Thursday, May 16, 2019

Deep State Wars Update: Censorship Special Edition with Gems 💎 5/16/19

My Twitter account was recently suspended for vague reasons, "Rules Violations", but I suspect it had something to do with this thread...

Or maybe it was this retweet...
If by "abusive", one interprets being critical of the previous presidential administration or of Islamic groups that use violence to further their aims, then I suppose this meets their criteria. Criticism of these things should not be penalized, however, anywhere but especially in the United States. 
I utilized the Whitehouse link to air my protest of this practice of blatant political censorship. Amazing Polly in the link below explains my transgressions perfectly: It has everything to do with the rules of the Leftist cult that controls most of our social media, most of the mainstream media, many of our world governments, the corrupt Deep State that is rapidly losing power within the US government and the parasitic shadow government/ruling class' global agendas like the need to tax the middle class into oblivion in order to fight "climate change".
I only have about a thousand Twitter followers, but the Beast Establishment is now in such panic mode because of the efforts of the Trump Administration and the Alliance of patriots worldwide that they need to clamp down on any dissent, even (or perhaps especially) from the "little people" like myself. With gratitude for being alive during such indescribable times, I present The Gems below.