarch Directed Snipers...