Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Deep State Wars: Mostly Peaceful Arson and Plandemic 2.0 Ready? 8/22/23

While we’re nearly all moved in to our new home, this period of negative greeting or testing continues with my partner/fiancé getting wrongfully terminated just minutes ago. He’s a brother in Christ, prodigal son type like myself who has walked on the dark side, leaving it behind years ago. He’s had prayers answered and raised 4 sons. Because he’s a hard worker who has a difficult time with those who take too many breaks with their phones, has spoken his peace at union meetings—was growing as a strong leader during negotiations, and refused the vaxxine when it was pushed, management within the corporation—a Big Ag-connected one, looked for reasons to drop him just a few years away from retirement. It was triggered by a verbal altercation followed by false witness by the person he was confronting. That’s my interpretation of it. Thankfully, my love has spent the last few years working on his health so that he can easily shift into something a little different and maintain his composure. There are a number of industries here that welcome someone willing to show up on time and every day, whose immune system hasn’t been compromised by Big Pharma Frankenscience. Some of our industry here in Northern California have not completely sold out humanity like others. 

We’ve spent the last few days mentally, emotionally and spiritually preparing for what we suspected might happen. We’ve also seen the news that the new variant is threatening to lead to a return of Draconian mandates again. We may as well call this the Reset Variant. Already mask mandates are returning in Georgia. Surely so will Vaxx Mandates with more young adults and children dying from mysterious cardiac issues that the mainstream media will ignore. I along with thousands, perhaps millions of others will not ignore it or stay quiet.

Jumping to related news, Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes, who is a psychologist contracting for the DoD (Department of Defense) spoke with a mainstream media outlet regarding her research work. She made news, reassuring & confirming for many like myself that sections of the US military are very well-aware the 2020 election was stolen from us and President Trump. Our military has been doing much behind the scenes but is poised to do something more public about it. Things have been put into place in order to determine how to go about addressing—in a public way—what was an act of war, treason and true insurrection, she said in so many words. She’s on a task force to help assess public sentiment. That’s what I gathered from the news clip and David Nino Rodriguez’s (Nino’s Corner) interview with her. The following link contains some commentary and video highlights of the news spot that President Trump posted on his Truth Social account. 


Just days after her interview, the Maui fires broke out, which appear to be Deep State use of DEWs (directed energy weaponry) to cause devastating fires, another blatant crime against humanity, in order to push the criminal globalist climate change agenda and scoop up land mostly indigenous people were unwilling to sell. The fires had all the same characteristics of those that hit California years ago. They stopped for a while, appear to be resuming in other places. At the same time we’re seeing 4 or 5 BS indictments levied upon President Trump while the case against the Biden Crime Family continues to grow and metastasize—with our compromised “justice system” and 90% of our lawmakers (the Uniparty) doing nothing. Public sentiment is favoring Trump more than ever before, but the Deep State/Globalist Pedo Club is also doubling down. I’ll post below much better analysis than I can give all of it right now.   

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