Friday, December 22, 2023

Biden's Dark Winter WW-WTF -12/22/23

Last week and a half I spent doing everything in my toolkit to keep bronchitis from turning into walking pneumonia with myself as my patient. I'm not a very good patient. I'm a very impatient patient. I also know what I have to look forward to coming back to work, which includes being told I wouldn't have gotten sick if I'd only accepted the Influenza Vaccine--the glamorous and unquestionable, super safe and effective post-humanist and transhumanist sacrament that one dares not question without being accused of carrying water for Putin, and being a racist, anti-Semitic, anti-science, reality-denier, or worse--a crazy conspiracy theorist. 

I'll gladly spend a week or two out sick over developing Guillain-Barre Syndrome or some other new and mysterious auto-immune disorder that just spontaneously and coincidentally happens to people following their upstanding public service to the world--"Getting Vaccinated"... (Cue the rounds of applause and confetti for effect). Trigeminal neuralgia, other nervous system disorders or an aggressive cancer are just a few more of the possibilities out of hundreds of serious adverse side effects listed in the product insert which I'm just supposed to ignore. Like all the other peasants in the elites' democracy, we're told it's our duty to protect grandmas and grandpas everywhere by taking a few necessary risks. It's implied that if one ends up losing his or her life to the almighty vaccine, well, then at least he or she can be proud for making the ultimate sacrifice; expediting the removal of one more super-threatening carbon footprint. After all, carbon threatens all life according to elite Climate Specialists. And anyone, especially any scientist pointing out flaws in this hallowed Climate Change Science will be labeled terrible things, perhaps even face lawfare and certain blacklisting. Corporations are very busy filling these positions with gay yes men to comply with important new DEI requirements, and it's becoming more and more apparent that the next “underprivileged” class of people soon to be promoted and protected are MAPs. That's Minor Attracted Persons. This group includes their cherished celebrities like Hunter Biden who are obviously above the law. Which is why we see news every once in a while that seems to be soft on child rapists. Tom Delay tried to warn people about the plan to legalize this and worse. So, if you're a gay man who's attracted to infants, well, it's your right to be who you are, because you were born that way, especially if you have billions of dollars to spend on high powered lawyers and maybe even fixers who can make problems disappear. But times are getting tight, and mere white Cis-people, or worse Christians, dare not launch any hate speech threatening your safety and freedom to be who you are. This is where I see things going when I read about a Virginia school board member taking an oath on a stack of child porn books. The last few years of legalized indecent exposure as long as it's done in Gay Pride Parades, the glamorization of bringing children to drag strip shows, laws being passed in my home State to remove children from the home if the parents don't facilitate genital mutilation after the child has been sufficiently groomed and biologically altered with endocrine disrupters in the Standard American Diet. Then there's the thousands of children brought into this country illegally that mysteriously go missing. And the news of trans-women who rape boys.  Never in my wildest of nightmares did I even think I'd be involved in a counter-culture movement opposing all this. 

Donald Trump threatens to put a quick end to this nightmare and as well as the billions of taxpayer dollars going to fund endless wars springing up everywhere again now. Which makes him a dangerous white supremacist who threatens to be a dictator. Worst of all, maybe he'll shut down another Pedo Island, depriving celebrity MAPs who have plenty of money to sail yachts to islands to rape captive children, or perhaps buy child porn advertised on Etsy. But that's only if "Drumpf" isn't wildly outvoted again. Maybe this time, every single illegal immigrant and their dead relatives will vote for Biden. What's that, maybe 81 billion votes next time, and we better not question the next safest & most secure election in all of recorded history or else we're racist election deniers. 

So yeah, I'm a little sour lately. If I didn't know about the makeshift lab shut down in Reedley, CA, knowing that maybe a dozen others probably didn't get shut down, I might not be so livid. Knowing this is probably why I'm sick despite daily high doses of Vitamin C, hundreds of dollars spent monthly on other potent natural antivirals and anti-oxidants, regular exercise, adequate rest, hydration, and a superfood diet. This virus was meant to send me to the hospital with pneumonia. Maybe it was one of the many COVID variants that Japanese researchers found to be suspiciously unnatural.  

I've got to give it to Jesus, especially because we may have another year of this 💩 "Show" for the normies. Another year of stunts like gay staffer sex in the Senate, perhaps the FBI will lose Hunter's laptop again, and maybe another $666 Trillion dollars will get divided between the wars in the Ukraine and Israel. The guy who beheaded and toppled the statue of Baphomet erected in the Iowa Capitol building will probably get thrown in jail without bail and deprived multiple other Constitutional rights in order to save the demonic democracy, more school shootings by transgendered young people on handfuls of psychotropics with their anti-Christian manifestos withheld from the public by Luciferian leadership in the FBI. Then there’s are the expected and immediate calls for disarming the widespread public, because like the Nuremberg Code is soooo antiquated,  so is the US Bill of Rights. And then the teetering financial infrastructure in the U.S will completely cave into the black hole that's been created from decades of printing money with nothing but war and disease to back it, followed by more riots to loot businesses and protest any police use of force on violent criminals. I dread it, but there's a high likelihood of the Presidential Election Variant headed our way, this time a Marburg virus. Maybe the man WHO IS SCIENCE, puppy torturer Fauci will grace television sets everywhere again to implore us all to wrap ourselves in plastic wrap for just two weeks to stop the spread, AND THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO WOULD COMPLY. Not many for sure, but I am certain if this took place we would see news of at least a dozen deaths nationwide of people who asphyxiated themselves on Saran Wrap. Hospital Protocols could include straight lead and mercury into the veins of the unfortunate. These are not only "safe and effective antivirals," CDC and AMA leadership could insist, but they're also cheap repurposed materials--something they'd repeat 24/7 on CNN with another 30 million dying again following hospitalization. I wish I could say people would see through this blatantly obvious pedo-elitist death cult agenda, but groupthink is very powerful. And the natural tendency is normalcy bias with denial that such evil exists. It happened in Nazi Germany. I know a lot of order followers who might  stay another round in this Milgram Experiment no matter how horrific and ridiculous the orders become. White Coats in charge told them it was "Safe and Effective". 

I may have to find another profession and make further cuts in my way of life while civilization implodes.  I am confident, however, I am not alone in saying NO! to this nonsense and that this insanity cannot continue for much longer. Once we’re on the other side of this, Humanity will never fail to question authority or call out brutally corrupt authorities. 

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

60 Years and Counting 💥 #Justice 11/22/23


I have to start with a personal log as it’s relevant to the macro world. It’s my predisposition to just go and go and go until I can go no longer, and this has happened again today. I’m not terribly sick, just exhausted with a few key organ systems beginning to suffer. Rather than waiting until I’m bleeding from several orifices before taking a day off, I’m taking one. Yet my predisposition is such that I’ll make good use of the down time at home by working on the blog with my laptop in bed. No dishes or vacuuming. No laundry. No office projects. No de-escalation interventions, no assessments or wearing a mask knowing that my exhalations are potentially deadly to someone with undiagnosed vaccine-induced autoimmune deficiency syndrome. Likely a silly little surgical mask can catch more than 85% what exits my body, but it makes some people feel better. And placebo is potent. I’m patient and just thankful that I’m not working in one of the buildings that has more vaccine compliance, coincidentally experiencing another COVID outbreak right now. Maybe after their 15th booster a few more will begin to realize these abominations are neither safe nor effective, if any of my dear COVID Cult cohorts are still alive then, of course.

At times it takes every ounce of will in my being to remain calm & compassionate and not belt out SAFE AND EFFECTIVE!!! every time one of my workplace peers loyal to the sacramental vaccine gets COVID. Every time I see news of another child's life taken or seriously injured by these poisons, I feel the welling of anger, disgust, sadness, resignation, apathy, and cynicism spin like a tornado of swirling emotions, building in strength until it starts to impact me physically. Then I give it to God and it dissipates. If I have time or insight to hold on to that stillness of surrender, I often enjoy a curious insight and respite with the peace that defies all understanding. Then I must dive back into the world of ICD10 codes, splints, updates in MDS requirements, another admission, another discharge, dementia drama and psychiatric crises or worse--what appears to be demonic possession on some days. I admit that sometimes I’m dumbstruck in awe of the levels of bureaucratic nightmare f*%&-ups which are only outdone by the medication errors made by nurses lost in thought about their tragic lives. I grieve over the normalization of things like polypharmacy, childhood obesity & now strokes in children. If everyone could only learn the story of the Raggedy Ann doll. And again, God, I give this broken heart to you.

As I scroll through TruthSocial I have the honor of witnessing a population that gets it or is starting to get it. I have a partner in life who sees it all too. I go to a local meeting once a month of like-minded people. It is indescribable knowing that others see through the mainstream media lies. They recognize the biological & chemical warfare in the grocery & drugstores, the economic, psychological, informational and even weather warfare. Ultimately it’s spiritual warfare, and humanity adapts because people are also seeing the fix: They are saying yes to the inheritance that Jesus shares with us. I’m certain that all of this warfare must stop at some point. But if by some miracle it stopped today, a significant number of people would live healthy lives close to 200 years, and the next generation would live even longer. And I’m talking about mostly healthy, productive years. This sounds delusional, but we may get to find out it’s true. I’m not even counting the potentials with Medbed technology. The life lessons of the last few generations combined with the honest science over the last few decades have provided breakthroughs in understanding on how to nurture good gene expression with adequate hydration, rest, and consumption of whole foods that contain antioxidants, as well as how to nurture the gut and skin biome to maximize health. I've personally spent the last few years studying nootropics and adaptogens to protect the nervous system and even regenerate nerve growth, improving memory & cognition: This and the management of stress with meditation, sound healing and other holistic modalities in the cultivation of a healthy psyche. Cannabis is a plant medicine which I believe has an important roll to play in the healing of the body and mind. We have trade routes now to enjoy all the medicines that God/Mother Nature gave us, and most of us have some basic skills (that AI can never replace) to provide products and services necessary to the optimize the lifestyle of ourselves and our neighbors. Yet we have this toxic element that has gotten unprecedented exposure over the last few years--the secret societies JFK warned us about--which has contributed to our growth in paradoxical ways. Today this element makes no effort to hide the fact it threatens to enslave the 99% or destroy the planet attempting to carry out these plans. We're as a collective approaching a stage in human development that is inevitable and Biblical, the day humanity lifts the chains off their necks: 

But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall (Malachi 4:2). 

I started into Session 2 of The Citizen’s Guide to Fifth Generational Warfare: AI (Artificial Intelligence). It is sure to be revelatory, but I’ve witnessed the shortcomings of AI already—and the amazing power of genuine consciousness. The war on humanity is adapting almost as quickly as we can adapt. Some say AI will outpace our gifts and enslave us all. I doubt it will happen easily. The Globalist slavers have made it clear they still possess and will use Directed Energy Weapons against the masses. They also may unleash another Plandemic but this time with an even more disruptive virus like Marburg. There has also been an undeniable invasion of illegal immigrants coming through our border over the last 3 years, some telling independent journalists that the UN helped get them here with debit cards. They were told to await their orders. Then we have the inevitable wild card of the looming fiat currency crash. These are problems that only God, prompting people in all sorts of places, including those in positions of military power can solve. 

Respectfully, I would say to people like Retired General Flynn, I can run for office on my local school board. I can try to carve out even more time doing community service, attending city council meetings, signing petitions, etc., but all that would only spread someone like myself even thinner. And it would mean nothing if those who took the oath to protect the US Constitution who control the drones or hold automatic rifles, fire missiles, etc. do nothing but follow unlawful orders given to them by Deep State Generals. While it’s obvious some portion of the military have said NO to the terrorization and enslavement of humanity, I think they’ve also been ducking the radar like much of the rest of us, and also suffering PTSD like the rest of us. God, that all-powerful spirit of love that animates and sustains us all, is the best physician. That first step made in hunger and faith delivers something that cannot be easily dismissed and forgotten. With this said, I’ll dive into commentary on current events.


Sunday, October 22, 2023

WW-WTF Update 🚨 10/22/23

This month of October has been challenging on a macro, world-stage level and also on the micro, personal level. There's all the political and world stage topics/events like the Biden show, the economy, Israel and Gaza now, but my first thought is regarding Nurse Tristin's letter. Anyone--especially in the healthcare industry who hasn't yet, needs to read this woman's letter. Of all places (and times) it was posted on the World Socialist Website on Friday, October 13th. (See It then went viral on social media sites with the Director of Social Services at work bringing it to my attention last week. 

I read the letter to my partner who became quite concerned, because it spoke of the terribly dysfunctional healthcare system and how it led to one nurse's suicide. This beautiful young woman, a 28-year old nurse wrote the document for the world as her last act of caring. Obviously a suicide letter contains a very dark energy in it with the potential to lead to more tragedy, but it also has the potential to continue fueling some very good things happening that many aren't yet privvy to. First, however, we need to come to the realization that our system is bad enough to completely rethink things. The Socialist Model has their answers, of course, but there are many others out there with a different take. There is a new paradigm that is only gaining strength with every allopathic model blunder or series of blunders like I've witnessed the last few years. 

I reassured my mate that he has nothing to worry about. My dark night of the soul with sickcare and burnout came and went over a decade ago. I survived that period and continue on through the increasing onslaught of arbitray and disruptive changes, useless or deadly protocols, VAERS data that nobody wants to acknowlege and "do more with less" answers from administrators, thanks to holistic and naturopathic healthcare. 

Over the last few years I've watched a number of tele-health clinics sprouting up, countering the tyrannical and traumatic measures and narrative, trying one out for my family & me early on. It worked very well, but it was nothing that my insurance would ever cover. It was luck to be able to get the medications from the pharmacy. My daughter's had to come mail order, and it took an act of God for me to forgive that local pharmacist whom I've known from childhood. God bless her. She retired and moved to Idaho. Today I see the groundwork of what appears to be a viable parallel true healthcare industry in its early stages that no one is really talking about in my work circles. Some of my colleagues look at me like I'm nuts when I even mention it, let alone the sound reasons for not getting "vaccines" (the latest are in essence a transhumanist cult's sacraments). Some listen to me in small portions, and I see the wheels starting to turn. Then there's a core group of people at work, 4 or 5 of us who get what I'm saying and have come to conclusions about natural or holistic healthcare not so much from listening to me, but because they hit a brick wall with the system themselves and started the process of exploring the alternatives and saying No to what will likely be regarded at some point as early transhuman technologies. This fight is about staying human. It's about retaining our God-given rights to Informed Consent, bodily autonomy, and medicine that truly does no harm. 

After a few years of slowly implementing several different components--gentle detox with intermittent fasting and natural chelators like cilantro; lifestyle strategies (setting firm boundaries on sleep & workload, commitment to not smoking, limited drinking, and mostly organic whole foods); regular use of nootropics, adaptogens and other supplements; bone and muscle maintenance with twice weekly Kaatsu Training--these measures are beginning to pay off and have had a noteworthy effect on my entire life. Yet it took a few years. I still experience the occasional migraine headache, but it doesn't disable me. The Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder has completely resolved. My hypertension is under control. 

I saw my doctor a few weeks ago for the first time in years. He'd lost some weight and appeared no older than our last meeting. Normally I see the nurse practioners for my annual visits. She was out sick this time, and so I got to see this man again who I didn't think would be still alive today. I didn't want to tell him that when we first met, but during our first visits I mirrored back to him his concerns for me not taking the lisinopril. I impressed upon him the importance of doing things differently. I let him know I still drink beet juice every day, and I asked him how he lost weight. He found the right diet, he said, but it wasn't "keto". He didn't have time to go further into it. We usually only have a few moments to share the important things, but I like to think our first discussions left an impression. 

I'll conclude this month's writing with something I recently posted on social media:

23 years and some months ago I graduated, earned my BSN (RN license) and Public Health Certification. I believed in vaccines. Since that time I've experienced adverse side effects (ASEs) from the flu vaccine. Now I refuse them. I read the product inserts occasionally and the possibility of some of the ASE's are horrific. 

After one of my daughter's childhood vaccinations, she developed a mysterious allergy bad enough to have (to live with) an Epi-pen handy. I started reading about vaccine injured children, prayed about it, and Jesus whispered into my heart. We stopped vaccinations and her life-threatening allergy went away. It's been over 10 years since the last ER visit or signs of trouble. 

I occasionally get harassed at work about my position by people who don't know my story or the things I've seen. So, I let them know--I can explain, but this In-Service will take at least an hour. Coming to the realization of what this dirty industry has done will take a lifetime of continuing education and therapy.

Again, I have to impress the importance, this is about staying alive, staying human, and staying kind to each other--co-existing peacefully as much as possible. Treating the body as a temple gets you far, and listening to that innate, divine intelligence that we were all born with can lead to a blessed and satisfying life. Yet as some are aware, there are those in power who will lie, cheat, steal, murder, enslave, bribe, blackmail and do worse, all of which is antithetical to a functional (and peaceful) world. There is a war raging now over essentially two ways to run the world. Below is the latest news on that and other current events.





This is where we take a deep dive into more controversial subjects if that's possible, but it's fascinating content.  



Friday, September 22, 2023

Personal log and WW-WTF Update (Videos) 9/22/23

I begin this month's entry at the tail end of Rosh Hashana, a day after my 36th high school reunion, and it's Constitution Day today. So, I'm full of mixed feelings, lot's of energy, many things to process and log for the times we are witnessing. 

The Jewish holiday Rosh Hashana, as far as I've learned is a kind of of New Year's celebration that has the addition of engaging in retrospect over the past year, making peace with the past through forgiveness of self and others, and making amends if possible. Some traditions suggest making a list of 5 or 10 things you did wrong or could have done better, things you're sorry for, and taking some action to resolve or correct the wrongs. Sometimes all you can do is tell God. Maybe an apology is in order. And I'm finding out with all things Jewish, there's usually a feast involved, so I've got a stew in the crock pot. I looked for some new food to have the family try, another feature of Rosh Hashana, but we're all pretty eclectic already. I couldn't find anything that we have not tried, so I brought home the newest thing that we've all grown to love which is a basket of gooseberries. The new home is smelling pretty good right now. I hear the sounds of neighborhood children, and I am very grateful the the peace in our home. It's broken only with the barking of dogs once in a while. I have to walk out onto the porch and remind our Chihuahua, Nacho, to be a good neighbor, as silly as that feels or looks. I think he understands, and it makes me smile inside

The man I've grown to deeply love over the past 3 1/2 years is sorting though clothes he wants to donate. He's lost weight, and it's been staying off. He's also preparing for an interview tomorrow. He was able to come with me to the People for the Republic meeting last week. We also had a nice potluck get-together last weekend where we played Bocce (and I learned to play). My partner is a pretty good player already. We met new people and shared interesting stories. One man there had caught video of ball lightening that happened a few weeks ago during a storm that began some forest fires inland. I had brought Nacho, which had me a little more preoccupied with him at times. This month's homework for the group has me re-reading the Common Law Handbook for Jurors, Sheriffs, Bailiffs and Justices. So, instead of church today, I am home with these more introverted activities.

I think about Mom who isn't very far away with regards to actual, literal distance--not even a mile. Metaphorically, however, we may as well be hundreds of miles away. I share this dilemma with many others, driven apart from once-close family due to the devices of the war and disease profiteers. We are in a culture war, and I can only hope and pray that this phenomenon of punishing the messenger or misplaced aggression ends with distance. I also felt some tension last night at the reunion some. The last time I had any meaningful contact with any of them was years ago on Facebook. I've since left Facebook, and there's this awkward feeling you get when you have so much to say, but you're not sure if they're ready to talk about things that matter. Some still aren't and I don't blame them--what can you do? All I can do is prepare, stay healthy, and stay at peace. It got too loud with music and laughter for serious conversation anyway, so I'm glad I brought my partner. We were able to enjoy a drink and a light meal. I said hello to a few people and was pleased to see a few childhood friends who I'd often wondered about. One looked completely different than the boy he once was. One person looked the same as she always did. There was a nice homage for the members of our class who had passed away. One of the women who had put the whole thing together was a person I once had difficulties with because of an ex-boyfriend--silly, really. She kindly behaved as if it was forgotten years ago. 

The picture above is the scene from outside the convention center where the reunion was held. It was about an hour away from sunset, and the air was a little hazy with forest fire smoke drifting from inland fires. Thankfully, we have the marine layer from the ocean that has helped keep our area cool and moist. I pray the DEW attacks are over and that the Alliance has all the information they need to take out the last of these hideous weapons--or take them out of the hands of the uni-party criminals using them. I trust in the law enforcement we have here, the Constitutional Sheriffs, many in our community that are hunters and regular Americans who see through what's happening. 

Below are a few videos that encapsulate the times.



Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Deep State Wars: Mostly Peaceful Arson and Plandemic 2.0 Ready? 8/22/23

While we’re nearly all moved in to our new home, this period of negative greeting or testing continues with my partner/fiancé getting wrongfully terminated just minutes ago. He’s a brother in Christ, prodigal son type like myself who has walked on the dark side, leaving it behind years ago. He’s had prayers answered and raised 4 sons. Because he’s a hard worker who has a difficult time with those who take too many breaks with their phones, has spoken his peace at union meetings—was growing as a strong leader during negotiations, and refused the vaxxine when it was pushed, management within the corporation—a Big Ag-connected one, looked for reasons to drop him just a few years away from retirement. It was triggered by a verbal altercation followed by false witness by the person he was confronting. That’s my interpretation of it. Thankfully, my love has spent the last few years working on his health so that he can easily shift into something a little different and maintain his composure. There are a number of industries here that welcome someone willing to show up on time and every day, whose immune system hasn’t been compromised by Big Pharma Frankenscience. Some of our industry here in Northern California have not completely sold out humanity like others. 

We’ve spent the last few days mentally, emotionally and spiritually preparing for what we suspected might happen. We’ve also seen the news that the new variant is threatening to lead to a return of Draconian mandates again. We may as well call this the Reset Variant. Already mask mandates are returning in Georgia. Surely so will Vaxx Mandates with more young adults and children dying from mysterious cardiac issues that the mainstream media will ignore. I along with thousands, perhaps millions of others will not ignore it or stay quiet.

Jumping to related news, Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes, who is a psychologist contracting for the DoD (Department of Defense) spoke with a mainstream media outlet regarding her research work. She made news, reassuring & confirming for many like myself that sections of the US military are very well-aware the 2020 election was stolen from us and President Trump. Our military has been doing much behind the scenes but is poised to do something more public about it. Things have been put into place in order to determine how to go about addressing—in a public way—what was an act of war, treason and true insurrection, she said in so many words. She’s on a task force to help assess public sentiment. That’s what I gathered from the news clip and David Nino Rodriguez’s (Nino’s Corner) interview with her. The following link contains some commentary and video highlights of the news spot that President Trump posted on his Truth Social account. 

Just days after her interview, the Maui fires broke out, which appear to be Deep State use of DEWs (directed energy weaponry) to cause devastating fires, another blatant crime against humanity, in order to push the criminal globalist climate change agenda and scoop up land mostly indigenous people were unwilling to sell. The fires had all the same characteristics of those that hit California years ago. They stopped for a while, appear to be resuming in other places. At the same time we’re seeing 4 or 5 BS indictments levied upon President Trump while the case against the Biden Crime Family continues to grow and metastasize—with our compromised “justice system” and 90% of our lawmakers (the Uniparty) doing nothing. Public sentiment is favoring Trump more than ever before, but the Deep State/Globalist Pedo Club is also doubling down. I’ll post below much better analysis than I can give all of it right now.   

Saturday, July 22, 2023

WW-WTF Update on the Home Front 🏡 7/22/23

David Wilcock posted a You Tube video a couple months ago on Negative Greeting. I stumbled upon it this morning thankfully. I'll include it in the posts below. Negative Greeting is the term that was included in The Law of One material, which I know is controversial to those who even know about it. It's "channeled material", but then so is much of The Bible. A great deal of "channeled material" out there is probably not from the Holy Spirit, so people need to do their due diligence with regard to this stuff. Returning to Negative Greeting, the Book of Job offers a perfect description of what it is. It's spiritual warfare. It may not be as extreme as what Job experienced, but people doing good work, fighting the good fight often get thrown strange challenges, a series of them all at once that test the person's resolve. I am having one of those times. The onslaught includes my mother's increasing fits of anger over my family's and my inability to meet unreasonable demands, which I attribute to her failing health and untreated depression. Then there's the worst allergy season on record for a long time. Everybody I know who's lived in Humboldt County for years agrees. I'm taking a lot of quercetin to keep symptoms under control. People I work with are taking over the counter remedies, some ending up with more problems like hives.

At work we have the Plandemic fallout with continued high turnover, and people going out on disability or after losing loved ones--healthy people that just die unexpectedly or take a gun to their child's head and then take their own life. Never in my life of working as a nurse have I ever seen so many people exit planet as I have in the past 2 years. And some of this is just bizarre, violent exit, so it's starting to weigh heavy on me. 

Returning to Mom--she gave me and my family an eviction notice a few weeks ago, then demanded an increase in rent starting immediately.  We had been sharing a 3 bedroom home for the last nearly 3 years. There's a great deal of strength that comes from sharing expenses and tasks (like cooking & cleaning) associated with living in uncertain times. I'm almost certain after my partner, my daughter and I leave, Mom will fall and break a hip doing something she shouldn't do. Or we'll have another earthquake that shakes glass out of cabinets. I’ll be unable to clean my place and hers in good time. I'm unable to talk any sense into her. She thinks she'll sell the house next year. The housing market is about to enter uncharted territory with the rest of our fiat economy any day now, but she's adamant about wanting us out. And she holds no regard for what I see coming. Her behavior over the last 2 weeks has me wanting out ASAP. One day she violently slammed down a glass of juice on the table, leaving me to clean up the mess that sprayed onto the floor. Then on Independence Day she called police, asking them to kick my partner out that night with police telling her as I told her, she is wasting their time. He's a tenant and will be out per the eviction notice. She unplugged the television and coffee maker a few days later, confiscating her coffeemaker that I fixed--keeping it going for another year, which Dad would have been proud of. Then she threatened to unplug our refrigerator, which could destroy at least a hundred dollars worth of food in it. She’s confiscated cords to electronics, becoming a petty, mean and unpredictable person who I don't even know anymore. I'm hoping to be out in a week or two. 

Then came the jury summons which I take seriously. It's a civic duty. Following that my dental work breaks, and I have to schedule emergency dentistry. As I'm looking for rentals, I see most of the agencies don't allow pets, but they accept service animals. So, now I'm talking to a therapist about writing me a script for emotional support dog, because that's what he is at this point. Our Chihuahua helps keep me calm through all of this. He'll require "papers", so Zoom obedience training begins. My duties at work don't magically get done while I'm not there for jury summons, so I compress 40 hours of work into a hurried 32. Mom berates me for not doing this or that the moment I walk in the door if I see her at all, so I just head to the bedroom to isolate. I've decided that if I hear a loud crash I will come out long enough to see if I need to call 9-1-1. That's all I can do some days besides pray. I've asked a family member for help, but there's not much anyone can do. Most of the family live long distances away. Others who are closer have health issues of their own. I'll call APS when we leave. I get it now how people can let their elderly parent(s) go into a nursing home. At work I used to look at these family members with pity and judgment. My bad. Never again. 

Poor lifestyle, even just the Standard American Diet alone has consequences like Parkinson's Disease, obesity, diabetes, fibromyalgia and other diseases of chronic pain, cardiovascular disease, vascular dementia, depression and anxiety. These diseases can shrivel the brain and create personality disorders. I can advise, show the way, demonstrating healthy habits by living them right in front of people, pointing to research, etc., but a person's free will is their own. It's heartbreaking sometimes though to watch loved ones fall into this pit of disease. Similarly, watching the public including my own mother fall prey to the culture warfare and spiritual warfare.

I hope to live through these rough times where people are waking up to the now-obvious shortcomings of the medical industrial complex, Big Ag, Big Pharma, the Globalist Banksters fighting to lead the "Great Reset", and the Socialist (Marxist) Color Revolution that has taken over our once-Constitutional Republic here in the United States. This may be the last month in my internet journaling for all I know, but I do trust that if the Creeps take over the internet again to "protect the public from hate speech and misinformation", etc., it's another red line crossed. A lot of things are coming to a head. It's probably years away, but the other side of this war will be unimaginably better, I believe. Now that Russia has shut down the bioweapons labs in Ukraine, cauterized a great deal of the Deep State's money laundering operations, and exposing the world to the sex and organ trafficking going on there, we may be close to the end of this ground war. People are saying we will have a Black Swan event like the entire financial system collapsing and even a nuclear scare before the end of the conflict. 

I made time last weekend to go see The Sound of Freedom. This is history in the making (see The filmmakers involved fought a 5 year battle to get the movie shown to the wider public, and it's doing better than Pedowood's big screen offering. It's getting the expected poor reviews from the usual Guardians of the Pedophiles which is only hastening the public awakening to the horrific scope and depth of this problem, suggested years ago with "Pizzagate". These degenerates in suits will only send more of the curious public to the Q posts. Let them. 

Creepy Joe's figurehead reign has admittedly been the roughest nearly-3 years of my life with no clear end in sight, but as a Public Health Nurse I know that this issue of pedosadism (which is what we should be calling it) exposes the rock bottom diseased rot we need to come to terms with and excise. We have the sunlight peering into the basement dungeon that is filled with God-only-knows how many rotting little corpses. This is about justice for them and making the world a safe place for children again. For now, the battle to even have it listed as a serious concern rages, and we're finding out that it's because Jeffrey Epstein had a lot of powerful friends like Bill Gates, even friends in law enforcement. His mainstream media friends, of course, are now working on damage control.

I doubt I have many readers, but I may have even just one here who needs to know how to survive or recover from knowing, much less coming to terms with all this. How does one submerge to these depths and examine this dark truth, then safely rise back up for oxygen to breathe? If you dare commit to speaking truth and opposing the establishment narratives, you will find yourself attracting negative greeting. While I'm no expert at it, I work on putting on the Full Armor of God daily. This is an extremely useful Bible passage to study (Ephesians 6:10-18 NIV):

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God so you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in its place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes with the Gospel of Peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take up the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people. 

I feel like the order that these components were given is important. Even before the armor is listed, the acknowledgment that we're dealing with an unseen enemy, an energy that influences people is made clear. It is repeated to emphasize the importance of how real it is and how compelling it can be. Because it influences people in power, we have such a messed up world. The antidote starts with The Belt of Truth, listed first because our lives needs foundation in truth. Truth is center on the body with the position of the belt. I feel like Truth Social was created with this concept in mind. For years we've been told half-truths and blatant lies by groups that justify lying and worse to promote their ends. They repeatedly lie in order to deceive the public. "My people die from lack of knowledge." is another Bible quote that is relevant here. The enemy has been lying, hiding knowledge and distorting reality for thousands of years. Foundation in Truth, especially speaking it with love provides a feeling of peace in the heart. That's how I experience the Breastplate of Righteousness. The truth includes that we are brothers and sisters in Jesus, we should not fear death or anything else the enemy throws at us. The enemy's empire is built on fear. God's is a kingdom of love, peace, joy and bliss. We return home to heaven once our earthly body gives out. Any pain or discomfort is temporary. Maybe we're born again into another body. That’s a controversial topic for another time, but Jesus may have alluded to reincarnation when he spoke of being born again. Either way, we have eternal life that we enjoy with our heavenly family and God beyond this material realm. There is a peace that guides a person's every step once this is fully embraced, thus the Shoes of Peace. Perhaps the Shield of Faith can be taken up only with these other things in place beforehand. The Sword of the Spirit, I trust is the tool that is used to cast out demons. Holding that final piece of armor, a powerful weapon can only happen with the Helmet of Salvation firmly in place. One has to know in their mind that they are saved and can speak, channeling the Holy Spirit like prophets do, or those that heal the sick by declaration.

I know that this all might seem religious and even naive. I don't hold much regard for "religion", but I've seen enough to recognize that spiritual realities are very real. Following wise advice like the Golden Rule--do unto others as you'd have done unto you only makes good sense. Practicing gratitude and living an honest life enables a person to sleep well at night. Fasting lengthens life. Some of these practices have only recently been acknowledged by atheistic scientists as grounded in something true. Many doctors and nurses like myself have seen enough miracles (remarkable recoveries that defy logic), and have spoken with those who've "died" and seen the other side, coming back to life to tell their experience. So, once you recognize that formidable evil exists, the only thing to do is embrace the good and hold tight to it. Trust that the light defeats the darkness. The last advice in this Full Armor of God passage is to pray. Pray and keep and open mind. Pray to keep on that Armor.

David Wilcock | Divine Cosmos (YT) … on Negative Greeting

Thursday, June 22, 2023

WW-WTF Update 🛰️ 6/22/23

On June 19th I woke up from a dream that I felt strongly I should record. In the dream I was watching a family drama for a while. One of the members of it was someone who reminded me a lot of a travel nurse named Jerry I worked with at Pelican Bay State Prison. Half the time he was poorly shaven or otherwise disheveled in appearance. He was overweight and wild-eyed like a caricature, but he was also a brilliant and hilarious man, probably a genius and most importantly for a nurse, good-hearted. As a prison nurse, he also knew how to walk the line between the medical and correctional politics. He was a maverick but often pushed himself too far, nearly killing himself in the process, falling asleep at the wheel driving home after a double shift. Back to the dream, however, the protagonist in the dream was very much like Jerry.  I was quite entertained and comforted observing him as he interacted with his family who didn't quite understand him.

Then I was taken to a 1000 foot view and was shown how this family owned a piano that was the size and shape of a football field perimeter, as if pianos were lined around a football field. Then there were maybe 5 or 6 piano players who not only sat and played but wore jet packs they could use to launch and move to a different area of this large instrument. I could not hear the music, but I was being shown how the players were moving and was quite impressed. Yet my marvel soon turned to alarm as I became aware of how the jet packs were breaking. I then had a view of the ground where a bolt nut had fallen. 

The dream shifted again and I was back to watching the family of the maverick who were quite wealthy and who were in process of fixing the problem, selling some things and rallying other members of the family to step in to help. I got to sit in for some of the planning, but now I can’t remember much or perhaps it all went over my head like the engineering details of jet pack construction would in real life. I remember hearing the name Kennedy. Kennedy family was involved, I thought as my alarm clock rang.

All this involves the US, the grand experiment. Like the grandest of grand pianos. 

I wish I had more time to put in more content, segues, analysis and artistry. This blog began years ago when there was more time for that. My career and passion has been to keep people alive and strong, living as dignified a life as possible. The "healthcare" system is like a bus that had the wheels fall off of it years ago even before the plandemic began. I'm trying hard to keep my loved ones out of that failing system. So, I'm short of time. What is so amazing, however, is that there is an army of content creators and autists out there doing the fun work of "research" and meme propagation. I have fun sharing their content, and speculating on all of it.  So on with it. I need some sleep for tomorrow. 


Monday, May 22, 2023

WW-WTF Update 📡 5/22/23


This month is all about finishing up the garden just in case of another plandemic, nuclear war disrupting shipping, Project Blue Beam or whatever else the sick elites decide to throw at the peasants like myself in an effort to delay the inevitable and “save [their] democracy”. It’s also been the worst allergy year since geo-engineering revved up in earnest sometime during the mid-1980’s. The sinus pain triggers a migraine, and it sidelines me for a little while. So, I’m blogging today for what it’s worth. My posts may go behind some warning, it appears, but finally it’s getting the attention of the something, maybe some algorithm. Apparently, I’ll have to go back to handwriting in a paper journal. Oh well. 

I’m trying to hold it together at work, and was doing all right until another fully vaxxed and boosted employee tested positive for COVID, leading to more ridiculous measures to solve the problem that are at this point proven ineffective to everyone besides the COVID Cult. Sane society doesn’t restrict healthy people with masks or other isolation measures. Sane society doesn’t try to dismiss or debunk the existence of the natural immune system (it’s supremacy in the case of COVID, influenza or anything else). Sane society doesn’t try to say a man who cuts off his penis and “identifies” as a woman can legally and ethically compete in women’s sports. Sane society doesn’t try to normalize pedophilia which should be called what it truly is, pedosadism. Sane society doesn’t dismiss the increasing signs of Satanism (ie glorification/glamorization of evil) in pop culture. Sane society does not dismiss and ignore the growing evidence of agendas that employed deception, bribery, censorship and medical tyranny (see I’m trying to be patient with the normies, but it’s getting rough.  

What keeps me from popping off or losing hope and giving up, joining a large portion of humanity and turning to ethanol lobotomy (or just giving in to the disability/suicidal roulette of the mRNA jabs) is knowing that I’m one of millions worldwide currently watching a complex and unconventional war finally approaching some kind of conclusion. 

Several years ago when I sensed this unfolding, when my intuition told me there was something to the “conspiracy theories”, I thought it would take years, but not this long. All the adaptogens, nootropics, prayer, chi kung, beta glucans and polyphenols, yogic breathing, exercise and forest therapy have barely kept my head above this comic book villain-level psychological warfare that is it’s own special kind of torture. It’s really a blessing from heaven I’m still here and California is still afloat. And I can have a conversation at all, let alone formulate a sentence with a subject and predicate, adjectives and adverbs. 

Part of this process is acknowledging the spiritual or “Biblical” warfare aspects the have separated people into at least 3 main camps. First there’s a world that is on the downward trajectory—the fully committed sadistic death cult with its pop culture of narcissism; the parasitic elite and its Lady Gaga Minions and Friends of Jeffrey Epstein, defending the powers and principalities that have misruled this planet for thousands of years. Then there is the world on the upward trajectory. This life requires a degree of humility and ability to let go of attachments, questioning everything—especially authority, except for the invisible authority of the Divine Creator. Its laws are written not only in sacred texts but end up inscribed into our hearts once we commit to that path. Sure we get mad, tired and disgusted by the blatant lies, gaslighting, the toxic pits of perversion, and crimes against humanity, etc. But for the most part, these 5D warriors are in a good space; they have resilience and no time for the old world. They’re busy building the parallel economy, fighting the lawfare with crowd sourcing, etc. Then there are those of us who live in a duplex, who choose to have one foot in each realm to serve as a bridge to the better world. That’s a tough one to be in, and may not even be more than a transitional one. I’ve listened to other intuitives who’ve identified these 3 paradigms, and my early awakening days in the late 80’s identified 3 major gears that I would shift between during that week that first opened my eyes to the multidimensional nature of reality. Thankfully I’ve learned to recognize the cycling and attend to practices that make it more stable than it used to be. I sense I may be healing generational wounds like addiction and codependency as I go through the process. I’ve come to trust the process. It’s just not an easy one at times. 

Anyhow, enough of this self-reflection. There’s been some interesting news lately I’m just barely making sense of. While I don’t have the off-time to rightly fact-check people like Derek Johnson, especially when there’s drama and disagreement between him and Patel Patriot (pseudonym for Jon Herold who wrote the Devolution Series), when Johnson gets photo ops with Trump’s team in Florida, I have more reason to check into what’s going on. 

Jon and Derek are two different kinds of Alpha Males, I imagine, like two facets on a gem that are reflecting and refracting light a little differently. Surely, one will have the attention of Trump’s team more publicly because he’s a veteran. This is my best guess regarding the entire situation. And Derek’s hot-headedness is classic sign of PTSD. I’m no psychologist or psychiatrist, but I’ve seen enough of it throughout my nursing career, have experienced it and barely overcome it. I’m almost certain a large chunk of people who retire early from the military, law enforcement or healthcare have some form of PTSD. No shame in that. War fucks people up. We can heal from it and become a better person. Our God is an Awesome God who can bring life back into corpses. 

Derek’s insights are noteworthy but a little hard to follow due to the complex nature of the subject he’s trying to explain and his thick southern drawl. It does require a combo of listening and reading for me, but it’s appealing to my right/left brain approach to achieving holistic perspective. I’ve yet to read this Law of War Manual he refers to, but others have cited it while explaining aspects of the Deep State Wars. I’m now preferring to call it World War WTF, because it is now apparent to me that it’s worldwide, and beyond III or even IV. WW-WTF  has meme value as well because it goes beyond the hidden realms of “Deep State” and conveys the shock of first impressions. Between what he’s doing and the work of a few others, I’m getting the sense things are about to destabilize in a similar way they did after the bioweaponized coronavirus hit us worldwide. There will be another lockdown of sorts while the the mop-up operation begins in earnest. Derek also is saying things congruent with what some others like Gene Decode (pseudonym) and David Wilcock alleged for years:  There really are underground tunnels getting cleaned out. Billions in taxes and drug money were funneled into hidden projects like this to create playgrounds for psychopaths, adrenochrome factories, etc. Many tried to blow the whistle on this and ended up dead. Now this information is getting taken seriously by millions potentially—professional people, successful entrepreneurs and homeless individuals alike. The military are fully engaged in taking control of this literal underground world. 

It probably involves hidden humanoid civilizations, extraterrestrials castaways who crash landed ages ago, interbreeding with native humans, creating giants that ended up in legends and written records like the Bible. The natives mistook these humanoids for gods or angels and worshipped them, leading to unrealistic expectations, unnatural or distorted (leveraged) power differentials, then generations of degenerating biological processes resulting in the inbred dynasty families we have now. 

This is all educated speculation with years of reading and listening to different whistleblowers’ and insiders’ accounts and putting it together with historical records, sacred traditions and mythology, but I think we have aspects of WW-WTF that the “White Hat” worldwide military Alliance isn’t quite ready to debrief us on yet. It will come eventually. For now, we have to get ready for the next phase of the cleanup operation which will probably have us busy enough 

Saturday, April 22, 2023

More Drama, More Escalation to NDE Levels 💥 4/22/23

This, like every other major holiday month where I get an eviction notice from Mom as I'm preparing the holiday dinner, has not been an easy one. This most recent one, like every other previous eviction notice, followed my failure to defy the laws of time and space. I know I'm suffering from caregiver role strain and recognize the signs of PTSD starting to creep up again as a result of being completely immersed in the ground zero epicenter of World War WTF (the Medical Industrial Complex), especially when it affects both work and home life at the same time. So, I'm trying to hold it together without setting off in a fugue state, just getting into the car to drive to Florida or some other Red State, where I'd happily chop wood and pass pills, or better yet work for a naturopath, helping people wean off their polypharmacy. 

Today I'm home because of a Norovirus outbreak in my community, waiting for the virus to do what it often does to elders. I'm not comfortable sitting around politely waiting for requests for help or loud thuds, but I'll do it, knowing a brief period of sanity might follow--maybe a couple of months of peace that ends with a call from the usual meth addicted, cross-dressing member of the family relating more bizarre and expensive drama. Then I get to be the whipping post for misplaced aggression disguised as apoplectic outbursts over things I did 40 years ago, or a cup I left in the sink for a brief moment to soak or the blinds I didn't dust for two years because I was working mandatory overtime month after month for 2 years straight, and actually resting, selfishly daring to rest during any time off. It's a wonder I'm not disabled from at least one of the many components of this Code Blue Color Revolution. The latest being Mask Induced Exhaustion Syndrome, given what I've tolerated for several years and only recently took a hard stand on at work. The evidence of harm caused by long-term use of N95 masks is overwhelming to anyone with ability to read and follow the logic. Anything that doesn't fit the narrative pushed by Fauci and the rest of the frauds goes ignored by the majority of my colleagues, however.

The Pedo Elite Globalist/Marxist Banksters are winning here in this little corner of Northern California. I'm THAT close to leaving the State, with this house getting sucked right into their Beast system, with another elder "safely" discharged into a SNF after a hip fixation and few love ones left nearby to even visit her as corporate crams as many dangerous schizophrenics in with frail elders as they can get away with. 

C'mon, Little Peoples, do a civil war. We need you to eat zee bugs, own nothing, and be happy.

I'll get out for a walk soon, cool off and forge on, but first the latest news & analysis on WW-WTF.